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The only high IQ comment I've seen on braincels

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Deleted member 279

Deleted member 279

Thot Exterminator
Nov 8, 2017

I've already posted this on incel.co but this shit right here is important. Faggots here who promote their hedonistic degeneracy and call anti-degeneracy a cope need to be executed.
fuck that shit sub and all of its cucked members, ESPECIALLY the porkie female mod
fuck that shit sub and all of its cucked members, ESPECIALLY the porkie female mod
The sub is absolute cancer but this comment was surprisingly intelligent.
Very High IQ
It's not shallow. It's human.
That's a lie.

Ugly men have always been able to find partners in the past. Why else would ugly genes have been passed?

Sexual relations were not the principal purpose of relationships.

Extremely high IQ.
"But that does not mean that they didn't truly love their unattractive life partners. Or, that the only reason that the relationship lasted is because of societal pressures as opposed to genuine affection."
It does + the consequences of adultery. That's why there are so many books about infidelity. From the Bible to Shaekespaere.

I've already posted this on incel.co but this shit right here is important. Faggots here who promote their hedonistic degeneracy and call anti-degeneracy a cope need to be executed.

Anti-degeneracy is cope, and the post is true except it stops being black pilled and starts being blue pilled at a certain line, likely that OP projecting what he wants to world to be unto the black pill. That line being:

"But that does not mean that they didn't truly love their unattractive life partners. Or, that the only reason that the relationship lasted is because of societal pressures as opposed to genuine affection"

I laughed when I read that part, it is a cope, women didn't really love those partners, many felt trapped in their lives and wanted to fuck the chads around them but couldn't because of societal pressures AND lack of financial security. Women really truly didn't have a choice in those times, they had to choose from the pool they were allowed to choose from.

This is a huge black pill I'm about to put forth, male and female biological imperatives are diametrically opposed and ONLY ONE SEX AS A COLLECTIVE TRULY GETS TO BE HAPPY, its the truth, its either them or us, decades before we were living in a "male dominated" society and now we live in a "female dominated" society. Any idiot that has convinced themselves there is a middle ground is coping, either more of us are gonna be happy, or more of them are gonna be happy, either men have more leverage and power, or women have more leverage and power. Our mating strategies are diametrically opposed, if women are allowed to mate as they please a large portion of males don't get sex or don't even have children, and even if they do there is no security in exclusive access to said sexual resource, if men are allowed to mate as we please then we always choose to restrict female sexuality to our benefit for the sake of security over said resource so in that sense women "suffer" because they don't get what they want.

Its either THEM or US

Pretending like women enjoyed their lives in the past is a huge cope, a bigger cope than anti-degeneracy, existence itself is inherently degenerate, its ridiculous to call yourself black pilled and not realize that yet.

I made a post before on a thread where I somewhat went into the "everyday life" of a woman back in those times, and why they very well would not have been happy in those times (its below).

It does not surprise me this is how a faggot would look at it. One of the reasons I'm glad I was born a man is because how sex is for a woman, no wonder they felt the need to try and get equal rights, work for themselves, etc, women trying to "be a person" is an escape from how disgusting and pathetic their existence is.

Imagine being a woman in the 40's and 50's (or whichever time women weren't allowed to work, don't really know the dates of when feminism started up). You're at home bored all day, you cook and clean for that man, raise the kids, he comes home probably stressed out from work, he's aggressive in sex because of that stress, you get rag dolled, slapped, fucked, put in all these submissive sometimes uncomfortable positions, on your knees like a slave sucking dick (which I doubt tastes well after a day at work lol, he may not shower everytime before sex). After that humiliating experience maybe he buys you something nice, you don't get to do anything on your own, your entire existence is to serve and submit to him, you feel disgusted with yourself with flashbacks to you kneeling with cum all over your face, looking up at your "owner" who looks satisfied and proud of himself lol.

No wonder women envied men and tried to get rights, everything humans do basically revolves around sex, especially men, its all about getting a sexual release, even womens' lives, but men had something OTHER THAN SEX to do, we build the world around us, invent, work, create infrastructure, etc. All women ever did WAS FUCK, so there was no cope or mental escape from what their lives revolved around, being a submissive pathetic receptacle for stress, dick and sadism.

A womans existence is inherently pathetic, that's why feminism came into being, its all a cope, its all an escape, they want to work and "do things" so that their lives are more than just taking dick, of course the want chads dick, but if you think women don't feel ashamed even after sex with chad you're delusional, they can just "stomach it" more because its chad, and because they get to have the copes that feminism created like "its liberating", its a "sexual revolution", its "your choice". Lol women have no choice, if tomorrow all women stopped having sex with men period, within a week all chads and betas alike would be running around raping bitches, women have the cope and illusion of choice. The only choice women really get is WHO THEIR OWNER IS, but none the less THEY ARE OWNED, and at the end of the day EVEN THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND HAD TO GET DOWN ON HER KNEES SUBMISSIVELY AND SUCK SOME GUYS DICK


I hate them for rejection, and for the current privileges they have, but I would never switch if given the chance, I'd feel like puking 24/7 lol, it just isn't worth it
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But that is only one part of the problem. Like a patient with multiple medical problems, cancer, high blood pressure, pneumonia. That hypergamy means a woman can get tired of even Chad, and take him to the cleaners for any reason. Divorce is no fault, she can fuck the pool boy, move to another state, etc. The system is on her side too because of the Feminist problem
Anti-degenracy is cope, and the post is true except it stops being black pilled and starts being blue pilled at a certain line, likely that OP projecting what he wants to world to be unto the black pill. That line being:

"But that does not mean that they didn't truly love their unattractive life partners. Or, that the only reason that the relationship lasted is because of societal pressures as opposed to genuine affection"

I laughed when I read that part, it is a cope, women didn't really love those partners, many felt trapped in their lives and wanted to fuck the chads around them but couldn't becuase of societal pressures AND lack of financial security. Women really truly didn't have a choice in those times, they had to choice from the pool they were allowed to choose from.

This is a huge black pill I'm about to put forth, male and female biological imperatives are diametrically opposed and ONLY ONE SEX AS A COLLECTIVE TRULY GETS TO BE HAPPY, its the truth, its either them or us, decades before we were living in a "male dominated" society and now we live in a "female dominated" society. Any idiot that has convinced themsleves there is a middle ground is coping, either more of us are gonna be happy, or more of them are gonna be happy, either men have more leverage and power, or women have more leverage and power. Our mating strategies are diametrically opposed, if women are allowed to mate as they please a large portion of males don't get sex or don't even have children, and even if they do there is no security in exclusive access to said sexual resource, if men are allowed to mate as we please then we always choose to restrict female sexuality to our benefit for the sake of security over said resource so in that sense women "suffer" because they don't get what they want.

Its either THEM or US

Pretending like women enjoyed their lives in the past is a huge cope, a bigger cope than anti-degeneracy, existence itself is inherently degenerate, its ridiculous to call yourself black pilled and not realize that yet.

I made a post before on a thread where I somewhat went into the "everyday life" of a woman back in those times, and why they very well would not have been happy in those times (its below).
I disagree. Anti-degeneracy is most definitely not a cope and this hyper sexualized society where hedonism rules is not "natural". Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God. Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think.
I disagree. Anti-degeneracy is most definitely not a cope and this hyper sexualized society where hedonism rules is not "natural". Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God. Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think.
Anti-degeneracy is most definitely not a cope and this hyper sexualized society where hedonism rules is not "natural". Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God. Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think.
I agree
I disagree. Anti-degeneracy is most definitely not a cope and this hyper sexualized society where hedonism rules is not "natural". Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God. Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think.

You are misusing the word INDOCTRINATED, you are coping hardcore and sound like one of those tradcons that speak of feminism like it "poisoned" women and they were these perfect little daises before big old bad feminism stepped into the picture lol. Reality is they were miserable, they were only "good" because we FORCED THEM TO BE, the women we see today IS WHAT WOMEN REALLY ARE IN THEIR NATURAL STATE WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL OR SOCIAL BARRINGS TO HOLD THEM BACK.

I always use this analogy when I'm arguing against this bullshit, which I have argued against many times.

Imagine you and you wife are home, I walk into the living room after you leave to get something to eat, I walk up to her, I place a loaded gun next to her on the table and tell her "you know you can shoot him with this right, I mean if you want to and it benefits you", if when I leave and you come back she shoots and kills you, who is to blame?

A. Me
B. Your wife

The next answer will determine if you are coping buffoon.

The answer is obvious though, feminism is the gun, I am <insert X group that did made the offer e.g. Jews, illuminati, etc)

I merely presented the gun as an option, its your wife that wanted to use it to begin with. She probably wanted to kill you anyways, she just lacked the tools to do so in a manner that suited her.

>Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God.
>Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think

How do you not see the irony of these two lines being uttered one after the other lol, cognitive dissonance at its best, read them over again slowly and see if you can get the point before I explain now:


How come that never crossed your mind when you yourself said SOCIALIZATION IS A MUCH MORE POWERFUL FORCE THAN YOU THINK. It never crossed your mind because you are coping, you can only see what you want to see, you aren't applying your logic "universally", all your concepts START where they prove your point and STOP where they start disproving your point.

I'm arguing what you are arguing, just the reverse, you are arguing that women wanting to be degenerate and endlessly fuck chad with no responsibilities or accountability isn't the norm but rather socialization, I'm arguing that women doing what they do today is actually the norm and what they did in the past was socialization and lack of choice.

What you are arguing is downright retarded since in the animal kingdom THAT IS THE NORM, females get fucked by chad, the dominant physically superior male, who gets to breed with a large amount of females, and news flash, all animals ever do is eat, sleep and fuck all day. MONOGAMY ISN'T A NORM IN NATURE, ITS ABNORMAL, you are COPING HARDCORE, do you realize how retarded it sounds to argue that degeneracy isn't "natural" WHEN EVERY OTHER ANIMAL ON THE PLANET IS DEGENERATE lol. Do you even know the meaning of the word "natural" (go google it).
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You are misusing the word INDOCTRINATED, you are coping hardcore and sound like one of those tradcons that speak of feminism like it "poisoned" women and they were these perfect little daises before big old bad feminism stepped into the picture lol. Reality is they were miserable, they were only "good" because we FORCED THEM TO BE, the women we see today IS WHAT WOMEN REALLY ARE IN THEIR NATURAL STATE WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL OR SOCIAL BARRINGS TO HOLD THEM BACK.

I always use this analogy when I'm arguing against this bullshit, which I have argued against many times.

Imagine you and you wife are home, I walk into the living room after you leave to get something to eat, I walk up to her, I place a loaded gun next to her on the table and tell her "you know you can shoot him with this right, I mean if you want to and it benefits you", if when I leave and you come back she shoots and kills you, who is to blame?

A. Me
B. Your wife

The next answer will determine if you are coping buffoon.

The answer is obvious though, feminism is the gun, I am <insert X group that did made the offer e.g. Jews, illuminati, etc)

I merely presented the gun as an option, its your wife that wanted to use it to begin with. She probably wanted to kill you anyways, she just lacked the tools to do so in a manner that suited her.

>Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God.
>Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think

How do you not see the irony of these two lines being uttered one after the other lol, cognitive dissonance at its best, read them over again slowly and see if you can get the point before I explain now:


How come that never crossed your mind when you yourself said SOCIALIZATION IS A MUCH MORE POWERFUL FORCE THAN YOU THINK. It never crossed your mind because you are coping, you can only see what you want to see, you aren't applying your logic "universally", all your concepts START where they prove your point and STOP where they start disproving your point.

I'm arguing what you are arguing, just the reverse, you are arguing that women wanting to be degenerate and endlessly fuck chad with no responsibilities or accountability isn't the norm but rather socialization, I'm arguing that women doing what they do today is actually the norm and what they did in the past was socialization and lack of choice.

What you are arguing is downright retarded since in the animal kingdom THAT IS THE NORM, females get fucked by chad, the dominant physically superior male, who gets to breed with a large amount of females, and news flash, all animals ever do is eat, sleep and fuck all day. MONOGAMY ISN'T A NORM IN NATURE, ITS ABNORMAL, you are COPING HARDCORE, do you realize how retarded it sounds to argue that degeneracy isn't "natural" WHEN EVERY OTHER ANIMAL ON THE PLANET IS DEGENERATE lol. Do you even know the meaning of the word "natural" (go google it).

Society isn't natural. Why don't we all resort to becoming animals and murdering chads and raping women?
Cuckcels can go to hell.
Society isn't natural. Why don't we all resort to becoming animals and murdering chads and raping women?

What is your point by this statement, I never claimed society was natural, I claimed women wanting to be degenerate and endlessly fuck chads without responsibliity or accountability is, and that's what other female animals are allowed to do in the wild, that shit happens period, a "society" isn't required for that to happen.
What is your point by this statement, I never claimed society was natural, I claimed women wanting to be degenerate and endlessly fuck chads without responsibliity or accountability is, and that's what other female animals are allowed to do in the wild, that shit happens period, a "society" isn't required for that to happen.

Yes a society is required for it to happen. All these women would die in nature without men to support them. Without condoms, without birth control they would be so fucked.

Society arose because it was advantageous to barbarians.
Yes a society is required for it to happen. All these women would die in nature without men to support them. Without condoms, without birth control they would be so fucked.

Society arose because it was advantageous to barbarians.

our western society is inherently cucked because we allow women to shit on us uglycels, making us incels, and fuck chad meawhile us wagecels pay for tyrone/chad's fucking kid... meanwhile im a 27yr old virgin

without society (laws and police) these whores would be forced to behave or else raped
What you are arguing is downright retarded since in the animal kingdom THAT IS THE NORM, females get fucked by chad, the dominant physically superior male, who gets to breed with a large amount of females, and news flash, all animals ever do is eat, sleep and fuck all day. MONOGAMY ISN'T A NORM IN NATURE, ITS ABNORMAL, you are COPING HARDCORE, do you realize how retarded it sounds to argue that degeneracy isn't "natural" WHEN EVERY OTHER ANIMAL ON THE PLANET IS DEGENERATE lol. Do you even know the meaning of the word "natural" (go google it).
See parental investment theory. Monogamy is still the best system for humans.
See parental investment theory. Monogamy is still the best system for humans.
Moving the goal post,t he argument is about what is "natural", not about what is "best".

Yes a society is required for it to happen. All these women would die in nature without men to support them. Without condoms, without birth control they would be so fucked..

They'd still be fucking chad, they'd just have to carry his baby to term, I dont think you get it, society makes life easier for incels much more than it does normies, take away all our copes and we have nothing, take away all the the things you listed (codoms, birth control, etc) and they can still enjoy sex (every animals favorite pass time). Ironically it would just make women even further out of reach for us, because there likely wouldn't be much prostitution (so no escortcelling) and women would just be pairing up with chad, sometimes permanently because she is pregnant, so you don't even have the chance to betabux for used goods.

You think women would have it bad without society lol, woman would still be the holy cow of the human race, they'd get by quite fine, us on the other hand would likely just be killing ourselves since it'd be boring as fuck and we'd have nothing to live for and no means of entertainment or escape from our fucked reality.
women would just be pairing up with chad, sometimes permanently because she is pregnant, so you don't even have the chance to betabux for used goods.
When they pair up with chad after he gets them pregnant, he gets stuck with her and won't have time to bang other foids because he'll end up being responsible for more out of wedlock kids.
When they pair up with chad after he gets them pregnant, he gets stuck with her and won't have time to bang other foids because he'll end up being responsible for more out of wedlock kids.

I think you are forgetting the context of this, this is happening where society doesn't exist, so there is no such thing as "wedlock" and there is no law or policing to force chad to raise his children, he sin't going to be responsible for shit, whose going to make him be responisble?........ exactly nobody, that was the job of "society", in a world without one he can just bounce from bitch to bitch impregnating them and then running off to some other settlement lol.
I think you are forgetting the context of this, this is happening where society doesn't exist, so there is no such thing as "wedlock" and there is no law or policing to force chad to raise his children, he sin't going to be responsible for shit, whose going to make him be responisble?........ exactly nobody, that was the job of "society", in a world without one he can just bounce from bitch to bitch impregnating them and then running off to some other settlement lol.
That's why it would be the beta's job to fend off the chad from fucking his wife. And if it's a community of non-chads, they will have each other's back and keep the chads out. Women who end up having kids with chad and don't have a monogamous partner will end up having to raise the baby alone and be shamed by the community, that is what would help keep them in line.
That's why it would be the beta's job to fend off the chad from fucking his wife.

Lol grasping for straws aren't we now?

Are betas doing a great job of that in times where we have eliminated the physical superiority factor with weapons like guns. No, because you are leaving out the most important factor here, your wife wants to fuck chad too. There is no "fend off", she might go looking for him lol.

And if it's a community of non-chads, they will have each other's back and keep the chads out. Women who end up having kids with chad and don't have a monogamous partner will end up having to raise the baby alone and be shamed by the community, that is what would help keep them in line.

This description is ironically starting to sound like something familiar............ what was it again........... oh yeah A SOCIETY.
You are misusing the word INDOCTRINATED, you are coping hardcore and sound like one of those tradcons that speak of feminism like it "poisoned" women and they were these perfect little daises before big old bad feminism stepped into the picture lol. Reality is they were miserable, they were only "good" because we FORCED THEM TO BE, the women we see today IS WHAT WOMEN REALLY ARE IN THEIR NATURAL STATE WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL OR SOCIAL BARRINGS TO HOLD THEM BACK.

I always use this analogy when I'm arguing against this bullshit, which I have argued against many times.

Imagine you and you wife are home, I walk into the living room after you leave to get something to eat, I walk up to her, I place a loaded gun next to her on the table and tell her "you know you can shoot him with this right, I mean if you want to and it benefits you", if when I leave and you come back she shoots and kills you, who is to blame?

A. Me
B. Your wife

The next answer will determine if you are coping buffoon.

The answer is obvious though, feminism is the gun, I am <insert X group that did made the offer e.g. Jews, illuminati, etc)

I merely presented the gun as an option, its your wife that wanted to use it to begin with. She probably wanted to kill you anyways, she just lacked the tools to do so in a manner that suited her.

>Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God.
>Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think

How do you not see the irony of these two lines being uttered one after the other lol, cognitive dissonance at its best, read them over again slowly and see if you can get the point before I explain now:


How come that never crossed your mind when you yourself said SOCIALIZATION IS A MUCH MORE POWERFUL FORCE THAN YOU THINK. It never crossed your mind because you are coping, you can only see what you want to see, you aren't applying your logic "universally", all your concepts START where they prove your point and STOP where they start disproving your point.

I'm arguing what you are arguing, just the reverse, you are arguing that women wanting to be degenerate and endlessly fuck chad with no responsibilities or accountability isn't the norm but rather socialization, I'm arguing that women doing what they do today is actually the norm and what they did in the past was socialization and lack of choice.

What you are arguing is downright retarded since in the animal kingdom THAT IS THE NORM, females get fucked by chad, the dominant physically superior male, who gets to breed with a large amount of females, and news flash, all animals ever do is eat, sleep and fuck all day. MONOGAMY ISN'T A NORM IN NATURE, ITS ABNORMAL, you are COPING HARDCORE, do you realize how retarded it sounds to argue that degeneracy isn't "natural" WHEN EVERY OTHER ANIMAL ON THE PLANET IS DEGENERATE lol. Do you even know the meaning of the word "natural" (go google it).
No what I'm saying is that BOTH are socialization and there is no "natural state". Females who slutted around during primal times, if you wanna call that "natural", were putting themselves at a massive risk of pregnancy and death as a result of it. It's certainly not a natural reproductive strategy.

This empowered slut shit is a direct effect of feminist brainwashing from the nihilistic degenerates in charge and most certainly not natural. But at the same time females do it and they do it because they think it'll make them happy right? They're hedonists, they seek only pleasure. What has been shown however is that it doesn't, it causes destruction of the soul and of society as a whole. Females need to be socialized properly and when they are they start valuing different things. They don't have everyone constantly telling them to he whores and they are happier as a result of that. This is very clear when you look at the depression numbers in sexually free countries versus patriarchal ones and even just by observing and engaging with the females there. They even slut shame each other and keep each other in check.
Females who slutted around during primal times, if you wanna call that "natural", were putting themselves at a massive risk of pregnancy and death as a result of it. It's certainly not a natural reproductive strategy.

Can you not get something as simple as word definitions (English must not be your first language), stop conflating natural with "safe" or "optimal" or "beneficial" or "viable", they have fucking nothing to do with each other. Female black widow spiders eat the males after copulating, same with praying mantises, THAT IS NATURAL FOR THEM BUT IT IS NOT "OPTIMAL" AS A MATING STRATEGY BECAUSE SAID MALE COULD HAVE REPRODUCED AGAIN INSTEAD OF WASTING QUALITY GENETICS.

Conflate - "combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one."
Natural - "in accordance with the nature of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something."
Optimal - "best or most favorable"

You are conflating "natural" with "optimal", something doesn't have to be optimal, beneficial, viable, etc for it to be natural, natural JUST MEANS IT NATURALLY OCCURS, THAT'S IT.

Those women putting themselves at risk wasn't safe, may not have been optimal, BUT IT WAS NATURAL. As natural as a male black widow or a male praying mantis trying to copulate knowing full well it risks being devoured afterwards.

Feminism didn't brainwash women, they were always terrible people, they were always sluts, WE JUST FORCED THEM TO BE GOOD AND ONLY RECENTLY STOPPED DOING SO.
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better than most posts on that sub but still slightly bluepilled
Can you not get something as simple as word definitions (English must not be your first language), stop conflating natural with "safe" or "optimal" or "beneficial" or "viable", they have fucking nothing to do with each other. Female black widow spiders eat the males after copulating, same with praying mantises, THAT IS NATURAL FOR THEM BUT IT IS NOT "OPTIMAL" AS A MATING STRATEGY BECAUSE SAID MALE COULD HAVE REPRODUCED AGAIN INSTEAD OF WASTING QUALITY GENETICS.

Conflate - "combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one."
Natural - "in accordance with the nature of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something."
Optimal - "best or most favorable"

You are conflating "natural" with "optimal", something doesn't have to be optimal, beneficial, viable, etc for it to be natural, natural JUST MEANS IT NATURALLY OCCURS, THAT'S IT.

Those women putting themselves at risk wasn't safe, may not have been optimal, BUT IT WAS NATURAL. As natural as a male black widow or a male praying mantis trying to copulate knowing full well it risks being devoured afterwards.

Feminism didn't brainwash women, they were always terrible people, they were always sluts, WE JUST FORCED THEM TO BE GOOD AND ONLY RECENTLY STOPPED DOING SO.
quit being a condescending faggot. When it comes to evolutionary success and survival, acting like a dumb slut who will die along with her child is not the type of behavior that will lead to prosperity. It was literally fucking IMPOSSIBLE for females to be sluts back then. Females ruin societies yes, but only if you give them rights. They can live under patriarchy, barely know what sexual freedom is and still be happy and useful members of civilization. Just fucking look at the state of females today, part of the empowered slut ideology is not having kids and millennial whores are the least interested in having kids out of generation ever. If pre-patriarchal societies had the same ideology the human race would've died out a long time ago.
quit being a condescending faggot. When it comes to evolutionary success and survival, acting like a dumb slut who will die along with her child is not the type of behavior that will lead to prosperity.

Again retard optimal =/= natural (optimal does not equate to natural), whether their actions led to properity or not has nothing to do with it being natural

It was literally fucking IMPOSSIBLE for females to be sluts back then. Females ruin societies yes, but only if you give them rights. They can live under patriarchy, barely know what sexual freedom is and still be happy and useful members of civilization.

Exactly my point you retard lol, when you remove all social barrings and physical restrictions, THAT IS WHEN YOU CAN OBSERVE THE TRUE BEHAVIOR OF AN ANIMAL. This is how women naturally are, when they don't really have to depend on men for access to resources or for security this is how they act, this is truly what women are. Do you know how retarded you sound - "when I put a gun to a persons head and ask for their money they comply, see, its what they wanted, they were happy doing so, they were useful to me" Lol what, no shit people comply when you give them an ultimatum where the negatives exceed the positives if they side against your will.

I think you are confusing "natural state" with "natural behavior", women in their "natural state" would not really be slutting it up, but that's because in their natural state they have no choice but to obey men's rules. I'm assessing their natural behavior, uninhibited by any social or physical barrings, that's what I mean by natural, its who they ACTUALLY ARE. and not WHO THEY ARE FORCED/COERCED TO BE.

They are more happy today than they were decades ago, to argue aagainst that fact is a cope, a lie, they weren't more happy staying home, raising children, getting mediocre sex, settling for non-chads, they weren't happy.
Again retard optimal =/= natural (optimal does not equate to natural), whether their actions led to properity or not has nothing to do with it being natural

Exactly my point you retard lol, when you remove all social barrings and physical restrictions, THAT IS WHEN YOU CAN OBSERVE THE TRUE BEHAVIOR OF AN ANIMAL. This is how women naturally are, when they don't really have to depend on men for access to resources or for security this is how they act, this is truly what women are. Do you know how retarded you sound - "when I put a gun to a persons head and ask for their money they comply, see, its what they wanted, they were happy doing so, they were useful to me" Lol what, no shit people comply when you give them an ultimatum where the negatives exceed the positives if they side against your will.

I think you are confusing "natural state" with "natural behavior", women in their "natural state" would not really be slutting it up, but that's because in their natural state they have no choice but to obey men's rules. I'm assessing their natural behavior, uninhibited by any social or physical barrings, that's what I mean by natural, its who they ACTUALLY ARE. and not WHO THEY ARE FORCED/COERCED TO BE.

They are more happy today than they were decades ago, to argue aagainst that fact is a cope, a lie, they weren't more happy staying home, raising children, getting mediocre sex, settling for non-chads, they weren't happy.
Your defintion of "natural" is completely retarded. Uninhibited by physical barrings? Is that a fucking joke? A bird born in a closed off tunnel would never be able to fly either, that doesn't mean birds naturally behave that way. Stop coping so fucking hard and realize socialization matters and no result of that socialization is more "natural" than the other.
Again retard optimal =/= natural (optimal does not equate to natural), whether their actions led to properity or not has nothing to do with it being natural

Exactly my point you retard lol, when you remove all social barrings and physical restrictions, THAT IS WHEN YOU CAN OBSERVE THE TRUE BEHAVIOR OF AN ANIMAL. This is how women naturally are, when they don't really have to depend on men for access to resources or for security this is how they act, this is truly what women are. Do you know how retarded you sound - "when I put a gun to a persons head and ask for their money they comply, see, its what they wanted, they were happy doing so, they were useful to me" Lol what, no shit people comply when you give them an ultimatum where the negatives exceed the positives if they side against your will.

I think you are confusing "natural state" with "natural behavior", women in their "natural state" would not really be slutting it up, but that's because in their natural state they have no choice but to obey men's rules. I'm assessing their natural behavior, uninhibited by any social or physical barrings, that's what I mean by natural, its who they ACTUALLY ARE. and not WHO THEY ARE FORCED/COERCED TO BE.

They are more happy today than they were decades ago, to argue aagainst that fact is a cope, a lie, they weren't more happy staying home, raising children, getting mediocre sex, settling for non-chads, they weren't happy.
What are you talking about, retard. Women are still completely dependent on men to uphold this society, it's just accomodoting to women above all else. Men are actively providing this luxurious and priviledged life for women. This is still a structured society, just one that is gynocentric and on the brink of collapse because of it. Feminism proves that they are more unhappy than ever. STFU your bluepill trash.
society is never going back, females aren't ever going to give up the validation they can get instantly online from hundreds of men, female hypergamy is the future.

as they say "it's over"
Moving the goal post,t he argument is about what is "natural", not about what is "best"
Again, see parental investment theory. Females maximize their reproductive success by being selective, NOT by fucking as many men as possible. Promiscuity was never a viable mating strategy for women due to the costs associated with it (i.e. pregnancy, risk of disease, caring for offspring alone, etc). Women and children were always dependent on men for protection and resources. So monogamy is natural, in the short-term at least. I think you're failing to consider what the sexual market would be like in the absence of birth control and laws.

I think you are confusing "natural state" with "natural behavior", women in their "natural state" would not really be slutting it up, but that's because in their natural state they have no choice but to obey men's rules. I'm assessing their natural behavior, uninhibited by any social or physical barrings, that's what I mean by natural, its who they ACTUALLY ARE. and not WHO THEY ARE FORCED/COERCED TO BE.
Now you're grasping at straws.
You are misusing the word INDOCTRINATED, you are coping hardcore and sound like one of those tradcons that speak of feminism like it "poisoned" women and they were these perfect little daises before big old bad feminism stepped into the picture lol. Reality is they were miserable, they were only "good" because we FORCED THEM TO BE, the women we see today IS WHAT WOMEN REALLY ARE IN THEIR NATURAL STATE WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL OR SOCIAL BARRINGS TO HOLD THEM BACK.

I always use this analogy when I'm arguing against this bullshit, which I have argued against many times.

Imagine you and you wife are home, I walk into the living room after you leave to get something to eat, I walk up to her, I place a loaded gun next to her on the table and tell her "you know you can shoot him with this right, I mean if you want to and it benefits you", if when I leave and you come back she shoots and kills you, who is to blame?

A. Me
B. Your wife

The next answer will determine if you are coping buffoon.

The answer is obvious though, feminism is the gun, I am <insert X group that did made the offer e.g. Jews, illuminati, etc)

I merely presented the gun as an option, its your wife that wanted to use it to begin with. She probably wanted to kill you anyways, she just lacked the tools to do so in a manner that suited her.

>Females in the past were not indoctrinated with feminist bullshit and genuinely valued other things like having children, taking care of the house and serving God.
>Socialization is a much more powerful force than you think

How do you not see the irony of these two lines being uttered one after the other lol, cognitive dissonance at its best, read them over again slowly and see if you can get the point before I explain now:


How come that never crossed your mind when you yourself said SOCIALIZATION IS A MUCH MORE POWERFUL FORCE THAN YOU THINK. It never crossed your mind because you are coping, you can only see what you want to see, you aren't applying your logic "universally", all your concepts START where they prove your point and STOP where they start disproving your point.

I'm arguing what you are arguing, just the reverse, you are arguing that women wanting to be degenerate and endlessly fuck chad with no responsibilities or accountability isn't the norm but rather socialization, I'm arguing that women doing what they do today is actually the norm and what they did in the past was socialization and lack of choice.

What you are arguing is downright retarded since in the animal kingdom THAT IS THE NORM, females get fucked by chad, the dominant physically superior male, who gets to breed with a large amount of females, and news flash, all animals ever do is eat, sleep and fuck all day. MONOGAMY ISN'T A NORM IN NATURE, ITS ABNORMAL, you are COPING HARDCORE, do you realize how retarded it sounds to argue that degeneracy isn't "natural" WHEN EVERY OTHER ANIMAL ON THE PLANET IS DEGENERATE lol. Do you even know the meaning of the word "natural" (go google it).

You're one of the best users on this site, and I appreciate most of the blackpilled posts you make. However, it's fallacious to claim that humans are inherently degenerate just because their more primitive animal counterparts operate according to their instinctual urges. We humans have the capacity to inhibit our behaviors and rationalize the consequences of our actions. In this way, we can easily determine that "degenerate" human behavior (promiscuity, irreverence for virtue, hedonism, etc.) are antithetical and detrimental to civilization. Sure, we can regress to more archaic and brutal organization of society, but at what cost? I'd argue everything that makes life worth living in contemporary times is a result of civilizational attainment.

Besides, we're on the verge (~25-75 years) of realizing eugenic human engineering and negligible cellular senescence (effective immortality). We just need the West to survive in the meantime, but it's looking bleak frankly.
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Again, see parental investment theory. Females maximize their reproductive success by being selective, NOT by fucking as many men as possible. Promiscuity was never a viable mating strategy for women due to the costs associated with it (i.e. pregnancy, risk of disease, caring for offspring alone, etc). Women and children were always dependent on men for protection and resources. So monogamy is natural, in the short-term at least. I think you're failing to consider what the sexual market would be like in the absence of birth control and laws.

Now you're grasping at straws.
Great post.
anti-degen is probably the longest and saddest of copes

even sadder than no-fap or ethno-nationalism

Lol grasping for straws aren't we now?

Are betas doing a great job of that in times where we have eliminated the physical superiority factor with weapons like guns. No, because you are leaving out the most important factor here, your wife wants to fuck chad too. There is no "fend off", she might go looking for him lol.

This description is ironically starting to sound like something familiar............ what was it again........... oh yeah A SOCIETY.
But the difference is the wife will have social pressures to remain loyal, and if she gets caught screwing chads she will be punished. It's a lot better than the system we have in place now at least.

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