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Blackpill The only way we can prevent inceldom



Jan 1, 2019
is if we use genetically modified sperm and ovums where we can be sure the kid will be +8/10, NT, Tall and overall healthy.
Then foids couldn't use their argument anymore that they just fuck chads for their genetics because then all kids would be genetically gifted so foids would also date lower rated men.
So it would reduce a lot of suffering and more people could breed and krempi.
never seen a foid use the argument they choose chad because of genetics, always thought it was just a sexual attraction
never seen a foid use the argument they choose chad because of genetics, always thought it was just a sexual attraction
Both ig idk redpill copers atleast say stuff like that
Or maybe take away women's rights. How about that?
never seen a foid use the argument they choose chad because of genetics, always thought it was just a sexual attraction

Preventing inceldom is justification enough me thinks.
No, a more justified casus belli. It is unlikely that you will convince someone with this. :fuk:
No, a more justified casus belli. It is unlikely that you will convince someone with this. :fuk:
You are saying this as if people are rational. If that were so no one could have justified allowing trannies into women's bathroom. People think what those in power tell them to think.

If enough men are blackpilled, the justification of removing women's rights would come naturally. Of course there are other justifications too.
If enough men are blackpilled, the justification of removing women's rights would come naturally. Of course there are other justifications too.
I propose to preserve legal equality between the sexes and institutionalize monogamy as the only possible norm. It would be easier for us to justify this. And we would have to rethink some liberal values. We need a convincing theoretical background.
I propose to preserve legal equality between the sexes and institutionalize monogamy as the only possible norm. It would be easier for us to justify this. And we would have to rethink some liberal values. We need a convincing theoretical background.
Intitutionalized monogamy itself is contradictory to liberal values. I suggest to do away with them altogether.

And for the theoritical justification you can take your pick
1. Natural order and gender role
2. Religion
3. Fundamental right to sex
4. Institution of family
Intitutionalized monogamy itself is contradictory to liberal values. I suggest to do away with them altogether.
For example? Liberal values in their most radical manifestation are naked individualism, anarcho-capitalism, abolition of taxes and public services (which stems from the natural right to private property and personal integrity). This will never happen. We will always need a system for wealth redistribution and antimonopoly services. Something similar can be applied to our sexuality. We cannot force one person to have sex with another person, but we can prohibit certain sexual activities (extramarital affairs are taboo) through creating antitrust pressure and not violating the principle of non-coercion. (Freedom is not doing whatever you want to do. Freedom is not doing what you don’t want to do.) :feelsthink:
we can prohibit certain sexual activities (extramarital affairs are taboo)

I don't see how you can prohibit this while still maintaining privacy. People are going to seek their natural order, which means chad on top, fuck everyone else.

@HighTGymcel is right in saying that the only real solution is genetic engineering. That basically amounts to a genocide against incels, but maybe it's better for everyone to remove we subhuman trash anyways.
, but we can prohibit certain sexual activities (extramarital affairs are taboo) and not violating the principle of non-coercion. (Freedom is not doing whatever you want to do. Freedom is not doing what you don’t want to do.) :feelsthink:
The moment we add non-coercion as a principle is the moment we doom this plan. Prohibition itself is a form of coercion
I don't think like that... Is the prohibition against murder a form of coercion? :feelswhat:
I mean.... yeah. At least I have a list of people who wouldn't be breathing if I was not "coerced".
I don't see how you can prohibit this while still maintaining privacy. People are going to seek their natural order, which means chad on top, fuck everyone else.

@HighTGymcel is right in saying that the only real solution is genetic engineering. That basically amounts to a genocide against incels, but maybe it's better for everyone to remove we subhuman trash anyways.
First off there is no such natural order. In most species of primates/apes the females do not choose their partners. Instead the males fight for dominance and the winner gets to spread his genes.

Secondly, these "natural orders" are irrelevant in modern world. If birth control can make monogamy obsolete, if modern technology and workplace can make gender roles obsolete, then female selection for certain "genetic" features is obsolete too. No one here is a true subhuman.

Thirdly, and this will be an unpopular opinion, but what defines someone as chad is mostly a social construct. For example there are no genetic advantages to whiteness, only social ones. But that is enough to make whites the most attractive race.

Fourthly, we DO NOT have the technology to alter genes to such a detail that we make everyone a chad.

Finally, even if we did have such a powerful technology, beautiful babies would be least of our concerns. This could change the very core of humanity.
I mean.... yeah. At least I have a list of people who wouldn't be breathing if I was not "coerced".
But this would happen in accordance with your will, and not against it (coercion). :dafuckfeels:

there is no such natural order.
Agreed. [UWSL]Alphas don't survive in the primitive societies of Homo Sapiens.[/UWSL]
Christopher Boehm writes in his book «Hierarchy in the Forest»:
[UWSL]«In hunter-gatherer groups, sometimes an assertive alpha type arises who wants to exert dominance on the rest of the community. The subordinates unite against him. The weak combine forces to dominate those who have the strength and desire to dominate the others.» Among the Baruya, Boehm reports of a man who appropriated his neighbor's livestock and forced their wives into sex. His people subsequently killed him. It is beta-cooperation. The same thing is happening now. Beta males (incels) maliciously unite and prepare retribution in order to avenge the reproductive opportunities taken from them. :feelswhat: [/UWSL]
[UWSL]This is evolutionarily determined behavior.[/UWSL]
never seen a foid use the argument they choose chad because of genetics, always thought it was just a sexual attraction
Ofc but those things are somewhat interchangeable. Femoids are wired on a primal level to be attracted to men with facial features that indicate good genetics on a subconscious level. This usually means things like face symmetry, deep voice (high T) and all that Chad shit.. It's been programmed in their chad-seeking brains since the dawn of man.
Chad is relative. Those 8/10 babies will become the new incels if there are perfect 10s walking around.

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