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The recent rise in Red Pill/Tate reveals the male rage that is simmering under the surface is close to bursting. What r women planning to do about it



I who have never known foids
May 11, 2023
For someone like me that has been always terminally online I remember when the Manosphere was relegated to a few niche internet forums on reddit and 4 chan. Most normies had never even heard of Men's Rights Activist let alone of incels/red pill.

I don't know when exactly I felt the society change but we all felt it. So what happened?

In my opinion male rage specifically at being -
openly mocked
decried in mainstream media
femoids not dating them
Bust job markets

Started simmering. This male rage wasn't visible to the normies yet. But it was surely increasing -- bubling under the surface until the day Tate came and burst the bubble and boom! just like that the red pill/manosphere was pushed in the mainstream.

Now every Tom Dick nd Harry knows about incels/red pill.:foidSoy:

Male dating podcasts that call out whores are blowing up in popularity.

Being a single male is not out of ordinary. According to pew research nearly 60% of men are single

Male rage has never been so apparent as it has been now and it makes me wonder what do the foids think about it?

They can say -

Oh we can whore around with Chads it's our choice

We r allowed to have standards

Men aren't entitled to realtionships.

But I wonder how long this will keep up. When you take young hot blooded men and treat them like utter shit like the West has for so many years now u can't accept them to sit still.
I wish I had joined pre-2018. It wasn't full of E-girls and teens. It was more genuine.
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We need a high portion of men to get enraged at women and willing to use physical violence against society in order for any change to be possible, otherwise they would just be kept as slaves coping with manosphere stuff while women and chads keep rising
They will get on their knees and submit to us. It's only a matter of time.
I haven’t really seen anything actually outside and in real life. Society is too atomised.

Outside of some online grifters
I haven’t really seen anything actually outside and in real life. Society is too atomised.

Outside of some online grifters
Ofc most people offline aren't going to say jack shit. But it's not like the people online that are making these podcasts popular are ghosts.

I also read statistics saying that most young men are increasingly identifying as conservatives -- this generation has the highest amount of young male conservative voterbase than any in the last 50 yrs
I think you are still in college or something. So quite young. I understand the burning desire for a revolution. It will pass, and you will learn to conform to the ways of this world's degeneracy. Even a revolution would mean more male casualties. Because men see other men as enemies unlike foids who see men as their enemies. A large percent of men would never see foids as their enemies. The whole thing is structure in a way by a higher power that it only benefits foids and a few lucky men always.
Yeah tbh maybe I just visit a lot of these red pilled channels /forums and because of the algorithm they keep getting recommended to me so I end up failing to realise that maybe it's not as dire as I make it out to be.

I am in college yes and I did not mean a full on war against the government or foids lol I meant just more of a societal change bought about by men's anger/growing discontent that causes women to be shamed into giving away sleeping with Chads like whores. But even then women hold social power so even that's a pipedream
We need a high portion of men to get enraged at women and willing to use physical violence against society in order for any change to be possible, otherwise they would just be kept as slaves coping with manosphere stuff while women and chads keep rising
That's where we come in. We just need to make more men aware of men's rights activism. Once they attempt to date/approach multiple foids and they reject him, we can explain our issues with women to him (the blackpill). Eventually if we have enough men who know the truth about women, we may be able to revolt against soyciety, but then again it is virtually impossible due to all the cucks/simps who think that women can't possibly do anything wrong.
Yeah tbh maybe I just visit a lot of these red pilled channels /forums and because of the algorithm they keep getting recommended to me so I end up failing to realise that maybe it's not as dire as I make it out to be.

I am in college yes and I did not mean a full on war against the government or foids lol I meant just more of a societal change bought about by men's anger/growing discontent that causes women to be shamed into giving away sleeping with Chads like whores. But even then women hold social power so even that's a pipedream
I think an actual physical revolution is unlikely, but some kind of major men's rights union, with a bunch of men refusing to work until things change is more feasible to me. I mean Jews want us to quit working anyway for more Government reliance and what not, it seems people are being pushed in that direction here in Burgerland.
Are people becoming more aware of what is going on? Yes, but does this really mean anything will change? At the very best i hope that women realize that being shallow or rejecting someone has way more of an effect than they think.
At the stage we are out now nothing will change
People are at the redpill stage but not the blackpill stage
A high majority of users on here are only in the 19-25 age bracket
Now I imagine in the coming decades that the blackpill will come into mainstream light in some format, you cannot keep the truth down forever, it always persists, a lie only lives for as long as it is spoken, a truth is constant.
So as people move on from the redpill and there becomes more incels among more age groups in a couple decades who knows what will happen

I will be in my 40's or 50's so it will be too late for me, but for other generations who knows
Are people becoming more aware of what is going on? Yes, but does this really mean anything will change? At the very best i hope that women realize that being shallow or rejecting someone has way more of an effect than they think.
Idk, do you think foids are capable of empathy?
Idk, do you think foids are capable of empathy?
Normie women? No

But i know that a few exceptions exists, introverted women are a thing but they are usually always pounced upon when single so its impossible to find one single
what women are going to do about it, is exactly what they are doing-- which is leeching/sharing gigachads. The jews will keep pushing woke shit, women will continue flooding colleges to out earn men, and the fat ones will be lesbos or cat ladies but still better off than dating loser men like us. There will be no turning point. You will only suffer more and more, the dating market will get increasingly more difficult. Where I live, everyone is jacked , fashion maxxed, can bench at least two plates, and drives a Tesla
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The number of people who are left out by foids' hypergamy is skyrocketing.

All we need now is time, money, and organization, so mankind will be able to strike back against modern degeneracy.
lol After 5 years I came back to one dating site and saw sharp increase of Single mothers and women over age 25 on it looking to "settle down", of course I was chad fishing them with my profile and trying to see situation. Most of them complained how most men on this site Troll them, ghost them and insult them, bit opposite of what was happening 5 years ago where everyone was so desperate to hook up with anyone.

Now men slowly changed attitude and deciphered their retarded messages like "wanting to settle down" meaning "I fucked up big time with some Chad that gave me bastard child and left me and now need your help to pick up the slack"

My wish before I die is to see complete indifference of men to get pussy and just enjoy life without Toilets and seeing them all suffer until they beg men to take their rights away

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