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Blackpill The only way manlets can be respected by anyone:



It only gets worse
May 17, 2018
Like they say, respect is just a cute way of saying "i fear you and don't want you to lash out so i suck your toes and pretend to love you so i dont get on your bad side"

So respect =fear


What the fuck does this mean?

It basically means joining a fucking gang, or having a serious violent past involving weapons (not petty fist fights), in which it ACTS AS A HALO EFFECT.

Think about it, if you join a gang with members that have been known to kill people, if people see you around them, they will assume that you are as violent as they are.
So now that people know that you are associated with these people, even when you are by yourself, people will fear you, aka RESPECT YOU.


Because they want to be on your good side, so they don't risk the chance of you lashing out.

However, if someone has not heard about you, then they will assume you are a typical pushover manlet, that is too insecure to stand up for himself due to the risk of being labelled a manlet.

Also, once you have associated yourself with that gang, if you do need to lash out and be violent, people will not see you as having short man syndrome, why? because they feared you beforehand.

This could pave a way for manlets to escape the inceldom, BUT YOU WILL GO TO PRISON 100%
In which all the inmates will probably not of heard of your gang and therefore just see you as a pushover manlet that will end up getting raped and rope.

So its truly over for manlets, the only way they can get respect is through fear through actual violence, but they will go to prison, get raped and rope, so whats the point of anything for manlets?
What is the worth of life if you cannot even be respected?
There is no worth which is the truth, women dont respect you, you taller friends secretly dont respect you, not even your mom respects you.

Fucking Pin this for all the Tallcels that think they have it the worst, at least you can be feared by people - therefore respected.

Im off to drink myself till i blackout and totally fucking regret it the next morning.
i disagree to disagree
I mean being a retard is honour for an incel but couldn't you figure out how badly he agreed with your points. Buy a fucking gun homie and kill as many chads as you can.
I mean being a retard is honour for an incel but couldn't you figure out how badly he agreed with your points. Buy a fucking gun homie and kill as many chads as you can.
water is wet
Respect based on fear is a farce. Rather accept the fact that as a manlet ITS FUCKING OVER :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
Retarded post
Just get violent with the assholes pushing you over without inflicting irreversible damage (but fuck them up good so people remember it)
Retarded post
Just get violent with the assholes pushing you over without inflicting irreversible damage (but fuck them up good so people remember it)
not retarded at all, it all makes sense
I'd take a 12-gauge to the skull before I respect a manlet (<5'7).
Like they say, respect is just a cute way of saying "i fear you and don't want you to lash out so i suck your toes and pretend to love you so i dont get on your bad side"

So respect =fear


What the fuck does this mean?

It basically means joining a fucking gang, or having a serious violent past involving weapons (not petty fist fights), in which it ACTS AS A HALO EFFECT.

Think about it, if you join a gang with members that have been known to kill people, if people see you around them, they will assume that you are as violent as they are.
So now that people know that you are associated with these people, even when you are by yourself, people will fear you, aka RESPECT YOU.


Because they want to be on your good side, so they don't risk the chance of you lashing out.

However, if someone has not heard about you, then they will assume you are a typical pushover manlet, that is too insecure to stand up for himself due to the risk of being labelled a manlet.

Also, once you have associated yourself with that gang, if you do need to lash out and be violent, people will not see you as having short man syndrome, why? because they feared you beforehand.

This could pave a way for manlets to escape the inceldom, BUT YOU WILL GO TO PRISON 100%
In which all the inmates will probably not of heard of your gang and therefore just see you as a pushover manlet that will end up getting raped and rope.

So its truly over for manlets, the only way they can get respect is through fear through actual violence, but they will go to prison, get raped and rope, so whats the point of anything for manlets?
What is the worth of life if you cannot even be respected?
There is no worth which is the truth, women dont respect you, you taller friends secretly dont respect you, not even your mom respects you.

Fucking Pin this for all the Tallcels that think they have it the worst, at least you can be feared by people - therefore respected.

Im off to drink myself till i blackout and totally fucking regret it the next morning.
People will say you have a Napoleon complex if you do that. Napoleon was literally emperor and went ER on the entire world but still got made fun of. There is no winning.
People will say you have a Napoleon complex if you do that. Napoleon was literally emperor and went ER on the entire world but still got made fun of. There is no winning.
he is dead so he is irrelevant, but those people wouldnt say that to his face while he was alive due to the fear, same goes for the point i am making, people would probably say manlets that take this route has short man complex when they are dead, but will fear them while they are alive.
People will say you have a Napoleon complex if you do that. Napoleon was literally emperor and went ER on the entire world but still got made fun of. There is no winning.
and who cares what people say when you are dead, you are dead

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