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Serious The folly of racial supremacism



Christian Incel
Feb 14, 2019
Imagine being the El Paso shooter,mate.
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Imagine being isolated by your own family for being a sub5male.

Imagine venting your depression from isolation to coloured people.

Imagine devoting your life to racial supremacist causes in hope that the supremacists will accept you and give you a sense of belonging.

And imagine,that after all of this;after leaving pages of manifesto and copying a new zealand mosque shooter in the name of the Caucasian race--the supremacists themselves,who you so zealously protects,throw you under the bus simply because you are ugly.

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These white supremacists faggots would rather accept homos than incels
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Note:I'm not saying that you should stop being loyal to your race and love everyone.

I mean,i hate racism,but it is understandable why some people are racists.Thats just basic tribalism

But you need to wake up.All these supposedly 'pro-male' racial websites wont be friendly to any sub4 males.

Bottom line is this;You need to choose a hill to die on.Will you fight for the racial supremacists that will disavow you and accuse you as a jew or will you fight for the cause of male equality and destruction of female privileges?
race is cope for ugly males
i cant imagine being El Paso tbh
he looks way worse than me
So this guy killed a bunch of beaners cause he thought it'd help him get laid or something?
Every ugly male that died/fought in the name of inceldom and incel awareness are martyrs today.

You can choose incels or you can choose being used and laughed at.
So this guy killed a bunch of beaners cause he thought it'd help him get laid or something?
He's tired of being demonized by everyone simply because of his sub5 face.
He thought by killing beaners people would hailed him as a hero for the first time in his life.

This is what happens when incels are not woke about the blackpills and the true enemy(foids)
They follow retarded political cause in a bid to become heroes
You can choose incels or you can choose being used and laughed at.
Supremacism is cope tbh. It's some retarded shit. Even if their dream came true and they got their racially pure state, they would still be treated like second class citizens. The blackpill is universal. If you are ugly, you are 100% screwed.
Every race is equal except jews. Jews made up white supremacy. Jews larp as whites accusing real whites of white supremacy.
Supremacism is cope tbh. It's some retarded shit. Even if their dream came true and they got their racially pure state, they would still be treated like second class citizens. The blackpill is universal. If you are ugly, you are 100% screwed.

Maybe they cope better being cucked by Chads rather than Tyrones, Jose, Chang etc...
Racial nationalism can be a decent cope if done correctly. His manifesto isn't necessarily wrong either when it comes to immigration and its effects. And let us remember than the more single men coming in the country = increased female hypergamy in that country.The real problem with nationalism is that most racial nationalists are cucks and white knights. You want more white children? Get white women under control and force them to make more. Attacking random browns at walmart is stupid and leads to nothing.
they would still be treated like second class citizens.
Even more so in a fascist,monoracial dictatorship.
These countries(like China or NS Germany) have no moral qualms about eliminating the genetically undesirables-i.e us incels
Race does not matter. Black, white, yellow etc. What matters is genetics. Good genetics and bad genetics. Bad genetics are discrimininated.
Get white women under control and force them to make more
Good,but most racists worshipped foids because 'they are the mother of the race'.
I hope more racists think like you and attack subversive females instead of commiting random terrorism against browns
This happened? Where does it say this?
Just look at the photos with him and his families.Their body languages tell me all i need to know
That guy have to sui in the jail. Maybe he can go with the neonazis there but if he hear about how white nationalist in internet are mocking him he is about to rope srs.
Tell that to the millions of ethnic whores that want the American white
No truer discrimination than ugly discrimination. The discrimination that doesn't discriminate!
Even more so in a fascist,monoracial dictatorship.
These countries(like China or NS Germany) have no moral qualms about eliminating the genetically undesirables-i.e us incels

Not true. China isn't fascist, it is a totalitarian capitalist state, and NS Germany wasn't going around forcing manlets and facecels into death camps. Quite contrary, NS Germany (as did fascist Italy and Spain under Franco) had very strong anti-thottery measures in place. Women were encouraged to marry young and produce children. Men got their looksmatches for the most part. I can attest to Spain under Franco because my grandfather/grandmother grew up there. They said sluts and homewreckers were routinely beaten and killed in the smaller rural villages and the villagers weren't punished.

Good,but most racists worshipped foids because 'they are the mother of the race'.
I hope more racists think like you and attack subversive females instead of commiting random terrorism against browns
Most racists don't want to believe that white women (all women really) race mix out of their own volition sometimes. They in earnest believe that a white foid would rather have a 2/10 white trucel over a 6/10 nonwhite normie or even 9/10 tyrone. They think the jews cause this rather than female hypergamy.

(((They))) have done a lot of things, but foids being disloyal whores who destroy nations is literally ancient knowledge. They must be constantly kept in check. The modern racial movements in the west don't want to address this, partially out of optics reasons, and partially because their egos prevent them from seeing the truth. Its amazing to me that these movements that want to go back to traditional values are hell bent on preserving a recent 150 year old idea of female empowerment and emancipation, an idea that came from the decadent upper class cosmopolitans to begin with. Boggles the mind really.

A lot of the race issues will be moot anyways once gene editing and artificial wombs become possible on a wide scale. But for the next 100 years or so, they will definitely cause issues.
Unless that American white is a sub4 man like St.El Pasocel
Meh he could have looks maxxed to a 4 which is plenty good enough for rural noodle sluts. Maybe not city ones
No truer discrimination than ugly discrimination.
Ded srs.We are the true opressed class,not gamers
They think the jews cause this rather than female hypergamy.
Someone needs to tell them that most jews act like subversive bastards because they are by nature feminime,not the other way around.
Jewishness is not corrupting female nature;jewishness is the truest manifestation of female nature.
People of /pol/ largely hate this kid because from the looks of him he's a probable Jew (from appearance) and false flagger like Tarrant before him.

Thats not to say the shooting didn't actually happen but rather it happened by Jewish design/intent to give the Jews/leftist scum political capital to crack down on pro whites/so called right wingers.

This is why the Jews staged the OKC bombing back in the day ie the militia movement had grown very popular and powerful and they needed an "event" to scare the shit out of the public and turn them against it.
I cannot believe how terrified everyone is of the Jews. Most based tribe tbh. Wish I was Jew.
Yet Tarrant is worshipped and memed by many far right pundits,despite the fact that he is an obvious Mossad chad.
Why? Because he has an ok face.St El Pasocel does not

You're forgetting that there are literally large Jewish companies dedicated to shitposting/astroturfing image boards and other forums with their false narrative.

I don't believe any true "white" person that is pro National Socialism/race realism worships that piece of shit.

Just Jews and leftist scum LARPing as "whites".
Someone needs to tell them that most jews act like subversive bastards because they are by nature feminime,not the other way around.
Jewishness is not corrupting female nature;jewishness is the truest manifestation of female nature.
Its very peculiar how Jews are a matriarchal race vs a paternal one. As long as your mom is jewish, you are technically jewish.

People of /pol/ largely hate this kid because from the looks of him he's a probable Jew (from appearance) and false flagger like Tarrant before him.

Thats not to say the shooting didn't actually happen but rather it happened by Jewish design/intent to give the Jews/leftist scum political capital to crack down on pro whites/so called right wingers.

This is why the Jews staged the OKC bombing back in the day ie the militia movement had grown very popular and powerful and they needed an "event" to scare the shit out of the public and turn them against it.
/pol/ is largely filled with normalfags who are afraid of kinetic action because they'll lose their sekrit club. The majority of them would rather make memes and whine impotently. But they do raise a good point of attacking some random walmart over literally anything else. Why? I still don't believe Tarrent or this guy are false flags.

The strongest argument against false flag paranoia is that any action can be labeled as a false flag, legit or not. If you don't do something, they'll do something on your behalf. You have no choice but to fight. Might as well engage on your terms rather than theirs. And to go to your example, even if OKC was staged, the feds haven't pulled another Waco since, so it did its job.

Newer pics of shooter
Solid 4/10 tbh.
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Kek Elpasocel still mogs me
NoCopeNoHope said:
I still don't believe Tarrent or this guy are false flags.

Didn't it strike you as odd that the Jews and leftcucks rushed to censor the Tarrant shooting video on every single platform that they could control or influence?

They did that because it was obviously staged and fake. Jews overreached due to their arrogance and hatred for the goyim and their resentment of us (whites) being the "master race" but at the same time as a group lacking the overall intelligence/awareness to properly understand what a menace they are to our safety and well being, which of course motivated them to allow this half assed video to appear only for some wiser Jews to realize what a fuckup it was and would be to allow the video to get widespread circulation hence they "shut it down" before the masses of goyim could "know" and decide for themselves what to think of said "shooting" video.

More than one person remarked it looked more like a videogame Call of Duty trailer than an actual legitimate, authentic mass shooting.

The guy that rushed Tarrant and supposedly got shot in the head? Yeah, if this were real his brains would've been painting the wall but not a single bit of blood spatter anywhere. Not with him or anyone else in the video.

At least not until Tarrant "came back" later after leaving and supposedly shooting down that Muslim girl in the street.

Then we saw large blood pooling at least at the front of the building but not much elsewhere.
Nationalism =/= supremacy. I don’t support what the shooter did, just making the distinction.

What one or two guys on pol say is hardly representative of what the white nationalist population thinks of him.. frankly they don’t need to think anything about him, just his actions..

But if he were PSL8 there’s no way he would’ve pissed his life away going ER.. he wouldn’t even know what white nationalism is. He be a braindead lefty living his hedonistic life just “going with the flow dude”

The guy that rushed Tarrant and supposedly got shot in the head? Yeah, if this were real his brains would've been painting the wall but not a single bit of blood spatter anywhere. Not with him or anyone else in the video.
Human tissue is elastic. It behaves more like ballistic gel than a watermelon when shot . I.e. people don’t explode into a fine red mist when shot.. Real life is not like a Tarantino movie. Only a Brainlet would say the NZ shooting video was fake. Same kind of person that would say there were no planes on 9/11

Not everything is 4D chess. It’s not inconceivable that things like this could happen organically. Though I still maintain a healthy dose of skepticism everytime something like this happens, especially considering how much Democrat’s have to benefit from it / it’s proximity in time to the democratic debates .. while the dem talking points are still fresh in everyone’s minds.. could be nothing, could be something ..
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Nationalism =/= supremacy

Human tissue is elastic. It behaves more like ballistic gel than a watermelon when shot . I.e. people don’t explode into a fine red mist when shot.. Real life is not like a Tarantino movie. Only a Brainlet would say the NZ shooting video was fake. Same kind of person that would say there were no planes on 9/11

Not everything is 4D chess. It’s not inconceivable that things like this could happen organically

I've seen enough nasty real life shootings with various different guns point blank on gore sites to know that his blood and or brains should of been painting the wall brah and even if what you said were true it also doesn't explain the lack of any bullet damage to the wall behind the guy's head either much less anywhere else in the building.

If the shooting were real Jews would of definitely had their talking heads on the Jew controlled news networks encourage the viewers to track down and watch the video if not outright showing it on their networks themselves (to drum up hate for evil white racists) while in a faux sense caring for the viewers at the same time by telling people who are too sensitive not to search and watch the video if they can't handle "graphic content".
Based schizocel. :feelskek:
I've seen enough nasty real life shootings with various different guns point blank on gore sites to know that his blood and or brains should of been painting the wall brah and even if what you said were true it also doesn't explain the lack of any bullet damage to the wall behind the guy's head either much less anywhere else in the building.
IIRC the guy that charged Brenton was shot in the face .. even if he wasn’t though, idk what videos you watched , but unless it’s something like a 50 BMG, or a 12 gauge, or some crazy big handgun round, it’s just gonna poke a hole straight though the head.. the brain will absorb whatever energy the bullet transfers. And if it’s still going fast enough , I’m pretty sure it will exit the skull without an explosive exit wound..

An event of that scale would be impossible to stage. Considering the media immediately censored his manifesto and everybody shut up about the whole incident 2 weeks later .. I guess NZ benefited since they got an excuse to disarm the population.. but that’s just them seizing an opportunity
Didn't it strike you as odd that the Jews and leftcucks rushed to censor the Tarrant shooting video on every single platform that they could control or influence?
No. Because that's what happened to Steve when he did his shooting. But do you really think they would let you livestream a mass murder to begin with? Violation of TOS and likely legal trouble for them. Manifesto was also heavily censored for a while before it was spread by /pol/. That by itself isn't proof of anything. And the head's exploding when shot isn't really totally accurate either Depends on whether it hits a sinus pocket or not.
IIRC the guy that charged Brenton was shot in the face .. even if he wasn’t though, idk what videos you watched , but unless it’s something like a 50 BMG, or a 12 gauge, or some crazy big handgun round, it’s just gonna poke a hole straight though the head.. the brain will absorb whatever energy the bullet transfers. And if it’s still going fast enough , I’m pretty sure it will exit the skull without an explosive exit wound..

An event of that scale would be impossible to stage. Considering the media immediately censored his manifesto and everybody shut up about the whole incident 2 weeks later .. I guess NZ benefited since they got an excuse to disarm the population.. but that’s just them seizing an opportunity

Nah, the Jews pulled off OKC, Waco and 9/11 and got away with ALL of that.

NZ would be literally nothing to them in comparison.

They also got away with the Sandy Hook hoax lets not forget.

They get away with all of this shit because the large contingent of Christ cucks are their power base and the rest of the public is as I'm sure we both know happy and content due to "bread and circuses" or at least content enough to not rock the boat by staging a revolution from the bottom so to speak.
IIRC the guy that charged Brenton was shot in the face .. even if he wasn’t though, idk what videos you watched , but unless it’s something like a 50 BMG, or a 12 gauge, or some crazy big handgun round, it’s just gonna poke a hole straight though the head.. the brain will absorb whatever energy the bullet transfers. And if it’s still going fast enough , I’m pretty sure it will exit the skull without an explosive exit wound..

An event of that scale would be impossible to stage. Considering the media immediately censored his manifesto and everybody shut up about the whole incident 2 weeks later .. I guess NZ benefited since they got an excuse to disarm the population.. but that’s just them seizing an opportunity
Even their gun grab failed iirc. Very few turned in their weapons. Besides, gun grabs only work if people let them. Enough people say no and the government can't do shit without starting a domestic conflict.
Nah, the Jews pulled off OKC, Waco and 9/11 and got away with ALL of that.

NZ would be literally nothing to them in comparison.
Let me ask an honest question: what mass casualty event haven't the jews done?
NoCopeNoHope said:
Let me ask an honest question: what mass casualty event haven't the jews done?

Pretty sure they weren't responsible for Charles Whitman's massacre but then again they've controlled the country since at least 1913 so for all we know maybe he was one of their goyim guinea pig mind control victims/manchurian candidates?

Its really impossible to say for certain but generally I'd think that if the supposed "event" had no discernible political value to them then it probably wasn't their doing but at the same time who knows as Jews love to engage in their sick kabballah and freemasonic rituals so for all we know some mass homicide event that seems totally unconnected to Jewry may infact be.

Tentatively I want to give you an answer and say that they probably weren't responsible for the mass familial homicide as detailed in this video but then again I repeat myself "who knows?"
You know this is a Jewish forum, right? We're all Jews here.
He would have felt much more welcomed here. White supremacy is cope. Ugly males only have other ugly males
Pretty sure they weren't responsible for Charles Whitman's massacre but then again they've controlled the country since at least 1913 so for all we know maybe he was one of their goyim guinea pig mind control victims/manchurian candidates?

Its really impossible to say for certain but generally I'd think that if the supposed "event" had no discernible political value to them then it probably wasn't their doing but at the same time who knows as Jews love to engage in their sick kabballah and freemasonic rituals so for all we know some mass homicide event that seems totally unconnected to Jewry may infact be.
>Its really impossible to say for certain but generally I'd think that if the supposed "event" had no discernible political value to them then it probably
Under this definition, any shooting, including basic street crime, could be the cause of jews since jews want gun control. I think its a stretch to say every mass shooting for the past 100+ years has been caused by jews.
Even their gun grab failed iirc. Very few turned in their weapons. Besides, gun grabs only work if people let them. Enough people say no and the government can't do shit without starting a domestic conflict.

Let me ask an honest question: what mass casualty event haven't the jews done?
Dude EXACTLY. It legit blows my mind that gun confiscation is not EVER successful, but successful every single time. The point of having guns is recourse against an opponent (99% of the time your government but also invading armies, shit like that.. not factoring in home defense).. confiscating guns is an illegal move by the government. The way I see it, the government operated under direct threat of overwhelming violence by the citizens, to make sure they don’t fuck up and overreach.. telling citizens to hand in their guns is like playing chess and in the middle of the game you go “new rule, no more moves for you, infinity moves for me”.. I hope things are different in America. 40% of all small arms in existence belong to US citizens, mostly in the hands of republicans; I hope they resist the inevitable gun confiscation and a civil war/revolution ensues. Otherwise, America is doomed. There is no such thing as power without guns. Without guns, you’re left with no choice but to think happy thoughts and hope your government is better than other governments throughout history. Like we as a species are now past the atrocities of history.

The costs of disarming a population are magnitudes greater than the costs of having an armed population. It’s not even close. A couple dead people is not a problem in contrast with the alternative. And even with these mass shootings, the overall murder rate in America is actually really low (remove young black males (~2% genpop) and it gets cut in half).. the media blows gun violence out of proportion.. there’s 330 MILLION people here.. ofc some people will kill others.. it just makes for good headlines that people will click on, and when it’s a bunch of people being killed at once, it evokes fear into people like this type of thing happens everywhere all the time. Your odds of even being present during a mass shooting are probabaly lower than getting hit by lightning. 20 people died today in El Paso, all in one place at one time and eveyrbodys losing their shit calling for a complete disarmament of citizens.. but I bet more than 20 people died yesterday in separate instances that nobody knows about or gives a shit about or even virtue signals about..

If anything, more people should start carrying guns. Guaranteed there won’t be any more mass shootings if mass shooters believe that someone/a few people in the crowd could have guns themselves. Mass shootings always happen in gun free zones. That’s not a coincidence.

picture this brainletism from New Zealand’s perspective. “Domestic terrorist” with a gun attacks their citizens, so they take guns away from their citizens lmao. When I saw the Christchurch video, the first thing I thought was “ok, concealed carry mandatory.. this is not a situation I want to be in. If it ever happens, I want to have a fighting chance”
NoCopeNoHope said:
I think its a stretch to say every mass shooting for the past 100+ years has been caused by jews.

I think you suffer from a fundamental lack of understanding of the Jewish question just the same as much of /pol/ itself does along with image boarders in general who are typically young 20 somethings who believe they are fully redpilled now and thus know it all.

What many of you seem to fail to consider or reject the notion of is how deeply Jews control society.

Some reject this out of fear and others just plain old disbelief ie "how could such a small group control so many millions of people who outnumber them? Impossible!"

There's also the social engineering aspect and high IQ think tanks the Jews use along with their vast mass media control to influence public opinion and behavior.

All of this has a profoundly negative effect on the population.

Example. A nigger kills a white person because he "hates" them for "400 years of so called slavery and oppression".

Society could care less the nigger's reasons, he's guilty of murder and has to go to prison for it. The nigger alone is "guilty" society says to itself.

Yet who was it that taught the nigger to hate white people in the first place? Who gave the nigger a skewed view of white people and didn't tell the nigger that it was actually Jews NOT white people who owned all the slave ships and that it was the white European race who ultimately decided to free the nigger??

Again I ask who taught the nigger to hate whites and give him only a one sided false narrative story about us?

It was of course the Jew.

So you see where I'm heading with this point?

The Jew didn't physically murder the white man in my hypothetical scenario, the nigger did and society in it's blindness only sees the nigger as being worthy of punishment and guilt for this crime but when you look deeper you realize things are not so simple as they at first appear.

The Jew is also guilty and moreso than the literal murdering nigger because without the Jew's malicious intent and lie of omission the nigger would not of killed the hypothetical white person at all.

And this my friend is one of the most powerful reasons the Jews are so hated and have been so hated historically ie they get others most often to do their dirty work for them, thus they continue to appear as innocence incarnate to the rest of society that is happily naieve living their own lives of blissful ignorance and contentment.
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