LMao the cope is surreal. I guess they can't take such massive blackpill. Female bisexuality is not just girls making out for attention and it's getting increasingly obvious: tons of research on arousal to visual stimuli, sexual fantasies, romantic interests, sexual fluidity, changing preferences, statistics about sexuality etc points towards women being a bisexual mess. It's not just that they're coping with each other because they can't get muh Chad.
Women barely like men and on top of that they're attracted to each other, but the average normie male retard is still in the "OMGGGGG two chicks being sexual??? so hot XDXD" phase @_meh
Things aren't this simple. Even if most of them would rather date Chad, this still means men need to compete with women to get women, and the more misandrist they become, the fiercer the competition gets. The dead bedroom thing is a bit overblown, women just have much lower libidos.