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Blackpill The irony of PUA is that it's actually the culmination of bluepill advice


Deleted member 19

This is something I actually find quite funny, since a lot of bluepilled people will act as though PUA is more on the incel side of things than their own. They see it as this horrible misogynistic thing that came out of the evil incel community to try and bully women into sex. In reality it's actually the end result of the kind of shit advice you see on a lot of the anti-incel sites. Let me give some examples.

Incel: It's the fact that I'm physically unattractive that prevents me from getting laid
BP: Actually sweaty it's actually your personality and lack of confidence that is holding you back, you need to be more confident because women like confidence

Incel: If a woman isn't attracted to you from the start, she never will be
BP: Actually sweaty I've found that as a woman gets to know a man he can become more attractive through his personality, so even if she isn't attracted initially she can become so later

Incel: Women literally want nothing to do with me
BP: Hmm sweaty you need to go outside and talk to more women

Incel: I've never had any woman express any interest in me what so ever
BP: Umm sweaty perhaps they did and you just didn't notice

And from this shit advice, ironically, you get the PUA. The guy is now going out and talking to women as suggested, except it's weird because that shit isn't socially acceptable for unattractive men, he's persistant because not only does he believe he can build intrest through his personality, but he also thinks there are secret IOIs that he just hasn't seen, because that's what they told him, and he's being very confident and approaching women without letting up, because you told him he just needs to be more confident. This is the irony of bluepill advice, bluepill advice is the PUA advice that they hate so much.

PUA is their advice put into practice and they're too stupid to realise that in fact the creepiness they see in PUA is the reality of their awful advice, and thus actually proving the blackpill that you cannot in fact talk you way into a girls pants, that attraction does in fact come within the first few seconds and if you're ugly you probably really weren't getting any IOIs in the first place.
When an external perspective is placed to judge the manosphere as a whole, most people will judge all these groups as they are all the same: MRA, Incels, MGTOW, PUA, TRP, scammers, paleo dieters, conspiracy nutters, Alt-Rights.
:redpill: = :bluepill:
only :blackpill: matters
that attraction does in fact come within the first few seconds

Its probably measured in milliseconds, around 70-100 if I recall. You can recognize an attractive face faster than you can actually recognize who the face belongs to. If that doesn't suggest how important looks are, I don't know what would.
When an external perspective is placed to judge the manosphere as a whole, most people will judge all these groups as they are all the same: MRA, Incels, MGTOW, PUA, TRP, scammers, paleo dieters, conspiracy nutters, Alt-Rights.

Blue pillers and normie's are 2 sides of the same coin they both belive that humans are altruistic they fall into this worldview cause of many factors religion single mothers boomeristic tradionalism its what caused modern day that being said I disagree attraction is set it can be changed if you get surgery unless your subhuman like in deformed and I mean deformed you my friend can get surgery you can do a lot more than you think my issue mainly is she will cheat if your a non Chad sex is much easier I want a ltr
This is something I actually find quite funny, since a lot of bluepilled people will act as though PUA is more on the incel side of things than their own. They see it as this horrible misogynistic thing that came out of the evil incel community to try and bully women into sex. In reality it's actually the end result of the kind of shit advice you see on a lot of the anti-incel sites. Let me give some examples.

Incel: It's the fact that I'm physically unattractive that prevents me from getting laid
BP: Actually sweaty it's actually your personality and lack of confidence that is holding you back, you need to be more confident because women like confidence

Incel: If a woman isn't attracted to you from the start, she never will be
BP: Actually sweaty I've found that as a woman gets to know a man he can become more attractive through his personality, so even if she isn't attracted initially she can become so later

Incel: Women literally want nothing to do with me
BP: Hmm sweaty you need to go outside and talk to more women

Incel: I've never had any woman express any interest in me what so ever
BP: Umm sweaty perhaps they did and you just didn't notice

And from this shit advice, ironically, you get the PUA. The guy is now going out and talking to women as suggested, except it's weird because that shit isn't socially acceptable for unattractive men, he's persistant because not only does he believe he can build intrest through his personality, but he also thinks there are secret IOIs that he just hasn't seen, because that's what they told him, and he's being very confident and approaching women without letting up, because you told him he just needs to be more confident. This is the irony of bluepill advice, bluepill advice is the PUA advice that they hate so much.

PUA is their advice put into practice and they're too stupid to realise that in fact the creepiness they see in PUA is the reality of their awful advice, and thus actually proving the blackpill that you cannot in fact talk you way into a girls pants, that attraction does in fact come within the first few seconds and if you're ugly you probably really weren't getting any IOIs in the first place.
When an external perspective is placed to judge the manosphere as a whole, most people will judge all these groups as they are all the same: MRA, Incels, MGTOW, PUA, TRP, scammers, paleo dieters, conspiracy nutters, Alt-Rights.

Ever check out /r/theredpill lately?

it's almost dead and most of the posters just say borderline blackpill shit

same for mgtow

blackpill is the new thing... except blackpill is just common sense, so i guess some men finally realize what's going on
Ever check out /r/theredpill lately?

it's almost dead and most of the posters just say borderline blackpill shit

same for mgtow

blackpill is the new thing... except blackpill is just common sense, so i guess some men finally realize what's going on
Lol I haven't been there in ages, they seem to be really struggling with the rise of the incel community, they're coping so hard

"The world is full of hot girls craving ugly alphas"
I don’t know a single person who met the person they’re with randomly on the street. It was always though family/friends or at work/school or a combination of both.

For example my sister had friends at work (WORK). Her friend (FRIEND) had a birthday dinner, her brother (FAMILY) was there, she introduced her brother to my sister. They got along well during that dinner, and he asked her out. Fast forward 10 years and they’re married with kids.

As you can see, my sister met her husband through WORK>FRIEND>FAMILY. Literally 3/4 of the 4 key ways people meet. Now imagine if my brother-in-law was a PUA and randomly approached and started hitting on to my sister on the street, she would have thought he had mental problems by randomly approaching her and trying to get her number, because normal mentally sane people don’t actually do that.
Lol I haven't been there in ages, they seem to be really struggling with the rise of the incel community, they're coping so hard
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"The world is full of hot girls craving ugly alphas"

their trp.red site never got more than a few users and it was slow as fuck

holy fuck those guys talked so much shit about how great coders and marketers they were.

the mods of TRP said they would make a reddit clone but couldn't even manage to get up a shitty forum
Redpillers are boomers. You know how I feel about boomers.
Same with how "Nice Guys" are the logical conclusion of their advice to "just be nice bro"

"Just be nice" works for Chad because everything works for Chad.
Yeah, think you are 100% right on. I think red pill works for high tier normmies that are nt, depending on pervasiveness of tindergamy in their culture. It is useless for people of lesser appearance. I guess this makes Rollo Thomassi black pill.
JFL at that "ugly alphas".
Those normies when they will learn.
Lol I haven't been there in ages, they seem to be really struggling with the rise of the incel community, they're coping so hard
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"The world is full of hot girls craving ugly alphas"
If :blackpill:=:bluepill:, why :redpill: is losing so much to :blackpill: assuming you cant get spill the red one.

Y'aLl aRe DeEp On ThE bLuE
The only valuable PUA concept IMO is the "numbers game". If you go to a decent venue like an open-air event with drunk foids and approach tons of foids there, you do have way more chances of getting at least a kiss than you would have though any other means. But yeah, I'm aware it's not something easy or even safe.
Well OP if you are sweaty try a shower ;) But tbh I think the bluepill and the red pill are two different concepts:

Blue pill = The idea that you should remain hopeful while doing nothing that might offend any foid like trying to flirt without receiving IOIs first. This way you do not annoy anybody. You are a good little bitch that they can fuck over and you won't cause them any trouble.

Red pill = The idea that you can at least try to flirt with foids without IOIs. It might annoy foids and others but PUAs don't care.

That is a difference. The difference is that bluepillers want you to shut up and be a good bitch while PUA are telling you you can annoy other people...it doesn't matter if they are pissed off.

Of course the red pill is bullshit because even trying will not get you anywhere. The blackpill is the truth. But blue pill and red pill is not the same.
There is no objective good personality. Parlor tricks are not personality but a false front. You can't convince someone black is white, only that something is a little white, or a little black.
The people in the PUA circle jirk created a whole convoluted weird incomprehensible web of ideas to rationalize their theorems.

It’s hard to understand their ideas really since they attempt to put it down onto the finest details which makes no sense

None of it is scientific either
The people in the PUA circle jirk created a whole convoluted weird incomprehensible web of ideas to rationalize their theorems.

It’s hard to understand their ideas really since they attempt to put it down onto the finest details which makes no sense

None of it is scientific either
Well that's cuz it's a scam, scams usually are designed to be convoluted so it's harder for people to prove its a scam, as well as making the victims think theyre just too stupid to understand it.
Lol I haven't been there in ages, they seem to be really struggling with the rise of the incel community, they're coping so hard
View attachment 135571
"The world is full of hot girls craving ugly alphas"
Even IT is not this delusional.

Also a banger high IQ thread from @mental_out . Based and bookmarked
Stickying a wise old thread posted by @Mental_Out originally on his OG account as a user had an interest in finding this if it was still available and I figured it was worth bringing back for other newer uses to see too for a bit. :feelsokman:
ok Deleted member 19: Guest
Stickying a wise old thread posted by @Mental_Out originally on his OG account as a user had an interest in finding this if it was still available and I figured it was worth bringing back for other newer uses to see too for a bit. :feelsokman:
This is a very insightful thread. I wish you would more often pin threads from the past that newfags would like to see.
« pua makes you do cringe things »

So fucking what.

That’s a bad argument I’ve seen for years. Tell me it doesn’t work. But don’t tell me it’s « cringe »

I do not give a fuck what normscum find « cringe »
« pua makes you do cringe things »

So fucking what.

That’s a bad argument I’ve seen for years. Tell me it doesn’t work. But don’t tell me it’s « cringe »

I do not give a fuck what normscum find « cringe »
They're cringe explicitly because they don't work, and is largely just simp dancing monkey behaviour.
nah pua was popularized as a backlash against bluepilled feminist advice, because what people were told abt foids was so obviously different from how foids actually behave

in the past, people did have awareness abt foid nature, but in modern society that's rare so people turned to redpillers bc few other people were willing to discuss it

that said, (((pua))) is still jewish gaslighting, so it has that in common with the bluepill
Stickying a wise old thread posted by @Mental_Out originally on his OG account as a user had an interest in finding this if it was still available and I figured it was worth bringing back for other newer uses to see too for a bit. :feelsokman:
Nice, I never put two and two together but it's pretty spot on.
This is something I actually find quite funny, since a lot of bluepilled people will act as though PUA is more on the incel side of things than their own. They see it as this horrible misogynistic thing that came out of the evil incel community to try and bully women into sex. In reality it's actually the end result of the kind of shit advice you see on a lot of the anti-incel sites. Let me give some examples.

Incel: It's the fact that I'm physically unattractive that prevents me from getting laid
BP: Actually sweaty it's actually your personality and lack of confidence that is holding you back, you need to be more confident because women like confidence

Incel: If a woman isn't attracted to you from the start, she never will be
BP: Actually sweaty I've found that as a woman gets to know a man he can become more attractive through his personality, so even if she isn't attracted initially she can become so later

Incel: Women literally want nothing to do with me
BP: Hmm sweaty you need to go outside and talk to more women

Incel: I've never had any woman express any interest in me what so ever
BP: Umm sweaty perhaps they did and you just didn't notice

And from this shit advice, ironically, you get the PUA. The guy is now going out and talking to women as suggested, except it's weird because that shit isn't socially acceptable for unattractive men, he's persistant because not only does he believe he can build intrest through his personality, but he also thinks there are secret IOIs that he just hasn't seen, because that's what they told him, and he's being very confident and approaching women without letting up, because you told him he just needs to be more confident. This is the irony of bluepill advice, bluepill advice is the PUA advice that they hate so much.

PUA is their advice put into practice and they're too stupid to realise that in fact the creepiness they see in PUA is the reality of their awful advice, and thus actually proving the blackpill that you cannot in fact talk you way into a girls pants, that attraction does in fact come within the first few seconds and if you're ugly you probably really weren't getting any IOIs in the first place.
The bluepill and redpill are two sides of the same coin.
:yes: If you gaslight stupid and mentally weak people enough you get the delusional cringe fest which is the PUA. Endgame of being completely self unaware retard.

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