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Story The last "loli" who married an adult man in America



Jun 29, 2018
While child marriages were never common in the US, they did occur and within living memory.


Interestingly, the marriage was successful and lasted until death did them part. It completely refutes the argument that transage relationships are necessarily abusive. I don't know why this was posted on IT as it completely undercuts their argument that such relationships always lead to bad outcomes.
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mogs me so hard.
Lel I saw it too. The top comment was something like "I looked it up because it sounded like bullshit, but I guess it is real! Aint dat just the strangest thing?"

Jfl I swear these people have hamster wheels in their skulls. I also like how the article mentions cultural relativism as well, which is usually something you see liberals using as a justification for degeneracy.
9 is too young tbh, if she was like 15, it'd be fine
Now the question is, was the marriage happy at all?
they seem happy
The last "loli" who married an adult man in America
While child marriages were never common in the US, they did occur and within living memory.
I disagree with you OP.

Loli is a wide-spectrum label which includes girls even in their late teens.

"Child bride" could simply mean a 17 year old wife (18 being age of majority/adulthood) which is still relatively common today.

If you want to focus on something more specific I'd say let's look for lists of preteen brides.

Apparently there are ten states in the US which don't even have statutory minimum ages for marrying. Though apparently the minimum common law age for females in USA is 12.

Eight-seven per cent of the minors who married across the country between 2000 and 2015 were girls, with the majority either 16 or 17.

The youngest wedded were three 10-year-old girls in Tennessee who married men aged 24, 25 and 31 in 2001.

GMH tbh but that was 19 years ago, they might've been the last ten year olds to get married in the US. Eunice might've been the last nine, but we can't be sure.

9 is too young tbh
@DeepSea found a more recent example too https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/29/health/ending-child-marriage-in-america/index.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherry_Johnson

She was married at 11 years old soon after being impregnated while she was 10. Apparently lost virginity at 8.

Says it was rape, her mom didn't believe her. You needed judge permission to marry a minor. 1st judge rejected so they went to a 2nd who approved it.
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Bookmarked. Will fantasize later.
We will never have anyone
Lel I saw it too. The top comment was something like "I looked it up because it sounded like bullshit, but I guess it is real! Aint dat just the strangest thing?"

Jfl I swear these people have hamster wheels in their skulls. I also like how the article mentions cultural relativism as well, which is usually something you see liberals using as a justification for degeneracy.
Show me the thread on IT
No way to know if she was ever happy ngl.

If i was 9 i wouldn't be ready to be a husband to anyone, i don't buy this is somehow healthy for development of the mind.
No way to know if she was ever happy ngl.

If i was 9 i wouldn't be ready to be a husband to anyone, i don't buy this is somehow healthy for development of the mind.
At 9, I'd have married my Grade 4 teacher in a heartbeat.
Idk i had 0 attraction to the opposite sex at that age.
Oh same, but for some specific reason that teacher made my heart race, perhaps it's because she was the only actual post pubescent foid?. All the foids hated me anyway.
Honestly that's too young, you shouldn't be marrying a person who you can't have sex with. Mid teens is a different story, and AOC is pretty arbitrary tbh. For example, one person might be just about fully developed at 15-16, while another might have just barely hit puberty, and that's especially common among males. Again I have to wonder, how is it alright for two 16 year olds to have sex, but suddenly it's not okay for a 22 year old to have sex with one of them? Where is the documentation and evidence which proves that such an act would be harmful?

It's amazing how many widely accepted ideas have little to no evidence supporting them. Remember everyone, sex with a physically developed 16 year old is wrong, but mutilating children and teens in pointless rituals, "gender reassignment", and artificially fucking up their hormonal balance for no well documented benefit is all fine somehow.

However even if I believe that a law is stupid, this doesn't mean that I advocate not following it. Leave me alone FBI.
Honestly marrying a young girl probably results in her being loyal and a life long relationship
When VR becomes mainstream in all houses like consoles i hope someone does a VR about his life in POV so i could fuck her

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