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Brutal The only acceptable life as a male is being tall and western european or west african



May 10, 2023
If you are born as a male the only two options that offer any dignity are being 6' and western european or 6' and western african origin.
These are also the two predominant groups of males in the US (African Americans come from West Africa) and it's why it's the most mogger country in the world.
Together they have the best genetics on earth, with white men being better in intelligence on average and western african being better than any other set of males in terms of fitness, strength and athletics.
The winner of the 100m dash at the Olympics will always be a western african male. (Usain Bolt is from Jamaica which is made of slaves from Western Africa).
The best technological achievements always come from nordic white men, such as Niel Armstrong being the first man on the moon and Julius Edgar Lilienfeld coming up with the theory for the transistor.

Even if you are a curry Chad or rice Chad or latino Chad you will still get mogged by HTNs of these races.
Further water is wet proof, white women only fuck these two groups.
If you're not born into those two categories it's ovER for you.
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Together they have the best genetics on earth, with white men being better in intelligence

In all this, you are excluding the fact that a good part of intelligence is enhanced by environmental factors where, at the genetic level, there are no genes exclusively related to intelligence in any of its facets. Comparing the average intelligence of a population like Finland with that of, for example, Mauritania is due in most cases to nutrition and material resources for the development of the intellectual capacities of offspring. Thus, the countries of the Asian Far East are precisely the most intelligent as an average population.
The best technological achievements always come from nordic white men, such as Niel Armstrong being the first man on the moon and Julius Edgar Lilienfeld coming up with the theory for the transistor.
This has no empirical basis and is statistically false. Niel Armstrong was the first man on the moon, but Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. This is irrelevant to intelligence but to the technical capabilities of the entire scientific compound to have these technological feats. Thus, it was the Soviets who first got into space, both with animals and through the creation and launch of satellites.

Talking about technological development by whites is practically assuming that the rest of the countries and ethnic groups competed on equal terms, and the truth is that white military dominance has only recently been reduced, allowing other nations and ethnic groups to shine. Moreover, it would be absurd to think that white has given rise to technological development when, precisely, the greatest achievements of humanity have been catalyzed by talented ethnics in favorable environments, something that Americans have always understood and favorably exploited.
Even if you are a curry Chad or rice Chad or latino Chad you will still get mogged by HTNs of these races.
Would this HTN:


Mog this Curry chad:


Not even in your fucking dreams.
Brutal. I agree with you but you should add scandinavian people in consideration.
In all this, you are excluding the fact that a good part of intelligence is enhanced by environmental factors where, at the genetic level, there are no genes exclusively related to intelligence in any of its facets. Comparing the average intelligence of a population like Finland with that of, for example, Mauritania is due in most cases to nutrition and material resources for the development of the intellectual capacities of offspring. Thus, the countries of the Asian Far East are precisely the most intelligent as an average population.
Massive cope. Even in countries that have abundant nutrition and resources like the United States certain groups always perform better than others. Particularly whites and asians score better than blacks in the US. This is due to genetics. The reason why white people as a group perform better than east asians and south asians despite a slightly lower IQ is due to their higher levels of testosterone. This prizes risk-taking and out-of-the-box thinking. Asians in the US complain about the "Bamboo Ceiling" precisely because of this. They are rarely promoted into management.

This has no empirical basis and is statistically false. Niel Armstrong was the first man on the moon, but Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. This is irrelevant to intelligence but to the technical capabilities of the entire scientific compound to have these technological feats. Thus, it was the Soviets who first got into space, both with animals and through the creation and launch of satellites.
The Russians were first in space because they started before the Americans look at history properly. The Americans were taken aback by Sputnik; they didn't even have a space program when the russians launched their satellite. Due to their superior genetics they were able to start from scratch and surpass the Russians quickly by putting a man on the moon in 8 years, something the soviets never once successfully accomplished. Also europe has been mogging the world since the Roman empire, with just a slight recession during the middle ages.

Would this HTN:


Mog this Curry chad:


Not even in your fucking dreams.

I can guarantee you that a white foid will choose the white HTN 99% of the time over the curry Chad. He still looks curry which is a massive failo.
Massive cope. Even in countries that have abundant nutrition and resources like the United States certain groups always perform better than others. Particularly whites and asians score better than blacks in the US. This is due to genetics. The reason why white people as a group perform better than east asians and south asians despite a slightly lower IQ is due to their higher levels of testosterone. This prizes risk-taking and out-of-the-box thinking. Asians in the US complain about the "Bamboo Ceiling" precisely because of this. They are rarely promoted into management.
You are who are coping in disgusting amount of fallacies and lack of statistical knowledge.
Intelligence is challenging to study, in part because it can be defined and measured in different ways. Most definitions of intelligence include the ability to learn from experiences and adapt to changing environments. Elements of intelligence include the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, and understand complex ideas. Many studies rely on a measure of intelligence called the intelligence quotient (IQ).

Researchers have conducted many studies to look for genes that influence intelligence. Many of these studies have focused on similarities and differences in IQ within families, particularly looking at adopted children and twins. Other studies have examined variations across the entire genomes of many people (an approach called genome-wide association studies or GWAS) to determine whether any specific areas of the genome are associated with IQ. Studies have not conclusively identified any genes that have major roles in differences in intelligence. It is likely that a large number of genes are involved, each of which makes only a small contribution to a person’s intelligence. Other areas that contribute to intelligence, such as memory and verbal ability, involve additional genetic factors.

Intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment. During a child's development, factors that contribute to intelligence include their home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and healthcare and nutrition. A person’s environment and genes influence each other, and it can be challenging to tease apart the effects of the environment from those of genetics
. For example, if a person's level of intelligence is similar to that of their parents, is that similarity due to genetic factors passed down from parent to child, to shared environmental factors, or (most likely) to a combination of both? It is clear that both environmental and genetic factors play a part in determining intelligence.

The fact that you first compare blacks to whites internationally and then want to focus on the United States to continue with the fallacy that environment does not influence anything is simply absurd.

The headline-making chart in Charles Murray’s Facing Reality (Encounter, 2021) is the non-euphemistic layout of estimated IQ by race: Asian American 108, white non-Hispanic 103, Latino 94, African American 91.

What is the educational progression of these subjects? What are the material conditions? How many blacks in the last century in the United States had the same ability to study in the face of the gradual exodus of blacks from the countryside to the cities? Who are the majority of Latinos who immigrate to the United States and under what material conditions before and after for their offspring?

You just spout pseudo-intellectual crap without any sources to corroborate your criticism. Not even you can ensure equality in material conditions between blacks, whites, Asians and Latinos.
Particularly whites and asians score better than blacks in the US. This is due to genetics.
Now here near. But because of the family environment, family education and material and emotional stability, among many other factors. Asian immigrants in the USA come from many countries, and are counted as such in statistics. But you, you assume that this intelligence inevitably comes from the usual eastern-asia chineseeyes folks, but that's actually false. The genetic pool is diverse in this category of "asian" at the US:


The reason why white people as a group perform better than east asians and south asians despite a slightly lower IQ is due to their higher levels of testosterone
Perfoming in what?
First you talk about intelligence as something superior in the white race and then you want to divert the conversation with which the white race performs more to fix the great bullshit you are commenting on worldwide, because it is objectively true that the most advanced populations of the Asian Far East far outnumber the American population, and the European one. Asian societies are extremely gregarious, organized, with a great tendency towards order and the institutionalization of education, with a much more moderate diet and a cognitive-intellectual development superior to any country on the planet. Including that idolized Nordic education.

Testosterone is independent of this phenomenon, moreover, endocrinological studies establish that testosterone levels are similar:

The Russians were first in space because they started before the Americans look at history properly

The Americans possessed ballistic missile and propulsion technology superior to that of the destroyed Soviet Union. The effort in aerospace research by the United States was mainly due to the American reaction to the Soviet advance, and is irrelevant to a "genetically superior white race destined to outsmart". Short of putting men on the moon, the Soviets have always been first in most achievements for which they have competed against the US.
Due to their superior genetics they were able to start from scratch and surpass the Russians quickly by putting a man on the moon in 8 years, something the soviets never once successfully accomplished

You will say that the United States imported Nazi scientists to develop its nuclear program while most of the Soviet nuclear and scientific development was given largely by the instruction of Nazi scientists, rather than their pure involvement.

Objectively, putting a man on the moon is an economic ruin. That is why neither the white man nor any other race have returned after the Apollo missions.
Also europe has been mogging the world since the Roman empire, with just a slight recession during the middle ages.

Indeed, when the rest of the planet becomes colonies to be exploited, you come to the conclusion that the rest of the planet cannot materially develop. What you call "recession" was precisely the advance of Arab technique and science, in turn influenced by Indians and Chinese, the latter, authors who have always been forgotten by the ethnocentrism so characteristic that you defend and that brought great technical, scientific and mathematical advances to Europe.

And that's just nature: fierce competition. However, you talk about the races as if they have always had the same competitive abilities, and that is ridiculously false. Only through globalization, improved access to education, better food and more stable homes, has the gap been narrowed.

Now come back with statistical data showing equal access and equal family and educational environments across races and we can continue talking about how environment is the central key to education.
Massive cope. Even in countries that have abundant nutrition and resources like the United States certain groups always perform better than others. Particularly whites and asians score better than blacks in the US. This is due to genetics. The reason why white people as a group perform better than east asians and south asians despite a slightly lower IQ is due to their higher levels of testosterone. This prizes risk-taking and out-of-the-box thinking. Asians in the US complain about the "Bamboo Ceiling" precisely because of this. They are rarely promoted into management.

The Russians were first in space because they started before the Americans look at history properly. The Americans were taken aback by Sputnik; they didn't even have a space program when the russians launched their satellite. Due to their superior genetics they were able to start from scratch and surpass the Russians quickly by putting a man on the moon in 8 years, something the soviets never once successfully accomplished. Also europe has been mogging the world since the Roman empire, with just a slight recession during the middle ages.

I can guarantee you that a white foid will choose the white HTN 99% of the time over the curry Chad. He still looks curry which is a massive failo.
lmfao funny how u ethnics obsess over white females and only consider them
That makes you just as bad as noodles. You are both white worshippers.
I resent white chads as much as I resent Changs and Tyrones. The only ones worshipping them are the noodlewhores and their simps.
IQ is obviously linked to race but looking at history only, without statistical analysis is pretty dumb. The most advanced ancient civilizations were actually Meds and Middle East. You also have cases like the descendants of the Roman's wanting to burn down the Parthenon because they thought it was built by Aliens (they had a major cultural regression with the dark ages and couldn't understand their own technology). Ditto for Mayans and Aztecs who were at a technological low-point when they were discovered (they couldn't explain how they built some of their own pyramids). Basically history shows that a high-IQ race can still hit a low-point due to degenerate culture. Another example; I doubt the modern US can put a man on the moon any more.
If you are born as a male the only two options that offer any dignity are being 6' and western european or 6' and western african origin.
These are also the two predominant groups of males in the US (African Americans come from West Africa) and it's why it's the most mogger country in the world.
Together they have the best genetics on earth, with white men being better in intelligence on average and western african being better than any other set of males in terms of fitness, strength and athletics.
The winner of the 100m dash at the Olympics will always be a western african male. (Usain Bolt is from Jamaica which is made of slaves from Western Africa).
The best technological achievements always come from nordic white men, such as Niel Armstrong being the first man on the moon and Julius Edgar Lilienfeld coming up with the theory for the transistor.

Even if you are a curry Chad or rice Chad or latino Chad you will still get mogged by HTNs of these races.
Further water is wet proof, white women only fuck these two groups.
If you're not born into those two categories it's ovER for you.
East Africans are better looking than Bantus.
If you are born as a male the only two options that offer any dignity are being 6' and western european or 6' and western african origin.
These are also the two predominant groups of males in the US (African Americans come from West Africa) and it's why it's the most mogger country in the world.
Together they have the best genetics on earth, with white men being better in intelligence on average and western african being better than any other set of males in terms of fitness, strength and athletics.
The winner of the 100m dash at the Olympics will always be a western african male. (Usain Bolt is from Jamaica which is made of slaves from Western Africa).
The best technological achievements always come from nordic white men, such as Niel Armstrong being the first man on the moon and Julius Edgar Lilienfeld coming up with the theory for the transistor.

Even if you are a curry Chad or rice Chad or latino Chad you will still get mogged by HTNs of these races.
Further water is wet proof, white women only fuck these two groups.
If you're not born into those two categories it's ovER for you.
There is no conclusive evidence that the USA went to the moon. Absolute none, nothing.

They cant even go to the moon today except with small space rovers if at all. No space shuttle carrying humans has ever been to the moon

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