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Venting The more I talk to women the more I hate them



Jan 26, 2022
20% Triggering Broly’s beefy and burly latent homosexual desires
I have so many bad experiences to talk about, but some are too shameful that writing about them would cause me distress.
I'll talk about the most recent woman to fuck with my emotions (never me though).

So I meet this chick through some normie friends I have. Before I go on, this is not a humblebrag, nothing in this situation is good for me.
Anyway, she actually approaches me when we're out in a group and chews my ear off. She wants to know everything about me, she's walking really close to me, doing that thing touching her hair and blushing. She fires compliments at me, and is generally showing consistent intense interest. One of the other girls seems to be really pissed off at her for doing this. I sorta roll with it, but I'm autistic so I'm a bit slow and I just carry along the conversation, making cheap jokes which she laughs at. I never saw her talk to anyone else like that, she sorta ignored other dudes in the group.
The day after, I add her on social media, she INSTANTLY comes online and messages me - thanks me for the add, another compliment, some joke about her embarrassing herself in front of me and some x's. I'm thinking this is a home run, this is my way to ascend, and damnit she's hot af too. I explain the situation to some friends, they say she's very keen. That girl who got pissed off brings it up and says she thinks the girl is obsessed with me.

We just text a bit, I drop a spergy line telling her to buy me a coffee and she declines because she doesn't like coffee, but calls me cute in the same line - I'm confused. I kinda just leave it for a bit, then something happens and we get texting again. I casually ask her to go on a hike and she says yes, we do and it's nice.

Then a few days later, I ask her if she wants to meet up for a drink, she angrily and rudely turns me down and basically tells me to fuck off. She tries to gaslight me to believe that she never was interested, denies she ever called me cute even though it's clearly visible in the chat. I ask what I did wrong but she just leaves me on read. I'm left to feel like the bad person, and if I ever brought it up in the group ofc they'd take her side, but it seems like she led me on and just wanted validation. Just another orbiter to add to her arsenal. What a horrible woman, no regard for my feelings whatsoever. Even worse, it's shaken what I had left of my confidence, like if she wasn't interested despite saying all those things, how the fuck can I gauge interest?

Can any of you saddos top this? I was reasonable to interpret what she did as interest, no? :cryfeels:
never began for mental''cels''
I wrote some fiction about this:

Our dear protagonist, Aspie John, enjoys another day during his stint in class when he encounters a new kid: Short Morena.

Short Morena is a depressed, somewhat anxious girl of about fifteen-years of age with bipolar disorder. She has mood swings, chronic migraines and a clear distaste for vain youth, much like Aspie John. He also notices her similar self-harm behaviors. They do not immediately chat, however.

After a month or so, Aspie John develops an attraction to Short Morena, since she is humble, serious and non-flirtatious, something quite different from the behavior/personality of Anxious Jane. The two participate in a gym activity with the Phys. Ed teacher, during which Short Morena grabs Aspie John's hand to help him cross the web used for the activity. He thanks her and the two receive praise from the Phys Ed. teacher for working together. In another gym activity involving sports, she offers advice to Aspie John as he struggles to push a puck with a stick due to his motor coordination problems.

Short Morena begins to greet Aspie John, which he responds to with "Hello". Days go on, and Short Morena asks Aspie John if he wishes to play a game with her, since he sits alone daily and stutters, which he declines. One day, the class prepares to go outside for a walk, which causes Short Morena to speak to Aspie John:

"Shouldn't you get your jacket, Aspie John?"

"Yes, I think I should..."

Short Morena then informs the teacher, and Aspie John gets his coat. It is, after all, a very cold day in March 2016. A day or so later, a new kid joins the class, Unkind Blondie. Unkind Blondie argues with other classroom kids over something fairly meaningless, and is sent to a new classroom as a result. After the argument, Short Morena asks Aspie John:

"Were you bothered by the class argument?"

"No, I was not"


The two enter the school lobby in preparation to leave, and Short Morena asks Aspie John, "Did you have a good day?", which he replies "Yes" to. She then says, "I see your ride outside", and Aspie John leaves.

Gradually, Aspie John becomes deeply attracted to Short Morena and finds himself heavy with anxiety at the thought of seeing her each day. He takes note of her problems as she speaks to the teacher and notes statements such as "I feel like a disgusting bipolar girl". The teachers says "She has a flat affect", which Aspie John is already aware of. He starts to envision himself chatting with her about various different things, even though it pains him since stutters and is too anxious to form a friendship with her.

Soon, Aspie John learns that Short Morena will be moving and transferring to a different school soon, which greatly saddens him. He also stays home for several days due to his encounter with Anxious Jane in the hospital waiting room. Upon returning to school, he participates in a class game with the other students, a game of Mad-Libs. That day is also Short Morena's last day of school.

As Aspie John starts to relay his answers to the class, Short Morena starts laughing happily at each answer and votes for him when the teacher asks the class which student provided the best answers, which causes him to become very jittery from anxiety yet calm.

As the two students leave class, Short Morena says "Bye, Aspie John" in a kind tone to Aspie John, which causes him to reply with a calm "Ok". He is grateful to have met her, though he knows she views him only as someone to be pitied for his illnesses.

The very next day, however:

"I think Aspie John was extremely hurt when we discussed the behavior of Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. He was covering himself up with a hoodie upon seeing her."

"He's so sensitive! Oh my goodness! They were just joking!"

"If Aspie John wanted someone more like him, why didn't he just..."

The other kids in the classroom then start whispering about it and Aspie John overhears them, filling him with shame and embarrassment. He still misses Short Morena. Days before school graduation, Aspie John overhears two teachers discussing him and Anxious Jane:

"So, Anxious Jane is graduating soon"

"When Anxious Jane realizes how difficult it will be to communicate with Aspie John, she'll be crying"

"No, I think she'll be okay. She has plenty of friends and support"

Upon hearing this, two students sitting in the front row of Aspie John, a boy and a girl, whisper and immediately afterwards say to one another:

"Hi Mulatto Boy" - To an autistic child

"Hi Mulatta Girl"

Aspie John assumes they are laughing at him, as he is already anxious and very depressed on this particular day, given he has ASD-related attachment. He has no actual intention to "reconcile" with Anxious Jane, since she has a clear preference for "high status" White males. When a teacher asks him of his opinion of his time in the classroom, he simply responds with "Ambivalent".

As Aspie John leaves his classroom for the final time, the teacher provides him with copies of each homework sheet he submitted. Aspie John is very grateful and thanks him before leaving, with slightly teary eyes not visible to the teacher.


Anthony was a White male with dark blonde hair, hazel eyes and pale skin. He was nearly 17-years of age and 5'3 in height.

Anthony was adopted into a well-off family due to circumstances unknown to Aspie John. Nevertheless, he was often depressed and often spoke of fighting with his 14-year-old sister over trivial adolescent matters, at times hitting her out of anger. Anthony expressed sorrow over the death of his adoptive father, which occurred several years prior to his entry into Special Ed.

For most of their time together in Special Ed, Anthony and Aspie John were fairly comfortable seeing one another on a daily basis. Anthony would sometimes ask Aspie John if he was okay or partner with him during class assignments(Twice; he was unable to read Aspie John's handwriting for the assignment on the second occasion).

One day, as Aspie John and Anthony were in class, the teacher referred to Aspie John's true age of 17-years of age instead of the younger age Aspie John provided to the other pupils. This upset Anthony, given he had developed slight closeness to Aspie John over the course of two months(Though it also made him feel better about his height; "I look like a little kid"; Anthony had never such things before). Anthony started to dislike Aspie John...

"Ugh, thank you..." (Anthony muttered in an annoyed tone as Aspie John stopped speaking due to his stuttering problem)

Shortly after Anthony's eventual switch to regular classes, a new boy joined Aspie John's class: Kevin

Kevin was 15-years of age, 5'8, Anglo and autistic. He was in the class for only a single day before being switched to another Special Ed classroom, but spent the day socializing with Short Morena. The two played a board game as Aspie John, who shared the table with them, focused on coloring.

Aspie John colored with a regular pencil since Short Morena was reaching over the plastic box of colored pencils to play with Kevin and our protagonist was much too anxious to ask her to move. Short Morena eventually stopped playing the game and briefly said, "I'm sorry, Aspie John...", after realizing her behavior was selfish.

The very next day, Joseph/Mulatto Boy joined A.J's class...

Children in Aspie John's Special Ed class were often referred to therapists outside the school setting. By sheer coincidence, Aspie John saw Joseph as he was leaving his therapist appointment. It seemed the two boys shared the same therapist, a middle-aged White male with expertise in pediatric ASD...
i don’t need to talk to one to hate it
@Fat Link @Robtical @Dregster666 @MarquisDeSade come on this gotta be a ban:feelsseriously:

BAN CHID BAN CHID BAN CHID :chad::banhammer:
She sounds bipolar, I could never imagine experiencing such attention anyway.

The protagonist of our story is a man named "Aspie John" and involves a woman named "Anxious Jane".

Aspie John meets Anxious Jane in "High School".

Anxious Jane is in Special Ed for severe anxiety, and so is Aspie John. Aspie John and Anxious Jane appear to have some mutual attraction at times, given Anxious Jane would always make the same "anxious" hand-fiddling gestures as Aspie John and would wear a shirt with his favorite color: "Blue". When Aspie John dropped a stack of homework sheets on one occasion, Anxious Jane wrote a "message" for him on her sheet the very next day.

Anxious Jane, however, always manages to next to the tallest kid in the room, which is odd given he sits alone in an otherwise empty row of desks. When Tall Kid helps the teacher pick up classroom litter, Anxious Jane suddenly bolts up and quickly joins them. Aspie John remains seated due to anxiety. After some time, Tall Kid starts to sit with other kids in the classroom, leaving Anxious Jane sitting alone each day. He sits across from Aspie John.

Three years later...

Aspie John and Anxious Jane are in different Special Ed classrooms. Anxious Jane speaks of wanting to be in a "relationship" with Aspie John. There is a catch, however: Anxious Jane regularly wears ponytails and make-up for the Tall Kid in her new classroom. She would flirt with this man in class(Which frustrated her teacher) and would also chat with him over text and social media, all while sometimes making friendly gestures towards Aspie John in passing through the hallway.

On a certain occasion, though, Aspie John encounters Anxious Jane in a hospital lab waiting room. Anxious Jane makes "romantic" gestures towards Aspie John. Aspie John, being a very coy man, is reluctant to approach Anxious Jane. As he prepares to approach her, he recalls her heavy flirtation with Tall Kid in her new classroom. He also remembers hearing her teacher say, "Why is Anxious Jane flirting with Tall Kid? She already has a boyfriend."

He then decides to ignore her and covers himself with a hoodie.

A few days later, Aspie John overhears a teacher speaking of himself and Anxious Jane - "He's so sensitive! Oh my goodness! They were just joking!" - Note that this is after months of flirting and closeness between Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. Shortly after that, Anxious Jane flirts with Tall Kid in her classroom, telling him "P-Please don't call my phone number".

An interesting story of "signals" and cues, yes?

Correct. Let me continue with the story of Aspie John:

In Special Ed, Aspie John was referred to the school psychologist. The school psychologist, who also saw Anxious Jane, encouraged Aspie John to speak to Anxious Jane.

"You should speak to Jane!"(S.P)

"I'm not sure..."(A.J)

"Try speaking to Anxious Jane! She would love to have someone to speak to!"(S.P)

"Okay, I think I'll try..."(A.J)

Aspie John would go home anxiously each day and think incessantly of his fellow classmates. He would feel very, depressed, jittery and uncomfortable due to a restless mind. Thinking of Anxious Jane only worsened it.

The teacher criticized Aspie John several times for his inability to socialize with Anxious Jane, who had little problem socializing with kids at social clubs she attended. She would criticize Aspie John's statements of "Managing his classroom anxiety" yet constantly gave Anxious Jane exemptions for her inability to recount her night(The teacher would ask everyone about it daily).

Furthermore, Anxious Jane was desired by nearly every male in the class. Aspie John was ignored to the extent of needing the teacher(Or, on one occasion, the Hispanic kid) to do class activities. One boy quickly sat near Anxious Jane and wrapped his arms around her during a class project.

"Jane, It's okay sweetie. Come pair with me."

As for the "speaking", Anxious Jane's hand-fiddling gestures, as well as her decision to mimic several of Aspie John's other avoidant behaviors, led to criticism from the Phys. Ed teacher, who said:

"Jane was playing with her hands instead of working on her activities. I think we have a dynamic there. Keep that in check."

Anxious Jane then frowned at Aspie John and started coming to school without her glasses(To impress Tall Kid).

Aspie John was also switched to other classroom duties after Anxious Jane wrote her "message" to him via homework.

A certain (respectable) Hispanic boy said of Jane:

"Is Jane still going to be in our classroom?"(He asked this after Aspie John was told that he would remain in the current classroom; unprovoked information)

"No. She'll be switched into the other classroom."(Teacher)

Anxious Jane stopped coming to school until she was switched into another classroom for reasons unknown to Aspie John. She was, of course, shifting to Option #1: Tall Kid.
Aspie John:

From that:

Short Morena's Appearance(As I envision her):

View attachment 564203


Anxious Jane's behavior consisted of stares of affection and kissing gestures towards Aspie John. She removed her glasses to help Aspie John recognize her better.

Observe(Writer's vision):

woman GIF

Season 1 Glasses GIF by Sony Pictures Television

sexy red lips GIF

She then started using her phone, in a bid to convince our protagonist to call her later:

Vintage Pin Up GIF by Megnificent Creative

Anxious Jane was quite sad. This is how she sat in the hospital waiting room after rejection:
Sad Animation GIF by Colin
Why are people implying I'm not incel? Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered, but I've never even had a gf - I'm autistic. Maybe read the entire OP before you call me a normalfag.
Girls don't approach. Even Chad usually has to do the approaching so if they do it's cuz they're insane. Tell that foid to fuck off and find something bettER to do.
Cucked world


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@Fat Link @Robtical @Dregster666 @MarquisDeSade come on this gotta be a ban:feelsseriously:
Ban? No. He didn’t ascend. :feelsthink:

However he did seem to brag just a bit and referred to the community as “saddos” which didn’t quite sit right with me so I slapped him with a special 20% custom warning just for you champ! :feelshaha:
Ban? No. He didn’t ascend. :feelsthink:

However he did seem to brag just a bit and referred to the community as “saddos” which didn’t quite sit right with me so I slapped him with a special 20% custom warning just for you champ! :feelshaha:
I haven't broken any rules. Do you think being incel isn't sad? And what have I bragged about?
all women are bipolar.


She dyed her hair red.

And of-course, the occasion in which Aspie John colored with the group. Short Morena complimented his use of the lemniscate("Is that the infinity symbol?"). Or when she lightly tapped him on the shoulder twice and said, "Aspie John, that was, like, so cool!".

Also, the day when they briefly stood together in the building lobby(Aspie John was approached by Short Morena):

"DId you enjoy your day, Aspie John?"


"Oh, uhh, I think I see your transportation van outside..."

Kevin was 15-years of age, 5'8, Anglo and autistic. He was in the class for only a single day before being switched to another Special Ed classroom, but spent the day socializing with Short Morena. The two played a board game as Aspie John, who shared the table with them, focused on coloring.

Aspie John colored with a regular pencil since Short Morena was reaching over the plastic box of colored pencils to play with Kevin and our protagonist was much too anxious to ask her to move. Short Morena eventually stopped playing the game and briefly said, "I'm sorry, Aspie John...", after realizing her behavior was selfish.

Anxious Jane once flipped her hair at Aspie John as she was walking outside with her class:

Good Hair Fashion GIF by Lillee Jean

It was similar to the occasion in which she briefly stared at Aspie John during December.

Meddling Know-It-All GIF
Her friend(s) probably told her that you're a loser and her social value will be damaged being near you. Could be bipolar behavior with your description, but hard to tell. I had a somewhat similar situation in high school with a girl that came on to me hard, then the next week we talked, she was rude to me for no reason.

The lesson is that women never care about you.

All you can do is try being attractive enough for a girl to be stuck on you.
Her friend(s) probably told her that you're a loser and her social value will be damaged being near you.
I highly doubt this. I'm pretty good friends with other people in the group, and haven't knowingly made an ass of myself in front of anyone she knows. If anything, I'd imagine social proofing would have gone in my favour.
Could be bipolar behavior with your description, but hard to tell.
Quite a few people have suggested this. What symptoms were displayed? I'm not super familiar with bipolar disorder.
you sound like a major autist ngl probably woulda worked for you if you were more assertive from the beginning
you sound like a major autist ngl probably woulda worked for you if you were more assertive from the beginning
Yup, I'm diagnosed autistic. Total dealbreaker for any woman really.:blackpill:
The more i dont talk women the more i hate em
I hate to sound like a "redpill guru" but you fumbled the bag not pushing for sex. I can guarantee you weren't showing interest in having sex given that you claim you are a sperg. You gotta make it known that you are trying to fuck unapologetically that's what turns women. She was probably thinking, "does this weirdo even want me? He might be gay"
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I hate to sound like a "redpill guru" but you fumbled the bag not pushing for sex. I can guarantee you weren't showing interest in having sex given that you claim you are a sperg. You gotta make it known that you are trying to fuck unapologetically that's what turns women. She was probably thinking, "does this weirdo even want me? He might be gay"

Yes. In the Aspie John stories, he was once approached by a young Black redhead. She started walking slowly and seemed surprised when he didn't stop to speak with her.

Lucy Liu Reaction GIF

There was the occasion, in fictionalized 2018, when Aspie John encountered two young girls while shopping in Wal-Mart.

Aspie John was exiting the frozen foods section when he noted the two girls walking towards him. They briefly stopped and a young brown-haired White brunette started giggling at him. A.J quickly became anxious and headed to the next section.

The two later walked past him as he was shopping in a different aisle.

And the next occasion(fictionalized 2020), in which he found himself as the subject of a blue-haired Latina's eyes. She smiled cheesily at him and waved in yet another Wal-Mart. She later said "Hey" to him in the Arts/Crafts section.
She sounds bipolar, I could never imagine experiencing such attention anyway.
what OP does not realise is that you have to meet a certain looks level to be fucked with in the way that she fucked with hi, she would never even approach or "pretend" to be into OP if he looked like danny devito and was five foot 1 and balding incel. You have to be over 6/10 and norman to be even in with a chance of this scenario happening.
what OP does not realise is that you have to meet a certain looks level to be fucked with in the way that she fucked with hi, she would never even approach or "pretend" to be into OP if he looked like danny devito and was five foot 1 and balding incel. You have to be over 6/10 and norman to be even in with a chance of this scenario happening.
Agreed, altho it also shows that even with the looks, being non-NT means foids will spaz out or run for the hills the minute u open ur mouth
is it not obvious? you fucked up on the date or its cos u took her on a fucking hike instead of fucking her brains out
I was reasonable to interpret what she did as interest, no? :cryfeels:
Oh hell no you were definitely not. If you actually know that you truly are an incel and if you strongy believe in the blackpill, you should have seen that coming.
If I were to talk to a foid, especially like that, trust me I would always always and always look for the twist, cameras, recordings, etc.

Foids only have bad intentions when it comes to ugly males. This should be a well-known law.
Jfl at talking to women
you get to talk to foids while i have no foid to say hii.
is it not obvious? you fucked up on the date or its cos u took her on a fucking hike instead of fucking her brains out
How do I fuck her brains out? I'd need to obtain consent to do that, so it seems catch 22 to be like
>she won't like you if you don't fuck her
>you won't get to fuck her if she doesn't like you
How do I wrap my head around this?
How do I fuck her brains out? I'd need to obtain consent to do that, so it seems catch 22 to be like
>she won't like you if you don't fuck her
>you won't get to fuck her if she doesn't like you
How do I wrap my head around this?

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