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NSFW The posts about underage girls being prime upset IncelTears the most

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I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017

A prime jailbait post triggers the fuck out of the old hags at IncelTears.

Then they start with their retarded counterarguments:

"When I was 15, I was ugly as hell. Awkward, small boobs, acne, shy. I'm much more attractive now that I've grown into my looks. I've aged well."

Completely missing the point. We don't care about when YOU THINK you're in your prime. The whole idea of prime-jailbait is predicated on when WE THINK you have reached your prime, and for the mostpart, we here think girls are prime from about 14-25. You may think you were ugly when you were 14, but trust me, there were no shortage of men who would have preferred to fuck you back then than now.

Back when you were "shy and awkward" and less of a bitter feminist hag who spends her day commenting on the most outrageous incel posts, you offered less entitlement, less bitterness, more innocence, greater ability to fall head-over-heels in love, and you hadn't been pumped and dumped by various chads. Keep telling yourself that you look better now with your tons of makeup on to make you look less mummified. Back when you were 14, you had the JB glow. Wait til you have a daughter LMAO. You will grow jealous of the attention she gets when you are her are walking down the street. You will cockblock her.

Most of what we say here can be proven by biological studies and observable reality. Most of what you promote over at oldhagtears is your subjective view of things based on emotion.

I used to be the one who turned men's heads, but now it's my teenage daughter... and it makes me SO jealous


Sibel Mehmet, a 38-year-old administrator from London, is the mother of Yasmin, 17, and Amber, four. She says:

Some women might have noticed the dresses first, others the fact that it was the first time Prince William had appeared in public with his girlfriend's family, but when I saw the recent pictures of Kate Middleton and her mother at a charity ball, what I spotted immediately was that they were rarely in the same picture together.

And I can guess why. What woman in her right mind would deliberately offer a photo opportunity for that most cruel of comparisons?


THE TRUTH HURTS. Don't think that the 17 yo only started turning heads that week. She had done so probably since 14, if not younger.
Jfl at "i was awkard". I see plenty of JB girls who l definitly in their prime. I would rather have a 16yo girl than an old washed up bitch. Girls fall out of prime at 20-23, then they start to lose value.
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Their defence to these types of threads are calling us pedos
They hate it because they were pathetic virgins in high school/college, and only got with women when they were past their prime and needed a beta.
Inceltears are coping hard they are jealous of younger girls
In a thread on the hot page, they are saying that femshits peak at 30. They are actually fucking serious about it too.
I mean it is kinda true. I always said that girls at the age of 16 are at their best stage. Girls age like shit after 19 imo.

Note to the FBI: No i would not fuck a girl that is under 18. I am not a pedophile.
who gives a fuck what cumtears want... they think they are heros.... l.m.a.o They cant stop REAL pedofiles who fuck real babies and shit or stop SHOOTERS but they can harass virgins who lust after young grown looking women who act grown anyway mind you and they still get fucked... cumtears is just passively contributing to shootings imo..
Jfl at "i was awkard". I see plenty of JB girls who l definitly in their prime. I would rather have a 16yo girl than an old washed up bitch. Girls fall out of prime at 20-23, then they start to lose value.

Slightly shy girl aka "awkward" > Arrogant, sarcastic bitch.
Yes, because incelqueers is full of bluepilled "incels" who wouldn't dare objectify a young woman and post-wall roasts who can't get had anymore.

You are totally correct about the mothers being jealous of their daughters.
Cucktears need to go to the doctor more often

I mean it is kinda true. I always said that girls at the age of 16 are at their best stage. Girls age like shit after 19 imo.

Note to the FBI: No i would not fuck a girl that is under 18. I am not a pedophile.
You can do that in Germany legally lol
They also know that a young virgin is FAR more desirable than a used up roadside, which triggers them. If they had it their way, they would fuck every guy in sight and then make it illegal for men to marry younger their age in order to force men to settle for used garbage.

Multiple comments mentioning late 20s and 30 being the peak age.

Reminder that 16 and 17 year old girls who have gone through puberty are NOT "kids" like the last used slut there wants you to believe. They are fully sexually developed and should be married off.
Seems like the most triggering memes are roast beef, incels=holocaust victims and jailbaits. Someone should figure out how too combine them all.
Damn they are ugly. Tfw you dream of asian gf and then you remind yourself that those kpop girls are 0.00000001% of asians.
If you think they are ugly, you have absolutely unrealistic expectations
If you think they are ugly, you have absolutely unrealistic expectations
most teenage girls I see on the street mog them to oblivion and I say that as a fellow yellowfevercel
so they were even uglier as teenagers since asian girls hit their peak much later than white girls
They are pre teen lol, they are junior idols
They're just jealous because of how much more 14-16 year old girls are worshiped rather than their disgusting 25-30 year old (or fat 14+ year old) roastie asses.
If you think they are ugly, you have absolutely unrealistic expectations
They're ugly as fuck and have atrocious bodies.
You guys are living up to the meme about high standards
I wouldnt fuck them not because they are ugly, but because their physiques are fucking gross.
Gross? It seems we live in different worlds lol
Yeah bro, im not a fan of eastern asian female physqiues. They're too skinny and flat. They dont have to be thicc, but i prefer females who have some meat on their bones.



Yeah bro, im not a fan of eastern asian female physqiues. They're too skinny and flat. They dont have to be thicc, but i prefer females who have some meat on their bones.




I like both skinny and thic, but we were talking about jbs, and those aren't jbs.

this post should be stickied.
tbh, getting a prime JB would probably cure all my problems.
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Good post. I find this point to be a perennially efficacious tool in limiting the tyranny of cunts ameliorating the miserable desire they induce.

While the 'value' of a slut never sinks to nil, you'll find that The Wall is an obstacle that stops each and every one of them in their frenzied cockgobbling. A sad old spinster might be able to rope in a revolving cast of similarly tired and wornout cuxbux, but around every post-prime cunt swarms a palpable miasma of desperation. As the years pass, the treatment and attention they receive comes more and more to resemble that which a normale experiences, which is a steep decline from the boundless lionization of their teen years. It's the sense of senscence, the uncontrolled careening toward sexual nihility that makes the process that much more painful than a man born into his humility. No more manipulating the pulsing desire of a horde of favorcucks, no more getting railed by slackjawed apes in club bathrooms, no more coasting by on the conflation of beauty and talent - she's one of them now; the dried crust at society's nadir, one of the innumerable troglodytes she used to find so much joy in taunting, herself now tormented and teased by fantasies of returning aboveground. No matter how much insincere validation is heaped on her by her fourth husband, she still looks in the mirror and feels her stomach sink as she yet again takes stock of the cellulite and moles dappling her pendulous and drab body, of the harsh wrinkles worn into every surface of her face by years of delighting in the suffering of untermenschen, every day hoping in vain that they'll have somehow retreated.

Is it any wonder that these blown-out old clowns insist that they're 'matured'? That they have some kind of right to be evaluated as women in youth and men in old age (>25)? That they want to keep their inflated worth soaring over the heads of men? And sometimes it even works! These stupid fucking pussies are so suggestible and wretched that they'll join right in, claiming that they're only attracted to the stronkest of stronk old maids.

The 'pedophile' moral panic is absolutely ridiculous, too. Attraction to fully developed secondary sexual characteristics resembles nothing approaching pedophilia, whatever the age of the bearer. I'm not even a JBcel, but that shit is outright mendacious. Some kind of line is apparently crossed from 17 to 18 that completely reorients a person physiologically. It's almost pitiable how nu-male cucks are so eager to insist how good of boys they are in the hope of scoring a bitter and withered hag. "Naw bro, I don't even find younger girls attractive. I'm not some kind of pdoefeil like Roy Moore. No way I'd ever pollute a pure young princess! If she can't smoke, my shrimpy dick's broke!"

a used up roadside


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High iq thread, I completely agree.
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