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Venting The plight of the framecel



Nov 12, 2019
Women don't want tall men. They want big men. If you have an Auschwitz frame, and have a below average face, you're in incel territory regardless of your height.

It's also nigh on impossible to make gains when you have this kind of physique. You literally need to eat 6 big meals per day, to hammer the steroids and to hammer the gym work to even have a chance. If you have a job go to, you won't have enough time to do the necessary eating.

Occassionally, you'll see a before and after gymaxxed comparison with the framecel on the left. However, he's usually 16-17 years old and usually has something of a skeletal structure to build around. I'm in the bottom 1% when it comes to frames. Perhaps even the bottom 0.1%. It's rotten.

During my peak gymmaxx era, I could bench 30kg on each side (so 70-80kg in total), which is a lot for someone built like me. It's more than my body weight. And yet, I was only ever able to gain 2 or 3kg in weight, despite increasing my strength severalfold.

I hate all you fat bastards.


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I disagree. It's your height that makes you look big. Your frame is only secondary to that.
If I lift my peaskull will look even smaller :feelsrope:
I disagree. It's your height that makes you look big. Your frame is only secondary to that.

Maybe if your dressed for an expidition at the arctic.
maybe you should runnermax instead
I disagree. It's your height that makes you look big. Your frame is only secondary to that.
Back in HS a Bulkmaxxed 5'11 chadlite got his Stacy stolen by a 6'8 average body chadlite with low effort
Foids prioritize height, then face, then frame
Some of the biggest bullshit I've read on this forum, I know massive framecels who can barely bench 30kg and they have girlfriends simply because they are WHITE and TALL. Yet I and some ricecel go to the gym regularly and we have massive frames for our manlets heights and we are both incels. I practically weigh 86kg and am 172cm. That is almost obesity tier, even though I am NOT fat. This is all thanks to my frame and my months of gymcelling. As far as I know, if you are white and tall you cannot lose, I have seen over and over again that there are white and tall framelets with high-pitched voices and faggy behavior who still have decent-looking girlfriends.

That video doesn't mean anything. When women think "skinny", they're picturing Cristiano Ronaldo as opposed to The Rock. They're not imagining a man who looks like a fucking sparrow with no feathers. And nor are they dating him.
You're saying the faggot interviewer's body resembles Christiano Ronaldo in any fucking way? Just lol at you. You're more bluepilled than IT for thinking that women don't get alll wet at the idea of a tall man. Women literally want to mass murder short men and you think height doesn't matter.

No, I think height matters. But having height counts for shit if you have a comedy frame.
Women don't want tall men. They want big men. If you have an Auschwitz frame, and have a below average face, you're in incel territory regardless of your height.

It's also nigh on impossible to make gains when you have this kind of physique. You literally need to eat 6 big meals per day, to hammer the steroids and to hammer the gym work to even have a chance. If you have a job go to, you won't have enough time to do the necessary eating.

Occassionally, you'll see a before and after gymaxxed comparison with the framecel on the left. However, he's usually 16-17 years old and usually has something of a skeletal structure to build around. I'm in the bottom 1% when it comes to frames. Perhaps even the bottom 0.1%. It's rotten.

During my peak gymmaxx era, I could bench 30kg on each side (so 70-80kg in total), which is a lot for someone built like me. It's more than my body weight. And yet, I was only ever able to gain 2 or 3kg in weight, despite increasing my strength severalfold.

I hate all you fat bastards.
I have the exact same problem dude. Hardcore hard gainer here. I've been gymceling three years ago for 2 years straight, every week and I've gained 2-3kg maximum. My knees look so weak and pathetic. The only shorts I can wear are those below the knees so I can hide them. People always gave me comments like: "Holy shit you need to eat more" or "Dude you have so skinny legs/arms" :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Sometimes completely strangers! Like wtf, just fuck off!
I hate all you fat bastards.
Also this
True. Height has to go together with frame to be worth much. Being a lanklet won't redeem you in the eyes of women, especially if you're ugly.
I'm not sure what these two photos are supposed to mean, but the one on the left has a good solid frame. Thick legs and forearms. He mogs me to hell and back.
I have the exact same problem dude. Hardcore hard gainer here. I've been gymceling three years ago for 2 years straight, every week and I've gained 2-3kg maximum. My knees look so weak and pathetic. The only shorts I can wear are those below the knees so I can hide them. People always gave me comments like: "Holy shit you need to eat more" or "Dude you have so skinny legs/arms" :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Sometimes completely strangers! Like wtf, just fuck off!

I hear this from every person who meets me. It so infuriating. You're hammering the weights and then eating until you're ready to vomit and it's all for nothing.
Side topic, Try gaining while tall and skinny though. You’re gonna have to consume 2.5k calories a day for you to gain some weight. Eating is basically a tax in my opinion, no matter what food it is. I always feel like shit afterwards.
I can understand where OP is coming from.

I'm stronger than a lot of the people at my gym, yet I look like I couldn't even bench a plate.

Genetics > Effot
Weak frame + low training responsiveness = gymcelling on nightmare mode
You have to be both tall and big
Some of the biggest bullshit I've read on this forum, I know massive framecels who can barely bench 30kg and they have girlfriends simply because they are WHITE and TALL. Yet I and some ricecel go to the gym regularly and we have massive frames for our manlets heights and we are both incels. I practically weigh 86kg and am 172cm. That is almost obesity tier, even though I am NOT fat. This is all thanks to my frame and my months of gymcelling. As far as I know, if you are white and tall you cannot lose, I have seen over and over again that there are white and tall framelets with high-pitched voices and faggy behavior who still have decent-looking girlfriends.

2:44 jesterpill moneypill
Most fat guys have a trash frame as well, but their fat rolls hide their trash frame.


This is some cope tbh. At the end of the day even with shit genetics frame can be improved, you literally can't do shit about your height. And a lot of younger foids actually like skinny guys, I'm not even that muscular but I've been told by girls that I'm not their 'body type' and they are used to slimmer guys.
Tallfags always seem to take their height for granted.
Women don't want tall men. They want big men. If you have an Auschwitz frame, and have a below average face, you're in incel territory regardless of your height.

Thats true when I was talking about how currywhores exclusively date and marry men who are 6'4+ and white(even if they are ugly dudes and work a minimum wage job, the currywhores still love them).

But I realized all of these tall men the currywhores marry also have big frames. No narrow shoulder, lanklet guys.
You do realize frame = bones
Unless your bones aren't deformed it's cope.
You can still build muscle on them, now it won't be an easy task with shit genetics but at least you can improve the look of your body a little, can't do it with height.
Unless your bones aren't deformed it's cope.
You can still build muscle on them, now it won't be an easy task with shit genetics but at least you can improve the look of your body a little, can't do it with height.

You'll still look like a subhuman. There are plenty of ectomanlet curries like that in the gym. Even those who do manage to put on muscle (probably through roiding) get intimidationmogged by guys who are going to the gym for the first time simply because they have better genetics.
A framecel's body can only ever look good if his shirt is off. Even then all that muscle on a subhuman frame will still probably look like a joke.
Gymcelling, just like anything in life, requires the right genetics. Otherwise you're just wasting your time.
I'm a narrowshoulderscel which has greatly contributed to my incel. If you're a guy you need "presence" in order for people to take you seriously, and you need a good frame for that. In my case the average norman framemogs me hard.
Also, getting visual gains from gymaxxing is really hard if you're a framecel. I've tried. I get a lot stronger but I don't really look stronger, especially with a shirt on.
basically have body of olympic swimmer
I'm a narrowshoulderscel which has greatly contributed to my incel. If you're a guy you need "presence" in order for people to take you seriously, and you need a good frame for that. In my case the average norman framemogs me hard.
Also, getting visual gains from gymaxxing is really hard if you're a framecel. I've tried. I get a lot stronger but I don't really look stronger, especially with a shirt on.
I'm a narrowshoulderscel which has greatly contributed to my incel. If you're a guy you need "presence" in order for people to take you seriously, and you need a good frame for that. In my case the average norman framemogs me hard.
Also, getting visual gains from gymaxxing is really hard if you're a framecel. I've tried. I get a lot stronger but I don't really look stronger, especially with a shirt on.

Stellar post. "Presence" is exactly what it's all about.

Height and Frame are the Yin and Yang of Stacey's dreams.
Your height does more for you than my thick thighs do for me, fren

At least Stacey won't mog you on the squat machine.
The foid at 2:08 is the only reasonable one there.
Women don't want tall men. They want big men. If you have an Auschwitz frame, and have a below average face, you're in incel territory regardless of your height.

It's also nigh on impossible to make gains when you have this kind of physique. You literally need to eat 6 big meals per day, to hammer the steroids and to hammer the gym work to even have a chance. If you have a job go to, you won't have enough time to do the necessary eating.

Occassionally, you'll see a before and after gymaxxed comparison with the framecel on the left. However, he's usually 16-17 years old and usually has something of a skeletal structure to build around. I'm in the bottom 1% when it comes to frames. Perhaps even the bottom 0.1%. It's rotten.

During my peak gymmaxx era, I could bench 30kg on each side (so 70-80kg in total), which is a lot for someone built like me. It's more than my body weight. And yet, I was only ever able to gain 2 or 3kg in weight, despite increasing my strength severalfold.

I hate all you fat bastards.
You don't have a plight....just hold frame!!!
Some of the biggest bullshit I've read on this forum, I know massive framecels who can barely bench 30kg and they have girlfriends simply because they are WHITE and TALL. Yet I and some ricecel go to the gym regularly and we have massive frames for our manlets heights and we are both incels. I practically weigh 86kg and am 172cm. That is almost obesity tier, even though I am NOT fat. This is all thanks to my frame and my months of gymcelling. As far as I know, if you are white and tall you cannot lose, I have seen over and over again that there are white and tall framelets with high-pitched voices and faggy behavior who still have decent-looking girlfriends.

It looked like his facial bone structure changed when he got more muscular
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Just because someone is tall doesn't mean they're "big" unless you're talking freak height. Because height alone isn't imposing.
Hmmm, let me guess, you're tall as well and you're trying to find an excuse to call yourself incel?
dont take this the wrong way framecel, but are you sure it's not your own fault?
the reason I ask.is if you look at old clips, or even look at old fucks walking around talking shit, even boomers, it's very very rare to see a framecel, hence I dont believe the genetics are flawed.

the only place I see REAL framecel are in Asia and in Asian suburbs of big western cities. And this sort of self.corrects because there tiger mums are obsessed with stuffing them with meat, even though it makes no fucking difference!
You're legit one of the dumbest posters currently on this site. = you don't have my approval.
It's okay, not having a tallfag's approval on an incel forum is the same as not having the approval of a homeless person in real life.;)
It's okay, not having a tallfag's approval on an incel forum is the same as not having the approval of a homeless person in real life.;)
You hate tall people so much, already a low iq thought thinking that face isn't most important, but also hate tall women, the only way tall men are made.

Legit retard.
You hate tall people so much, already a low iq thought thinking that face isn't most important, but also hate tall women, the only way tall men are made.

Legit retard.
Keep crying for me, tallfag. Keep announcing your height on an incel forum like a femoid. Tallfag.

For context to anyone who's interested:
I'm tall myself. I don't like short girls.
I hate all you fat bastards.
Fuck you cunt.Youn dont know how hard it is to lose facial bloat and weight.
Women care about your face and it being low bodyfat.
They don't give a fuck if you can't lift a woman's purse
St Blacksops
dont take this the wrong way framecel, but are you sure it's not your own fault?
the reason I ask.is if you look at old clips, or even look at old fucks walking around talking shit, even boomers, it's very very rare to see a framecel, hence I dont believe the genetics are flawed.

the only place I see REAL framecel are in Asia and in Asian suburbs of big western cities. And this sort of self.corrects because there tiger mums are obsessed with stuffing them with meat, even though it makes no fucking difference!

My dad's a framelet. His dad was a framelet as well. I'm a genetic framelet.

People put weight on in their 40s - even framelets. It usually just accumulates round the middle. The comedy limbs will remain.
Fuck you cunt.Youn dont know how hard it is to lose facial bloat and weight.
Women care about your face and it being low bodyfat.
They don't give a fuck if you can't lift a woman's purse

Losing weight as a fatty is a thousand times easier than the task a hard gainer has in gaining weight. It's not even close.

Facial flab is a bit trickier, although it's very rare to see a truly fat face on a well conditioned body. Unless you're Asian, in which case it's incredibly common.
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