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Venting the mirror pill crushed my soul



Worst Stretch Marks
Mar 26, 2018
whenever i look at my mirror reflection, my brain perceives a somewhat tolerable face as long as im freshly shaved, hair is not messy, and skin is clear. the keyword there is "tolerable", meaning its tolerable enough to where i feel comfortable to be able to go grocery shopping, the gym, etc.

but when i take a picture of my face using my phones camera, i might as well be a different person completely. suddenly i see MASSIVE facial asymmetries, gigantic pores that you can play a round of 18 hole golf on, a bumpy and ugly nose (the light casts shadows that the mirror doesnt show) and just an overall DISGUSTING human. i can be in a decent mood after looking at my mirror image, then 1 second later see my "camera image" and instantaneously be in such a soul crushing mood that i no longer want to go outside anymore. the camera picks up things that the mirror doesnt. i feel like your brains perception of your mirrored reflection automatically "omits" all flaws in a subconscious/defensive sort of way. the camera, however, does not lie. i sometimes cant even comprehend that the camera image is how other people view me. so you are telling me that they see all my facial asymmetry? my huge eye lids? my teeth asymmetry? the ridges and bumps along the bridge of my nose? holyyyyy fucking shittttttt :feelsrope:

what a fucking eye opening and horrible reminder of what a truecel i am. being "photogenic" or not is such a fucking meme. ive never seen an attractive person who isnt photogenic, JFL. likewise, ive never seen an ugly person who IS photogenic. attractive=photogenic, ugly=non photogenic. its that simple. your looks dont lie, and the camera doesnt lie either, but mirrors do. just try it for yourself if you dont believe me, everyone take a front facing selfie with the flash on right now for a brutal fucking :blackpill:reminder. (WARNING: im not responsible for any suicides that may occur)
Mirrors are more accurate, focal lenses differ way too much, you can't judge your looks by a fucking phone pic ffs. Focal length matters, the angle matters etc etc haven't you seen all these comparisons with different lenses of the same guy looking subhuman and chad depending on the mm?
Same here. But my old phone had a trashy cam. My new one has built in filters or something. Look much better in selfies now, not that I would take many.
I remember reading somewhere that we perceive our own faces as more attractive than we actually are when looking at our reflection. This is worrying because I think I look hideous whenever I see my reflection.
I remember reading somewhere that we perceive our own faces as more attractive than we actually are when looking at our reflection. This is worrying because I think I look hideous whenever I see my reflection.
Exaclty what I was thinking, even in photos we see us as more attractive but not in the same level as mirros, I tough I looked good in some photos then I used photofeeler, boy how wrong I was
We’re attractive as our worst camera angle
whenever i look at my mirror reflection, my brain perceives a somewhat tolerable face as long as im freshly shaved, hair is not messy, and skin is clear. the keyword there is "tolerable", meaning its tolerable enough to where i feel comfortable to be able to go grocery shopping, the gym, etc.

but when i take a picture of my face using my phones camera, i might as well be a different person completely. suddenly i see MASSIVE facial asymmetries, gigantic pores that you can play a round of 18 hole golf on, a bumpy and ugly nose (the light casts shadows that the mirror doesnt show) and just an overall DISGUSTING human. i can be in a decent mood after looking at my mirror image, then 1 second later see my "camera image" and instantaneously be in such a soul crushing mood that i no longer want to go outside anymore. the camera picks up things that the mirror doesnt. i feel like your brains perception of your mirrored reflection automatically "omits" all flaws in a subconscious/defensive sort of way. the camera, however, does not lie. i sometimes cant even comprehend that the camera image is how other people view me. so you are telling me that they see all my facial asymmetry? my huge eye lids? my teeth asymmetry? the ridges and bumps along the bridge of my nose? holyyyyy fucking shittttttt :feelsrope:

what a fucking eye opening and horrible reminder of what a truecel i am. being "photogenic" or not is such a fucking meme. ive never seen an attractive person who isnt photogenic, JFL. likewise, ive never seen an ugly person who IS photogenic. attractive=photogenic, ugly=non photogenic. its that simple. your looks dont lie, and the camera doesnt lie either, but mirrors do. just try it for yourself if you dont believe me, everyone take a front facing selfie with the flash on right now for a brutal fucking :blackpill:reminder. (WARNING: im not responsible for any suicides that may occur)

I'd recommend taking a picture with your front facing camera on your phone in a mirror, then flipping the image to get a realistic look of your face.
i actually don't think that any kind of mirror or photo is the best judge, the best judge would be to take a group photo with some average people and see how you look in it. doesn't get more brutally honest than that.
The mirrorpill smashed me into shards
Mirrors are more accurate, focal lenses differ way too much, you can't judge your looks by a fucking phone pic ffs. Focal length matters, the angle matters etc etc haven't you seen all these comparisons with different lenses of the same guy looking subhuman and chad depending on the mm?
Mirrors are more accurate, focal lenses differ way too much, you can't judge your looks by a fucking phone pic ffs. Focal length matters, the angle matters etc etc haven't you seen all these comparisons with different lenses of the same guy looking subhuman and chad depending on the mm?
Lifefuel for me tbh, I look very wide with square jawline in mirror but in phone I look meh.
Mirrors are more accurate, focal lenses differ way too much, you can't judge your looks by a fucking phone pic ffs. Focal length matters, the angle matters etc etc haven't you seen all these comparisons with different lenses of the same guy looking subhuman and chad depending on the mm?
Look at yourself in a video using a front facing camera. Take note whether the image is mirrored or not. Raise your right hand to check. Let’s say the image is automatically mirrored.

Now, unmirror the image. I’m not sure if this is an easily accessable option. It used to be on a webcam I owned as a teenager.

You will notice something that affected me a lot when I was younger.

Your mirrored image will look alright. Difficult to perceive assymetry. You think, hey I’m pretty symmetrical really. Not too bad. Then when you unmirror it, suddenly it will look massively assymetrical.

This sets off a chain of questions. Why do you see assymetry more (almost to a grotesque extent) when you are looking at a normal I.e. not mirrored version of yourself? Which version is a better representation of what the world sees?

So a few more things have to be tested to get the answer.

We’re told everyone is assymetrical to some extent. But look at people’s faces. You don’t tend to immediately notice it. Most people don’t look grotesquely assymetrical. But there is assymetry you don’t pick up on unless you look closely. So what happens when you mirror someone else’s face? The result is interesting. If you are familiar with a face, even good looking people will look really bizarre to you briefly after you flip their face. Suddenly faces that previously looked perfect look flawed. But then it seems gradually something in your brain adjusts.

So my hypothesis is this. The brain perceives faces as a special object. They are processed differently than other objects (I learnt this in my psychology degree). When the image is flipped the special filters the brain always applies to faces that makes you perceive them as nice to look at are disrupted. Suddenly without the filters you see assymetry.

But is the assymetry you see what you actually are? I think not for 2 reasons. Firstly you see this exaggerated assymetry in other people when you flip their face. Secondly I’ve actually measured the images down to mms. In the image of your face you’re unused to, you see tiny assymetry as being huge. For some reason the brain massively overreacts to the assymetry in the flipped image. Maybe it’s because compensatory mechanisms become confused and actually work to exaggerate flaws until you become used to the flipped image.
Take the mirrorpill

PS Actually mirrors doesn't show real face, you need two mirrors facing at 45 degrees and then look in the middle to see real face
whenever i look at my mirror reflection, my brain perceives a somewhat tolerable face as long as im freshly shaved, hair is not messy, and skin is clear. the keyword there is "tolerable", meaning its tolerable enough to where i feel comfortable to be able to go grocery shopping, the gym, etc.

but when i take a picture of my face using my phones camera, i might as well be a different person completely. suddenly i see MASSIVE facial asymmetries, gigantic pores that you can play a round of 18 hole golf on, a bumpy and ugly nose (the light casts shadows that the mirror doesnt show) and just an overall DISGUSTING human. i can be in a decent mood after looking at my mirror image, then 1 second later see my "camera image" and instantaneously be in such a soul crushing mood that i no longer want to go outside anymore. the camera picks up things that the mirror doesnt. i feel like your brains perception of your mirrored reflection automatically "omits" all flaws in a subconscious/defensive sort of way. the camera, however, does not lie. i sometimes cant even comprehend that the camera image is how other people view me. so you are telling me that they see all my facial asymmetry? my huge eye lids? my teeth asymmetry? the ridges and bumps along the bridge of my nose? holyyyyy fucking shittttttt :feelsrope:

what a fucking eye opening and horrible reminder of what a truecel i am. being "photogenic" or not is such a fucking meme. ive never seen an attractive person who isnt photogenic, JFL. likewise, ive never seen an ugly person who IS photogenic. attractive=photogenic, ugly=non photogenic. its that simple. your looks dont lie, and the camera doesnt lie either, but mirrors do. just try it for yourself if you dont believe me, everyone take a front facing selfie with the flash on right now for a brutal fucking :blackpill:reminder. (WARNING: im not responsible for any suicides that may occur)
I find that people tend to look more like their mirror reflection because it shows you 'in motion'. That's why a great photographer is so expensive and professionally done pictures tend to make people look perfect because photos generally show flaws that may not be visible in real life. So it's an art to taking pictures
Look at yourself in a video using a front facing camera. Take note whether the image is mirrored or not. Raise your right hand to check. Let’s say the image is automatically mirrored.

Now, unmirror the image. I’m not sure if this is an easily accessable option. It used to be on a webcam I owned as a teenager.

You will notice something that affected me a lot when I was younger.

Your mirrored image will look alright. Difficult to perceive assymetry. You think, hey I’m pretty symmetrical really. Not too bad. Then when you unmirror it, suddenly it will look massively assymetrical.

This sets off a chain of questions. Why do you see assymetry more (almost to a grotesque extent) when you are looking at a normal I.e. not mirrored version of yourself? Which version is a better representation of what the world sees?

So a few more things have to be tested to get the answer.

We’re told everyone is assymetrical to some extent. But look at people’s faces. You don’t tend to immediately notice it. Most people don’t look grotesquely assymetrical. But there is assymetry you don’t pick up on unless you look closely. So what happens when you mirror someone else’s face? The result is interesting. If you are familiar with a face, even good looking people will look really bizarre to you briefly after you flip their face. Suddenly faces that previously looked perfect look flawed. But then it seems gradually something in your brain adjusts.

So my hypothesis is this. The brain perceives faces as a special object. They are processed differently than other objects (I learnt this in my psychology degree). When the image is flipped the special filters the brain always applies to faces that makes you perceive them as nice to look at are disrupted. Suddenly without the filters you see assymetry.

But is the assymetry you see what you actually are? I think not for 2 reasons. Firstly you see this exaggerated assymetry in other people when you flip their face. Secondly I’ve actually measured the images down to mms. In the image of your face you’re unused to, you see tiny assymetry as being huge. For some reason the brain massively overreacts to the assymetry in the flipped image. Maybe it’s because compensatory mechanisms become confused and actually work to exaggerate flaws until you become used to the flipped image.

betelgeuse IQ.

honestly though im too scared to make a front facing video of myself. i dont have the guts to watch that shit . im terrified that i will see massive flaws which might send me into an even further state of depression. your post makes me wonder something else though. perhaps certain people give off a "halo effect" inside of other peoples brains which makes them ignore glaring facial flaws/asymmetries. certain things like height, race, frame, etc. may have an effect in how willing a persons brain is to overlook your facial deformities. interesting shit.
If you don't look subhuman in the mirror, you aren't a subhuman.
Over if you ever looked into a mirror.
Funny, I can actually manipulate the camera angles in my phone to make me look better than the mirror
betelgeuse IQ.

honestly though im too scared to make a front facing video of myself. i dont have the guts to watch that shit . im terrified that i will see massive flaws which might send me into an even further state of depression. your post makes me wonder something else though. perhaps certain people give off a "halo effect" inside of other peoples brains which makes them ignore glaring facial flaws/asymmetries. certain things like height, race, frame, etc. may have an effect in how willing a persons brain is to overlook your facial deformities. interesting shit.

Yeah when I first discovered this it bothered me a lot for a while. That’s why I put some thought into how faces are perceived, and whether the mirrored or unmirrored version is more like what other people see. It got me thinking about how what we see isn’t actually just a pure image from our eyes, it in fact is heavily processed by the brain before it reaches consciousness.

Yeah I think that a brain learns to subconsciously ignore flaws or compensate (which suddenly becomes anti-compensate when you flip the image). And yeah many factors could potentially come into play
Exaclty what I was thinking, even in photos we see us as more attractive but not in the same level as mirros, I tough I looked good in some photos then I used photofeeler, boy how wrong I was

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