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JFL The most rediculous redpill cope I've ever heard



♠ Wizard ♥ NEET ♦ Belarus ♣
Apr 19, 2019
We all know the most common retarded :redpill: copes:
  • The Wall - In reality you will rot and queen will smash till the end. The ONLY inconvenience is that chad wouldn't commit;
  • NAWALT - Looking for unicorns and trad-women which are just different sorts of pick-mes;
  • I have to go my way - You were sent your way... bud and can't shut up about it;
  • Making a lot of money by living on your own - Just for outliers. In reality tall chads and stacys get money and jobs with no effort regardless, but more often, contrary to their actual skills;
  • I will pump and dump just like that "semiboomer" on YouTube said! :feelsautistic: - In reality :chad: only.

But there is one to rule them all ️. You don't find it in YouTube videos of "snake oil traders", but nevertheless it is common on the Internet in general.
Are you ready? Inventing nonexistent dominance hierarchy classes. Never heard? I'll explain.

You see, in human society there are only 3 (three) classes of males: alpha who fuxx, beta who buxx and omega who is bullied. We are much like wolves and apes in this regard. Of course, majority of males are betas and minority are chads and losers like us. Because nature doesn't need to have a lot of the best males and you can't be outcast by being the majority, duh.

However, ego of modern male so fragile, he would DENY he is beta. In the same time he can't be so delusional to think he is actually alpha. So he dreams that he is something different in the best traditions of young adult fantasy novels. And invent such some new ridiculous definitions like "sigma male". J. F. L.

Don't believe me? Try to search "Sigma male" or "Co-alpha male" on the Internet.

You are all betas, my dear COPE-alphas.

Photo 2019 11 28 15 40 59
i hate mgtow and redpillers
However, ego of modern male so fragile, he would DENY he is beta. In the same time he can't be so delusional to think he is actually alpha.
Legit if we were in nature the alpha male would show him, with violence, that he's inferior.

sigma male = introverted Chadlite or Chad
beta male = sub-Chadlite introverted male
Very high IQ and the dogpill in the end, OP.
let me cope by imagining myself as sigma
The only life fuel I get out of this is knowing that post wall roasties have been used and abused by chad, and now can never get one to commit.

Also, JFL @ sigma male.
JFL at BrazilianSigma calling himself a sigma. He is an ugly permavirgin who enjoys bullying fellow incels 24/7. Literally has no life.

If you are reading this sigma, kill yourself.
You see, in human society there are only 3 (three) classes of males: alpha who fuxx, beta who buxx and omega who is bullied. We are much like wolves and apes in this regard. Of course, majority of males are betas and minority are chads and losers like us. Because nature doesn't need to have a lot of the best males and you can't be outcast by being the majority, duh.

Oh for fucks sake I thought that at least this forum is free of people repeating stupid bullshit that everybody believes but it's totally not true. There are no fucking alpha or alpha wolves, wolf pack work totally different

"However, Mech explains, his studies of wild wolves have found that wolves live in families: two parents along with their younger cubs. Wolves do not have an innate sense of rank; they are not born leaders or born followers. The "alphas" are simply what we would call in any other social group "parents." The offspring follow the parents as naturally as they would in any other species. No one has "won" a role as leader of the pack; the parents may assert dominance over the offspring by virtue of being the parents. "

"Wolves (and other animals, including humans), display social dominance, he notes; it just isn't always easy to boil dominant behavior down to simple explanations. Dominant behavior and dominance relationships can be highly situational, and can vary greatly from individual to individual even within the same species. "

There is no alpha, beta, omega shit, not in wolfs packs and for sure not in human society that is a little bit more complicated. Who the fuck is alpha btw? Is Zuckerberg or Gates a fucking alpha because they have enourmous level of power? Or is alpha a tall handsome guy that is fucking autistic and unemployed but every young girl want to take his cock in their mouth because he is 10/10 in looks?
And the fuck with this motion of 'best males', best in fucking what? Looking pretty? Oh yeah that's so important for human society, civilization or even when it comes to genes. We are fucked, because our parents and grandparents destroyed monogamy and social norms + technology gave opportunity to women to find mates not in her vicinity but in whole city/province/country. You have good looking men hoarding women, fucking them and not marrying them, and tons of single mothers who parasite on money that men have to pay to government. Those men are not better, they are just more handsome. And taller. Oh yeah, height is so fucking good right? Sure, to a certain degree. But if all humans were 2 m tall, average lifespan would be fucking 50 years old because those tall fuckers are not how human being should look like. Women are not gods, they are more stupid that average man, and average man is not really that bright. Sexual selection is not in any way perfect, we can see that in humans but in different species too. Females to an extreme will select for one or two characteristics that will in the end harm species. For an example if big head would be seen as attractive to females, with free sexual selection we would end with species that can't reproduce because baby head is too big to go through vagina.
And btw I would never called myself alpha, that's for sure, I'm an incel because I'm ugly that's fucking all. But I would not call myself an alpha because that doesn't exists, just as beta, omega, sigma or whatever some 13-years old autistic kid invented. It is you who is coping, if you are NEET in fucking Belarusia. Not doing anything because you are ugly.
I would expect that for westerner, but Slav believing in this alpha/beta/whatever shit?
What I find hilarious about the redpill is how they consider themselves alpha males because they act tough and go to the gym. But in reality, most people probably just see them as that manlet with a chip on his shoulder.

NEWSFLASH FOR REDPILLERS: ALPHA - Chad who arouses women with his genetics

If you are born with weak genetics, you will always be beta.
Oh for fucks sake I thought that at least this forum is free of people repeating stupid bullshit that everybody believes but it's totally not true. There are no fucking alpha or alpha wolves, wolf pack work totally different

"However, Mech explains, his studies of wild wolves have found that wolves live in families: two parents along with their younger cubs. Wolves do not have an innate sense of rank; they are not born leaders or born followers. The "alphas" are simply what we would call in any other social group "parents." The offspring follow the parents as naturally as they would in any other species. No one has "won" a role as leader of the pack; the parents may assert dominance over the offspring by virtue of being the parents. "

"Wolves (and other animals, including humans), display social dominance, he notes; it just isn't always easy to boil dominant behavior down to simple explanations. Dominant behavior and dominance relationships can be highly situational, and can vary greatly from individual to individual even within the same species. "

There is no alpha, beta, omega shit, not in wolfs packs and for sure not in human society that is a little bit more complicated. Who the fuck is alpha btw? Is Zuckerberg or Gates a fucking alpha because they have enourmous level of power? Or is alpha a tall handsome guy that is fucking autistic and unemployed but every young girl want to take his cock in their mouth because he is 10/10 in looks?
And the fuck with this motion of 'best males', best in fucking what? Looking pretty? Oh yeah that's so important for human society, civilization or even when it comes to genes. We are fucked, because our parents and grandparents destroyed monogamy and social norms + technology gave opportunity to women to find mates not in her vicinity but in whole city/province/country. You have good looking men hoarding women, fucking them and not marrying them, and tons of single mothers who parasite on money that men have to pay to government. Those men are not better, they are just more handsome. And taller. Oh yeah, height is so fucking good right? Sure, to a certain degree. But if all humans were 2 m tall, average lifespan would be fucking 50 years old because those tall fuckers are not how human being should look like. Women are not gods, they are more stupid that average man, and average man is not really that bright. Sexual selection is not in any way perfect, we can see that in humans but in different species too. Females to an extreme will select for one or two characteristics that will in the end harm species. For an example if big head would be seen as attractive to females, with free sexual selection we would end with species that can't reproduce because baby head is too big to go through vagina.
And btw I would never called myself alpha, that's for sure, I'm an incel because I'm ugly that's fucking all. But I would not call myself an alpha because that doesn't exists, just as beta, omega, sigma or whatever some 13-years old autistic kid invented. It is you who is coping, if you are NEET in fucking Belarusia. Not doing anything because you are ugly.
I would expect that for westerner, but Slav believing in this alpha/beta/whatever shit?

I was getting ready to say the same thing.
Oh for fucks sake I thought that at least this forum is free of people repeating stupid bullshit that everybody believes but it's totally not true. There are no fucking alpha or alpha wolves, wolf pack work totally different

"However, Mech explains, his studies of wild wolves have found that wolves live in families: two parents along with their younger cubs. Wolves do not have an innate sense of rank; they are not born leaders or born followers. The "alphas" are simply what we would call in any other social group "parents." The offspring follow the parents as naturally as they would in any other species. No one has "won" a role as leader of the pack; the parents may assert dominance over the offspring by virtue of being the parents. "

"Wolves (and other animals, including humans), display social dominance, he notes; it just isn't always easy to boil dominant behavior down to simple explanations. Dominant behavior and dominance relationships can be highly situational, and can vary greatly from individual to individual even within the same species. "

There is no alpha, beta, omega shit, not in wolfs packs and for sure not in human society that is a little bit more complicated. Who the fuck is alpha btw? Is Zuckerberg or Gates a fucking alpha because they have enourmous level of power? Or is alpha a tall handsome guy that is fucking autistic and unemployed but every young girl want to take his cock in their mouth because he is 10/10 in looks?
And the fuck with this motion of 'best males', best in fucking what? Looking pretty? Oh yeah that's so important for human society, civilization or even when it comes to genes. We are fucked, because our parents and grandparents destroyed monogamy and social norms + technology gave opportunity to women to find mates not in her vicinity but in whole city/province/country. You have good looking men hoarding women, fucking them and not marrying them, and tons of single mothers who parasite on money that men have to pay to government. Those men are not better, they are just more handsome. And taller. Oh yeah, height is so fucking good right? Sure, to a certain degree. But if all humans were 2 m tall, average lifespan would be fucking 50 years old because those tall fuckers are not how human being should look like. Women are not gods, they are more stupid that average man, and average man is not really that bright. Sexual selection is not in any way perfect, we can see that in humans but in different species too. Females to an extreme will select for one or two characteristics that will in the end harm species. For an example if big head would be seen as attractive to females, with free sexual selection we would end with species that can't reproduce because baby head is too big to go through vagina.
And btw I would never called myself alpha, that's for sure, I'm an incel because I'm ugly that's fucking all. But I would not call myself an alpha because that doesn't exists, just as beta, omega, sigma or whatever some 13-years old autistic kid invented. It is you who is coping, if you are NEET in fucking Belarusia. Not doing anything because you are ugly.
I would expect that for westerner, but Slav believing in this alpha/beta/whatever shit?
Damn, grey. You sound borderline redpilled. But whatever. We can discuss nature later.

Now I want to ask you why do you think I am not doing anything?
Damn, grey. You sound borderline redpilled. But whatever. We can discuss nature later.

Now I want to ask you why do you think I am not doing anything?

Maybe it was my wrong assumption, I've just read too many posts like that on english part of the Internet 'oh poor me, nature is perfect because it created those damn alphas, and nature is fucked because it created me', and depending on too much on what foids tell and do. It makes me kinda angry that people believe in that alpha/beta stupid shit, but only when I think in english. When I think in my language it makes me laugh, because it sounds autistic as fuck. Who even is alpha and who beta? Like I said is Zuckerberg an alpha? He is ugly and weak but he could shot a perfect Chad in the middle of the street in bright daylight and he would probably not spend a day in prison because he is ultra rich.
Is handsome guy like Chad an alpha just because he can fuck all the young girls? But in work he get yelled at by someone like Bill Gates(who is an ultra asshole and called people idiots, yell at them etc), and if he go to a prison he would be fucked in the ass by members of the gang who would maybe fuck all the young girls if not for the fact that 90% of their adult lifetime they spend in prison.
It's not that you can solve incel problem for good. You can't, but in the past a totally average guy could have a young wife and family, and now he is struggling and becomes an incel. Were women in the past better? No, not when it comes to biology, but yes when it comes to behavior. Smarter ones were affraid for consequences if they cheat, because that could mean even death. But hell, most of them had lower standards because THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNEW BETTER. Their husbands were more handsome for them in comparison, because all they even seen were all the other 10 young men in their village. Even if their live in city, they weren't bombarded by pictures of handsome men in tv, internet etc. And even when tv and internet were invented, those men in tv were somewhat a fantasy, not a real thing. I think most of oldcels can confirm that 90's were much, much better for average and under-average(but not total uggos or manlets) men.
If so, then it's not biology that is a problem, and even if it is, we can't really change that. Our fucked up society is a problem, and the motion of alpha/beta/omega/zigza/bazinga male is part of it.
Maybe it was my wrong assumption
It is not cool assumption. Like many other brothers I have experienced years of failures of all sorts and rejections. Now I am NEET because I can't find a job. It is not a choice it is question of survival. To imply that someone who identify as NEET is by default a stereotypical basement dweller is IT tier rhetoric. And shame on you if you think it is not connected to social isolation and brain fried due to sexual deprivation.

Is handsome guy like Chad an alpha just because he can fuck all the young girls?
Of course that is what we imply by alpha, duh. I understand that it is not adequate from biological point of view, but it is the conceptualization. Speaking human, it fits. I see you have joined the forum back in... 2018? I don't see why so common thing is questionable for you then.

Our fucked up society is a problem
Problem? Man, there is no problem for foids, cucks and chads in our society. Besides, it is our society as well as theirs. We all live in fucking society together. Excuse me, what makes you think your interests is more valuable for establishment than theirs?
Of course that is what we imply by alpha, duh. I understand that it is not adequate from biological point of view, but it is the conceptualization. Speaking human, it fits. I see you have joined the forum back in... 2018? I don't see why so common thing is questionable for you then.

So why you said that we are like wolves. Of course like I said before, we were mistaken about wolves, but let's operate on that false premise. Alpha wolf is not alpha because he is fucking all the female wolves, he is alpha, because he is dominant,, all the other wolves are below him in hierarchy. Beta is the strongest one, could overthrow alpha, but lack dominant qualities, so he picks role of alpha bodyguard, because that's how he can be second best. (BTW it's hilarious how so many are double wrong - alpha/beta/etc is false, but even if it wasn't, beta is not some weak physically and mentally sad individual but actually the strongest one, just without leadership qualities)
So if someone is attractive to females, but is weak physically and without leadership qualities how he can be considered as alpha? Even according to that silly wolf pack analogy. We already know that muscles are not important to females, there are plenty of gymcells. If you have decent height then all it matters is face really(unless you are extremelly autistic), status is nice too, but status doesn't mean power -> if you are handsome it's good, but if you are handsome and some local musician that plays guitar it's even better. But how it makes your alpha? You create this image in your head where men position in hierarchy is based only how women want's him sexually.
And why wolves? Why not dolphins? I always thought they are closer to us. Instead of bitching about some alpha/beta bullshit they form 'alliances' and gangrape female dolphins. Are the all dolphins commited in gangrape alphas? Or maybe they are betas because they had to form gang? Or maybe they are omega because they are watching anime in their spare time? Or maybe they are epsilon because after rape they feel regret?

Smallus Dickus said:
Our fucked up society is a problem
Problem? Man, there is no problem for foids, cucks and chads in our society. Besides, it is our society as well as theirs. We all live in fucking society together. Excuse me, what makes you think your interests is more valuable for establishment than theirs?

Problem because developed society will diminish without monogamy. Those 'beta males' of yours are basis of our world. They maintain infrastructure and develop new things. Young males without something to care(family) will either be aggresive(nothing to lose) or apathethic(hikkikomori in Japan for example), in the end of course society like that would crumble which sounds nice but from my perspective western values, art, history, culture is worth preserving, just not in it current state.
And also I'm selfish, isn't it's obvious that my interest is more important to me, than interests of other people?
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You can’t become alpha
The only life fuel I get out of this is knowing that post wall roasties have been used and abused by chad, and now can never get one to commit.

Also, JFL @ sigma male.
lol roasties consider being fucked and dumped by abusive chad as the highlight of their life, their reptillian brain are so outdated
in the caveman era breeding with the biggest most violent men has massive advantage, nowadays its just disastrous

while timmy the betabuxx can never be good enough for her

hell even if gigachad commits shell get bored of him soon enough..nothing could make foid truly happy
Jfl at sigma male . He is simply an incel .in denial .
So why you said that we are like wolves.
It was superficial metaphor to put all three male classes in the equation. Well, I guess I should have been more accurate with my examples... but is it really so crucial for the point of this thread?

You create this image in your head where men position in hierarchy is based only how women want him sexually.
You talk like there is a point in social hierarchy of modern humans besides sex... and halo effect doesn't affect life in the most crucial sense.
Do you skip on blackpills or something?

And also I'm selfish, isn't it's obvious that my interest is more important to me, than interests of other people?
Interests which don't matter for majority as good as nonexistent. Your belief that developed society will diminish without monogamy is sort of revenge daydream. "Developed society" doesn't equal "society were men like me are happy". Besides, in reality, different countries rise and fall due to number of factors which are byproduct of modern politics - the great rat race for power.
JFL at BrazilianSigma calling himself a sigma. He is an ugly permavirgin who enjoys bullying fellow incels 24/7. Literally has no life.

If you are reading this sigma, kill yourself.
Are IT sigma males?
redpill only works for above 6/10 males. If you're truecel (born with a disability, survived a life changing accident, had bad habits your whole life, emotional abuse, etc) it's pure cope. it may work for mentalcels
What I find hilarious about the redpill is how they consider themselves alpha males because they act tough and go to the gym. But in reality, most people probably just see them as that manlet with a chip on his shoulder.

NEWSFLASH FOR REDPILLERS: ALPHA - Chad who arouses women with his genetics

If you are born with weak genetics, you will always be beta.
Unless you super soldier serum max like Steve Rogers
Just be a Brazilian sigma theory.

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