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Discussion The politicspill



Dead inside
Dec 15, 2019
Nowadays us whitecels have it even harder. Not only are we marginalized by being subhumans like the rest of you incels but we are also being targeted by kikes who keep attacking the white straight male person in media, news, social media ect.. and if you dare speak out about this shit you jeoparodize losing your job and any future prospects in your career. If you like me also live in a liberal shit hole, and are stemcel it makes it even more jarring you are basically isolated from any and all social circles since every single time you try to express yourself to any of these people they ultimately become a liability. Friendships become liabilities, relationships doubly so and its not like you can just leave cuz you're still a poor stemcel slaving away at your (((Gen eds))) despite already finishing your technical degree where you will be exposed to more of this cancerous jewish ideology. If you are not drug coping idk how you are surviving as a conservative white male in a liberal state.

Your dating prospects suck ass too since you will constantly either have to cuck or believe all the retarded shit women here believe (le I am le demisechual xdd which legit just means you are attracted to people you like, like any normal person), and these women are so fucking far gone that I do not even bother trying to redpill these whores about the white birth rate or the JQ because there is just simply too much work and investment on my end for her to just up and leave so my only chance is to avoid talking about politics and put up with their stupid worldviews.

Your job will fully be controlled by some soyboy tech faggot who will make your life miserable and tell you what to do and constantly cuck to whores, he will be such a massive cuck to you that he will make these retarded feminist degree holding thots, HR which you guessed it means that they are your boss and if you look subhuman or act in a way they don't like or can't keep up with the retarded company culture politics you are SOL.

:feelsclown: :feelsrope:
Based. This is why I say minorities always have it better socially. I wish i was black so I wasn’t afraid of being beaten and robbed by blacks for the color of my skin, or called a nazi for my hair and eye color. “I wish I was white” trust me Mr. “Ethnic living comfortably in a white nation”, no you don’t.
and if you dare speak out about this shit you jeoparodize losing your job and any future prospects in your career.

We are also not really allowed to speak up about this either because it will most likely turn into some shitfest.
We are also not really allowed to speak up about this either because it will most likely turn into some shitfest.
It’s literally over for us and I am not joking in any way.
It’s literally over for us and I am not joking in any way.

It actually is over and I am also not joking at all when it comes to topics like this. This situation seems like a bad dream to me. The only hope that I have left, is that this is actually is not real and just a test run of life itself.
Based. This is why I say minorities always have it better socially. I wish i was black so I wasn’t afraid of being beaten and robbed by blacks for the color of my skin, or called a nazi for my hair and eye color. “I wish I was white” trust me Mr. “Ethnic living comfortably in a white nation”, no you don’t.
Minorities? Regarding the Us most Hispanics for example live in Hispani majority neighborhoods go to hispanic majority schools etc. They arent a minority.
Based. This is why I say minorities always have it better socially. I wish i was black so I wasn’t afraid of being beaten and robbed by blacks for the color of my skin, or called a nazi for my hair and eye color. “I wish I was white” trust me Mr. “Ethnic living comfortably in a white nation”, no you don’t.
We whitecels need to legit all move and allign ourselves with White Nationalists in a 90%+ majority white state, elect our own and promote our own through our ranks just like the jews if we ever hope to live in any semblance of normal. Legit whitecels are gonna become the native Americans in the next 50 years except with no gibs JFL.
We whitecels need to legit all move and allign ourselves with White Nationalists in a 90%+ majority white state, elect our own and promote our own through our ranks just like the jews if we ever hope to live in any semblance of normal. Legit whitecels are gonna become the native Americans in the next 50 years except with no gibs JFL.

Good luck with that, though I doubt a bunch of morbidly obese, cousin-fucking, NASCAR-watching neo-Confererate mayocels could ever exert the political influence they claim that the Jews have.
Good luck with that, though I doubt a bunch of morbidly obese, cousin-fucking, NASCAR-watching neo-Confererate mayocels could ever exert the political influence they claim that the Jews have.
>every single pol user is a fat white nascar stereotype

Okay, coronavirus.
Even if they aren't, they're usually too depressed to do anything.
You have to remember pol is huge and a lot of MSM news outlets go there to poke the hornets nest to write articles about muh oppreshun, its also hard when a lot of them are so spread out and top that with the fact that there is so much gay ops going on at any given time, it makes sense why pol can only really do pranks, its not because of a lack of concentrated autism, its because the place is astroturfed to shit.
>every single pol user is a fat white nascar stereotype

Okay, coronavirus.

It's the truth. I'm sorry if it doesn't sound great.

Alt-rightcels are cucks. They claim to speak for "the white race" or "the West", but the rest of the West considers white supremacists to be a fucking shit stain, a headache for policymakers and fodder for comedians.

They're also simps. They talk about preserving the "beauty of the White Aryan woman", even though Stacies don't realize they exist, and wouldn't give them a second look.

You don't owe anything to anyone purely on the basis of national or racial identity, especially when everyone else in your group treats you like shit.

holy fuck I feel bad, especially in a shithole liberal state but at least yours has at least ONE conservative county in it
You have to remember pol is huge and a lot of MSM news outlets go there to poke the hornets nest to write articles about muh oppreshun, its also hard when a lot of them are so spread out and top that with the fact that there is so much gay ops going on at any given time, it makes sense why pol can only really do pranks, its not because of a lack of concentrated autism, its because the place is astroturfed to shit.
I'm talking about alt righters in general. Personally as a white guy I've given up on white people. You can't fix your race when your women are the worst out of all the races. It's so many white guys are dating black asian or latino girls now.
It's the truth. I'm sorry if it doesn't sound great.

Alt-rightcels are cucks. They claim to speak for "the white race" or "the West", but the rest of the West considers white supremacists to be a fucking shit stain, a headache for policymakers and fodder for comedians.

They're also simps. They talk about preserving the "beauty of the White Aryan woman", even though Stacies don't realize they exist, and wouldn't give them a second look.

You don't owe anything to anyone purely on the basis of national or racial identity, especially when everyone else in your group treats you like shit.
If that were true mainstream politics would never talk about the race question or even the JQ yet both have entered the mainstream. See Fuentes for the JQ and immigration has become more racial even to boomer cons. Charlie kirk the leader of CPAC and makes up a good chunk of the controlled opposition yet he and malkin and a lot of these boomers are talking about race and its importance in preserving culture.
I'm talking about alt righters in general. Personally as a white guy I've given up on white people. You can't fix your race when your women are the worst out of all the races. It's so many white guys are dating black asian or latino girls now.
Idk about yours our women are fine though, feels good to be eastern euro.
I went to a white power rally once...

I couldn't hear the speaker over all the noise of the crickets!
I'm talking about alt righters in general. Personally as a white guy I've given up on white people.

Good first step, but my point is, you should've never cared in the first place.

I don't owe other ricecels the slightest modicum of my concern. You don't owe other mayos your concern either.
Idk about yours our women are fine though, feels good to be eastern euro.

Eastern European femoids are the reason why whoring is so much cheaper in Western Europe than it is in North America. Half the escorts I've visited are Polish, Ukrainian, or Russian.
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If that were true mainstream politics would never talk about the race question or even the JQ yet both have entered the mainstream. See Fuentes for the JQ and immigration has become more racial even to boomer cons. Charlie kirk the leader of CPAC and makes up a good chunk of the controlled opposition yet he and malkin and a lot of these boomers are talking about race and its importance in preserving culture.

Idk about yours our women are fine though, feels good to be eastern euro.
They attack those groups because they don't want criticism from anyone no matter how small. Look at China and the Winnie the Pooh meme. And I here Eastern Euro women are nicer but that could be just like the "muh pure trad asian girl" cope.
If that were true mainstream politics would never talk about the race question or even the JQ yet both have entered the mainstream. See Fuentes for the JQ and immigration has become more racial even to boomer cons. Charlie kirk the leader of CPAC and makes up a good chunk of the controlled opposition yet he and malkin and a lot of these boomers are talking about race and its importance in preserving culture.

These guys aren't mainstream by any means, you just made a whole show of whining about how traditionalist conservatives are being oppressed and marginalized -- in tech, in academia, in politics, et cetera.

Most of these boomers will have croaked by 2030. COVID doesn't help.
Good first step, but my point is, you should've never cared in the first place.

I don't owe other ricecels the slightest modicum of my concern. You don't owe other mayos your concern either.

Eastern European femoids are the reason why whoring is so much cheaper in Western Europe than it is in North America. Half the escorts I've visited are Polish, Ukrainian, or Russian.
Yes, women in impoverished countries with no skills to be a home maker get thrown out as whores to Germany. We do not put up with your western cuckoldry.
These guys aren't mainstream by any means, you just made a whole show of whining about how traditionalist conservatives are being oppressed and marginalized -- in tech, in academia, in politics, et cetera.

Most of these boomers will have croaked by 2030. COVID doesn't help.
Yet more and more people are waking up and talking about race, even my family is talking about how violent and chimp like niggers are and these are just random Russian boomers.
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These guys aren't mainstream by any means, you just made a whole show of whining about how traditionalist conservatives are being oppressed and marginalized -- in tech, in academia, in politics, et cetera.

Most of these boomers will have croaked by 2030. COVID doesn't help.
I mean they are oppressed. But the fact that they have almost nothing to offer white men is a big problem.
And I here Eastern Euro women are nicer but that could be just like the "muh pure trad asian girl" cope.

"Asia" is not a homogenous bloc, it's a big ass continent, and "pure trad asian girls" are an absurd fantasy -- at least in Asia's globalized, English-speaking bits.
"Asia" is not a homogenous bloc, it's a big ass continent, and "pure trad asian girls" are an absurd fantasy -- at least in Asia's globalized, English-speaking bits.
Yes you chinks have no soul or agency and its the main reason you have no shame from moving on from one person to another bugmen tier thinking is "this is better so I will go to this"
Yet more and more people are waking up and talking about race, even my family is talking about how violent and chimp like niggers are and these are just random Russian boomers.

No one gives a fuck what random Russian boomers have to say.

As far as our most influential institutions are concerned -- multinational corporations, think tanks, newspaper editorial boards -- there's nothing mainstream about alt-right beliefs. You know this is true.

If you truly believe that "more and more" are "waking up", why does your OP reflect so much concern about the "politicspill"?
Yes you chinks have no soul or agency and its the main reason you have no shame from moving on from one person to another bugmen tier thinking is "this is better so I will go to this"

Eastern Europeans love globalization just as much as ricecels. You guys are every bit as soulless as we are.

Your femoids whore themselves out in the West. The corrupt amongst you buy their products from the West. The rich amongst you educate themselves in the West. And there's nothing wrong with any of this at all.

There's nothing wrong with (relatively) open borders and (relatively) open markets. Neoliberalism is the best thing to have ever happened in the 20th century.
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Russian boomers are the main reason Putin is still in power and will continue to be in power until he dies while you faggots will have to deal with some tranny dyke jew in 2020. I do not give a flying fuck about your cucked country its shit and you guys are such faggots you let even your women walk all over you JFL at your life.

In regards to your point though, I am only am bothered by it right now because I need to leave this cucked state and move to a deep red one with a strong emphasis in Christianity.There is a very good reason kikes keep failing at every country they try to subvert, and its already getting out of hand.
Minorities? Regarding the Us most Hispanics for example live in Hispani majority neighborhoods go to hispanic majority schools etc. They arent a minority.
They are counted as a minority
Eastern Europeans love globalization just as much as ricecels. You guys are every bit as soulless as we are.
Not really, their side of Europe has mostly managed to hold on to their traditional values while our continent went to shit. And Eastern Europe produces many artists and writers, can't say the same about our dead continent.
Its quite hypocritical of us to call other races soulless, no?
They are counted as a minority
You should move to LA. 90% of the people in your class will be Hispanic, but you still will be the majority. :soy:
Not really, their side of Europe has mostly managed to hold on to their traditional values while our continent went to shit. And Eastern Europe produces many artists and writers, can't say the same about our dead continent.
Its quite hypocritical of us to call other races soulless, no?
Eastern Europe is still better than Western europe and much better than the Us. Still ofc The place gets worse every year.
Good luck with that, though I doubt a bunch of morbidly obese, cousin-fucking, NASCAR-watching neo-Confererate mayocels could ever exert the political influence they claim that the Jews have.
funny thing is that one of the OG confederate leaders was a jew

Your job will fully be controlled by some soyboy tech
Just kill your boss theory
There's nothing wrong with (relatively) open borders and (relatively) open markets. Neoliberalism is the best thing to have ever happened in the 20th century.
Please ban this feminized vile cuck
I'm talking about alt righters in general. Personally as a white guy I've given up on white people. You can't fix your race when your women are the worst out of all the races. It's so many white guys are dating black asian or latino girls now
This Is actually much more reasonable. Can totally relate
We are also not really allowed to speak up about this either because it will most likely turn into some shitfest.
Let the shitfest begin and let the Breivik mode start
Idk about yours our women are fine though, feels good to be eastern euro.
So why so many suicides in Poland among men and such higher life expectancy for foids?
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What on earth are Putin's actual politics? One minute he wants a crusade, the next he buddies up with sharia separatists. One day he worships the czar and the next day he is sending defense materials to socialist lands and ranting about imperialism.
It's funny because if I were actually honest with most people (or talked to them at all), I'd probably be called every 'ism' that they could come up with. Yet if they really listened to me, they might realize that I'm not so much the hateful person that they likely would imagine me being. It's just that I don't subscribe to many of the completely baseless notions which we're all indoctrinated to believe. Of course I also have very little to lose by doing this, since I have no irl social circle to which I'm expected to conform, and I have no career to lose. Which is what most of these people are doing, it's a lot of hollow virtue signalling. Normies will say whatever they have to say to avoid being ostracized, and I don't even blame them, coming from a lifelong reject I can confirm that it's not fun.

That said, while it's besides the point of this thread, I honestly believe that conservatism is now an obsolete position. I mean, what exactly is there to conserve? I think that most people who call themselves conservatives are tacitly saying that they're willing to only use the mostly socially acceptable criticism of the neo-religious dogma and societal rot which permeates the west. These people only use the weak, easily defeated oppositions which their opponents allow, and because of this "conservatives" continue to steadily lose ground.

Doesn't really matter anyway though tbh, politics are cope since we have no say in any of this, regardless of political stance. The elite get their way and we lose.
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Every foid I’ve talked to my age (16) is fucking bisexual jfl at 2020
You should move to LA. 90% of the people in your class will be Hispanic, but you still will be the majority. :soy:

Eastern Europe is still better than Western europe and much better than the Us. Still ofc The place gets worse every year.
I would rather take some corrupt russian boomer politicians than kikes.
Not really, their side of Europe has mostly managed to hold on to their traditional values while our continent went to shit. And Eastern Europe produces many artists and writers, can't say the same about our dead continent.
Its quite hypocritical of us to call other races soulless, no?
When I was talking about soulless I meant even beyond lack of asian culture, most asians do not even have basic empathy or care about their own people. LIteral soulless bugmen who are made to do x job and then die.
It's funny because if I were actually honest with most people (or talked to them at all), I'd probably be called every 'ism' that they could come up with. Yet if they really listened to me, they might realize that I'm not so much the hateful person that they likely would imagine me being. It's just that I don't subscribe to many of the completely baseless notions which we're all indoctrinated to believe. Of course I also have very little to lose by doing this, since I have no irl social circle to which I'm expected to conform, and I have no career to lose. Which is what most of these people are doing, it's a lot of hollow virtue signalling. Normies will say whatever they have to say to avoid being ostracized, and I don't even blame them, coming from a lifelong reject I can confirm that it's not fun.

That said, while it's besides the point of this thread, I honestly believe that conservatism is now an obsolete position. I mean, what exactly is there to conserve? I think that most people who call themselves conservatives are tacitly saying that they're willing to only use the mostly socially acceptable criticism of the neo-religious dogma and societal rot which permeates the west. These people only use the weak, easily defeated oppositions which their opponents allow, and because of this "conservatives" continue to steadily lose ground.

Doesn't really matter anyway though tbh, politics are cope since we have no say in any of this, regardless of political stance. The elite get their way and we lose.
Again there is a reason Jews failed in every single civilization they tried to subvert, if you are white you will have to fight for your right to live and the america you want, stop being a faggot.

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