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The Jews Love The Male Population Is More Than Female...



Jun 12, 2024

Because it creates hypergamy and also makes for a lot of slaves to do hard labor for fucking cheap.

Cheap labor is the main benefit to this... Women don't do certain work that only men do. By making more men than women and introducing women into the workforce - you create poverty wages for ugly men like me and you.
We are disposable slaves fit only for culling and labor :feelsbadman::cryfeels::feelsrope::feelsrope:
no, they love foids and shitskins more because they are more chaotic and will try to destroy everything
They only love themselves, everyone else is goyum, priorities change by periods

Because it creates hypergamy and also makes for a lot of slaves to do hard labor for fucking cheap.

Cheap labor is the main benefit to this... Women don't do certain work that only men do. By making more men than women and introducing women into the workforce - you create poverty wages for ugly men like me and you.
Foids lust after Chad regardless if there 3, 4 or 5 billion men spread over the world.

Regular men are sexually invisible.

Only Chad stands out, sexually.

Foids only seek betabuxxers to exploit them.

These guys are sexless slaves to m'lady.

If you're not Chad or a betabuxxer, an additional 100 billion foids on Earth would make no addition to your non-existent sex life.

The biggest difference is that they would find a way to convince governments to give them more free stuff so they don't have to work shitty jobs, so males would be even more heavily taxed, nice jobs and higher education would be harder to access and incels wouldn't even get any additional female attention.
Foids lust after Chad regardless if there 3, 4 or 5 billion men spread over the world.

Regular men are sexually invisible.

Only Chad stands out, sexually.

Foids only seek betabuxxers to exploit them.

These guys are sexless slaves to m'lady.

If you're not Chad or a betabuxxer, an additional 100 billion foids on Earth would make no addition to your non-existent sex life.

The biggest difference is that they would find a way to convince governments to give them more free stuff so they don't have to work shitty jobs, so males would be even more heavily taxed, nice jobs and higher education would be harder to access and incels wouldn't even get any additional female attention.


not true at all.

This is exactly what the jews want you to believe.

If there is 1 male for every 1000 female - things would collapse right away... Very fucking quickly.

People (mostly foids) will start respecting males and valuing them. Who else maintains the roads, electrical grids, drill oil, deliver via trucks, construct buildings, repair cars, fly airplanes and invent things?

This is not cope - in Russia and Eastern Europe - many men died in war and women became desperate.

What you are saying is nothing but dirty jew propaganda. Fuck off with that kike nonsense...
This is true. The elite (they aren't all Jews, especially in Europe) obviously wants demoralized men. If you have bad self esteem you are willing to work for anything because life doesn't matter, you've already lost.

Work is another trap though. I think that all of us should either abuse social security or have a plan to live without money. Don't like the system? Just stop participating.
Doubt it. The more sexless men they are, the more NEETs there are gonna be, who just cost money, aka useless eaters
lol these asshole elites tried their best to make me go bald and old and it did not fucking work at all with their poison that they call "medicine" - All they did was anger my cousins in Mexico way more and cause me to end up owning a casino with the court order to take poison and the second criminal case intiated all thanks to Gregg Hayim the short obese chubby balding fucking small dick uglyfucker.... Every single time they have taken me to the hospital for mental health has not fixed me but only made me far far more fucking aggressive and more targets for torture and murder by the cartel. Gregg Hayim is going broke you fucking stupid fucking dumb motherfuckers? Right?

Just like I told Suffolk County police 6 years ago that a rich man can and do go fucking broke via email! Cartel use emails, social media, calls, text messages and letters to warn you. Don't blame anyone if you decide that we are just some fucking worthless dirty lazy porn addicts jerking off all fucking day and just typing up baseless threats that we can never actually make into reality for you. Because we can and we do prove ourselves to anyone who gets in our fucking way....

My advice? Don't get in my fucking way at all for anything. I don't have plans to rape your women but I do have plans to hurt them badly by killing all their male protectors and extorting their money/assets for LIFE! Killing your sons is doing God's work. They are too many of your male motherfuckers on this planet causing labor to be extremely cheap and making the wealthy men even more wealthy while benefiting only the top 1% of males in the dating/sexual/marriage market at the expense of 99% percent of men.

The minority should not and does not win in a just world. The chads and Tyrones are extremely fucking outnumbered by pissed off ugly men who have been given a rotten fucking sandwich in life and told to eat it and don't complain.... right.... The Hayim's male members are all going to be fucking murdered except for Max Hayim .... We have plans to kidnap him, inject him with all types of poison to make him go bald, obese, look old, lose his sex drive forever and destroy his testosterone.

We are going to keep him for 6 fucking years kidnapped in a dungeon with no escape possible. He will be injected and forced to swallow pills or he will be tortured if he does not swallow the pills.

The day before he is to be released - He will have his face/scalp doused in rubbing alcohol and than have his face/scalp set on fire so we can destroy his good looks.

Than we will throw acid on his face and scalp as well.

Than we will drop him off to his current girlfriend who is only really with him for his money in reality. lol

He will fucking lose her eventually soon since his family business is not going to stay at all and they will lose everything including their mansion to business creditors.

But he will totally lose her after she looks at how fucking ugly, fat and bald we made him along with his burned damaged ugly skin and broke nose and aged badly due to garbage food given and poor sleep and no exercise and teeth yanked out with construction pliers..... painful = perfect!

how's that for brutality? You were being so fucking tough with me on stupid court dates on my college exam dates over ONE fucking phone call which I did not make at all. You assholes were doing a witch-hunt on me as if I raped Gregg Hayim's daughters and his wife or I showed up to his fucking house with my dick out jerking off....

lol You fucking assholes gave me this shit and after stopping it and getting my testosterone checked the doctors accused me of taking steroids since my T levels are even fucking higher than 99% of all males who are 21 years old while I am an old ass 34 year old. And I did not lose any hair from high testosterone nor did I have nasty acne. How's that for fucking genetics? lol fuck you Gregg Hayim... hahaha

You guys were making the biggest fucking deal over spilled fucking milk. You think you motherfuckers are the only ones who can turn small things into big problems for others right? lol

Wait and learn soon. Mark my fucking words you pieces of fucking rotting shit!

Karen Kerr will be fucking killed by the cartel. Fuck that fucking worthless bitch whore.... Her lover Pierce cohalan is also to be murdered along with all of his male family members including in-laws including male babies....

Yes, I have turned into another fucking Sosa like in Scarface....

Cartels regularly kill children you fucking stupid piece of shit? okay? You don't fucking want that right? Than don't fucking interfere with my revenge unless you want more male children to be dead and women left widowed and fatherless including their in-laws.

yes I am a motherfucker.... I am going to go after women's in-laws as well.... I am that type of motherfucker now thanks to your fucking bogus criminal cases and your fucking poison bullshit drugs that just fuck up people brains and make them far more fucking aggressive.

Male babies and male children will be fucking murdered. This is doing Gods work and preventing any suffering. A bullet to the head has no fucking pain. Circumcision has extreme pain and causes permanent trauma in the person.

So I am not actually really scum.... I am putting away male misery by not allow male babies to survive at all. I have gotten into a serious car accident where I got hit in the head and passed out did not feel a single bit of pain.

A bullet to the head is the most humane and non-cruel way to put males out of their misery. Circumcicison is extremely cruel and extremely evil - not even Cartel members have the heart to do that shit do a toddler. I don't ....

I'll kill a male baby by putting good bullet in his head but will I sexually assault, mutiliate, torture and sexually cripple him by circumcison as screams in a way which is not normal for babies? Never.... can't do it, no way.... The screams from circumcision pain are not normal baby screams... They are so intense that babies vomit, defecate themselves, pass out, have their lungs collapsed and even sometime end up with a heart attack and die right away from shock..

all of which is covered up the corrupt evil medical system and evil corrupt greedy piece of shit "doctors"....

I'm not actually the monster you think I am.... And jews are not the actually the good people they always try to show themselves to others.

They sell the foreskin to skin care companies who put in expensive creams which women buy and put on their face. How fucking disgusting is that?

Males are the ones who are sexually abused, sexually mutliated, sexually assaulted, have their genitals mutilated and become sexual crippled for life within a few days of being born and having a very painful procedure called circumision done without any of their fucking consent.

The best way to put women in their place is to make men scarce so they can't treat them like shit because if they do? Than how will they get their tire changed? Their engine oil changed? Their luggage picked up? Their furniture picked up?

The whole reason why females treat men like trash is because they are far far far to many men and they have been given unchecked power that they don't deserve to do whatever the fuck they like with their bodies.

It's not their body actually - Women came from Adam's ribs.... Women are fucking property of men and yes they DO owe you sex if they expect you to pay taxes, contribute to society, follow laws and pay fees and fines to the government.

Because look the government takes your tax dollars and gives it to single mother who have pumped and dumped.....

Did that single mother fuck you? No.... So why the FUCK should have to pay taxes that go towards financing women being whores starting from age 9 years old?

At 9 years old - foids can get on birth control and have abortions all without parents permission? What kind of fucking bullshit is that? I thought they were children? lol They are not fucking children if they are having periods and having fucking dicks going inside them. They are children if ugly men who missed out on teen dating tries to court them but they are adult women all of a sudden if they want to go on birth control so they can get chad and tyrone semen blasted inside their soon to be diseased used up pussy all without parents permission.

You see how fucked up western logic is? It has no fucking logic....

Fuck your country, fuck your chads and Tyrones, fuck your porn websites, fuck your dating apps, fuck your taxes, fuck your constitution, fuck your male genital mutilation called "circumcision", fuck your bullshit rape laws, fuck your divorce and marriage laws, fuck your family court laws....fuck your son-in-laws and fuck your whore useless shameless disgusting pervert whore daughters....


I will leave this fucking country for good to go to Mexico for a better life as a male and remove feminism completely from this shithole planet called "earth" .

All females will work and provide money to incels in my ideal world and I will make it happen.

Women are better at college anyways since all the fucking faggot feminist professor pass them easily without issues.... that's cold hard black pill truth....

So if they really love women working than lets also have them love financially supporting men because of them taking all the jobs and leaving many men disenfranchised = They can support the men whom they displaced and ignore and look down on and laugh at....

Trump Casino will achieve this. mark my fucking words you stupid fucking arrogant stubborn motherchuds

lol just like you didn't take my warning of Gregg hayim going broke seriously, right? Don't take this seriously too and just wait to be shocked when you see the fucking damage I do to the sexual market value of females....

I will get it... Don't worry.... I may still be physically and mentally 13.... But hey I am one smart fucking 13 year old that knows how to plan and plot the demise of someone or something.

My mom's spiritual advisor told me because of your son, all the countries in the world will go back to old times where women were put in their fucking place and controlled sexually because they are pigs and perverted and visual only....

And people will start leaving the United States because of your son he said. And the government will see all this and start treating the Hayim family like complete fucking garbage and like servants.

He said people will follow your son advice and philosophy. They will actually listen to him when says to stop paying taxes completely, stop paying hookers, stop living in this country if you can leave and move all your wealth offshore to more safe, secure and countries with a decent sexual morality and don't get married due to unfair divorce laws rigged against the male completely.

Many rich men will actually listen to your son he told my mother.... They will actually start following him and copying him completely.

They will stop elevating women way above and beyond men.... They will start treating men and boys as valuable - all because of your son criminal groups actions.

People will find out what was the reason on why he got contacts with such dangerous people.

He also said they will make it illegal to prescribe taking anti-androgens and female hormones as it does not allow people to mature, grow, develop physically and mentally and actually look and act their own fucking age.

He said the governments in the whole world will say that because of this hormone shit, Ansub had so many problems in life and it actually benefited a major criminal group massively because he had no other options in life but to be employed by them since no employer ever gave even a basic decent entry level job to at least make a basic living and the jobs they give him, they don't treat him well at all and they push out of it from constant ridicule, bullying and being treated like dirt while giving him unlivable wages with too much stress for him.

both government officials who are not corrupt and even the public themselves will say that instead of a large legal corporation benefiting from his intelligence, a major criminal group has benefited from his intelligence and made them so fucking strong that they were able to murder jews, even murder CIA officials, launder much more money and make a lot more money than they ever did before.

Jews will have a horrible reputation he said because of your son. Nobody will trust them... and they jews will actually start fighting with each other who were involved in your sons bogus criminal case.... why will they fight?

Because dangerous fucking people will end up giving all of them problems and they will start pointing fingers at each other saying why did you tell us to do this stupid fucking criminal case? He said the jewish divorce attorneys will also fight Gregg Hayims family and Gregg Hayim's own attorney will end up in a fight the Hayim family.... Why?

Because their safety will be at risk from a very powerful big criminal organization.

The spiritual advisor told my mom that the mafia like people will be Spanish people and they will be very very very very fucking rough with your sons enemies.

They will break bones he said because they will know about your son's bone issues.

He said Italian criminal groups will want to have your son work for them but Spanish criminal groups will make them fuck off and the Italian criminal groups will tell their women to shut the fuck next time and don't tell us who to do business with and who not do business with.

He said their women told their men to ignore him and said he is just some poser loser who watches porn all day and jerks off all day.


Their Italian men will be so fucking pissed at their women he said when they learn how fucking valuable his money laundering businesses are, how it makes billions in legit profits which makes it perfect for laundering very large sums of money - hundreds of billions of dollars will be laundered through your sons businesses he said.

The Spanish criminal groups will get rid of the Italian mafia from taking your son away and having him work for them instead. He said Italian mafia will try to use your sons abilities and the Spanish gang members will make them fuck off right away....

He said Italian mafia are also very strong but the Spanish criminal groups connected to the Spanish banks are far far far more dangerous and capable of killing pretty much anybody who gets in their way and they bribe top officials and politicians as well including CIA. The mafia only has its reach with the FBI at BEST in a low level capacity.... They are mainly connected to local corrupt police departments - not really federal at all.

Spanish criminal groups and cartels are connected to corrupt federal agents and they have pull from federal to state law enforcement agencies.

anyways..... Karma is a bitch! So treat people nice is my fucking advice. I'm not nasty to women in public or even privately. I don't like them and I also despise and hate them but I just deal with them civilly when I need to deal with them by no choice with manners.

If I have a choice though, I only deal with men and talk to men.

And not I am not a fucking doormat, I have thrown many many fucking disrespectful women out of my cars and out of my life including my aunt who my mother and my sister later turned against. lol

First they were siding with my aunt being a bitch to me and than 10 years later they told me "You figured them out very quickly" after she tried ruin my half sister's marriage proposal.

I don't take shit from even women... I deal very smartly with them so they can't complain or make false rape accusation.

One time this female passenger told me she is going to call the police and tell them that you raped me if you dont' drive me to the destination after she called me a fucking idiot for being on the pin point for picking her up which she inputed wrong herself.

I told her you see this dash cam - it's facing front and back including recording audio.... Here is the app where I can pull up the footage under cloud.... I showed her.

And I than said I will be more than happy to sue the shit out of you in court for lost wages and legal expenses incurred from any false complaints.

She got quiet and opened the door and just left. She smelled of alcohol too.

This other time I was driving a limo as favor to a friend. He brought a blonde bitch to pick up. She started treating me like garbage.

you know what I did? I left her stranded in the middle of nowhere.

He found out and he got both sides of the story. And he took my side and told the bitch to go fuck herself and he actually started liking me more and respecting me for not being a doormat to some fucking women despite never dating, never kissing, never sex nor any girlfriend....He actually told me you did what every real man should do.

Fuck you....

Offering me women is of no fucking use....

You can't buy me with pussy or money or anything....

I want my respect and dignity back which was stolen from me without just cause, I don't want ANY of your fucking worthless whore females for sex, cuddling, dating, marriage, holding hands, friendship or anything to do with them aside from fucking extorting them financially.

fuck you - YOU WILL ALL FUCKING PAY!!!!!!


you joined this site: Jan 12, 2024

I joined PUAHATE.com in 2010 - You are the actual graycel in reality....

I am an extremely based and black pilled wizard running a bitcoin casino for money laundering and tax evasion.

I knew Elliot Rodger before he went ER - If that doesn't scream truecel than I don't know what does?

There is a very fucking retarded habit of users here always to try make you feel stupid for something you said and always trying to be a wise ass to make you feel like you are dumb....

lol It's actually quite pathetic bro....

You should learn to love and accept other incels as brothers who we can share advice and guidance with.

This whole charade and competition with trying to be the most black pilled user by trying to make other incels feel stupid as if they don't understand the black pill is not going to allow incels to get anywhere at all.

It's a pathetic selfish form of validation to make yourself feel better.

The better thing to do and also effective thing to do is starting a casino, tea and coffee business like me and only hiring other incels and just interviewing foids and rejecting them as being unqualified regardless of their resume or experience. - fuck them....

These bitches not only reject you (which is fine by me as that is their right to reject) but they actually go out of their fucking way to make fun of you, mock you, laugh at you and use your very short duration of courtship as entertainment for their amusement at your expense of social embarrassment and mockery of you.

They do this even if you ask them out once and they say no and you don't bother them ever again. They do this because they are sociapaths who get pleasure from making ugly men feel bad about themselves.

They also not only don't want to date or fuck or marry you or cuddle or whatever romantic bs you can imagine but they also fucking hate if you have any money for yourself and they don't want to hire you either despite being more than qualified. If they hire you, it will be for a very garbage lowly position which will pay shit and they will make you really answer why you are the best person for the job even though it's just maybe washing fucking cars or fucking dishes....

Even a fucking trained money can do it....

But the job will be filled with absurd amounts of stress, garbage treatment, mockery, bullying, constant criticism over the smallest mistakes, constant micromanagement, being called stupid, yelled at and treated like you don't know what you are doing.... lol Is washing cars and driving them require some fucking supervisor to watch your every fucking move like you are some fucking institutional equity trader doing security trading for your firm and they need to make sure you don't make a major loss ?

Is that why they do this bros? lol hahaha nah

These people are actually fucking assholes who like to treat people like pure fucking garbage because it makes them feel like they are majestic royalty and the other person is just a fucking slave or peasant.

Most normies will do this to you if you are a male and subhuman like me and many others on this forum who are actually real incels and not fucking FBI agents and infiltrators.

You not only are not allowed to date but you are not allowed to make decent money so you can make your living. I'm not even talking $100K plus a year....

These motherfuckers don't even want you to make $50K a year after taxes which is sufficient as an ugly single male who learns to budget and live simple with no habit of visiting prostitutes and rent in a basement apartment in lets say a ghetto area for $1K a month with utilities included.

You can do very well for yourself if you are single with no kids and live in a very small cheap apartment and you make $50K a year and learn how to budget and spend. And again DO NOT FUCKING VISIT WHORES!!!

They have diseases to gift you and they will fucking drain all your money that can be used to start a fucking business.

My incel friend is always broke because he visits whores and doesn't even tell me because he's ashamed. He's done this before and confessed to me that he lied to me that he quit seeing prostitutes but started up again like 4 months ago.

lol he tells me pussy is addictive lol I don't believe it is addictive for me... since he is also addicted to porn and I NEVER got addicted to that shit.

I just used to watch because I had nothing better to do and was practicing sexual magic to achieve goals. I stopped doing it as I just grew out of the novelty of sex magic.

I told him bro just geta fucking fleshlight fake pussy and an oculus VR headset and he's like nah man.... lol

You pay a couple hundred for that shit and you can use it multiple times as long as you take care of it. Heck if it can go for like 2 years than you saved a lot of money rather than visiting fucking whores with each visit.

And I mean he's my best friend but the thing is that he wasting his potential financially by spending a couple hundred each time.

A couple hundred for an escort by the way is a very cheap and low class escort. He sees very low class bitches.

One time he only fucking paid $80 bucks - Sometimes only $120.

If you really want a quality high class escort with standards it will cost you a $5-7K minimum these days especially in New York and nowadays those bitches reject you on your looks even if you offer to pay more.... If you pay enough they let you fuck them but the price is going to be extremely fucking high if you are an ugly subhuman and most likely what you offered as more is not going to convince her to touch your subhuman worthless self.

lol even escorting and prostitution can't save real subhuman lowest tier 0.1/10 incels unless they literally have billions to fucking blow to get pussy pleasure on their small penis.

The better thing to do is to kill the pimps of prostitutes instead of giving them money. Some narcos offer you: plato o plomo ? (silver or lead?)

I don't offer that deal. This is what I offer, only one option: Plomo! (Lead!)

Basically I am just going to give your pimps a fucking bullet in the head and penis including your brothel owners, your strip club owners, your porn studio owners and your escort agency owners.

lol fuck everything....

I don't give a fuck to kill people as a narco at all.

I don't care about prison, jail, court cases, court trials or doing life or even the death penalty.

I could care fucking less about criminal charges, I already was a criminal starting at the age of 15.
lol these asshole elites tried their best to make me go bald and old and it did not fucking work at all with their poison that they call "medicine" - All they did was anger my cousins in Mexico way more and cause me to end up owning a casino with the court order to take poison and the second criminal case intiated all thanks to Gregg Hayim the short obese chubby balding fucking small dick uglyfucker.... Every single time they have taken me to the hospital for mental health has not fixed me but only made me far far more fucking aggressive and more targets for torture and murder by the cartel. Gregg Hayim is going broke you fucking stupid fucking dumb motherfuckers? Right?

Just like I told Suffolk County police 6 years ago that a rich man can and do go fucking broke via email! Cartel use emails, social media, calls, text messages and letters to warn you. Don't blame anyone if you decide that we are just some fucking worthless dirty lazy porn addicts jerking off all fucking day and just typing up baseless threats that we can never actually make into reality for you. Because we can and we do prove ourselves to anyone who gets in our fucking way....

My advice? Don't get in my fucking way at all for anything. I don't have plans to rape your women but I do have plans to hurt them badly by killing all their male protectors and extorting their money/assets for LIFE! Killing your sons is doing God's work. They are too many of your male motherfuckers on this planet causing labor to be extremely cheap and making the wealthy men even more wealthy while benefiting only the top 1% of males in the dating/sexual/marriage market at the expense of 99% percent of men.

The minority should not and does not win in a just world. The chads and Tyrones are extremely fucking outnumbered by pissed off ugly men who have been given a rotten fucking sandwich in life and told to eat it and don't complain.... right.... The Hayim's male members are all going to be fucking murdered except for Max Hayim .... We have plans to kidnap him, inject him with all types of poison to make him go bald, obese, look old, lose his sex drive forever and destroy his testosterone.

We are going to keep him for 6 fucking years kidnapped in a dungeon with no escape possible. He will be injected and forced to swallow pills or he will be tortured if he does not swallow the pills.

The day before he is to be released - He will have his face/scalp doused in rubbing alcohol and than have his face/scalp set on fire so we can destroy his good looks.

Than we will throw acid on his face and scalp as well.

Than we will drop him off to his current girlfriend who is only really with him for his money in reality. lol

He will fucking lose her eventually soon since his family business is not going to stay at all and they will lose everything including their mansion to business creditors.

But he will totally lose her after she looks at how fucking ugly, fat and bald we made him along with his burned damaged ugly skin and broke nose and aged badly due to garbage food given and poor sleep and no exercise and teeth yanked out with construction pliers..... painful = perfect!

how's that for brutality? You were being so fucking tough with me on stupid court dates on my college exam dates over ONE fucking phone call which I did not make at all. You assholes were doing a witch-hunt on me as if I raped Gregg Hayim's daughters and his wife or I showed up to his fucking house with my dick out jerking off....

lol You fucking assholes gave me this shit and after stopping it and getting my testosterone checked the doctors accused me of taking steroids since my T levels are even fucking higher than 99% of all males who are 21 years old while I am an old ass 34 year old. And I did not lose any hair from high testosterone nor did I have nasty acne. How's that for fucking genetics? lol fuck you Gregg Hayim... hahaha

You guys were making the biggest fucking deal over spilled fucking milk. You think you motherfuckers are the only ones who can turn small things into big problems for others right? lol

Wait and learn soon. Mark my fucking words you pieces of fucking rotting shit!

Karen Kerr will be fucking killed by the cartel. Fuck that fucking worthless bitch whore.... Her lover Pierce cohalan is also to be murdered along with all of his male family members including in-laws including male babies....

Yes, I have turned into another fucking Sosa like in Scarface....

Cartels regularly kill children you fucking stupid piece of shit? okay? You don't fucking want that right? Than don't fucking interfere with my revenge unless you want more male children to be dead and women left widowed and fatherless including their in-laws.

yes I am a motherfucker.... I am going to go after women's in-laws as well.... I am that type of motherfucker now thanks to your fucking bogus criminal cases and your fucking poison bullshit drugs that just fuck up people brains and make them far more fucking aggressive.

Male babies and male children will be fucking murdered. This is doing Gods work and preventing any suffering. A bullet to the head has no fucking pain. Circumcision has extreme pain and causes permanent trauma in the person.

So I am not actually really scum.... I am putting away male misery by not allow male babies to survive at all. I have gotten into a serious car accident where I got hit in the head and passed out did not feel a single bit of pain.

A bullet to the head is the most humane and non-cruel way to put males out of their misery. Circumcicison is extremely cruel and extremely evil - not even Cartel members have the heart to do that shit do a toddler. I don't ....

I'll kill a male baby by putting good bullet in his head but will I sexually assault, mutiliate, torture and sexually cripple him by circumcison as screams in a way which is not normal for babies? Never.... can't do it, no way.... The screams from circumcision pain are not normal baby screams... They are so intense that babies vomit, defecate themselves, pass out, have their lungs collapsed and even sometime end up with a heart attack and die right away from shock..

all of which is covered up the corrupt evil medical system and evil corrupt greedy piece of shit "doctors"....

I'm not actually the monster you think I am.... And jews are not the actually the good people they always try to show themselves to others.

They sell the foreskin to skin care companies who put in expensive creams which women buy and put on their face. How fucking disgusting is that?

Males are the ones who are sexually abused, sexually mutliated, sexually assaulted, have their genitals mutilated and become sexual crippled for life within a few days of being born and having a very painful procedure called circumision done without any of their fucking consent.

The best way to put women in their place is to make men scarce so they can't treat them like shit because if they do? Than how will they get their tire changed? Their engine oil changed? Their luggage picked up? Their furniture picked up?

The whole reason why females treat men like trash is because they are far far far to many men and they have been given unchecked power that they don't deserve to do whatever the fuck they like with their bodies.

It's not their body actually - Women came from Adam's ribs.... Women are fucking property of men and yes they DO owe you sex if they expect you to pay taxes, contribute to society, follow laws and pay fees and fines to the government.

Because look the government takes your tax dollars and gives it to single mother who have pumped and dumped.....

Did that single mother fuck you? No.... So why the FUCK should have to pay taxes that go towards financing women being whores starting from age 9 years old?

At 9 years old - foids can get on birth control and have abortions all without parents permission? What kind of fucking bullshit is that? I thought they were children? lol They are not fucking children if they are having periods and having fucking dicks going inside them. They are children if ugly men who missed out on teen dating tries to court them but they are adult women all of a sudden if they want to go on birth control so they can get chad and tyrone semen blasted inside their soon to be diseased used up pussy all without parents permission.

You see how fucked up western logic is? It has no fucking logic....

Fuck your country, fuck your chads and Tyrones, fuck your porn websites, fuck your dating apps, fuck your taxes, fuck your constitution, fuck your male genital mutilation called "circumcision", fuck your bullshit rape laws, fuck your divorce and marriage laws, fuck your family court laws....fuck your son-in-laws and fuck your whore useless shameless disgusting pervert whore daughters....


I will leave this fucking country for good to go to Mexico for a better life as a male and remove feminism completely from this shithole planet called "earth" .

All females will work and provide money to incels in my ideal world and I will make it happen.

Women are better at college anyways since all the fucking faggot feminist professor pass them easily without issues.... that's cold hard black pill truth....

So if they really love women working than lets also have them love financially supporting men because of them taking all the jobs and leaving many men disenfranchised = They can support the men whom they displaced and ignore and look down on and laugh at....

Trump Casino will achieve this. mark my fucking words you stupid fucking arrogant stubborn motherchuds

lol just like you didn't take my warning of Gregg hayim going broke seriously, right? Don't take this seriously too and just wait to be shocked when you see the fucking damage I do to the sexual market value of females....

I will get it... Don't worry.... I may still be physically and mentally 13.... But hey I am one smart fucking 13 year old that knows how to plan and plot the demise of someone or something.

My mom's spiritual advisor told me because of your son, all the countries in the world will go back to old times where women were put in their fucking place and controlled sexually because they are pigs and perverted and visual only....

And people will start leaving the United States because of your son he said. And the government will see all this and start treating the Hayim family like complete fucking garbage and like servants.

He said people will follow your son advice and philosophy. They will actually listen to him when says to stop paying taxes completely, stop paying hookers, stop living in this country if you can leave and move all your wealth offshore to more safe, secure and countries with a decent sexual morality and don't get married due to unfair divorce laws rigged against the male completely.

Many rich men will actually listen to your son he told my mother.... They will actually start following him and copying him completely.

They will stop elevating women way above and beyond men.... They will start treating men and boys as valuable - all because of your son criminal groups actions.

People will find out what was the reason on why he got contacts with such dangerous people.

He also said they will make it illegal to prescribe taking anti-androgens and female hormones as it does not allow people to mature, grow, develop physically and mentally and actually look and act their own fucking age.

He said the governments in the whole world will say that because of this hormone shit, Ansub had so many problems in life and it actually benefited a major criminal group massively because he had no other options in life but to be employed by them since no employer ever gave even a basic decent entry level job to at least make a basic living and the jobs they give him, they don't treat him well at all and they push out of it from constant ridicule, bullying and being treated like dirt while giving him unlivable wages with too much stress for him.

both government officials who are not corrupt and even the public themselves will say that instead of a large legal corporation benefiting from his intelligence, a major criminal group has benefited from his intelligence and made them so fucking strong that they were able to murder jews, even murder CIA officials, launder much more money and make a lot more money than they ever did before.

Jews will have a horrible reputation he said because of your son. Nobody will trust them... and they jews will actually start fighting with each other who were involved in your sons bogus criminal case.... why will they fight?

Because dangerous fucking people will end up giving all of them problems and they will start pointing fingers at each other saying why did you tell us to do this stupid fucking criminal case? He said the jewish divorce attorneys will also fight Gregg Hayims family and Gregg Hayim's own attorney will end up in a fight the Hayim family.... Why?

Because their safety will be at risk from a very powerful big criminal organization.

The spiritual advisor told my mom that the mafia like people will be Spanish people and they will be very very very very fucking rough with your sons enemies.

They will break bones he said because they will know about your son's bone issues.

He said Italian criminal groups will want to have your son work for them but Spanish criminal groups will make them fuck off and the Italian criminal groups will tell their women to shut the fuck next time and don't tell us who to do business with and who not do business with.

He said their women told their men to ignore him and said he is just some poser loser who watches porn all day and jerks off all day.


Their Italian men will be so fucking pissed at their women he said when they learn how fucking valuable his money laundering businesses are, how it makes billions in legit profits which makes it perfect for laundering very large sums of money - hundreds of billions of dollars will be laundered through your sons businesses he said.

The Spanish criminal groups will get rid of the Italian mafia from taking your son away and having him work for them instead. He said Italian mafia will try to use your sons abilities and the Spanish gang members will make them fuck off right away....

He said Italian mafia are also very strong but the Spanish criminal groups connected to the Spanish banks are far far far more dangerous and capable of killing pretty much anybody who gets in their way and they bribe top officials and politicians as well including CIA. The mafia only has its reach with the FBI at BEST in a low level capacity.... They are mainly connected to local corrupt police departments - not really federal at all.

Spanish criminal groups and cartels are connected to corrupt federal agents and they have pull from federal to state law enforcement agencies.

anyways..... Karma is a bitch! So treat people nice is my fucking advice. I'm not nasty to women in public or even privately. I don't like them and I also despise and hate them but I just deal with them civilly when I need to deal with them by no choice with manners.

If I have a choice though, I only deal with men and talk to men.

And not I am not a fucking doormat, I have thrown many many fucking disrespectful women out of my cars and out of my life including my aunt who my mother and my sister later turned against. lol

First they were siding with my aunt being a bitch to me and than 10 years later they told me "You figured them out very quickly" after she tried ruin my half sister's marriage proposal.

I don't take shit from even women... I deal very smartly with them so they can't complain or make false rape accusation.

One time this female passenger told me she is going to call the police and tell them that you raped me if you dont' drive me to the destination after she called me a fucking idiot for being on the pin point for picking her up which she inputed wrong herself.

I told her you see this dash cam - it's facing front and back including recording audio.... Here is the app where I can pull up the footage under cloud.... I showed her.

And I than said I will be more than happy to sue the shit out of you in court for lost wages and legal expenses incurred from any false complaints.

She got quiet and opened the door and just left. She smelled of alcohol too.

This other time I was driving a limo as favor to a friend. He brought a blonde bitch to pick up. She started treating me like garbage.

you know what I did? I left her stranded in the middle of nowhere.

He found out and he got both sides of the story. And he took my side and told the bitch to go fuck herself and he actually started liking me more and respecting me for not being a doormat to some fucking women despite never dating, never kissing, never sex nor any girlfriend....He actually told me you did what every real man should do.

Fuck you....

Offering me women is of no fucking use....

You can't buy me with pussy or money or anything....

I want my respect and dignity back which was stolen from me without just cause, I don't want ANY of your fucking worthless whore females for sex, cuddling, dating, marriage, holding hands, friendship or anything to do with them aside from fucking extorting them financially.

fuck you - YOU WILL ALL FUCKING PAY!!!!!!


3508439399 fab030ceed

Whoa Nigga!

Do you really expect me to take all that shit from normies and jews and feminist cunts?


Here is the short gist of what will happen:

Bitcoin casino used for money laundering and tax evasion for narcos. Money made and cleaned than used to finance murders of a very large number of males including babies. Chads, Tyrones - murdered off tinder, clubs, bars, catering halls with weddings and engagement events, male strippers murdered, male escorts murdered, male porn stars murdered and the owners of escort agencies, strip clubs of any kind, brothels and porn studios are also going to be fucking murdered.

A pre-written note will be left at the scene of the crime to explain why they were murdered and how it's God's work to kill them and not a sin at all.

the Bible demands this, the Quran demands and even the Torah demands this - that you murder and kill all adulterers. Women have no self-control.... Men have far more self-control than women. It's the men who are to blame on why women become whores, the man clearly have not fucking shown them their fucking place and stand firm.

We are also going to murder divorce judges and divorce attorneys since they side with women to destroy their ugly husband and take all his money.

If you learn to read things, maybe you could be smart like me and start a fucking casino instead of just being some faggot on a forum behind a keyboard trying to make others feel stupid with memes that you think are catchy...

nigga please... I own a fucking casino... Go give your bullshit to some other nigga stroking his dick all day long with no shower for months....

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