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Blackpill The existence of a steep dominance hierarchy is the most fundamental blackpill second only to the truth of biological determinism.



Defeated by Fate | Contra Mundi Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
the strongest and genetically gifted people

foids literally think like this and openly admit it
Men used to think like this but then they gave in to female morality and that was the doom for us.
foids literally think like this and openly admit it
they say if they can manipulate you and you let it happen, you deserve it.
I mean a lot of blackpilled guys, too. Too many foid-apologists. I saw a video from retard room today. He claimed redpillers cope by saying foids can't love. Apparently, they have 'higher standards' and they 'truly love' chads. I mean isn't that just higher standard for men's physical appearance which at the end of the day is materialistic like money, status, power etc.?
I mean a lot of blackpilled guys, too. Too many foid-apologists. I saw a video from retard room today. He claimed redpillers cope by saying foids can't love. Apparently, they have 'higher standards' and they 'truly love' chads. I mean isn't that just higher standard for men's physical appearance which at the end of the day is materialistic like money, status, power etc.?
aha! this is so interesting! This is the first time I have met someone in the wild who has an actual critique of ITV. Fascinating.
Yes, he says a lot of giga retarded shit and his retarded followers dont fact check him.
Like, he made a video about twin studies, but when you look into twin studies, it turns out most of them are retarded.
Its very simple, just think about what would be necessary to make a valid long-term twin study.

1. locate 100s of willing mothers pregnant with twins (you need control group and test group too, dont forget)
2. convince them to participate in a study where at least one of their children is taken away after birth for at least 18 years
3. monitor said children in 100s of different families 24/7 to make sure they dont have contact with their siblings and real parents
and so forth

its logistically impossible, its ethically so absurd that nobody would ever agree to it.
And this is why all of these twin studies fall apart.
One of the biggest ones from the 90s that retard room cited, they literally refused to publish their data for 30 years. Can you guess why? They had no control group, which made the entire study invalid.
The other studies, they ran into the issues I already mentioned. It later turned out that the families of the fostered kids knew each other, many of them lived only miles apart, some of the twins were only separated at a later age, like 5-7 years of age.

Besides shit like this retard room also does not apply the blackpill universally.
For instance, he reductivley applies it only to relationships and sex in 90% of his videos.
But in other videos he literally shits on other men, saying they are not successful at business like him because they just dont have social skills. Not making that up (lest we forget, he is a successful business owner who said he has a degree and has traveled to many countries because of his job, literally an upper class snob whos only issues is that he cant get laid).

In psychology they call shit like this selfishness bias or fundamental attribution error.
Basically he only applies the blackpill to the parts of his life he doesn't like (being ugly and sexless) but drops it when it comes anything else in his life, because he likes those parts, so he does not attribute determinism to them. That would undermine his fucking ego.

He also advocates for SEA maxxing, which obviously hurts ricecels in SEA but hey, ignore that nigga. He also advocates that people get girlfriends in SEA and shit, again, even though all of us know that relationships are for buxxers and not desirable for men in the first place.

Besides that, on a more philosophical level his entire ideology is completely corrupt and retarded, just like most incels ideology on here is baseless. That is why I wrote in my "normies cant be blackpilled" thread how the blackpill is NOT an ideology.

Without going into too much depth, people like retard room readily claim morality is a cope and does not exist, but then constantly make moral value judgements of other people. If morality is subjective, then why are their beliefs wrong and yours are right? If morality did not exist, then even deluding yourself into thinking it does exist would not be wrong. All that would exist is might is right and if you want to believe something, you are justified in doing so.

But apparently this basic level of logic is too much for ppl like retard room and many on here, but I digress.
Anyway, thx for your reply, very interesting to see at least one more critical thinker on here who doesn't just swallow all the bullshit without questioning it, simply because it fits what they want to believe.
Hiroshima Nagasaki Blackpill, even after watching this multiple times
I will not lose! Even if my opponent is a God, I will defeat anyone who stands in my way, do you hear me! My name is @Grim_Reaper! I rein over this world as this strongest! The creepshot emperor himself!
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I will not lose! Even if my opponent is a God, I will defeat anyone who stands in my way, do you hear me! My name is @Grim_Reaper! I rein over this world as this strongest! The creepshot emperor himself!
I try to be like this as well.
foids literally think like this and openly admit it
they say if they can manipulate you and you let it happen, you deserve it.
That’s why educating them by harsh beating is good and based
Oyyyyyyyy veyyyyyy
aha! this is so interesting! This is the first time I have met someone in the wild who has an actual critique of ITV. Fascinating.
Yes, he says a lot of giga retarded shit and his retarded followers dont fact check him.
Like, he made a video about twin studies, but when you look into twin studies, it turns out most of them are retarded.
Its very simple, just think about what would be necessary to make a valid long-term twin study.

1. locate 100s of willing mothers pregnant with twins (you need control group and test group too, dont forget)
2. convince them to participate in a study where at least one of their children is taken away after birth for at least 18 years
3. monitor said children in 100s of different families 24/7 to make sure they dont have contact with their siblings and real parents
and so forth

its logistically impossible, its ethically so absurd that nobody would ever agree to it.
And this is why all of these twin studies fall apart.
One of the biggest ones from the 90s that retard room cited, they literally refused to publish their data for 30 years. Can you guess why? They had no control group, which made the entire study invalid.
The other studies, they ran into the issues I already mentioned. It later turned out that the families of the fostered kids knew each other, many of them lived only miles apart, some of the twins were only separated at a later age, like 5-7 years of age.

Besides shit like this retard room also does not apply the blackpill universally.
For instance, he reductivley applies it only to relationships and sex in 90% of his videos.
But in other videos he literally shits on other men, saying they are not successful at business like him because they just dont have social skills. Not making that up (lest we forget, he is a successful business owner who said he has a degree and has traveled to many countries because of his job, literally an upper class snob whos only issues is that he cant get laid).

In psychology they call shit like this selfishness bias or fundamental attribution error.
Basically he only applies the blackpill to the parts of his life he doesn't like (being ugly and sexless) but drops it when it comes anything else in his life, because he likes those parts, so he does not attribute determinism to them. That would undermine his fucking ego.

He also advocates for SEA maxxing, which obviously hurts ricecels in SEA but hey, ignore that nigga. He also advocates that people get girlfriends in SEA and shit, again, even though all of us know that relationships are for buxxers and not desirable for men in the first place.

Besides that, on a more philosophical level his entire ideology is completely corrupt and retarded, just like most incels ideology on here is baseless. That is why I wrote in my "normies cant be blackpilled" thread how the blackpill is NOT an ideology.

Without going into too much depth, people like retard room readily claim morality is a cope and does not exist, but then constantly make moral value judgements of other people. If morality is subjective, then why are their beliefs wrong and yours are right? If morality did not exist, then even deluding yourself into thinking it does exist would not be wrong. All that would exist is might is right and if you want to believe something, you are justified in doing so.

But apparently this basic level of logic is too much for ppl like retard room and many on here, but I digress.
Anyway, thx for your reply, very interesting to see at least one more critical thinker on here who doesn't just swallow all the bullshit without questioning it, simply because it fits what they want to believe.
I searched 'twin studies rehab room' on YT, but nothing came up. Share the link if you have it.

Now, his foid-apologist shit sealed the deal for me, because already I had a lot of gripes with him. I mentioned multiple times he has some sort of a superiority complex and likes shitting on other men, which you have noticed as well. He also had a total meltdown over the 'Chico Podcast' because neither Chico nor Sean openly admitted that looks > everything and tanked their reputations. Like, what a delusional retard. How can he be blackpilled and not understand people's pragmatic decisions? And he is considered a God around here?

I consider you and Roomba to be users with a really high-IQ level of critical thinking. I, on the other hand, have more of a tribalistic 'Us vs Them' attitude. So I do risk myself being fallible in my judgement, but I don't care when it comes to foids. I share your frustration in men not being blackpilled, even when they claim to be. I really think being blackpilled necessitates seeing foids as your enemies. I mean, not being blackpilled about foids is actually unnatural for men, tbh. Foids never give an inch when it comes to men, yet us men always perform mental gymnastics to come up with excuses for their fascistic behaviours.

Like, Why is an average man's irrational hatred for millionaires and billionaires socially accepted but not men's 'irrational' hatred for foids? After all, the rich guys are also operating within the bounds of the law.

Why is the narrative men are expendable more popular? With mortality rate is low in this modern era, life-expectancy so high, egg donors, surrogacy, foids are like more expendable than they have ever been historically. cucksrights make this argument every chance they get.

Why do men, the MSTOWs, redpillers, blackpillers, always make excuses for foids' whoredom? The one that grinds my gear a lot is, 'oh! Economy is bad that is why foids do sex-work.' Like motherfucker, you have no issue with foids using their natural advantage to suck money out of men, yet if a gang of men looted and plundered your home, you'd be screaming 'injustice', 'barbaric' behaviour, and whatnot. As much of a cockroach as Andrew Tate is, he did make a good observation. Must come with life experience, I guess. It's that weak men are the most dangerous, and these sorts of men are the ones. They lack emotional intelligence. They cope and make excuses until it directly affects them. Then they snap and destroy everything in their wake. That's why we only witness ERs, not actual men's revolutions.
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I searched 'twin studies rehab room' on YT, but nothing came up. Share the link if you have it.
can't find.
Maybe it was on the inceltv channel which he deleted.
regardless there is tons of known criticisms of twin studies.
a few links:

Now, his foid-apologist shit sealed the deal for me, because already I had a lot of gripes with him. I mentioned multiple times he has some sort of a superiority complex and likes shitting on other men, which you have noticed as well. He also had a total meltdown over the 'Chico Podcast' because neither Chico nor Sean openly admitted that looks > everything and tanked their reputations. Like, what a delusional retard. How can he be blackpilled and not understand people's pragmatic decisions? And he is considered a God around here?
His superiority complex is literally in the blackpill. We Know why men act like that, we have studies. See my "masculinity is a social construct" thread in must read.

Women have a natural In-Group Bias that men lack completely. And worse, men have an In-Group Bias for women but not men.

This means that both genders worship foids but shit on men. Men view other men like the average citizen views an immigrant. That's why you get treated better in public when you are with a woman, even if it's just your mom or grandma.

Men hate each other as much as women hate men. This is why Rehab Room attacks other men and defends women. He does not even understand that he is just acting out his programming, by following his inherent anti-male bias.

Deep down, he wants female validation. And shitting on other men gets him closer to that in his subconscious self.

Also hyperkek at him loosing it over the podcast. What was he expecting? Chico wasn't gonna namedrop his Ass lmaooo
as you say, these models are professionals. Not goobers.

I consider you and Roomba to be users with a really high-IQ level of critical thinking. I, on the other hand, have more of a tribalistic 'Us vs Them' attitude. So I do risk myself being fallible in my judgement, but I don't care when it comes to foids. I share your frustration in men not being blackpilled, even when they claim to be. I really think being blackpilled necessitates seeing foids as your enemies. I mean, not being blackpilled about foids is actually unnatural for men, tbh. Foids never give an inch when it comes to men, yet us men always perform mental gymnastics to come up with excuses for their fascistic behaviours.
The excuses for foids are rooted in women looking neotenous like puppies, babies, kittens - nobody cares that a puppie shits on the floor cuz looks cute.
Same for when foids do shit.
They look cute so they can't be responsible.

And the In-Group Bias just makes this 10x worse of course.

Like, Why is an average man's irrational hatred for millionaires and billionaires socially accepted but not men's 'irrational' hatred for foids? After all, the rich guys are also operating within the bounds of the law.

Why is the narrative men are expendable more popular? With mortality rate is low in this modern era, life-expectancy so high, egg donors, surrogacy, foids are like more expendable than they have ever been historically. cucksrights make this argument every chance they get.
it's illogical anyway.
More men die = men are worthless is illogical. By that metric jews are worthless because they got gassed in holocoaster.

I already explained elsewhere that it's a retarded ideological take to jump from "men dying more" and "one man being able to impregnate multiple women" to "therefore men are less valuable."

The first two statements are observations of reality. The third is a completely disconnected moral value judgement.

I could use the same premises and go "therefore men are more valuable. You see, one man being able to impregnate multiple women actually means men are inherently more useful than women. That's also why they due more, they are more flexible and so get used more for shit that matters so they die more."

That would be an equally invalid argument but with the opposite conclusion. In philosophy this is known as the is/Ought problem.

When people make these types of claims, it just exposes their inherent anti male bias. Imagine jumping from a bunch of value neutral observations to "therfore men deserve to suffer."
That's giga misandry and completely ideologically driven.

As to why they say shit like this and have these biases, we already tackled that above. The shitty non-arguments are just an expression of the underlying subconscious man hate.

I searched 'twin studies rehab room' on YT, but nothing came up. Share the link if you have it.

Now, his foid-apologist shit sealed the deal for me, because already I had a lot of gripes with him. I mentioned multiple times he has some sort of a superiority complex and likes shitting on other men, which you have noticed as well. He also had a total meltdown over the 'Chico Podcast' because neither Chico nor Sean openly admitted that looks > everything and tanked their reputations. Like, what a delusional retard. How can he be blackpilled and not understand people's pragmatic decisions? And he is considered a God around here?

I consider you and Roomba to be users with a really high-IQ level of critical thinking. I, on the other hand, have more of a tribalistic 'Us vs Them' attitude. So I do risk myself being fallible in my judgement, but I don't care when it comes to foids. I share your frustration in men not being blackpilled, even when they claim to be. I really think being blackpilled necessitates seeing foids as your enemies. I mean, not being blackpilled about foids is actually unnatural for men, tbh. Foids never give an inch when it comes to men, yet us men always perform mental gymnastics to come up with excuses for their fascistic behaviours.

Like, Why is an average man's irrational hatred for millionaires and billionaires socially accepted but not men's 'irrational' hatred for foids? After all, the rich guys are also operating within the bounds of the law.

Why is the narrative men are expendable more popular? With mortality rate is low in this modern era, life-expectancy so high, egg donors, surrogacy, foids are like more expendable than they have ever been historically. cucksrights make this argument every chance they get.

Why do men, the MSTOWs, redpillers, blackpillers, always make excuses for foids' whoredom? The one that grinds my gear a lot is, 'oh! Economy is bad that is why foids do sex-work.' Like motherfucker, you have no issue with foids using their natural advantage to suck money out of men, yet if a gang of men looted and plundered your home, you'd be screaming 'injustice', 'barbaric' behaviour, and whatnot. As much of a cockroach as Andrew Tate is, he did make a good observation. Must come with life experience, I guess. It's that weak men are the most dangerous, and these sorts of men are the ones. They lack emotional intelligence. They cope and make excuses until it directly affects them. Then they snap and destroy everything in their wake. That's why we only witness ERs, not actual men's revolutions.
All explained by my previous explanation. Inherent biases against males and pro-female that they are not aware of.

Also about the money sucking: They want that. They literally do. Most men want to be pay piggies for foid. Their only issue with Only Fans and shit is that the wealth transfer is not happening on their terms.

look up girl power marketing and look at stats. Women conduct 80-90% of customer purchases on average. This means 40-50% of the money they spend comes from men. So much for men being "consooomers."

watch this video for a take on it.
there is virtually no difference between a single mom getting money from government and a mom getting free money from her buxxer. The only difference is the method of wealth transfer. Redpillers and most men want to worship foids so bad, they are willing to bankroll a what is essentially a female NEET, as long as they get some female validation from it.

They want to be slaves. They don't want to be saved. And so you can never reason with them.

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