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Blackpill The life of a hard-working incel.



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
A young boy wanders through the playground of his school all alone. He witnesses the bigger and better looking boys of his grade playing together, intentionally excluding him and verbally abusing him if he dares ask to join. The girls look upon him from a distance and laugh, deriving great pleasure from his pain.

When he gets picked up after school by his father, his father never asks his son if people were nice to him or whether his son has any friends. Instead, the boy is asked if his classes went alright, if he understood everything that was taught and whether he was well-behaved (oblivious to whether others were well-behaved to his son or not). His father only cared about the son's grades, completely ignorant of the social aspect of his son's life, placing importance solely on the academic aspect. His father had no bad intentions; he really wanted the best for his son and believed that if his son worked hard enough, then the son would be able to buy a large house, nice car and get married to a beautiful woman, have children and basically live a life of decadence and luxury, allowing the father to die comfortably with peace in mind knowing that even when he's gone, his son would be able to take care of himself and his family.

The boy develops a mindset revolving around the concept of "hard-work", after all if his father says something then it must be right. After all, fathers are meant to be all-knowing and have incredible wisdom. So when he goes to school he ignores all the taunting, mocking and jeering. After all, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!". Even when the bullying becomes physical as he is pushed into his locker and the bigger boys literally spit on his face, he doesn't pick any fights as he knows that:
1. He will get beaten badly
2. In the rare chance he wins the fight, his school would punish the victim rather than the perpetrator, allowing this vicious cycle to continue.

Therefore he ignores all of this as well and doesn't allow this to distract him from his studies. During classes, his concentration becomes hazy. Depression is clouding his mind, over-shadowing his every thought. Whenever he tries to understand the physics/chemistry concept, the mathematical equation etc being taught in the class, his mind is elsewhere- thinking about the harsh treatment he encountered in the lunch break or on the day before, wondering why people are treating him in this way, after all he committed no crime other than being born unattractive. He can only consciously block out these thoughts for so long before they become a part of his subconsciousness, consuming his very psyche.

Anyway, he gets through 4 classes a day, 5 days a week for 40 weeks in a year throughout 12 years of schooling, paying attention in class and having no one to talk to while most others in his class converse with each other every few minutes, sometimes about topics which are class-related. During lunch-break, a time when students are meant to have a respite from the gruelling nature of studies through socialization, he tries to distance himself from the place where his bullies congregate, his phobia of human interactions in the present being induced through continuous negative re-inforcements he experienced in the past. The boy withdraws himself to the peaceful and tranquil sanctuary of the library where his bullies do not venture as it is known as "nerd territory." Here, he feels emotionally at peace for not being treated like scum, while his social isolation is magnified by the sheer silence of the library. He reads books to escape from the real world into a world of fiction, in which he is simply an observer of the life of the protagonist of the story.

High school ends, the boy (who is now a man) graduates with excellent marks and obtains enrolment in a prestigious course at a reputed university (most difficult course at the university by a large margin). He believes that in university everything will change. After all, university is a place where he can meet others who are academically inclined and therefore of a more sophisticated, respectful, courteous nature. He might make some friends and if he "works hard enough," meet a pretty and smart girl who will like him. This is the dream, and the path to achieving this dream is by succeeding in academics. Because he invests all of his time in studies, he is unable to capitalise on the many opportunities to meet people, whereas others doing much easier courses at university, do not have this problem and therefore are able to make friends, find romantic/sexual partners and basically improve their networking skills and establish life-long contacts/connections. This man, on the rare and few occasions he is able to go out to a university party, cruise, nightclub, bar etc. is looked at by females with an expression of disgust. On the other hand, these same females were hooking up with the top-tier men.

Suddenly the reality dawns upon him:

He realises that he may find a partner at the age of 25+ once he graduates, pays off tuition debts and begins to acquire savings, but that whichever women he finds at that age would have already given herself during her prime years to top-tier men and that all the hard work through school and university, the effort, the pain, the struggle, all amounted to getting scraps and leftovers from the genetically superior men who preceded him in successfully being physically intimate with the female in question. When they are married, she will claim that she is "not a very sexual person" and give sex maybe once a month to him, while going out frequently on "girls' nights" with her "friends" and staying over at their place. And after she has sucked him dry of resources, she will divorce-rape him, exploiting the biased nature of the judicial system which favours women, taking half of his assets- his house, his car, his savings etc. all of which he worked his entire life to obtain, making incredible sacrifices along the way which most people couldn't even begin to comprehend. At this point, after losing everything, the man realises that he fell in the trap of believing in the illusion of hard-work. He became sucked into the false promise of a good future if only he worked "hard enough" for it. Whereas in reality, your genetics determine your quality of life and happiness, and no amount of hard work can compensate for genetic shortcomings. The whole time, he was fighting a losing battle, a battle he lost at conception.

This realization is promptly followed by the man blowing his brains out.
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If you are a sub-9 male the meaning of your existence is to be a slave and upkeep this society with your hard work so that others may enjoy it
This is well-written and pretty accurate. At least, your character didn't drop out before finishing studies or go ER.
In a sane world, he would be a respected citizen. In clown world, it is more likely he ends up roping, and that's because he was too good to considER different actions.
Too good for clown world idd.
You should write a book about Incel boy and how he grows up until he goes ER as adult.
This is well-written and pretty accurate. At least, your character didn't drop out before finishing studies or go ER.
In a sane world, he would be a respected citizen. In clown world, it is more likely he ends up roping, and that's because he was too good to considER different actions.
Too good for clown world idd.

I implied that my character didn't complete university. His "realization" was an insight into the future, and took place when he was part of the way through finishing his degree. He committed suicide after this realization, and before he could finish studying. TBH going ER would have been a bettER ending.
Trying as an ugly male is pointless
The girls look upon him from a distance and laugh, deriving great pleasure from his pain.

This is what I'll never understand, why do they enjoy seeing a low status guy suffer? Why is this so funny to them? I can understand acknowledging the status of the man to yourself in your head, but to goto the level of having it be outspoken entertainment for them? I just don't get it.
Needs more content.
This is what I'll never understand, why do they enjoy seeing a low status guy suffer? Why is this so funny to them? I can understand acknowledging the status of the man to yourself in your head, but to goto the level of having it be outspoken entertainment for them? I just don't get it.
Tbh I don't think every foid would actually take pleasure in witnessing an incel's suffering. But a fair part of them does, that's for sure, and more important, not a single one of them will do anything to help him.
Tbh I don't think every foid would actually take pleasure in witnessing an incel's suffering. But a fair part of them does, that's for sure, and more important, not a single one of them will do anything to help him.

Thats because it would destroy their status if they're seen defending or protecting the outcast.
Very well written. You should write books or something tbh
Never work hard.
Only LDAR and be a burden to the system
If he had just taken a shower. It could of all ended up differently.
When he gets picked up after school by his father, his father never asks his son if people were nice to him or whether his son has any friends. Instead, the boy is asked if his classes went alright
so relatable to me, parents NEVER and i mean NEVER asked me throughout me 3.5 yrs of hs if ppl treated me well or if i had anyone to sit with at lunch, it was always about my fucking classes and grades

damn man i dont usually fully read long posts but this was an exception and extremely well-wirtten and so fucking accurate, hard work doesnt mean shit in this society, early death is preferable if ur a non-chad/foid in 2019
This is what I'll never understand, why do they enjoy seeing a low status guy suffer? Why is this so funny to them? I can understand acknowledging the status of the man to yourself in your head, but to goto the level of having it be outspoken entertainment for them? I just don't get it.

Foids dont realise that the same incel they are laughing at throughout school will be laughing maniacally when he pumps 9mm into them in the future.

He who laughs last, laughs best.
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I work 12 hours a week in construction
so relatable to me, parents NEVER and i mean NEVER asked me throughout me 3.5 yrs of hs if ppl treated me well or if i had anyone to sit with at lunch, it was always about my fucking classes and grades
Ever since I started school I was little more than a report card to my parents
This is the bullshit that boomers feed us to make us keep going so we can become cogs in society. I've learned a while ago that I have no value in life and so I don't value my own life. I can easily be replaced by someone who is naturally better than me in literally every single way.

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