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Serious The more I learn about feminism the more I support rape.



glowiemaxxed fedcel
May 18, 2024
Whenever someone brings up the problems men face women say something like “I don’t care” or they try and victim blame by bringing up rape or something. Men’s rights activists talk about things that almost all men will go through in their lives, feminists will use stuff that 0.001% of women face and act like it proves anything. If you call them out on their bullshit and bring up one of the many ways men are more oppressed than women in this world they will say a argument riddled with logical fallacies: “who set that system up?”

1. Appeal to genetic fallacy
The point she is trying to make is an appeal to genetic fallacy. She is going to the supposed “root” of the problem But this logic doesn’t work. You can keep going further, who gave birth to those men? Who raised them?. The argument falls flat very quickly as the origin of everyone on this planet is a woman. The origin of the suffering men face is completely irrelevant to the suffering itself. It’s like if we said to Jews dying in the holocaust that they shouldn’t have fucked over the wiemer republic. The origin of a point/what caused it doesn’t necessarily affect the validity of the point especially because of the point I’m going to lay out in number 2. . It’s also failing to engage with the point, it’s not saying “yes men are suffering at the hands of the current system and I believe we can solve that by ___” it’s just a attempt to shut down the previous point. And it doesn’t work. I already outlined that it’s biased as the patriarchy isn’t the start of the universe, we can keep pushing back and the blame either lands on god or women (depending on your religion)

2. Flase equivalence fallacy
just because SOME men set up to benefit men doesn’t mean they made it to benefit men. The current system was made for the purpose of benefiting the top 1% of men and most men threwout history never benefited from it, noir did they influence it. The intention was never to benefit men, it was to benefit the elites (many of whom were men). But if I say the garden is the right temperature for growing oranges and oranges are a fruit then does that mean bananas will grow too because they are also fruit?. Just because someone is apart of one group doesn’t necessarily mean that they intend to benefit that group or have that groups interests at heart, especially considering that something like being a man doesn’t at all influence someone’s beliefs and is almost arbitrary in political beliefs.

3. Hasty generalisation fallacy
Do you think women never impacted history or politics in any way?. Do you think there wasn’t queens or sultanas? And do you think kings and leaders didn’t have wives, mothers and daughters?. The implication that women haven’t impacted the way the world works is entirely bullshit and not based in any historical context.

Now back to rape. When I hear women throw men’s issues aside it pisses me off. I struggle with getting rid of my empathy and sometimes I feel really bad for rape victims and then I remember women would never care if I killed myself or if I died in war or if I was tortured in war or if I was murdered or if I was homeless. They push all our issues under the rug and expect us to care about theirs? Fuck no. You get empathy when you give me empathy. You aren’t entitled to my empathy and compassion.

Misandrists can’t get this through there thick heads. I DONT OWE YOU ANYTHING. Just like you don’t owe me your body. I don’t owe you my mind. And as far as I’m concerned women are proving themselves to be non-empathetic the more right they get. Why would I want them getting more rights when they just misuse them?. Rape isn’t that bad Infact many women have a rape kink, which I suppose is no different to my femdom kink but the difference is that I don’t pretend to hate it like women do.

Rape is a way to keep women in line. I realise more and more that the too feelings that define humanity: love and compassion. Women are devoid of. Trying to make them love is a fool’s errand, they can’t love and never will. And there for they aren’t human. And things that aren’t human don’t deserve human rights. If a woman loved me then I wouldn’t believe any of this because they would have proven me wrong. But no woman has done that.
Foids do alot of bitching yet don`t contribute to the betterment of the world at all
3. Hasty generalisation fallacy
Do you think women never impacted history or politics in any way?. Do you think there wasn’t queens or sultanas? And do you think kings and leaders didn’t have wives, mothers and daughters?. The implication that women haven’t impacted the way the world works is entirely bullshit and not based in any historical context.
THIS, this is what bothers me the most, especially seeing that feminist women use it in environments like universities where people are supposed to be more educated than average.

"Muh patriarchy"

Said that to Isabel la Catolica or the queen Victoria, or even Cleopatra you fucking lying bicht.

The reality is that "muh patriarchy" control systems were invented by the elites for the use of the elites, who were composed of both powerful men and women.
THIS, this is what bothers me the most, especially seeing that feminist women use it in environments like universities where people are supposed to be more educated than average.

"Muh patriarchy"

Said that to Isabel la Catolica or the queen Victoria, or even Cleopatra you fucking lying bicht.

The reality is that "muh patriarchy" control systems were invented by the elites for the use of the elites, who were composed of both powerful men and women.
Yep. “The patriarchy” theory is a American myth that people use all over the world
Yep. “The patriarchy” theory is a American myth that people use all over the world

If you tell them this, they're going to tell you that the queens were "oppressed by the patriarchy" for having to wear dresses and makeup or some shit like that.
If you tell them this, they're going to tell you that the queens were "oppressed by the patriarchy" for having to wear dresses and makeup or some shit like that.
“My social conditioning!!!” My brother in Christ there were interviews with Victorian children and they didn’t know who Jesus was or where Scotland was. No social conditioning and social norms really exist for the non rich. And among the rich they could easily change
“My social conditioning!!!” My brother in Christ there were interviews with Victorian children and they didn’t know who Jesus was or where Scotland was. No social conditioning and social norms really exist for the non rich. And among the rich they could easily change
Furthermore, the problem is the alternative they offer, I even discussed this with a feminist teacher at college (lowinhibmaxxing)

You cannot want a revolution against the system and not propose an alternative system to replace it, it's just destruction for the sake of destruction

The feminists' argument is that patriarchy is established the moment the man becomes the head of the family and somehow in their heads they form this "tyrannical and oppressive image of an abusive father" (wich is hidden in their own psyches btw)

Well, what system do you propose then?

Matriarchy? Jfl so instead of being governed by tyrannical psychopathic men we become governed by tyrannical psychopathic women which must be even worse

Of course, feminism is fueled by the romanticist axiom that women are angels and beings of light who would never harm another living being.
Furthermore, the problem is the alternative they offer, I even discussed this with a feminist teacher at the college (lowinhibmaxxing)

You cannot want a revolution against the system and not propose an alternative system to replace it, it's just destruction for the sake of destruction

The feminists' argument is that patriarchy is established the moment the man becomes the head of the family and somehow in their heads they form this "tyrannical and oppressive image of an abusive father" (wich is hidden in their own psyches btw)

Well, what system do you propose then?

Matriarchy? Jfl so instead of being governed by tyrannical psychopathic men we become governed by tyrannical psychopathic women which must be even worse

Of course, feminism is fueled by the romanticist axiom that women are angels and beings of light who would never harm another living being.
Also do they not understand that pedophilla, rape and sex slavery are only seen as bad because of social taboos and norms. In a world where we didn’t have this social norms people would rape foids on mass
I understand why men used to rape women back in the day more and more.
Matriarchy? Jfl so instead of being governed by tyrannical psychopathic men we become governed by tyrannical psychopathic women which must be even worse
I’m gonna use that one. They don’t understand that the elites look out for the elites regardless of gender. And women ruling the world would arguably worse.

I mean think about it. Men are more hormonal than women since the day they hit 11 and yet they manage to keep calm and not lash out. Meanwhile on the week when women experience 10% of the hormones that men have (and the time they are hormonally closer to men) they have a mental breakdown and can’t handle it.

They literally can’t handle a fraction of the hormones men deal with everyday. How can we expect them to run countries properly?. And sure there’s been female presidents and stuff but none of them were any good. Most of them kept everything the same and had heavy support from men.
I’m gonna use that one. They don’t understand that the elites look out for the elites regardless of gender. And women ruling the world would arguably worse.

I mean think about it. Men are more hormonal than women since the day they hit 11 and yet they manage to keep calm and not lash out. Meanwhile on the week when women experience 10% of the hormones that men have (and the time they are hormonally closer to men) they have a mental breakdown and can’t handle it.

They literally can’t handle a fraction of the hormones men deal with everyday. How can we expect them to run countries properly?. And sure there’s been female presidents and stuff but none of them were any good. Most of them kept everything the same and had heavy support from men.
Also, another thing I want to highlight is this: in my environment and in my life experience I came across more women with a clear sociopathic disorder than men, it may be a cultural issue of this time but give women a little power and they become monsters, equally or more cruel than men with power.

I'm talking about women without feelings or empathy even for their own children, who divorced a man to ruin his life and take all his money, without worrying about traumatizing their children in the process. THIS IS A COMMON SOCIAL PHENOMENON TODAY

Are they going to replace "patriarchy" with that?
What pisses me off the most about feminism is that they are not against “patriarchy” or the actions of men, they are just against UGLY men doing anything. Every time I see a woman complaining about a man, it's guaranteed that his appearance has something to do with that complaint.
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Also, another thing I want to highlight is this: in my environment and in my life experience I came across more women with a clear sociopathic disorder than men, it may be a cultural issue of this time but give women a little power and they become monsters, equally or more cruel than men with power.

I'm talking about women without feelings or empathy even for their own children, who divorced a man to ruin his life and take all his money, without worrying about traumatizing their children in the process. THIS IS A COMMON SOCIAL PHENOMENON TODAY

Are they going to replace "patriarchy" with that?
Hit the nail on the head my friend. Female narcissists are very common, noticed how every woman has a “narcissistic psycho ex”?. That’s called being a pathological liar and doing anything to justify your actions in your head. Women literally have 0 empathy to anyone but themselves, they are back stabbing snakes to their very own friends. And in every situation they have to be the victim. It’s self preservation
What pisses me off the most about feminism is that they are not against “patriarchy” or the actions of men, they are just against UGLY men doing anything. Every time I see a woman complaining about men, it's guaranteed that his appearance has something to do with that complaint.
They admit this btw. I saw a video of a feminist saying all the men against feminism are ugly. Which is irrelevant and also… no shit. Of course those who suffer because of a movement accepted by society are going to be the misfits of society
Hit the nail on the head my friend. Female narcissists are very common, noticed how every woman has a “narcissistic psycho ex”?. That’s called being a pathological liar and doing anything to justify your actions in your head. Women literally have 0 empathy to anyone but themselves, they are back stabbing snakes to their very own friends. And in every situation they have to be the victim. It’s self preservation
I put myself in the role of a feminist now:

"Women are psychopaths without feelings because of the patriarchy you inkwell"

So the same culture that raises them to be loving housewives and mothers also raises them to be emotionless psychopaths.

You can't make this shit up.

either they are one thing by nature or they are the other

Feminist discourse simply clashes when confronted with the real world.
I put myself in the role of a feminist now:

"Women are psychopaths without feelings because of the patriarchy you inkwell"

So the same culture that raises them to be loving housewives and mothers also raises them to be emotionless psychopaths.

You can't make this shit up.

either they are one thing by nature or they are the other

Feminist discourse simply clashes when confronted with the real world.
Yep definitely. Social conditioning is just one of the many buzzwords they leant and now spam every minute

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