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LifeFuel The future of the U.S.S.A and the ending finale of ClownWorld.



Feb 11, 2021
The modern United States seemingly has no culture for all it is as it exists today is purely a material extrapolation that revolves around endless greed, chasing after capital, materialism, and the worship of money as divinely incorporated individual social status. Offering socialism as an alternative is no good for equality doesn't exist as social egalitarianism is a lie, and likewise, the capitalistic notion of meritocracy is equally a lie in an organized system that is entirely rigged from top-down, in reality, we live in a post-capitalist and post-socialist world where nation-states along with societies everywhere are collapsing because neither system nor ideological thought can sustain present humanity.

The collapse of western civilization and indeed civilization around the world over time will be a direct result of the inherent failures of both competing ideologies.

So, what happens to a nation like the United States that has no culture, identity, or ethos other than the unification of a diverse multitude group of people through material greed? For once the very mechanism of material greed that is the only remaining social glue holding society together disintegrates due to overall societal collapse, what is left afterward?

What is left afterward is a diverse multitude of people that hate each other, for once the unity through material greed dissolves as the only single strand holding people together one by one everybody will turn on each other as a war of all against all. :feelsdevil:

The future of a collapsed United States and west is basically this, a war of poor against rich, of men against women, of have nots versus haves, of the unwanted versus the wanted, of the unloved versus the loved, of the ugly against the attractive, of the undesired against the desired, of straight against gay, of religious against non-religious, of anti-social against social, young versus old, of specialist versus non-specialist, of manual laborer versus professional, of White against black, of black against White, of White against every race, and every race against White. It will be a war of all against all, the natural consequence of a culture completely ingrained in materialistic greed collapsed in of itself to which a society based solely on a zero-sum game descends into the complete total chaos of an equally zero-sum nature. This is what hell looks like when a collapsed society or civilization descends into the hell of its own very creation and fashioning. Alas, the eternal clown of this reality will finally blow his last triumphant honk as the world descends into chaos, lawlessness, madness, and an orgy of violence everywhere. People with the animals within will savagely turn against each other releasing the true primordial beasts of themselves to the point of cannibalism pointing their guns towards each other rushing out to execute what they perceive as the inferior other. I present you all a future glimpse into our collective final descent or voyage into hell. :feelsclown:

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The future of a collapsed United States and west is basically this, a war of poor against rich, of men against women, of straight against gay, of religious against non-religious, of anti-social against social, young versus old, of specialist versus non-specialist, of laborer versus professional, of White against black, of black against White, of White against every race, and every race against White. It will be a war of all against all, the natural consequence of a culture completely ingrained in materialistic greed collapsed in of itself to which a society based solely on a zero-sum game descends into the complete total chaos of an equally zero-sum nature. This is what hell looks like when a collapsed society or civilization descends into the hell of its own very creation and fashioning. Alas, the eternal clown of this world will finally blow his last triumphant honk as the world descends into chaos, lawlessness, madness, and an orgy of violence everywhere. People with the animals within will savagely turn against each other releasing the true primordial beasts of themselves point their guns towards each other rushing out to execute what they perceive the inferior other. I present you all a future glimpse into our collective descent into hell. :feelsclown:
I hope so, would be very great:feelsautistic:
Your collapse posts are so well-written, well thought-out....

and soothing :feelsLSD:
The rotted-out husk of America is in the terminal stages of decline and decay. The levels of corruption, decadence, and dysfunction have reached heights I never thought possible. American society is held together by glue, and that glue is money. Once the money breaks down, and we lose our reserve currency status (which is basically the only thing America has going for it at this point), all bets are off the table. I expect America at that point to completely degenerate into savagery- a Hobbesian dystopia of all against all, where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Indeed I have professed this on the forum multiple times as well.
Current socioeconomic structure is eroded and NOT sustainable.
We are literally sawing on the very branch of civilization that we are sitting on,
infinitely conflicted, without identity or community at the behest of manipulators.

The future is grim indeed, but it is my hope that out of that bleakness will rise the new wave of ideologies that will unite men once more under their banner and forge a new destiny.
The rotted-out husk of America is in the terminal stages of decline and decay. The levels of corruption, decadence, and dysfunction have reached heights I never thought possible. American society is held together by glue, and that glue is money. Once the money breaks down, and we lose our reserve currency status (which is basically the only thing America has going for it at this point), all bets are off the table. I expect America at that point to completely degenerate into savagery- a Hobbesian dystopia of all against all, where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Yes, and the only exceptionalism of our doomed nation will be that of a future historical reminder for other nations not to repeat or follow in the footsteps of otherwise they will suffer the same agonizing fate. :feelsjuice:
Indeed I have professed this on the forum multiple times as well.
Current socioeconomic structure is eroded and NOT sustainable.
We are literally sawing on the very branch of civilization that we are sitting on,
infinitely conflicted, without identity or community at the behest of manipulators.

The future is grim indeed, but it is my hope that out of that bleakness will rise the new wave of ideologies that will unite men once more under their banner and forge a new destiny.
For new life to emerge a new forest replenishes itself out of the burnt ashes, smoldering coals, and fires of the old one.
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Usa is a sinking ship, all politicians would rather burn entire states and make war for people to slaughter each other than to step down from the throne.
Im glad they are tasting their own medicine after provoking wars on every continent.
I'm sure we've all heard the parable of "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times..."

Well, this time, the strong men won't be able to create 'good times' because there will be nothing left.
Usa is a sinking ship, all politicians would rather burn entire states and make war for people to slaughter each other than to step down from the throne.
Im glad they are tasting their own medicine after provoking wars on every continent.
Before it is all over, before any invading foreign power reaches these shores, the oppressed and downtrodden domestic inhabitants of the United States will have burned down the entire country before a single foreign soldier steps foot over here, where afterwards half the domestic population would of already killed the other half. Those that think this nation is somehow salvageable after the last seventy five years are out of their god damn minds, it really isn't.

Game over.
Only thing that can save humanity and set us right is a barrage of nuclear missiles
I'm sure we've all heard the parable of "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times..."

Well, this time, the strong men won't be able to create 'good times' because there will be nothing left.
Most of the strong men will be roped up in trees after the majority of sexually celibate male wage slaves do exactly to them as they've done for decades on end. Want to know what happens to the majority of the male population having no access to pussy or meaningful sexual relationships? We're about to find out what happens when you castrate the majority of men reducing them to working poor eunuch slaves.
Only thing that can save humanity and set us right is a barrage of nuclear missiles
Another possibility, at this point I don't even care anymore, if I can't get my dick wet regularly than neither will they, and all their future progeny can not exist at all for all I care. If I must resign my life to utter damnation then they can be damned along with me.

Whoever thought that reducing the lives of a majority of men next to nothing was going to have a positive future outcome was a fucking idiot and I'm surprised that the powers that be have been complicit with this catastrophe for as long as they have been. You would think they would be smarter, but apparently not.
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Most of the strong men will be roped up in trees after the majority of sexually celibate male wage slaves do exactly to them as they've done for decades on end. Want to know what happens to the majority of the male population having no access to pussy or meaningful sexual relationships? We're about to find out what happens when you castrate the majority of men reducing them to eunuch slaves.

Another possibility, at this point I don't even care anymore, if I can't get my dick wet than neither will they, and all their future progeny can not exist at all for all I care.

What will happen to the females in this scenario? Is it possible that they will be treated similar to how German women were treated when the Soviets occupied the country?:feelsLSD::feelsdevil:
So, what happens to a nation like the United States that has no culture, identity, or ethos other than the unification of a diverse multitude group of people through material greed?
Only thing they have in common is the language which doesnt mean much, ethnic identity is stronger than national identity. US will fall apart as Rome did, they also thought progressiveness is good for the country.
What will happen to the females in this scenario? Is it possible that they will be treated similar to how German women were treated when the Soviets occupied the country?:feelsLSD::feelsdevil:
More than likely I would assume, and while I myself just want a peaceful normal life where I detest senseless violence overall, under such a future fate I find it extremely difficult to have any sympathy for them should such a future be normalized or should such a future manifest itself.

We live in an unprecedented time in history where literally a majority of men can't even have the simple most basic pleasure of copulation, there's obviously going to be some kind of disastrous horrifying consequence to all of that. If there was a compromising peaceful future from the fallout of all this I would be all for it, but I realistically don't see a peaceful future in the cards at this time.
Only thing they have in common is the language which doesnt mean much, ethnic identity is stronger than national identity. US will fall apart as Rome did, they also thought progressiveness is good for the country.
Same old, same old, yes.
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More than likely I would assume, and while I myself just want a peaceful normal life where I detest senseless violence overall, under such a future fate I find it extremely difficult to have any sympathy for them should such a future be normalized or should such a future manifest itself.

We live in an unprecedented time in history where literally a majority of men can't even have the simple most basic pleasure of copulation, there's obviously going to be some kind of disastrous horrifying consequence to all of that. If there was a compromising peaceful future from the fallout of all this I would be all for it, but I realistically don't see a peaceful future in the cards at this time.
I can't bring myself to care about what happens to foids at this point. It's very difficult for me to feel any sympathy or compassion towards them. I don't know what the future holds, but it could be several generations before normal, harmonious relations between the sexes re-establishes itself. The feminism and contempt for men of the modern foids will backfire on them immensely, as will their debased and brazenly whorish behavior.
I can't bring myself to care about what happens to foids at this point. It's very difficult for me to feel any sympathy or compassion towards them. I don't know what the future holds, but it could be several generations before normal, harmonious relations between the sexes re-establishes itself. The feminism and contempt for men of the modern foids will backfire on them immensely, as will their debased and brazenly whorish behavior.
Agreed. :feelsjuice:
The modern United States seemingly has no culture for all it is as it exists today is purely a material extrapolation that revolves around endless greed, chasing after capital, materialism, and the worship of money as divinely incorporated individual social status. Offering socialism as an alternative is no good for equality doesn't exist as social egalitarianism is a lie, and likewise, the capitalistic notion of meritocracy is equally a lie in an organized system that is entirely rigged from top-down, in reality, we live in a post-capitalist and post-socialist world where nation-states along with societies everywhere are collapsing because neither system nor ideological thought can sustain present humanity.
Correct, America's culture is just rampant greed and hyper-materialism. Brands are holy symbols and celebrities are the clergy, they spread this degenerate culture all across the world. It doesn't just stay in shitholes like Holywood, it's global and that's the agenda of the globalist scum ruling class. Also you'll come to find most "socialists" are the biggest materialists of all, worshiping these brands and celebrities, taking everything they say as divine truth. They've also infiltrated our education and social media. The indoctrination starts as soon as kids hop on tiktok and flail their arms in front of a camera.
The collapse of western civilization and indeed civilization around the world over time will be a direct result of the inherent failures of both competing ideologies.
I wouldn't say all around the world, I see traditionalist societies like Russia and Poland flourishing in a post America world.
So, what happens to a nation like the United States that has no culture, identity, or ethos other than the unification of a diverse multitude group of people through material greed? For once the very mechanism of material greed that is the only remaining social glue holding society together disintegrates due to overall societal collapse, what is left afterward?
The wealth is the glue keeping the US held together, my parents are from EX Yugoslavia, their dictator (Josip Broz Tito) was their glue. When he died the country spiraled out of control, balkanized, and a bloody civil war ensued. My parents have already told me they see the same thing happening in the US.
What is left afterward is a diverse multitude of people that hate each other, for once the unity through material greed dissolves as the only single strand holding people together one by one everybody will turn on each other as a war of all against all. :feelsdevil:
Take it from someone who lives in a cosmopolitan city, different ethnic groups really don't like each other. Only white liberals act like they do. Blacks hate Whites, Whites hate blacks, Mexicans hate Blacks, Asians hate blacks, and so on and so on. We are *this* close to an all out civil war, once the money dies up... all those billions of bullets and millions of guns will see action.
The future of a collapsed United States and west is basically this, a war of poor against rich, of men against women, of have nots versus haves, of the unwanted versus the wanted, of the unloved versus the loved, of the ugly against the attractive, of the undesired against the desired, of straight against gay, of religious against non-religious, of anti-social against social, young versus old, of specialist versus non-specialist, of manual laborer versus professional, of White against black, of black against White, of White against every race, and every race against White. It will be a war of all against all, the natural consequence of a culture completely ingrained in materialistic greed collapsed in of itself to which a society based solely on a zero-sum game descends into the complete total chaos of an equally zero-sum nature. This is what hell looks like when a collapsed society or civilization descends into the hell of its own very creation and fashioning. Alas, the eternal clown of this reality will finally blow his last triumphant honk as the world descends into chaos, lawlessness, madness, and an orgy of violence everywhere. People with the animals within will savagely turn against each other releasing the true primordial beasts of themselves to the point of cannibalism pointing their guns towards each other rushing out to execute what they perceive as the inferior other. I present you all a future glimpse into our collective final descent or voyage into hell. :feelsclown:
We really are the new Roman Empire, but the collapse will be much more bloody. This post is LIFEFUEL because I want to see this degenerate, gynocentric, deterministic nightmare end. :society: Great post, bookmarked.
I wouldn't say all around the world, I see traditionalist societies like Russia and Poland flourishing in a post America world.

There is nothing "traditionalist" whatsoever about either of those places, they are both fully intergrated into the globalist, materialistic empire. As for Poland, that country is a part of NATO, so that makes it automatically hyper-cucked.
There is nothing "traditionalist" whatsoever about either of those places, they are both fully intergrated into the globalist, materialistic empire. As for Poland, that country is a part of NATO, so that makes it automatically hyper-cucked.
While being in NATO is cucked, they aren't putting their boys in dresses and openly promoting faggotry.
Russia and Poland are the same degenerate trash. You must have never been there.
Russia and Poland are the same degenerate trash. You must have never been there.
:yes:, just no gay rights shit (which doesn't affect us incels anyway) but foids are very degenerate still roping stats prove it
The modern United States seemingly has no culture for all it is as it exists today is purely a material extrapolation that revolves around endless greed, chasing after capital, materialism, and the worship of money as divinely incorporated individual social status. Offering socialism as an alternative is no good for equality doesn't exist as social egalitarianism is a lie, and likewise, the capitalistic notion of meritocracy is equally a lie in an organized system that is entirely rigged from top-down, in reality, we live in a post-capitalist and post-socialist world where nation-states along with societies everywhere are collapsing because neither system nor ideological thought can sustain present humanity.

The collapse of western civilization and indeed civilization around the world over time will be a direct result of the inherent failures of both competing ideologies.

So, what happens to a nation like the United States that has no culture, identity, or ethos other than the unification of a diverse multitude group of people through material greed? For once the very mechanism of material greed that is the only remaining social glue holding society together disintegrates due to overall societal collapse, what is left afterward?

What is left afterward is a diverse multitude of people that hate each other, for once the unity through material greed dissolves as the only single strand holding people together one by one everybody will turn on each other as a war of all against all. :feelsdevil:

The future of a collapsed United States and west is basically this, a war of poor against rich, of men against women, of have nots versus haves, of the unwanted versus the wanted, of the unloved versus the loved, of the ugly against the attractive, of the undesired against the desired, of straight against gay, of religious against non-religious, of anti-social against social, young versus old, of specialist versus non-specialist, of manual laborer versus professional, of White against black, of black against White, of White against every race, and every race against White. It will be a war of all against all, the natural consequence of a culture completely ingrained in materialistic greed collapsed in of itself to which a society based solely on a zero-sum game descends into the complete total chaos of an equally zero-sum nature. This is what hell looks like when a collapsed society or civilization descends into the hell of its own very creation and fashioning. Alas, the eternal clown of this reality will finally blow his last triumphant honk as the world descends into chaos, lawlessness, madness, and an orgy of violence everywhere. People with the animals within will savagely turn against each other releasing the true primordial beasts of themselves to the point of cannibalism pointing their guns towards each other rushing out to execute what they perceive as the inferior other. I present you all a future glimpse into our collective final descent or voyage into hell. :feelsclown:

View attachment 465816
More collapse posts please!!! Or comfymaxxing hermit about posts! Nice post again bro
Nice post. Diversity + proximity = war. It applies everywhere. Only lots of affluence and spending can delay this, and only for a little bit.

Lots of ooga booga in here. The unrest won't be comfy at all for anyone, including ethnics on welfare, JFL.
Hall of Fame thread.
More collapse posts please!!! Or comfymaxxing hermit about posts! Nice post again bro
More threads and posts on their way, I promise. :feelsjuice:
Hall of Fame thread.
Thank you.
Nice post. Diversity + proximity = war. It applies everywhere. Only lots of affluence and spending can delay this, and only for a little bit.

Lots of ooga booga in here. The unrest won't be comfy at all for anyone, including ethnics on welfare, JFL.
To use an Abrahamic reference, these progressives in terms of race, ethnicity, and virtually everything else are creating a proverbial tower of Babel, but of course having reached to close to sky the entire tower came crashing down, because human beings found out in the end that they cannot be like the gods or God himself themselves that they so very much worship in idolization.

[There are natural consequences to everything that cannot be circumvented or altered overtime.]

[The grand finale of our modern Sodom and Gomorrah.]
Correct, America's culture is just rampant greed and hyper-materialism. Brands are holy symbols and celebrities are the clergy, they spread this degenerate culture all across the world. It doesn't just stay in shitholes like Holywood, it's global and that's the agenda of the globalist scum ruling class. Also you'll come to find most "socialists" are the biggest materialists of all, worshiping these brands and celebrities, taking everything they say as divine truth. They've also infiltrated our education and social media. The indoctrination starts as soon as kids hop on tiktok and flail their arms in front of a camera.

I wouldn't say all around the world, I see traditionalist societies like Russia and Poland flourishing in a post America world.

The wealth is the glue keeping the US held together, my parents are from EX Yugoslavia, their dictator (Josip Broz Tito) was their glue. When he died the country spiraled out of control, balkanized, and a bloody civil war ensued. My parents have already told me they see the same thing happening in the US.

Take it from someone who lives in a cosmopolitan city, different ethnic groups really don't like each other. Only white liberals act like they do. Blacks hate Whites, Whites hate blacks, Mexicans hate Blacks, Asians hate blacks, and so on and so on. We are *this* close to an all out civil war, once the money dies up... all those billions of bullets and millions of guns will see action.

We really are the new Roman Empire, but the collapse will be much more bloody. This post is LIFEFUEL because I want to see this degenerate, gynocentric, deterministic nightmare end. :society: Great post, bookmarked.
Well said, I very much agree, but know this, global economic collapse will mean world war in the end, nations unaffected by poor political economic planning will be engulfed in war since military conflict is the final option of every dying empire by the power crazed individuals that rule over it. Yes, having lived over here my entire life I also see Yugoslavia 2.0 and perhaps that is the best scenario instead of the looming possibility of yet another global conflict, the lesser inflection of evil.
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In ~150 years it will be China's turn, again....

What a great time to be alive!

Am I right boys? !!!
Resources like oil and rare earth metals are also either becoming more expensive to get and process or are becoming more scare and difficult to extract. Modern civilization is temporary and will eventually come to an end.
What you have written is what political economy philosophers from the mid 1800s to the mid 1900s pondered. How do we unite the world?

Religion doesn't work because there are different flavors of spirituality, worship, and allegiance. So they came up with communism. A purely atheistic and materialist view of human developmental history. Communism won in the end. We are living in a socialist world order right now. What unites the world, as in what we all have in common is our pursuit of happiness. Which basically means mindless pursuit of money, wealth, and materials. And to fix our problems (inequalities), means throwing money at it or social propaganda (BLM).
1519298049 screen shot 2018 02 22 at 111345 1

Me waking up the morning of saint poopoomas apocalypse day

View: https://youtu.be/o34ar2yVIgM

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2kHjAvKN0MIy/

In ~150 years it will be China's turn, again....

What a great time to be alive!

Am I right boys? !!!
Collapse is coming much sooner to the United States and much of the west, more like ten years or less. Better to accept and prepare for that now rather than later.

Those that don't prepare for that inevitability the harder it will be when such events transpire.
Resources like oil and rare earth metals are also either becoming more expensive to get and process or are becoming more scare and difficult to extract. Modern civilization is temporary and will eventually come to an end.
The rate of natural resources peaking around the entire planet jeopardizing modern technological industrial society will be around 2050-2070, however, global conflict securing those dwindling resources will have already happened many years in advance or prior as virtually every major military intelligence agency is already firmly aware of.
What you have written is what political economy philosophers from the mid 1800s to the mid 1900s pondered. How do we unite the world?

Religion doesn't work because there are different flavors of spirituality, worship, and allegiance. So they came up with communism. A purely atheistic and materialist view of human developmental history. Communism won in the end. We are living in a socialist world order right now. What unites the world, as in what we all have in common is our pursuit of happiness. Which basically means mindless pursuit of money, wealth, and materials. And to fix our problems (inequalities), means throwing money at it or social propaganda (BLM).
You cannot unite the entire world, there in lies the cruel rub. Socialism has failed and so has capitalism as well, where even if you wanted to create a more equitable organization within society you can't because the world is running out of natural resources as it is with modern technological industrial society sucking it all down dry like a vacuum. Somewhere over a period of time the elites of this world within their self glorification and worship of themselves no longer care about all of that on an intellectual level, in some ways it could be argued that they never really did from the very beginning. No, instead our current international overlords are all about presently reducing the numbers of human livestock in collection everywhere so that one day they can inherit the entire world to themselves without everybody else in it. In fact gentlemen, that mentality right there is what our emerging global dark age and era is really all about, it's just that very few these days can mentally pierce the veil of all the deception or trickery that encompasses much of the entire world these days. Very few people have any kind of mental semblance of what is actually going on or transpiring.
View attachment 466210
Me waking up the morning of saint poopoomas apocalypse day
Face reveal on global judgment day. :feelsdevil::feelsclown:

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I feel like the first shots of the future civil war have already been fired. If this does happen, which I do think it will, historians will look back on 2020 and say that the events of BLM rioting were the first events of the second American civil war. After the riots, surveys showed that Republicans and Democrats actually disliked each other just as much as Israelis and Palestinians do. I feel like the hatred only got worse after the election.

Remember that many of the riots relating to the American Revolution actually happened over 10 years before the Revolutionary War finally broke out. The Boston Massacre happened 6 years before the war did.

I hope all the videos, the issues of today, and the knowledge of what happened here are preserved. Future men need to know once the new patriarchy rises from the ashes the evils of feminism. Feminism needs to be treated with the same disdain as communism traditionally has been. Each generation needs to know how miserable feminism makes people and what a soulless society it creates. They need to see the videos of trigglypuff and big red. To know that the sweetness and respectable behavior of the girls in their time period is a fragile thing.
I feel like the first shots of the future civil war have already been fired. If this does happen, which I do think it will, historians will look back on 2020 and say that the events of BLM rioting were the first events of the second American civil war. After the riots, surveys showed that Republicans and Democrats actually disliked each other just as much as Israelis and Palestinians do. I feel like the hatred only got worse after the election.

Remember that many of the riots relating to the American Revolution actually happened over 10 years before the Revolutionary War finally broke out. The Boston Massacre happened 6 years before the war did.

I hope all the videos, the issues of today, and the knowledge of what happened here are preserved. Future men need to know once the new patriarchy rises from the ashes the evils of feminism. Feminism needs to be treated with the same disdain as communism traditionally has been. Each generation needs to know how miserable feminism makes people and what a soulless society it creates. They need to see the videos of trigglypuff and big red. To know that the sweetness and respectable behavior of the girls in their time period is a fragile thing.
My own simple underlying general principle is this, that which cannot be sustained won't be, radical feminism along with reducing a majority of men to involuntary sexual celibacy isn't sustainable in the significant long term span.

In many ways a civil war inside the United States and west is very much needed, there is too much rot or decay that needs to be forcibly removed, however, the global elites want that too because they're all about an economic geopolitical reset. It's just that they have by far a more sinister goal or ambition of their own at play. To understand them you only need to know that they view the entire world as their chessboard, for them this existence on earth is nothing more than a great game where our lives hang in the balance as pieces simply moved across on a board.
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Yea real raw resources are limited (oil, precious metals, food, water, land, etc...). Something I think the early marxist philosophers of the late 1800s did not take into account.

Fiat currency, not so much. There is an endless supply of it as central banks can just conjure them up. That is the power of socialism. Endless fiat currency, endless debt, and putting people to work. America is actually a loose governing de-centralized socialist society. Americans are actually liberal for the most part when it comes to LGBTQ, women's rights, rights of minorities, etc... But it is loose governing. Meaning it is not authoritarian.

China would be an example of a hard line hard governing authoritarian socialist society. You don't play by the rules and have a differing opinion, you could disappear and be sent away for labor and re-education.

But good point Marques. If things keep going the way they are, the world will collapse on its own contradiction, atheism, and materialism. Theres simply not enough to go around forever. Unless things change in the future politically as far as governance (which I think is the more likely scenario) where America, along with China become authoritarian socialist state planners.

Everything will be planned and enforced in the future if there is to be sustainability. And of course, the ultimate form of being sustainable is simply to reduce human populations. Too much humans waste resources when those resources could be used for research, development, and technological progress (which would further the cause and justification for human population reduction, as people are simply not needed for work that robots can easily do a far better job of).

In fact, that is exactly where we are headed. There really is no need for working class people or illegal immigrant labor when you have robots to do it.

The zoomer generation is truly fucked. Highest rate of degeneracy, single mother homes, inceldom, and mass automation is literally around the corner. If you grew up middle class or poor as a zoomer, youre shit out of luck or you better work really hard now to land a decent job (that won't be automated) by your mid to late 20s.
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Yea real raw resources are limited. Something I think the early marxist philosophers of the late 1800s did not take into account.

Fiat currency, not so much. There is an endless supply of it as central banks can just conjure them up. That is the power of socialism. Endless fiat currency, endless debt, and putting people to work. America is actually a loose governing socialist society. Americans are actually liberal for the most part when it comes to LGBTQ, women's rights, rights of minorities, etc... But it is loose governing. Meaning it is not authoritarian.

China would be an example of a hard line hard governing authoritarian socialist society. You don't play by the rules and have a differing opinion, you could disappear and be sent away for labor and re-education.

But good point Marques. If things keep going the way they are, the world will collapse on its own contradiction, atheism, and materialism. Theres simply not enough to go around forever. Unless things change in the future politically as far as governance (which I think is the more likely scenario) where America, along with China become authoritarian socialist state planners.

Everything will be planned and enforced in the future if there is to be sustainability. And of course, the ultimate form of being sustainable is simply to reduce human populations. Too much humans waste resources when those resources could be used for research, development, and technological progress (which would further the cause and justification for human population reduction, as people are simply not needed for work that robots can easily do a far better job of).

In fact, that is exactly where we are headed. There really is no need for working class people or illegal immigrant labor when you have robots to do it.

The zoomer generation is truly fucked. Highest rate of inceldom and mass automation is literally around the corner. If you grew up middle class or poor as a zoomer, youre shit out of luck or you better work really hard now to land a decent job (that won't be automated) by your mid to late 20s.
I can say with absolute certainty there is a limit to manipulation of fiat currencies, something of which everybody in the dollar denominated world is going to find out very soon.

Socialists fail because they don't understand human nature very well, they think of human nature as being naturally good willed and cooperative, human nature largely is neither of those things. Capitalists fail because they think by reinforcing inequality will somehow raise the productive segment of society to the top, it does to a certain extent but eventually the serpent eats its own tail leaving nothing left afterward.

I like to think of myself as a rational authoritarian, but of course for me my ideal governance is a monarchy with an educated or philosophical aristocracy put into place. I'm socialist to some extent that I understand a majority of people have needs and that those needs need to be met to achieve a happy thriving populace. Economically socialist, conservative or traditional on everything else basically.
They want a war overseas or another world war but not a civil war. Civil war is something that would be bad for them and wouldn't reset things like they'd hope.

Much sooner than 150 years tbh
Of course they want another world war, but the problem for them is that they've created too many incel men and that they have largely reduced a majority of men into nothing. No large majority of men is going to want to fight and die for that.

A majority of men have no wives, girlfriends, or families of their own, pussy is the ultimate stake in society for us men and if a majority of us are receiving none chances are we're not going to defend such a situation.
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“How do we unite the world?”

@starcrapoo: The answer would be simple if we could somehow neutralize and or render the Jewish threat harmless and that believe it or not does not have to necessitate killing all of the evil bastards even though they sorely deserve it but simply imprisoning them in the worlds largest ever super maximum security prison for the criminally insane would go a long way towards fomenting world peace and or unity of all the races since they via their malicious intent are the primary trouble makers on the planet constantly race baiting, war mongering and engaging in usury.

So hypothetically speaking assuming we could somehow get the Jews out of the way in some way that all of the races of the planet would agree to be relatively peaceful and humane…

After that grand task is complete…

You then have the government’s of the world create the largest ever truth and reconciliation commission in human history to air out every races massive list of grievances against eachother and find a way where everyone if necessary not only makes reparations of some sort to eachother’s racial group but we also find a way to restructure the living space on the planet where incompatible racial groups are no longer forced to live together side by side but are allowed to separate as nature intended.

Yet we could also create a vast “melting pot” area that allows the people who voluntarily want to mix with other races to go and live there but without Jews around to artificially prop it up as they did with ZOG US/UK via puppet mastering the higher IQ races of whites and Asians to “keep the lights on” so to speak, I seriously doubt the new nation of “Mixedlandia” or if you prefer “Wakanda” would remain a popular destination for very long.:feelskek:

I suppose however in a post Jewish ruled world the homogeneous governments of the world could band together and artificially prop a Mixedlandia up if only to make it a kind of new Australia which is to say a place for all the libtarded white degenerates to flock to as their new kind of racial Mecca so they gtfo of homogeneous white countries and don’t go about gradually fucking up the homogeneous nation’s politics and clean and safe lifestyles up anymore with their sick and depraved DIEversity and nigger worship ideas which only ever end in bringing upon filth, decay and ruination to said nation.

So yeah, basically find out what every racial group really wants the most and attempt to give them that in exchange for the promise we all won’t nuke eachother or engage in any new wars against eachother and things before long would be right as rain.

If however you were talking about a specific political ideology new or old that could unite mankind by that’s an easy solution too.

First figure out the answer to the question “What is human nature?” and build your new political philosophy behind that.

Jew communism fails in practice if not on paper because human nature is apparently largely greedy and paranoid so when the commies take power they always consolidate all the wealth and weapons for the government and the people get their equality alright but it’s in the form of scraps, misery and squalor but hey at least the pain and suffering is equally distributed right?:feelshaha:

Jew capitalism is so successful because it works great with human nature but unfortunately is also highly exploitative and tends to ruin the environment and deplete resources.


What to do? What to do?? One frantically wonders…

Well if anyone out there has got the knowledge to create Star Trek TNG level replicators and get us into a post scarcity world where every last one of us has all the food, weapons and access to every inexhaustible resource we could ever desire then you’ve finally opened the door to a communism that can work in reality and not just on paper.

Barring that ever happening all we can probably hope for is some genius coming up with a heavily revised form of capitalism that removes as many of its negatives as it can while suitably plugging the leaks with new doctrines that work and motivate people in ways that help rather than exploit humanity.
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