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Brutal the PSYOP called "LOVE" and "SEX"



Oct 2, 2023
love is not a human need. i have never been loved in my entire life and i am completely mentally sound. sex is not a human need. i have never had sex nor masturbated in 1.2 years. love and sex are drugs fabricated by the jews to assimilate the standard male in society. i have ascended. i will become god one day, to the dismay of most people. mazlow was a fucking retard, like all psychologists are, for thinking any of these are human needs. the only human need is food and water and warmth. you people are weak. you people are subject to the freemasons and zionists, your love and sex causes not only degeneracy, but a whole scale servience towards those who are higher. love causes you to serve another and be subject to them. it is nothing more than building blocks to keep you contained and cause society to function for the jews. you must wake up.

perhaps they are wants, for sure. but they aren't needs. you just want to be loved so you can fit in with every other normie out there. you pucker up and feel a tightness in your chest when someone mentions their "exs" or dare the question be asked "whats your body count" and you risk getting shamed for your virginity. but your balls wont fall off will they? you wont cough up blood, you wont fail to stand up, you wont piss out green sludge, you will be completely fine.

pornography is nothing more than a vice utilized by the elites to force depopulation, reject the traditional sacredness of sexual intercourse, completely devalue sex and enforce hedonism, become a gateway into more degeneracy by default (any HOLES a goal bro...), make those who can not obtain it even more socially isolated and unwell (why incels are so bitter), and yada yada yada i could go on and on.

its all a psyop. its all a psyop indeed. women are indeed manipulative castrators, utilizing their vagina to control and persuade men to their survival advantage via "love" but you can be free. become asexual and aromantic. be free from the vagina of cain.
make shorter posts bro no one is going to read a long greycel thread
U dont need sex or love inkie! :soy::foidSoy:
love is not a human need. i have never been loved in my entire life and i am completely mentally sound. sex is not a human need. i have never had sex nor masturbated in 1.2 years. love and sex are drugs fabricated by the jews to assimilate the standard male in society. i have ascended. i will become god one day, to the dismay of most people. mazlow was a fucking retard, like all psychologists are, for thinking any of these are human needs. the only human need is food and water and warmth. you people are weak. you people are subject to the freemasons and zionists, your love and sex causes not only degeneracy, but a whole scale servience towards those who are higher. love causes you to serve another and be subject to them. it is nothing more than building blocks to keep you contained and cause society to function for the jews. you must wake up.

perhaps they are wants, for sure. but they aren't needs. you just want to be loved so you can fit in with every other normie out there. you pucker up and feel a tightness in your chest when someone mentions their "exs" or dare the question be asked "whats your body count" and you risk getting shamed for your virginity. but your balls wont fall off will they? you wont cough up blood, you wont fail to stand up, you wont piss out green sludge, you will be completely fine.

pornography is nothing more than a vice utilized by the elites to force depopulation, reject the traditional sacredness of sexual intercourse, completely devalue sex and enforce hedonism, become a gateway into more degeneracy by default (any HOLES a goal bro...), make those who can not obtain it even more socially isolated and unwell (why incels are so bitter), and yada yada yada i could go on and on.

its all a psyop. its all a psyop indeed. women are indeed manipulative castrators, utilizing their vagina to control and persuade men to their survival advantage via "love" but you can be free. become asexual and aromantic. be free from the vagina of cain.
another day another dumbfuck thread
legit why are all belgians subhumans this faggot ass nigga speaking dd-DUHH DNR "GRAY" stfu dont u bitches realize some graycels have good posts got dam
>Not Belgian
>Not reading a retarded GrAYpost

The GrAYposts worth reading are from greycels that aren't absolute shitheads when you call them what they are(GrAY) as a way to weed out infiltrators and glowies, example being @telamon , down to earth and one of the few users who's posts I like reading.
ok bro we know you cant get laid but no need to start dicking sucking fellow incels just transition already kek
love is not a human need. i have never been loved in my entire life and i am completely mentally sound. sex is not a human need. i have never had sex nor masturbated in 1.2 years. love and sex are drugs fabricated by the jews to assimilate the standard male in society. i have ascended. i will become god one day, to the dismay of most people. mazlow was a fucking retard, like all psychologists are, for thinking any of these are human needs. the only human need is food and water and warmth. you people are weak. you people are subject to the freemasons and zionists, your love and sex causes not only degeneracy, but a whole scale servience towards those who are higher. love causes you to serve another and be subject to them. it is nothing more than building blocks to keep you contained and cause society to function for the jews. you must wake up.

perhaps they are wants, for sure. but they aren't needs. you just want to be loved so you can fit in with every other normie out there. you pucker up and feel a tightness in your chest when someone mentions their "exs" or dare the question be asked "whats your body count" and you risk getting shamed for your virginity. but your balls wont fall off will they? you wont cough up blood, you wont fail to stand up, you wont piss out green sludge, you will be completely fine.

pornography is nothing more than a vice utilized by the elites to force depopulation, reject the traditional sacredness of sexual intercourse, completely devalue sex and enforce hedonism, become a gateway into more degeneracy by default (any HOLES a goal bro...), make those who can not obtain it even more socially isolated and unwell (why incels are so bitter), and yada yada yada i could go on and on.

its all a psyop. its all a psyop indeed. women are indeed manipulative castrators, utilizing their vagina to control and persuade men to their survival advantage via "love" but you can be free. become asexual and aromantic. be free from the vagina of cain.
dnr a single word grayFag AND JoinedOct 2, 2023Posts23
dnr a single word grayFag AND JoinedOct 2, 2023Posts23
You have joined 305 days ago, with 12527 posts, assuming on average, you would have posted 40 times per day. go outside bro. i lurk these threads and then write a banger. fuck outta my sight faggot ass nigga........ the TRVE INCVLS are in control.
You have joined 305 days ago, with 12527 posts, assuming on average, you would have posted 40 times per day. go outside bro. i lurk these threads and then write a banger. fuck outta my sight faggot ass nigga........ the TRVE INCVLS are in control.
over for retardcels
You have joined 305 days ago, with 12527 posts, assuming on average, you would have posted 40 times per day. go outside bro. i lurk these threads and then write a banger. fuck outta my sight faggot ass nigga........ the TRVE INCVLS are in control.
fuck you grayfag, I get brutually mogged as soon as I step outside, which is everyday because I have to go to uni. I'm the truest incel. Stop going outside grayfag
love is not a human need.
Stopped reading. You are factually, psychologically, philosophically and everyotherfuckingly incorrect, go hunt for paroxysm somewhere else.
Stopped reading. You are factually, psychologically, philosophically and everyotherfuckingly incorrect, go hunt for paroxysm somewhere else.
"im right your wrong" stfu
>Not Belgian
>Not reading a retarded GrAYpost

The GrAYposts worth reading are from greycels that aren't absolute shitheads when you call them what they are(GrAY) as a way to weed out infiltrators and glowies, example being @telamon , down to earth and one of the few users who's posts I like reading.
love is not a human need. i have never been loved in my entire life and i am completely mentally sound. sex is not a human need. i have never had sex nor masturbated in 1.2 years. love and sex are drugs fabricated by the jews to assimilate the standard male in society. i have ascended. i will become god one day, to the dismay of most people. mazlow was a fucking retard, like all psychologists are, for thinking any of these are human needs. the only human need is food and water and warmth. you people are weak. you people are subject to the freemasons and zionists, your love and sex causes not only degeneracy, but a whole scale servience towards those who are higher. love causes you to serve another and be subject to them. it is nothing more than building blocks to keep you contained and cause society to function for the jews. you must wake up.

perhaps they are wants, for sure. but they aren't needs. you just want to be loved so you can fit in with every other normie out there. you pucker up and feel a tightness in your chest when someone mentions their "exs" or dare the question be asked "whats your body count" and you risk getting shamed for your virginity. but your balls wont fall off will they? you wont cough up blood, you wont fail to stand up, you wont piss out green sludge, you will be completely fine.

pornography is nothing more than a vice utilized by the elites to force depopulation, reject the traditional sacredness of sexual intercourse, completely devalue sex and enforce hedonism, become a gateway into more degeneracy by default (any HOLES a goal bro...), make those who can not obtain it even more socially isolated and unwell (why incels are so bitter), and yada yada yada i could go on and on.

its all a psyop. its all a psyop indeed. women are indeed manipulative castrators, utilizing their vagina to control and persuade men to their survival advantage via "love" but you can be free. become asexual and aromantic. be free from the vagina of cain.
Based (overall). See comments below
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Tbf I've stated sex is barely s reason for me hating toilets. I hate them for being degenerate malicious nation wrecking parasites. I hate them for being an obstacle in the medical field and them being more keen on adding insult to injury than anything. I hate them for being a liability, I hate them because one tried to accuse me of sexual harassment at a job, I hate them because every single time one even does address me the intent is always malicious. As for never loved Im the same only issues now are neurological and prior to that was pretty content hermitmaxxing. Even my own family are a bunch of assholes who I don't associate with. I also don't give a fuck what normies think I live in one of the most left wing countries on earth. These morons think child troons and one of the highest immigration rates on the planet is a good thing so their opinions have about as much value to me as a dog turd.
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Really? Why are you here?

Could you elaborate

Same here. What is "the vagina of Cain"? Do you mean Lilith's ?

I think it would be simpler to talk about the vagina of Astarte i.e. that of the Whore of Babylon (see link in my sig below)
i have ascended because i have not. no need for sex anymore.

cain was a PUSSY with feminine woes. therefore; vagina of cain. liliths vagina is more or so actual and physical, which doesnt fit really well with the narrative. thank you for your suggestions however, followed.
I can't relate to these people either, my main gripe is that being ugly has all kinds of consequences, financially, etc. it's like being an easy target. Sex is not a big deal for me as weird as that sounds. I just can't imagine enjoying it anymore since I'm too ugly. I also feel asexual and aromantic. It feels like I'm an alien.
love is not a human need. i have never been loved in my entire life and i am completely mentally sound.
Makes objective (wrong) statement, follows it up with "I" and "me".

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