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"The Pessimist Was Right All Along"
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Hän on Kuopion kouluiskut tehnyt opiskelija – mustiin pukeutunut Joel Marin ei koskaan tervehtinyt naapureitaan, asunut talossa jo vuosia
Kuopiossa eilen tehdyn kouluiskun tekijäksi epäillään Joel Otto Aukusti Marinia, vahvistavat MTV Uutisten lähteet. Vuonna 1994 syntynyt Marin on aloittanut opiskelut oppilaitoksessa vuosia sitten.
"Neighbors said the suspect was always dressed in black and never greeted."
Tämä kaikki Kuopion järkyttävästä kouluiskusta tiedetään: Tekijä sytytti tulipalon ja hyökkäsi luokkahuoneeseen sapelin kanssa, poliisi saapui kahdeksassa minuutissa
Kuopiossa tapahtui tiistaina poikkeuksellinen väkivallanteko, kun teräaseella varustautunut Joel Marin hyökkäsi kauppakeskus Hermannin tiloissa sijaitsevaan Savon ammattiopistoon. MTV Uutiset kokosi yhteen kaiken, mitä tapauksesta tiedetään nyt.
"He often wore a hood on his head and under his own circumstances. He never talked, but was quiet and seemed quite closed, one of Marin's former neighbors told MTV News.
The neighbors of his student dormitory in Kuopio also described him as inward-looking, shy and speechless."
Kuva: Hän on Kuopion miekkahyökkäyksestä epäilty Joel Marin – miehen tunteneet kuvailevat rauhalliseksi, mutta yksinäiseksi: "Sulkeutunut ja tuskainen katse"
Kuopion miekkahyökkäyksestä epäillyn vanhat koulukaverit muistavat Joel Marinin rauhallisena ja kilttinä, mutta myös yksinäisenä nuorena miehenä.
An old schoolmate suspect of the Kuopio sword attack remembers Joel Marin as a calm and gentle but also a lonely young man.
MTV News has interviewed several people who studied at the same high school with Marin. According to interviewees, Marin was lonely during high school.
It seemed like he didn't have a lot of friends in high school, but yes he did talk if he talked to him. He was not so eye-opening in that way. I wasn't worried at all.
There was a change after high school
According to the interviewee, the situation changed after high school and Marin closed. He didn't deal with the man himself, but his friend lived in the same dormitory with him.
He's been really closed. He hasn't greeted and seems not all that well, a friend had told of Marin's recent behavior in the dorm.
According to the interviewee, the friend had talked in particular about the man's closeness and "painful gaze".
People were worried about him.
Doesn't look an Incel (purely on looks) but all descriptions his associate's give of him fit the profile.