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Blackpill The reason whites mog

Destroyed lonely

Destroyed lonely

Feb 18, 2024
It's because for tens of thousands of years niggers and shitskins has been the default phenotype of humanity (and prior), so when whites appeared they were something new and attractive, their pheno meant high equality genes, they are "neo-humans" and the next step in evolution

Did you know that the gene mutation for blue eyes happened in only 1 person thousands of years ago and his/her genes spread to millions of people, this is proof that white features are intrinsically attractive and racepill has nothing to do with socialization

So ironically it's not that shitskins are subhuman, they ARE human, but whites are SUPER human
Over for neanderthalcels and monkeycels
@erenyeager how are you going to fix this race problem?
Whites are like a mutated alien race who enslaves us while the non whites are the apemen stuck on genetic prison
I'd argue the tan Persian phenotype is better
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Whites are like a mutated alien race who enslaves us while the non whites are the apemen stuck on genetic prison
This is how whites were created:

While ethnics are just the ape on the right
Hi-IQ thread brocel, this does make a lot of sense.
I need to be white and have an asian jungle gook obsessed with my bwc.

@erenyeager make it happen
Even 1000 years ago Persian poets admired white skin. Dark skin has always been associated with inferiority and ugliness.
Tyrones cucking also always existed in Persia :forcedsmile: :lul::lul:

The book called "A Thousand and one Nights" tells the story of an Iranian king catches his wife have sex with his black slaves
It's because for tens of thousands of years niggers and shitskins has been the default phenotype of humanity (and prior), so when whites appeared they were something new and attractive, their pheno meant high equality genes, they are "neo-humans" and the next step in evolution

Did you know that the gene mutation for blue eyes happened in only 1 person thousands of years ago and his/her genes spread to millions of people, this is proof that white features are intrinsically attractive and racepill has nothing to do with socialization

So ironically it's not that shitskins are subhuman, they ARE human, but whites are SUPER human
This is complete nonsense. Evolution doesnt make sense. I think that whites were always white.

Also Cromagnons who are officially considered to be first modern humans had Dalofaelid phenotype, which these days is found in Germany and has blue or grey eyes and brown or blond hair.
Arabs are "white"
The way to clear up this Arabs/Persians are/aren't white confusion is to separate "White" from "Caucasian", the original middle easterns (before mixing with niggers/abos/chinks) were Caucasian but NOT white, "white" should be exclusively used for Northern/ Germanic/ Anglo/ Med/ Slavic people, so although non-mixed sandniggers are Caucasian and closest genetically to whites, they're still not white, curries are abo+caucasian mix and next after sands, pure niggers, chinks and abos are the furthest from whites
The way to clear up this Arabs/Persians are/aren't white confusion is to separate "White" from "Caucasian",
Correct. :yes:

Honestly, I'm both in awe & somewhat concerned people on this forum can't differentiate between the two, it's not too hard jfl.

It's kind of like how normies, SJWs, Redditors, etc. say "muh race is skin-tone!1!1!" when it's a lot more than that.
the original middle easterns (before mixing with niggers/abos/chinks) were Caucasian but NOT white,
Ye they were Semitic, so Orientaloid & other similar phenotypes of sorts, with Natufian & INF genetics.

I think nowadays, only really Levantines & Persians perhaps are sort of the remnants of these.
"white" should be exclusively used for Northern/ Germanic/ Anglo/ Med/ Slavic people,

White=European, so essentially Nordic, Aplinid, Mediterranid, East Baltid, and Dinaric in phenotype/racially as many used to put it; as well as in genotype.
Main qimg 342bf4dc052af6c78034034d72b4565b

Good read for anyone interested:

so although non-mixed sandniggers are Caucasian and closest genetically to whites, they're still not white, curries are abo+caucasian mix and next after sands, pure niggers, chinks and abos are the furthest from whites
Chinks are closer to us than Abos & Niggers by a long shot, but other than that spot-on.

Very good take, happy to see some here aren't completely incompetent when it comes to this kind of discussion.
Chinks are closer to us than Abos & Niggers by a long shot
Yeah but pure chinks still have almost no Caucasoid blood, they have white skin and relatively intelligent but not white at all
Yeah but pure chinks still have almost no Caucasoid blood, they have white skin and relatively intelligent but not white at all
Ye I agree, some of them such as Mongols I think have a small amount.

The Japanese might also(Ainu) which would explain their more elongated faces.

Not too familiar with this topic though.

Anyways, thanks for the good take. The logic when it comes to race on here is something such as this:

>Anyone who is caucasoid is White
>Only Nordic-pheno NW European Germanics are White.
>Anyone who is caucasoid is White
>Only Nordic-pheno NW European Germanics are White.
I've never had a problem distinguishing white-passing non-white Caucasians from whites, there are ALWAYS details that give it away, even the most pale blue eyes blonde hair middle eastern still doesn't look white to me, while a European with dark features looks authentically white
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I've never had a problem distinguishing white-passing non-white Caucasians from whites, there are ALWAYS details that give it away, even the most pale blue eyes blonde hair middle eastern still doesn't look white to me, while a European with dark features looks authentically white
Exactly :yes:

This is what I've always said when it comes to race, facial-features, morphology, skull-shape, etc. always matter much more than just hair-eye coloring & just as much if not more than "muh skin-tone"

I've seen some MENA with lighter-skin, yet they always have distinct features that are "Oriental" in the classic sense, such as that convex or "hooked" nose as opposed to concave. Another one I've noticed, is their foreheads are more "sloped" a bit.
I've never had a problem distinguishing white-passing non-white Caucasians from whites, there are ALWAYS details that give it away, even the most pale blue eyes blonde hair middle eastern still doesn't look white to me, while a European with dark features looks authentically white
I think you couldn't tell a white from a non white if your life depended on it
And what is the fix for my mixed race? Should I just hang myself? I have a light tone of skin but I am FAR from white lol. Brown eyes, brown hair and my eyes are a bit like of the natives american.

Is it time to get shotgun implamts?

Pic of my hand here

im 95% italian. maybe more.
Group was found to have European genetic composition, has many European phenos present(Gracile Mediterranid, Alpinid, Dinairc, etc.) so yes they are White, especially the Northern ones.
And what is the fix for my mixed race? Should I just hang myself? I have a light tone of skin but I am FAR from white lol. Brown eyes, brown hair and my eyes are a bit like of the natives american.

Is it time to get shotgun implamts?

Pic of my hand here

View attachment 1237327
Brown hair & eyes are still a White feature, they literally exist as terms because most ethnics have jet-black hair & jet-dark eyes

Facial features matter most, so aside from your eyes what else do you have & how mixed are you?

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