Hits home.
I don´t have any social media apart from this forum and Youtube.
When I download Instagram and scroll through the pages of people I used to know IRL, All I see is them living life
to the fullest extent with hundreds of likes.
Also, I try to avoid toxicity. And since social media is a cesspool of toxic garbage and a pissing contest between
males and females (gender wars), it´s not good for my mental health.
You literally have post wall moms posting bitter quotes about their exes and men in general on Facebook
and they get cheered on doing so.
Heres my June post about my Snap experience
Ive 'been' on Snapchat for over 2 years and have a Score of 60 lmao, some girls have like hundreds of thousands of points, is this an important status thing? Like "Insta" followers - a side that i dont use at all. It seems girls really give a shit about these nonsensical virtual numbers.
And since then its only gotten worse. Bots added me, Scammers added me, like I said I wasted dozens of hours talking to random people and hear their cucked blue pilled advice or some older people that I added coming off like they are a Know-It-All.
I also needed to constantly delete people I added because they spammed weird pics, one dude send me a pic to promote his Onlyfans
One girl I was apparently close in location I talked to and after 30 minutes I thought "Finally a cutie pie that sounds reasonable" and then she wanted me to follow her Onlyfans too.
I was on Snapchat for nearly 3 years, but lately havent used it. Surprisingly today I looked through what I have installed, because i am on a mission to reduce Phone usage (usually use the phone for 5 hours per day) and I was like: "Well, was not nice knowing you Snapchat, guess its time we part ways."
It was probably the closest thing for me to end a relationship. Because ultimately I still had added a couple hundred people, most of em I never really chatted to, but few that I of course can still remember our chats. But hey, like I said, its just strangers, we dont really know each other. So they wont miss me.