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Hypocrisy the incels who cry about race-mixing are huge hypocritical copers

  • Thread starter SubhumanAbomination
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mirror = cope
Jul 9, 2020
if an average noodlewhore or a latina gave any alt right coper even the slightest hint of impregnation desire, they would immediately drool over their double chins and scream in orgasm while their pissweak sperm float to the woman's ovaries to create another hopeless case

there's no doubt in my mind that they wouldn't have any issues with this kind of race-mixing, or that they would give a fuck and think about it twice. they just don't want the "other kind" of race-mixing (aka ethnic men with white women), because they still care about women like absolute cucks

so at the end it's not about "muh patriotism", "muh pride", "muh white identity", "muh save the white race", and more about their white knight nature of wanting to preserve the women who want them wiped from existence
Racial affiliation is just another tool of brainwashing and slavery.
Racial affiliation is just another tool of brainwashing and slavery.
exactly, i'm a mixture of like 4 different races and i couldn't give less fucks about any of them
This is true for every race's incels tbh, not just stormcels. East Asians are particularly hit hard by this.
if an average noodlewhore or a latina gave any alt right coper even the slightest hint of impregnation desire, they would immediately drool over their double chins and scream in orgasm while their pissweak sperm float to the woman's ovaries to create another hopeless case
Cope I wouldn't. You underestimate people with principles
exactly, i'm a mixture of like 4 different races and i couldn't give less fucks about any of them
And this probably is the reason why
Racial affiliation is just another tool of brainwashing and slavery.
Cope I wouldn't. You underestimate people with principles

And this probably is the reason why
yes you'd, and you would probably have the biggest orgasm of your life having fulfilled your biological goal and seeing how hypocritical you're, which would make the orgasm more taboo and enjoyable
yes you'd, and you would probably have the biggest orgasm of your life having fulfilled your biological goal and seeing how hypocritical you're, which would make the orgasm more taboo and enjoyable
Why are you so hard on about race mixing? Is it your kind of fetish? I never even fantasized about another race, but I also realized Im racist alread at 12
Why are you so hard on about race mixing? Is it your kind of fetish? I never even fantasized about another race, but I also realized Im racist alread at 12
i'm hard on it? i couldn't care less about it tbh and i would fuck any woman from any race fine with me

i just can't stand the hypocrisy of alt right dudes since i've seen many of them before slaying and having kids with noodlewhores while crying about ethnic men with white women, it's disgusting tbh
i just can't stand the hypocrisy of alt right dudes since i've seen many of them before slaying and having kids with noodlewhores while crying about ethnic men with white women, it's disgusting tbh
If they actually speak out against it but would race mix themselves, fuck them. But that only means they are traitors to what they preach and in effect, you simply hate race mixers which is fine for me :feelsthink:
If they actually speak out against it but would race mix themselves, fuck them. But that only means they are traitors to what they preach and in effect, you simply hate race mixers which is fine for me :feelsthink:
i only hate women and cucks, the race is irrelevant
To me it's understandable when a guy, especially if ugly, racemixes, since it's so damn hard to ascend. But white foids have absolutely no reason to and to me it's cruel to do it because your offspring will statistically be incel (if male, obviously) when you (the foid) weren't and they didn't have to either.
To me it's understandable when a guy, especially if ugly, racemixes, since it's so damn hard to ascend. But white foids have absolutely no reason to and to me it's cruel to do it because your offspring will statistically be incel (if male, obviously) when you (the foid) weren't and they didn't have to either.
wmaf tend to be more subhuman than amwf


Normies: Black girls are the best, white girls are the best, asian girls are the best :soy: :bluepill:

Me in the corner: Enjoying latinas, egyptians and middle eastern girls :feelsLSD::blackpill:
High IQ and based. I hate how the white supremacists have infiltrated this site. You'd think that since they're blackpilled, their IQs would be too high to dwell on the white master race BS, but nope. Those dumb copers are still here.
Normies: Black girls are the best, white girls are the best, asian girls are the best :soy: :bluepill:

Me in the corner: Enjoying latinas, egyptians and middle eastern girls :feelsLSD::blackpill:
Hate to break it you but that's not a rare preference.
not true, and also the reason i didnt SEAmaxx yet
not true, and also the reason i didnt SEAmaxx yet
you're probably just lazy lol, which is understandable

it's not just easy to move for another country and leave you own just to get laid
Hate to break it you but that's not a rare preference.
maybe not the latina part, but when race of women is brought up, it is always 99% only talking about whites blacks and asians
maybe not the latina part, but when race of women is brought up, it is always 99% only talking about whites blacks and asians
That's just because those foids are a majority. I've heard guys expressing interest in minority foids like middle eastern foids before if even one foid that looks Middle Eastern is present. To most guys nowadays pussy is pussy as long as they can get hard.
again, when the incel ethnic ascends with the white foid, the white incels are celebrating for him, and eurasian tiger is seething
r/aznidentity and r/hapas is more up to speed for you, but you'd probably get downvoted to oblivion by them because you're a mutt
r/aznidentity and r/hapas is more up to speed for you, but you'd probably get downvoted to oblivion by them because you're a mutt
made a post before to blackpill them about how asians are the dogs of whites and they removed it :feelshaha:
Normies: Black girls are the best, white girls are the best, asian girls are the best :soy: :bluepill:

Me in the corner: Enjoying latinas, egyptians and middle eastern girls :feelsLSD::blackpill:
I like White, Asian and Latina foids tbh.
I don't give a fuck about race-mixing really, though it's nice to point out how SMV affects race.

Stormfags are incapable of logic so don't bother.
I agree with you but stormfags are going to obliterate you
lol these cumskin males don't have to be stormfronters to get mad at Black male white female couples and Asian male white female couples. Even average white dudes hate seeing them and they absolutely lose their shit when they see one.

Meanwhile you don't have to look hard whatsoever in white areas in the West coast to find WMAF couples literally everywhere.
if an average bimbo or a white becky gave any subhuman shitskin coper even the slightest hint of impregnation desire, they would immediately drool over their double chins and scream in orgasm while their pissweak sperm float to the woman's ovaries to create another hopeless case

there's no doubt in my mind that they wouldn't have any issues with this kind of race-mixing, or that they would give a fuck and think about it twice. they just don't want the "other kind" of race-mixing (aka european men with non-european women), because they still care about women like absolute cucks
exactly, i'm a mixture of like 4 different races and i couldn't give less fucks about any of them
Don't act like you're "above" all this race and nationality business. You "don't care" about your identity / race because you have none. Disregarding race and ethnicity and insulting those who deem both important is a cope for you.

Being against extreme race mixing (such as asian with african, european with african, asian with european etc.) is not a political affiliation like "alt-right", but mere common sense. Most men who are against race-mixing are Asians and Africans who don't want European men to date their women, which is understandable. In return, it should be just common sense that no African or Asian man deserves a European woman.

You are entitled to a looksmatch of your broader race (White, Black, Yellow) ... that's it.
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Have you ever noticed how race mixing is always frowned upon when it's the outsider men getting together with the women? This is because men in general are in charge of any community or tribe. An outsider woman who comes in is contributing to the gene pool, and her offspring tend to be part of your tribe. However, if an outsider man comes in, he's stealing your women and his children will usually be a part of his tribe.
the funny part is how you start out with woke lines of thinking by burying yourself in the feminist narrative that equates nationalists only with whites even though nationalism is common all around the world.

the less funny part is where you pointlessly guise your lust for white women under the claim of hypocrisy. unless you are middleeasterncel your chances with white foids are as high as those with the average white man.
This is true for every race's incels tbh, not just stormcels. East Asians are particularly hit hard by this.
What people fail to understand is that exporting your genes and importing your genes are two VERY different things

If you are a European who breeds an African on european land, you're IMPORTING African genes into the overall European genepool, in turn "blackening" your race.

If you are a European who breeds an African on African land, you're EXPORTING European genes into the overall African genepool, in turn "whitening" their race.

For example, Spanish exported their genes into South America, but Natives never exported their genes into Iberia. It's a one-way genetic exchange, which broadens the Spanish genepool across the planet while still ensuring the original Spanish genepool remains untouched.

Another example would be how Arabs exported their genes into Persians, Berbers, and Egyptians, but said groups never exporting their genes into the Arabian Peninsula. Again, a one-way genetic exchange where Arabs increased the number of people carrying Arab genes while still keeping their homeland genetically untouched.
wmaf tend to be more subhuman than amwf
There's an obvious reason for this.

Asian males who are capable of scoring with European females are the top 1% of Asian males, in turn making them Changs among Changs, often from succesful Japanese/Chinese/Korean race. With their IQ and moneymaxxing, they're able to get the best European women

Contrast that to European males, who will only ever go for Asian females from Vietnamese/Thailander/Malaysian races, who are below Japanese/Chinese/Korean + the fact that the males who do this are only doing it as a last resort to ensure they don't die childless.
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exactly, i'm a mixture of like 4 different races and i couldn't give less fucks about any of them
Damn how'd your family even manage that??????? That's a lot of fucking traveling, mate.
that is why race copers are not to be taken serious tbh
i believe that there are downsides to race mixing so i don't fully aprove of it but i also don't care about my own race and would 100% fuck another so i'm not active with that thought

race mixing led to the JBW-pill
the funny part is how you start out with woke lines of thinking by burying yourself in the feminist narrative that equates nationalists only with whites even though nationalism is common all around the world.

the less funny part is where you pointlessly guise your lust for white women under the claim of hypocrisy. unless you are middleeasterncel your chances with white foids are as high as those with the average white man.
high IQ.

i thought i would have a lot to say on this topic but when i read the original post i realized he was only talking about whites who are against race-mixing. and it's no surprise that he himself is a mix of four races that he can't understand the concept of "miscegenation is bad." how could he when he's a product of one?

OP, i am sorry for you but there's no way for you to understand without having felt the pain of your own race foids betraying you, since you don't have a race to have concepts like this.
there's no doubt in my mind that they wouldn't have any issues with this kind of race-mixing, or that they would give a fuck and think about it twice. they just don't want the "other kind" of race-mixing (aka ethnic men with white women)

It's natural for a man to want to fuck as many foids as possible to spread his genes, but it's also natural for a man to enslave his own foids so they don't reproduce with his enemies (such as other races).

I simply want to perserve my own genes. Doesn't mean I care about white foids. Shit-tier IQ to draw this conclusion.
Offsprings of whitecels
That chart by EurasianTiger is fuckin legendary. When I first saw that a couple years ago I thought it was just cherry picking but the bottom part is spot on.

You see, if a White woman marries an Asian guy, she sort of knows what she is getting into. Shes stepped out of line in white society's eyes. She knows it and they know it. People think shes crazy, ridiculous, and silly for marrying an Asian guy who people view as inferior. She knows this and knows what people may think of her son if she has one. She knows her kids won't have it easy mixing in especially if the child is a boy. So she is cognizant of this as she raises her half-asian children and plays a positive re-enforcing role.

Now as for WMAF couples, its the total opposite, The white males in these relationships are often low tier beta alt right types. Border-line gay or flat out gay in a lot of cases. Usually hates black dudes. May or may not hate Asian dudes (despite marrying a noodlewhore), apathetic and indifferent in general to Asian dudes. The noodlewhore in this relationship ALSO hates Asian dudes. The son of these relationships end up like ER with no friends, no sex, no identity. Disillusioned. Self-hating. Toxic and downtrodden in general like many of us. While the hapa females do fine and normal over-all. Usually able to date a slightly higher tier of white males than their full blood noodlewhore mother.

That said, as an ethnic ricecel, white foids are just not my thing. The scandinavian foids are the most neotenistic looking type of caucasian foids and most similar to east asians but thats about it. Overall if the noodlewhore is not self-hating I would prefer the noodle. But what is happening right now is pure madness. I can't help it but have far right views from an Asian standpoint and wish nothing but destruction and calamity for the Anglo-Jewish world order. And indeed their demise is happening right now as you can see day by day.
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I'm not attracted to non-white women. Period.
View attachment 406401

It's natural for a man to want to fuck as many foids as possible to spread his genes, but it's also natural for a man to enslave his own foids so they don't reproduce with his enemies (such as other races).

I simply want to perserve my own genes. Doesn't mean I care about white foids. Shit-tier IQ to draw this conclusion.
What genes? You're already an outcast to your own society that doesn't care about you. When you die its all over so why do you even care?
I hate race mixing because the racial structure of the world is unfairly skewed towards white people thanks to their innate evilness and willingness to steal and kill other races for hundreds of years ruthlessly, so they built institutions that benefit white people at every turn of life, media always promoting white ideas and white beauty standards, white people always running companies and owning everything and having more money, all this shit means that white faggots can come take brown women much easier than I can go get a white woman, If it was an equal playing field I wouldnt give a fuck.
Normies: Black girls are the best, white girls are the best, asian girls are the best :soy: :bluepill:

Me in the corner: Enjoying latinas, egyptians and middle eastern girls :feelsLSD::blackpill:
who the fuck says black girls are the best? jfl

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