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Experiment The Nazis cures homosexuality by forcing them to fuck prisoners of opposite sex



Nov 24, 2017
They were ahead of time.

Nazi experiments
See also: Sexual orientation change efforts and Nazi human experimentation

The Nazi policies on homosexuals were largely driven by Himmler's disdain for homosexuality, which he believed was a menace to the German national reproductive capacities.[27] He also loathed the unmasculine and oppositional traits of homosexuals so that he sought its cure through initiatives that started in 1937 after Himmler's speech to the Reich Committee for Population and Racial Policy.[27] His rationale was that human experimentation was permissible if it was for the benefit of the state.[28]

Dachau[29] and Buchenwald[18] were the principal centers of human experimentation on homosexuals by Nazi doctors, who sought to find a "medical cure" for homosexuality, among other endeavors. At Buchenwald, Danish doctor Carl Værnet conducted hormonal experiments on gay men on the personal authority of Himmler.[30] He was awarded 1,500 German marks monthly from the SS funds to test his "cure", which involved incisions in the subject's groin where an artificial male sexual gland was implanted.[27] This was a metal tube that released testosterone over a prolonged period, as the doctor believed that a lack of testosterone was the cause of homosexuality. Although some of the men claimed to have become heterosexual, the results are largely unreliable as many are assumed to have stated they were "cured" in order to be released from the camp. Those who did not show improvement were determined to be "chronic" or "incurable" homosexuals.[31][32] At least seventeen prisoners were used for Værnet's research, which also involved criminal and heterosexual participants.[27] Twelve gay men were subjected to the hormonal experiment and two of these men died due to infections.[30]

The Third Reich forced Jewish women and lesbians to perform sex acts with men at German camp brothels in World War II. Heinrich Himmler ordered that pink triangles be forced to perform sex acts on female sex slaves. [33] Homosexuals were ordered to perform these acts once a week as conversion therapy.[34] The therapy also included humiliation through beatings and ridicule as well as the policy of segregating homosexuals from other prisoners, which was also implemented out of the belief that homosexuality can be spread to other inmates and guards.[1]

Other experiments included attempts to create immunization from typhus fever,[18] led by Erwin Ding-Schuler,[35] and castration.[36] The typhus experiments resulted with inoculations that made the Matelska strain of typhus rickettsia avirulent to patients.[37] One of these experiments was halted when it was determined that lice was a threat to the camp's health.[27] Another experiment that used homosexuals involved placing the subjects under sun lamps that were so hot they burned the skin. A homosexual victim was said to have been repeatedly cooled to unconsciousness then revived with lamps until he was pouring sweat.[38]

Although there are no exact statistics regarding these experiments, it is recognized that they have caused illness, mutilation, and deaths[39] while yielding no scientific knowledge.[1]
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the question's been asked before but it bears repeating, what were they wrong about?
Just act like you're gay theory
So the only way to have your sex assistants payed by the state is to become gay?

I’m incel, now even faggots had more heterosexual sex than me? This is unfair.
Huh? Of course, the gays were going to pretend to be heterosexual in order to be freed from the camps. It's hardly a controlled, scientific experiment. You can't cure faggotry, and I really don't give a shit about them.

Just act like you're gay theory

Eh...but no. Who do you think the Nazis used as female sex slaves? 6ft, blonde Aryan Stacy? Ofc not. Probably some 3/10 Slavic Becky. I'd rather remain a free man and jack off at home. But YMMV.
Lol i'd honestly just LARP as a faggot in order to ascend tbh. Unless of course if i had to fuck my 3/10 subhuman looksmatched foid, in which case id rather just remain a virg.
So the only way to have your sex assistants payed by the state is to become gay?

I’m incel, now even faggots had more heterosexual sex than me? This is unfair.
Now you have cucks openly suggesting that people engage in such degeneracy.

If they talk about Chad so much why don't they just fuck him?


Why don't those straight men just have sex with one another!?

Times have changed and I'd rather go back.
Now you have cucks openly suggesting that people engage in such degeneracy.
The only cuckery is letting your state impose upon you. So you have to LARP as a gay man to fuck as much free state-payed sex assistants as you can to cuck taxpayers.

In an environment where faggots are condemned, women are usually even more pedistalized.

The true cuckery is enabling women to the point where you want to punish people who are not women worshippers like you.

Faggottry is bad for several reasons. As a public debate, it’s distracting people from real issues, economic and political issues are hidden because everyone now is talking about an irrelevant thing like faggottry.

Well, gays are just people who will not care if a woman will reject them and will not enable women’s behavior, historically they were all right-wing males and truthtellers. The fascist man is a gay man.

In my opinion, it’s a nonsense to fight agains a potential ally.

Yes, some gays are leftists, but the highIQ ones are fascists.
Did they atleast picked not ugly kikies for that? :/
wish i was gay ngl
Himmler is my favourite NSDAP member, of course he was behind something this based. I also believe that a lack of testosterone is the primary factor behind homosexuality. It can't be a coincidence that the majority of faggots all have high voices and behave in such feminine manner.
Just be gay in Nazi Germany bro
JFL if you're not pink trianglemaxxing in 1944
There was a similar experiment but I've totally forgotton who by..the gist was that gay men were "re-wired" into heterosexuality via pleasurable operant conditioning. For those that dont know, this is basically pavlovs dog - you associate something with a positive or negative stimulus, so every time you are exposed to it, it produces a positive or negative response.

He was a psychologist or something and I think he basically got some gay patients, hired a prostitute, and then gave them drugs or somehow elicited positive stimuli in them, gradually at first. Eventually at least one patient was able to have full intercourse with a female prostitute with zero external influence or stimulation required.

The idea and results are interesting, because its kind of the opposite of how many men become gay in the first place - molestation or sexual predation by an older gay man. Child molestion is RIFE in the gay community, but no-one talks about it. Most gay men will admit to have being molested by an older man whilst quite young - many write this off as "Well they were already gay". But young childrens brains are still developing and are still very pliable and plastic, when a boy is molested by a gay man as long as its not violent painful rape it can create permanent neurological re-wiring that associates sex and pleasure with homosexual contact.
I've also seen multiple posts on the internet about women having sex with their "gay" male friends.
TBH i think some fags are just closet straights (not sure why they would do that)
And this definitely proves that some fags are also choosing to fuck men, and not born gay

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