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Blackpill The Paradox Of Saying Inceldom Is About More Than Just Lacking Sex (Its About Lacking "Love", "Acceptance", "Validation", Etc)



Feb 28, 2018
I've noticed there are a good few users on this site that well often argue that inceldom isn't just about lacking access to sex, and its about lacking "love", "acceptance", "validation", etc

Here's the obvious paradox in this line of argumentation

By that logic there are Chads and Stacies who can also be incel

If inceldom is not just about lack of access to sex, if someone can GET SEX, but is not "LOVED" or "ACCEPTED" or "VALIDATED"


Now If you argue that getting sex by default means you are "loved" or "accepted" or "validated" by humans, then your argument makes even less sense (contradictary), because that means we are both in agreeance that INCELDOM IS ABOUT SEX, BECAUSE SEX = LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, VALIDATION

This is an easy to see paradox, you can't both argue that it isn't just about sex its about other things, and then argue that getting sex means you have those other things by default, because you are then essentially arguing it is indeed just about sex JFL

If inceldom isn't defined by OBJECTIVE CRITERIA (lack of access to sex) but is instead defined by SUBJECTIVE CRITERIA the definition will obviously be FULL OF HOLES

Think about it

What is love, acceptance, validation, etc?

What degrees of these "other things" would we limit the definition around to properly and legitimately include or exclude individuals?

It would never really make sense
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tbh I think you're not 100% blackpilled OP, someone who gets sex isn't ugly, they are not incel lvl ugly. This alone gives them way more acceptance, love and validation in life than us
Inceldom is how attractive(or lack there of) you are to foids. Based on height, face, frame, race etc.

Anyone who gets sex (without escortceling) cannot be incel. Period.
''Love'' is a social construct fabricated by men to cope with the fact that women will never care about what's inside you but only about superficial attributes
tbh I think you're not 100% blackpilled OP, someone who gets sex isn't ugly, they are not incel lvl ugly. This alone gives them way more acceptance, love and validation in life than us

tbh I think you didn't properly read the post lol, because that is quite literally my point
''Love'' is a social construct fabricated by men to cope with the fact that women will never care about what's inside you but only about superficial attributes

Actually they do care about whats inside you, your genes lol, they care very deeply about how those genes are expressed phenotypically
By that logic there are Chads and Stacies who can also be incel

If inceldom is not just about lack of access to sex, if someone can GET SEX, but is not "LOVED" or "ACCEPTED" or "VALIDATED"
how often is this the case though? it wouldnt be far fetched to say that most attractive people receive some form of validation either through friends/sexual partners, while most incels do not.


I think that this is just bad wording btw. when people make this claim they are referring to lookism rather than inceldom (which is an extension of lookism)
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tbh I think you didn't properly read the post lol, because that is quite literally my point
Sorry, my first post wasn't so clear. What I meant is that if someone can get sex, they are already way more loved, validated and accepted than an incel, even if they're not satisfied with how much they get these stuff. People who are attractive enough to get sex and still feel unloved, invalidated and unaccepted would kill themselves if their looks were incel tier. Normies have no idea how different we get treated because we're sub 4 males
how often is this the case though?

Again these things are subjective, so it begs the question who defines for each person whether they are "loved", what if a woman just doesn't "feel loved", who gets to rightfully assert that she is in fact loved and doesn't get to claim inceldom

This is why I think subjective BS like "love", "validation", etc should not even be a focus of inceldom because due to its subjective nature it will always be flawed, it will always leave loopholes for anyone to claim inceldom, because subjective things can be personally defined
What I meant is that if someone can get sex, they are already way more loved, validated and accepted than an incel, even if they're not satisfied with how much they get these stuff

I know that's what you were saying, that's also my point, if you can get sex then that means you are loved, validated, and accepted, so saying that inceldom is more than just sex makes no sense if we all agree that getting sex = getting these "other things", its just redundant

Also my point was that these things are subjective so one can personally feel like they aren't "satisfied"
It makes sense, for example I’ve heard a Chadcel complaining about not being able to get a relationshit, he could only get blowjobs and ONSs, so he was incel.

Everybody is incel, the official definition is: 6 month rule.

If you are Chad himself and you have no sex for 6 months, then you are incel, by definition, because the wiki says so.
Again these things are subjective, so it begs the question who defines for each person whether they are "loved", what if a woman just doesn't "feel loved", who gets to rightfully assert that she is in fact loved and doesn't get to claim inceldom

This is why I think subjective BS like "love", "validation", etc should not even be a focus of inceldom because due to its subjective nature it will always be flawed, it will always leave loopholes for anyone to claim inceldom, because subjective things can be personally defined
yea I get what you mean. however when most people make those claims I dont think theyre referring to inceldom itself, but rather lookism (which is an extension of inceldom). its just poor word choice on our part tbh
subjective BS like "love", "validation", etc should not even be a focus of inceldom
The more you focus on this stuff, the more you fail to be effective against feminism. Of course, all the chick-lit crap some validationcels are talking about are important, but the more you focus on relationshit’s issues, the more you decrease your chances to solve your issue.

One thing I truly hate about inceldom is the “cope” thing. You claim that relationshit difficulties are not the core issue? Then every clinical depressed soyboy will claim you are coping.
So if inceldom is just about a lack of sex, escortcels like yourself aren’t really incels
Sex can be bought, real validation - not (until ctreation of artificially improved girls)
It is a sophism. There is no paradox at all.

it is not right to make such formula as sex = acceptence, love, power, validation.
Because you are able to have sex with whore who doesnt give a shit on you.

Genuine intense sexual desire towards you=
love, acceptence, validation , power.

Intense sexual desire towards you can be possible if you are phisicaly attractive, handsome.
Allways this old discussion. Is an escortcel incel? Yes. 100%. If you only get sex with prostitutes youre incel. Love > sex.

For everyone who doesnt know this is how love looks like:
Giphy 15
Source 1
Source 3
This is true validation love or whatever you wanna call it, this is what we lack of.
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So if inceldom is just about a lack of sex, escortcels like yourself aren’t really incels



In a sense yes, but that would only count for escortcels who have consistent access to sex, I payed for sex once years ago and I haven't done it again because I don't even remember where the place is (i was taken there), and its somewhat costly where I live

If I could gain well priced and consistent access to sex, I would no longer consider myself incel, because I would no longer be a man who is forced to live without consistent sex, I'd no longer be INVOLUNTARILY CELIBATE

When you think about it, men who we consider "sex havers" (dating men) are pretty much also in a "pay to play" relationship, their payments are just more indirect but it can come up to more than what an escortcel pays in the right country, on top of the fact that sex is not even a guarantee in a relationship

Genuine intense sexual desire towards you=
love, acceptence, validation , power.

Intense sexual desire towards you can be possible if you are phisicaly attractive, handsome.

So most men are incel then?, because the average man doesn't get this intense sexual attraction from women, women are pretty much just settling at tiers, this is why a lot of men in marriages end up getting cucked or being betabux these days, women don't even really want average men
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In a sense yes, but that would only count for escortcels who have consistent access to sex, I payed for sex once years ago and I haven't done it again because I don't even remember where the place is (/i was taken there), and its somewhat costly where I live

If I could gain well priced and consistent access to sex, I would no longer consider myself incel, because I would no longer be a man who is forced to live without consistent sex, I'd no longer be INVOLUNTARILY CELIBATE

When you think about it, men who we consider "sex havers" (dating men) are pretty much also in a "pay to play" relationship, their payments are just more indirect but it can come up to more than what an escortcel pays in the right country, on top of the fact that sex is not even a guarantee in a relationship

So most men are incel then?, because the average man doesn't get this intense sexual attraction from women, women are pretty much just settling at tiers, this is why a lot of men in marriages end up getting cucked or being betabux these days, women don't even really want average men
Yeas! They are!

Serious question, how much of a cucked masochist do you have to be, to spend time saving pictures like this, seriously wtf. Also this doesn't show love, you've been watching too many movies, all this shows is physical attraction, and if you argue that love is physical attraction well that's a whole other slippery slope there

Yeas! They are!

JFL well I hope you see the irony of making this post in my thread about subjective criteria making it easy for anyone to claim inceldom


So a man can literally be in a relationship, have relatively consistent access to sex, but because the female isn't actually attracted to him in a strong way, he's incel................... you are literally proving the point of this thread
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It's all perception, if you managed to get sex for free as a male, that means you are validated already in some way, so getting laid comes first, feelings come second.
Listen. One of the most controversial debates in the incelosphere is what is the definition of "incel".

I'd say that if someone, for some reason, is envious of you, he will claim you are a fakecel. That's because the incel label is too broad.

As you can clearly see, some incels in this thread tried to claim that love is what matters, of course here we are dealing with their own personal definition of "love", with all the subjectivity elements brought to it.

Other incels will tell you that you have to feel genuine sexual attraction with a foid who is sexually aroused by your looks. This is more specific, because we are talking about sexual validation.

But not every incel want sexual validation, some of them want romantic commitment, companionship and chick-lit love.

But, other incels will disagree with the above definition, they will say they want another kind of love, maybe the one involving a marriage with LTR prospects, a family and they want to be part of a bigger picture sublimating their feelings.

It's not enough, other incels will tell you they want "sexual success", defined by societal standards, so they want social validation above all.

So we have: Social validation, sexual validation as the primary incel's goals.

But, as you can see by yourself, most incels want to looksmax, why? They want another kind of validation, especially if they are lookist faggots like the ones you can find on lookmax. I'd say that they want narcissist validation, like "I want to be Chad and mog people". This is another story.

I cannot tell you how to solve this issue, because clearly everyone in this planet can be considered incel, even Chads. It depends on the subjective definition.
Consentual Sex (free of monetary exchange)=Genetic and emotional validation but not necessarily social validation, since people can just fuck other people in secret. As far as acceptance goes, You have to factor in whether it is physical or emotional acceptance. Sex without physical acceptance is rape. Sex without emotional acceptance is unwanted (prostitution for example is sex without emotional validation). To be loved means to be emotionally validated by someone but not necessarily socially validated in some instances. Lack of love, acceptance or validation definetely does not make you incel, since the term (as most know it) literally only refers to the denial of sexual intercourse. Then again, the term "incel" in itself is contradictory, as one cannot be "involuntarily voluntarily abstaining from sex". Perhaps to avoid these paradoxes, we should just be called involuntary virgins.
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Even I struggle to accept this even to this day, but love is a made up thing that foids cannot feel.
Serious question, how much of a cucked masochist do you have to be, to spend time saving pictures like this, seriously wtf. Also this doesn't show love, you've been watching too many movies, all this shows is physical attraction, and if you argue that love is physical attraction well that's a whole other slippery slope there

JFL well I hope you see the irony of making this post in my thread about subjective criteria making it easy for anyone to claim inceldom


So a man can literally be in a relationship, have relatively consistent access to sex, but because the female isn't actually attracted to him in a strong way, he's incel................... you are literally proving the point of this thread
We call them betabaxes and cucks. They are not incels because incel refuse to be lik
e that. I realy think that you are just an idiot
We call them betabaxes and cucks. They are not incels because incel refuse to be lik
e that. I realy think that you are just an idiot
Maybe you refuse to betabax, but you can find dozens of discussions by other -cels who keep asking how to become betabaxers. It's funny, because MGTOW (that most incels call "MSTOW") created the betabax meme to laugh at cucks, then incels took that meme and started to hope for a betabax relationshit.

What's funny about that, is there is no true hope to become a betabax, and incels are wrong when they believe that betabaxing can happen if they work hard and improve. It's supremely funny, because that meme was born to shame betabaxers, but now in the hands of incels the meme is a monument to hope.
A lot of people here act like femcels. "I didn't get enough validation so I'm an incel."

That's why it's a bit hypocritical to complain about them. Just being honest.
A lot of people here act like femcels. "I didn't get enough validation so I'm an incel."
So, what's the definition? We already saw how the look-based definition can't work, because we observed mentalcels like VST, like Bretty-Boy, and others that I don't want to name.

So, mentalcels will not agree with the look-based definition.

Sadly, I have to agree with validationcels, they have a point, but I think that their definition is too broad and generic, and it's exposed to volatile concepts, so it's too divisive.

Lacking of other definitions, the 6 months rule is still the best option we have.
Maybe you refuse to betabax, but you can find dozens of discussions by other -cels who keep asking how to become betabaxers. It's funny, because MGTOW (that most incels call "MSTOW") created the betabax meme to laugh at cucks, then incels took that meme and started to hope for a betabax relationshit.

What's funny about that, is there is no true hope to become a betabax, and incels are wrong when they believe that betabaxing can happen if they work hard and improve. It's supremely funny, because that meme was born to shame betabaxers, but now in the hands of incels the meme is a monument to hope.
Fuck fuck fuck of myserable soy cocksuccer.

Incel doesnt accept comprimises.he wants to take everything and he will. No comprimies.
Fuck fuck fuck of myserable soy cocksuccer.

Incel doesnt accept comprimises.he wants to take everything and he will. No comprimies.
I dont speak language of faggots.
It's english. There's french and english at the bottom.

TL;DR: Incels are supreme omega overlords, they are superior beings.
It's english. There's french and english at the bottom.

TL;DR: Incels are supreme omega overlords, they are superior beings.
When your scull is crucked then you would see omega. Pirece of shit
They still t underestimate us. What a mistake. silly boys.
Inceldom is how attractive(or lack there of) you are to foids. Based on height, face, frame, race etc.

Anyone who gets sex (without escortceling) cannot be incel. Period.

If a woman without prompt or immediate guarantee of some kind of reward, expresses sexual interest in you, you’re not ugly enough to be incel. At worst you’re below average, a 4/10. I think truecels start at 3 and below, where no woman is ever going to feel genuine sexual attraction to you
Now If you argue that getting sex by default means you are "loved" or "accepted" or "validated" by humans, then your argument makes even less sense (contradictary), because that means we are both in agreeance that INCELDOM IS ABOUT SEX, BECAUSE SEX = LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, VALIDATION
You are accepted,validated or loved by the girl thats why you got to have sex with her its not sex=love,acceptance,validation because you can get sex in different ways.
If chad can have sexual relationship with a girl its because he gets the acceptance and validation of the girl so the questions is did she love him?
lets define love


1.Most of the time being good looking is enough to make the opposite sex to like you.
2.Most of the time being good looking is enough to make opposite sex interested in you.
In short, most of the time being good looking is enough to be loved.
the thing applies contrary to the counterpart.
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lets define love
It's more complicated than that. Because there are various forms "love" can take. You can only remove the subjectivity when you idealize love, and when you have a society that pushes people to reach a higher ethical unity, a legal-love defined by society. Otherwise, if you base your definition on "feelings", you will encounter volatile subjectivity everywhere.

I think that using the "love" concept to define inceldom, leads to flaws, and the opener is partially right.

Some incels want you to accept their definition, their concept of love is: Romanticism and Chick-Lit. Other incels want you to accept their own definition: Love is teen love, when you are young and teen you can experience true love (defined by them).

Another definition: Peak levels of love can be reached only by Chad, because his body can create the chemical reaction in the body of the female, and love takes place in this environment.

Another one: Love is what Hollywood movies showed us, it's a fictionally romanticized dream and we can only be sad because we will never be hollywood movie stars.
lets define love

You can't because it isn't an objective thing, its subjective, anyone can claim they are loved or are unloved for any number of reasons, this is why focus should always be on objective criteria, we can absolutely define physical attraction, you can't absolutely define love, its debatable what love is for each person, its not debatable what physical attraction is, its objective and straight forward

Subjective criteria has no place in a definition, when we take that route, we'll just fall into the same traps as the left do trying to create universally accepted subjective standards, which is why the left always canabalizes itself because if everyone gets to be right and have "personal truths" then nobody is right, feminists will argue that women are not "equal" to men because their personal definition of equality revolves around EQUALITY OF OUTCOME NOT EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY, and they will always be at odds with the transgender community because "Trans Women" believe that what defines a woman ISN'T PHYSICAL BIOLOGY

If we rely on subjective criteria we are no different than them, and that's why there are so many factions in inceldom and we seem just as illogical AS THE NORMIES WE OH SO LIKE TO SPEAK OF AS LESS LOGICAL THAN US

That's the sad part, all the incels on this site always speaking about how illogical normies are, but they always want to arbitrarily draw a line in the sand of where objectivity has gone too far, and say that people who are taking it to higher levels are just "being autistic". They are really no different than normies
you can't absolutely define love, its debatable what love is for each person, its not debatable what physical attraction is, its objective and straight forward
Some incels want you to accept their definition, their concept of love is: Romanticism and Chick-Lit. Other incels want you to accept their own definition: Love is teen love, when you are young and teen you can experience true love (defined by them).
We wont go anywhere if you keep searching for the objective meaning of love but we can get the most common subjective meaning of love for the majority. Yes it might be quite different from each person but its the same in another like how most of the people cannot be "inlove" to a person that they aren't physically attracted to. I focus on appearance because thats the biggest factor on how people select partners in a liberated society.
These things exist. Read the deserving theory: It gets into how ugly people are seen as undeserving of things an otherwise good looking person would have been seen as deserving for.

You for some reason don't value scientific findings you're a bit too reliant on your personal experiences.
fuck i wish i was on this former back in 2019
I'm being genuine, you nutter; why are you always so combative? This is the first time I've spoken to you in a long while.

You are normally supportive of Press, so I wanted to know if you are beginning to see the flaws in his beliefs. That is ALL!
Hello dungeondragon, how are you? Hope you are not sick today

Dont fight with people on the internet, it is useless, you will not persuade him, and nor will he persuade you, it is useless
I'm doing well, brocel; I am in relatively good health.

Some users here just invoke my FIGHTING SPIRIT. I must learn to pick my battles, to be more intentional with my PASSION.
Totally true, and very passionate! Good man, i like your PASSION meme

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