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Blackpill The reality about us and women



Jun 5, 2018
Hey guys, I have read a text about our situation and I have decided to make for you an adaptation by also adding my vision of things, I have a mediocre English and I also used a translator for some parts so sorry if there are some inconsistencies

Being an incel means being inferior in this society, women have the power of selection, they literally decide who will be in a couple and who will not, obviously incels are part of the group that will never be, but why? The truth is that we are trash, losers, we are ugly or having social problems, women look at us and explicitly tell us "We don't want trash like you for the next generation." It's called natural selection. Women have a real power over men, and because of this, even a 3/10 can be put with a 6/10, social networks shows us every day, outside we are also confronted with this reality. What? You're nice and you have a good personality? Who gives a shit? Don't even try to get into it with a woman of your level (3/10) because she can aim further, no seriously you just have to keep playing video games and masturbate on hentai and shits because it's probably the only source of pleasure you can hope to have.
Hey guys, I have read a text about our situation and I have decided to make for you an adaptation by also adding my vision of things, I have a mediocre English and I also used a translator for some parts so sorry if there are some inconsistencies

Being an incel means being inferior in this society, women have the power of selection, they literally decide who will be in a couple and who will not, obviously incels are part of the group that will never be, but why? The truth is that we are trash, losers, we are ugly or having social problems, women look at us and explicitly tell us "We don't want trash like you for the next generation." It's called natural selection. Women have a real power over men, and because of this, even a 3/10 can be put with a 6/10, social networks shows us every day, outside we are also confronted with this reality. What? You're nice and you have a good personality? Who gives a shit? Don't even try to get into it with a woman of your level (3/10) because she can aim further, no seriously you just have to keep playing video games and masturbate on hentai and shits because it's probably the only source of pleasure you can hope to have.
gymmax or moneymax till obvlion or cope/betabux, there aint real love out there, but they settle when the times comign but still wanna fuck the best of the best ala chad
For us it's cope or rope
gymmax or moneymax till obvlion or cope/betabux, there aint real love out there, but they settle when the times comign but still wanna fuck the best of the best ala chad

Moneymaxxing and betabuxxing are essentially the same thing though.
Moneymaxxing and betabuxxing are essentially the same thing though.
You can moneymax and just use your status/wealth to attract and fuck multiple foids, Betabuxxing would involve settling down with a girl after she's had her fill of chad/Tyrone cock and becoming her provider bitch.

I could be wrong, correct me if i am
You can moneymax and just use your status/wealth to attract and fuck multiple foids

I keep forgetting that the whole luring females with betabux and then dumping them scheme is an option. You're correct.
This post just makes me want to find a way to pass on my genetics out of spite for these cunts. This isn't a blackpill, this is a ragepill.
You can moneymax and just use your status/wealth to attract and fuck multiple foids, Betabuxxing would involve settling down with a girl after she's had her fill of chad/Tyrone cock and becoming her provider bitch.

I could be wrong, correct me if i am
no your right, dont dump any cent on these shits( buy THEM things ), just show of and fuck, got to a party some vip shit or something and they will fload, basically pump and dump bc being rich or have tons of cashflow and a relationship dont tolerate well togheter
no your right, dont dump any cent on these shits( buy THEM things ), just show of and fuck, got to a party some vio shit or something and they will fload, basically pump and dump bc being rich or have tons of cashflow and a relationship dont tolerate well togheter
Tbh though, you'd need ALOT of money to even do that though and be quite outright about your flashiness (EG flaunting it on instagram etc)
I have two quite nice cars (inb4 ER jokes) but it hasn't really helped me get further with women cause i don't flaunt them on snapchat/instagram i find that so cheesy/cringeworthy.
Tbh though, you'd need ALOT of money to even do that though and be quite outright about your flashiness (EG flaunting it on instagram etc)
I have two quite nice cars (inb4 ER jokes) but it hasn't really helped me get further with women cause i don't flaunt them on snapchat/instagram i find that so cheesy/cringeworthy.
just dress rich go into a public rest and eat expensive shit , or drive around with your fancy car or something, but yea doiung that SM ( social media ) bs helps alot,
just dress rich go into a public rest and eat expensive shit , or drive around with your fancy car or something, but yea doiung that SM ( social media ) bs helps alot,
I think the only thing that would help is SM tbh, i've done all the other things and it does fuck all, especially being in London you get statusmogged non stop anyway
The reality is that nearly all femoids are able to get Chad, while they shouldn't have an opportunity to get anyone above their looksmatch.
You can pay for a surrogate mother
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Most of us already know this. We're being weeded out of the gene pool.

I'm actually fine with this. Sounds "cucked" but in all honesty, I would not want to wish my offspring the experience of this cruel world anyway.
Darwinism is cope. Our genetics as a species isn't getting better with women being free. They go through the Chad cock carousel during teen years and 20s using contraception and doing abortions if needed. Then they marry some poor-genetics betabuxx and reproduce with him.

I have already talked about that a dozen times here. Nobody wins with the current system.
if we die alone and miserable by our own hands out of despair, it's natural selection
if we are displeased, then they intensify their rage/disgust at us

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