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Blackpill The Elites Of Society Prescribe A Restrictive Value System For Plebs To Obey While They Enjoy The Simple Pleasures Of Life (MORALITY IS FOR PLEBS)



Feb 28, 2018
"Remember now, hard work is a virtue, you are a better person if you are a harder worker"
(Does absolutely fucking nothing, their job is to own shit and have others pay them to have access to it)

"You don't need any guns, that's so barbaric, society needs to evolve, don't you want to be civilzed"
(Has personal guards that are all mostly armed, has personal gun collection, lives in rich safe areas)

"Having sex with young virile individuals that are "underaged" is wrong, eww that's a child, a "real man" wants a "full bodied woman", such acts should be punished"
(Organizes and participates in various child sex rings, often dates openly with women as young as possible within the legal range, secretly fuck those below that range)

Etc, etc, etc

That's the one thing that confuses me about normies, they don't seem to realize that the value system that is passed down from those at the top of society, for the rest of us to obey, is a "slave ruleset", the elites of society do not adhere to the same rules, norms and values that society enforces via its legal system, and even those that are simply socially enforced, those structures are for plebs like us

Its about conserving resources for themselves to enjoy, if everyone understands that its better not to work and have others work for you, then they have more competition, less people would be willing to accept their wagecuck status, there would be mass protests, riots, an uprising of the lower classes. So hard work being a virtue is a must to maintain their systems of control, and having the plebs of society stake their pride and ego around being a "hard worker" is an asset, because then these idiots will think themselves better than their masters for the fact that they are slaves (its very ironic)

We all know the all too cliche scene in every work environment where the lower level workers gather in a group and speak ill of their superiors or those who do less physically demanding jobs, ironically staking their pride on how good of a slave they are, and that those individuals "could not handle" that kind of work, and they are in fact better than them for it

:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:Perfect example of a pleb normie mindset, blinded by ego and emotional thinking:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

The less people who have guns, the less people can fight back and defend themselves against the control of the elites, the less likely an uprising of the lower classes is

The less people having sex with what is considered "underaged", and the more people who see the act as despicable, or fear social ostracization for engaging in it, the more high quality resources they have for themselves in their secret sex parties

The entire system the world is run by, is about the elites hoarding all the good shit for themselves, and instead of physically forcing us plebs to obey, they use social coercion, they prescribe a value system using their wealth and influence, and now WE THE PLEBS POLICE OURSELVES INTO ACCEPTING OUR SLAVE RULES :feelskek:

Its genius when you think about it, it gives us the illusion of control, and they can worry less about a rebellion, while they get to keep enjoying all that life has to offer behind the scenes

Normies seriously lack self awareness and introspective thought, do any of these idiots ever ask themselves why the elites of society do the exact opposite of what is considered "moral", its because MORALITY IS FOR PLEBS, these value systems are there to keep large populations in check, the further you go up a society to elite classes (e.g. hollywood) the more deviant their behaviors, that's because those individuals don't have to play by the pleb rules, they are above all of us


This is why as an incel, our focus should be to wealthmax, not looksmax, you looksmax and you are still a fucking pleb with no resources or power, who is still restricted by the norms and values of his society, and even when you ascend there's no guarantee you won't be cheated on, or divorce raped, etc.

People on this site need to stop with this morality BS, morality is subjective, the elites know this well, they also know well that most people are egoists, and can easily be manipulated using that ego, and all the NPC's are so eager to be popular and "liked", and to "fit in", so they are very easy to control using a value system. As incels we have to observe how this world really works and act in accordance, that is the only advantage we have over normies, our minds aren't restricted, we don't tell ourselves "I can't think X" or "I can't do X" because "its wrong", that means we have more options, less weaknesses, more exploits to utilize to our benefit, etc

Don't fall for the meme of morality and limit your own potential, leave that limitation to those who can actually derive at least meager benefits from a society that enforces those limitations, leave those limitations to normies.
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There is no wealthmaxxing. The whole system is set up in a way that you can never win. Anyone with real money comes from a family that has been rich for multiple generations.

Basically you're fucked. Best you can hope for is to live as a peasant off grid after wagecucking for 10-20 years to buy freedom from your masters
There is no wealthmaxxing. The whole system is set up in a way that you can never win. Anyone with real money comes from a family that has been rich for multiple generations.

Basically you're fucked. Best you can hope for is to live as a peasant off grid after wagecucking for 10-20 years to buy freedom from your masters

Dude wtf are you even talking about, there are wealthmaxxed incels on this site, I hope you don't think I mean we can just magically become billionaires or something, what I do mean is that by wealth maxxing we in our own way can circumvent the norms and values of a society.

Prostitution is illegal for the most part, but if you have enough money and you have a certain kind of life (no obligations to anyone other than yourself) you can go to certain places, join certain groups, that can facilitate such services

Also its kinda weird what you're saying, are you arguing that nobody on the entire planet from this point on can ever become a billionaire again?, that doesn't make sense, quite obviously there will always be more room for new inventions, investments, products, etc and many more millionaires and billionaires will come into existence. The elite old families of course will always have a controlling interest though
There is no wealthmaxxing. The whole system is set up in a way that you can never win. Anyone with real money comes from a family that has been rich for multiple generations.

Basically you're fucked. Best you can hope for is to live as a peasant off grid after wagecucking for 10-20 years to buy freedom from your masters

Actually you can become rich but you have to spend all your life just working and improving yourself, while guys who are rich from the start are enjoying life.
Most normies have that very slave mentality ingrained very deeply into them, where if they're not serving their masters, they feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. It's pretty hilarious to observe actually.
People on this site need to stop with this morality BS, morality is subjective, the elites know this well, they also know well that most people are egoists, and can easily be manipulated using that ego, and all the NPC's are so eager to be popular and "liked", and to "fit in", so they are very easy to control using a value system. As incels we have to observe how this world really works and act in accordance, that is the only advantage we have over normies, our minds aren't restricted, we don't tell ourselves "I can't think X" or "I can't do X" because "its wrong", that means we have more options, less weaknesses, more exploits to utilize to our benefit
Morality is subjective, however it's me who's right and everybody else who's wrong.
Actually you can become rich but you have to spend all your life just working and improving yourself, while guys who are rich from the start are enjoying life.

Depends what is rich. A few million $ (which is attainable) isn't rich and doesn't really get you anything that would be worth wasting 10-20 of your best years for
Morality is subjective, however it's me who's right and everybody else who's wrong.

Yes, I hope you aren't conflating "right" and "wrong" with "good" and "evil", someone being right (as in accurate) doesn't mean they are morally good, and someone being wrong (as in inaccurate) doesn't mean they are morally evil

It seems like you were trying to point out a contradiction where there is none because you are falsely conflating the terms, which is expected since under modern norms and values these terms have been basically merged togehter, so that anyone who is doing anything that is considered "morally good" is seen as "right" (accurate), but its not the same thing

So yes the statement is correct, there is no contradiction, though I would make some changes:
"Morality is subjective, and because most people subscribe to morality while I subscribe to objective thought, I tend to be right while others are wrong"

Depends what is rich. A few million $ (which is attainable) isn't rich and doesn't really get you anything that would be worth wasting 10-20 of your best years for

Oh yeah, I guess you were doing something more important with those best years of yours................ oh wait were incels :feelskek:
I agree with your general attitude about a slave morality. Left-wing Politics using the natural desires of people that instinictally feel cheated on by the system, but continuting to vote for a system that cheats them is a pretty good example of the Elite using basic desires of the population and using it to gain more power. Or Immigration. The Elite wants cheap labor and keep the wages low and the stupid cattle sheep population actually buys it up and goes agains their own interests to support immigration.

But I don't agree that the Elite is without morals. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton continuing to be married, despite them hating each other or at least being completly without love, even if it's just for political reasons, is a form of morality.
The Queen discarding the rebellious Prince and his mutt Wife and kid to Africa, but to do not publically and with plausible deniablity, is also a form of morality.

And you are completly right about Normies just being driven by emotions. They think to be right-wing and a Nationalist, you have to have some kind of deep personal hatred and issue with Immigrants and people of other races and ethnic groups. They are basically at Kindergarten level. "If you like Bobby from China, you also have to approve of politics that allow bobby's race to immigrate and become citizens of your country or you hate bobby."
I don't agree that the Elite is without morals. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton continuing to be married, despite them hating each other or at least being completly without love, even if it's just for political reasons, is a form of morality.

What you just described is the exact opposite of morality, its what they do for appearances, remember what I said, they enjoy everything behind the scenes, "staying married" for the sake of appearances when you each have harems and lovers behind the scenes is not being moral lol, that's a very broad and lax definition of morality you are applying here, morality isn't the appearance of adhering to a rule, it is the ACTUAL ADHERENCE TO A RULE.

By your logic a girl who wears a promise ring but secretly has sex is being moral
What you just described is the exact opposite of morality, its what they do for appearances, remember what I said, they enjoy everything behind the scenes, "staying married" for the sake of appearances when you each have harems and lovers behind the scenes is not being moral lol, that's a very broad and lax definition of morality you are applying here, morality isn't the appearance of adhering to a rule, it is the ACTUAL ADHERENCE TO A RULE.

By your logic a girl who wears a promise ring but secretly has sex is being moral

Well, I mean they are acting traditional. People stayed married for alliances and political reasons in historical times and apparently even today, completly detached from whether they still liked each other or not. Apperance is also important, because it still indicative of what people think is moral. And staying married is still being married. It's more than just apperance.
Apperance is also important, because it still indicative of what people think is moral. And staying married is still being married. It's more than just apperance.

Ok then why not apply this logic to girls that wear promise rings (sign that they are a virgin) yet secretly have sex, by your logic they are also moral, because just the mere act of conveying something that people think is moral, makes you moral. I don't think you get what you are saying, your argument means that dishonesty is moral so long as it conveys the image of morality.
Once you Remove Ego ( your huge ego pill helps realizing this btw ) , and have no guilt left ( not influcenced by shaming tactics / indoctrination ) you can operate on your terms in this shithole , "who gives a shit as long as you get money out of it" , should be our thought process

anyways nice read , most of it was clear ( for me ) but you describe things to such detail and in a very articulate way, your truly something.
Next is the eat meat ban soon, they're forcing us to eat insects while the richfags enjoy streaks.
Once you Remove Ego ( your huge ego pill helps realizing this btw ) , and have no guilt left ( not influcenced by shaming tactics / indoctrination ) you can operate on your terms in this shithole , "who gives a shit as long as you get money out of it" , should be our thought process

anyways nice read , most of it was clear ( for me ) but you describe things to such detail and in a very articulate way, your truly something.

Once you get rid of your ego and start seeing yourself as "another IT" rather than "I'm <insert name>" here, you start seeing the world for what it really is, and less things influence you, I don't think most people realize just how much their egos limit their choices in life, because like you said shame and guilt are significant things in our lives that limit our choices

I can say without a doubt there are incels on this site who would call themselves black pillers, but would feel guilt or shame if they had to choose between their lives and the life of a 10 year old child, they would hesitate and they would likely die, whereas those of us who have already given up on having an ego would passively choose ourselves and think nothing of it because - "why wouldn't I choose my own self, my own well being comes first"

In this world you are either predator or prey, and having an ego by default makes you prey

I remember there was a time where I would often think - "Well if its a child I'd sacrifice my life, but for an adult no", and looking back now that was so stupid, I was thinking like a normie, acting as if every random child has some inherent value to my existence because they have "potential", their potential doesn't benefit my existence, and the world hasn't offered me enough for me to respond as if I'm some benefactor of its influence and just another cog that has to do its part to keep everything turning

Next is the eat meat ban soon, they're forcing us to eat insects while the richfags enjoy streaks.

This, pushing veganism is one of the elites most important plans, so they can hoard all the nutrition while we literally eat like slaves
This is why as an incel, our focus should be to wealthmax, not looksmax, you looksmax and you are still a fucking pleb with no resources or power, who is still restricted by the norms and values of his society, and even when you ascend there's no guarantee you won't be cheated on, or divorce raped, etc.
You do realize being rich is fucking hard and if you don't have enough income or inherity money from your parents to begin with, you will never be able to make it to the top. Even making 5 figures a month is fucking hard. Not even going to college would make it possible for me. As an ugly incel, you have no choice but LDAR or wageslaving your life away to get paid peanut. That's it.

I don't think looksmax is useless, you think that way because you're probably an average guy with no facial flaws whatsoever. Don't underestimate the importance of having an average face. Having a below average face ruined my life. It's not about just girls, it's about feeling comfortable in public, being confident in business negotiations etc. Some of us would kill to have an average face.
There's a treatment for us. And there's a treatment for the goyim
I don't think looksmax is useless, you think that way because you're probably an average guy with no facial flaws whatsoever

I do have an average face, but if I had to choose between having your face and being rich, or having my face or even a Chad face and having my current resources, I'd choose your face

Money rules all things in this world, its better to have money than looks, and the argument that its hard to get rich just sounds stupid to me, because to me waking up everyday knowing that this is going to be the rest of my life IS HARDER, I'd literally rather kill myself than keep living my current life, I am currently doing a bunch of different things to try and build my wealth, I've made a pact with myself, I'm giving myself till the age of 35, if I can't significantly improve my wealth by then (as in passive income enough to live off of it and never work), I'm done with life, I'm not beating around the bush and waking up everyday to suffer, I'll kill myself and be done with it

That's the point I've reached in my life, get rich or die trying, nothing else matters, whereas it seems like you are the average person who is comfortable with their shitty lives, you'll come online everyday to complain about how bad your life is and how much you want to die blah blah blah but you'll never kill yourself, and the truth is it isn't that bad for you and you don't really have a problem with it, else you wouldn't see it as an option

You said:
As an ugly incel, you have no choice but LDAR or wageslaving your life away to get paid peanut. That's it.

If you actually see that as an option, then you are just overreacting and you don't really hate your life all that much, because for me there is no option, heck I might kill myself at 30 if I can't make it, I might just shorten the pact to get it over with, and before you say I'm not going to follow through, my last pact was about me losing my virginity before a certain age, I couldn't get a GF so the December of that year I went and fucked a prostitute (I left an escape hatch for myself I guess lol), I always follow through, I take this shit seriously, if you don't you won't put in the effort required

I seriously don't know how guys like you get into this weird half assed mindset, so tired of your life that you are depressed and complain about it, but yet COMFORTABLE ENOUGH IN IT TO NOT KILL YOURSELF, that's really convenient, so you get to pat yourself on the back and complain, and do nothing to change it due to the FUTILITY of trying, man that's a convenient mindset, I can't do it, for me its all or nothing, I can't create these mental gymnastics copes and live by them, I get what I want or I die

You see getting rich as "too hard" to bother trying, I see my current life as "too hard" to bother living
OP, morality is simply your personal belief system of right and wrong. This may or may not superimpose onto "good" and "evil."

When you say it's for plebs that doesn't make sense. Even the elites have their own sense of morality. In their view exploiting others for personal gain, for example, would be morally good, since it's self-serving and helps them increase their wealth and status. That's a good thing (for them... fuck everyone else).

Whether or not their moral system is "moral" (colloquially used to refer to morally good) is a different argument.
OP, morality is simply your personal belief system of right and wrong. This may or may not superimpose onto "good" and "evil."

When you say it's for plebs that doesn't make sense. Even the elites have their own sense of morality. In their view exploiting others for personal gain, for example, would be morally good, since it's self-serving and helps them increase their wealth and status. That's a good thing (for them... fuck everyone else).

Whether or not their moral system is "moral" (colloquially used to refer to morally good) is a different argument.

I think you are falsely assuming the elites even abide by illusory concepts like "morality", my point is morality is not even a consideration to them, they don't need to rationalize as you've said - "exploiting others for personal gain, for example, would be morally good, since it's self-serving and helps them increase their wealth and status"

For them its - "exploiting others for personal gain, for example, would be morally good, since it's self-serving and helps them increase their wealth and status"

They don't need to consider the morality of the act, its good because it benefits them, THE END

People like you are so attached to the idea of morality that you literally can't conceive of people simply not subscribing to it, there's no need to complicate things and state that they believe in morality but its their own special kind of morality, no its simply that they don't care about the concept of morality, it doesn't matter to them

Also a "personal morality" would be an oxymoron, because morality as a concept is about a "universal standard" and anybody who doesn't adhere to that standard is immoral, people who come up with personal codes of conduct to give themselves excuses are actually just immoral and deluding themselves into thinking they are moral, morality either exists as a universal ruleset or it doesn't exist at all

Its like saying someone has "persona laws" and murder is only bad if they kill women and children, they are just hypocrites kidding themselves, they are just as immoral for killing men than if they killed women and children

I've made a thread about this very thing:
I agree with OP. Y'all are starting at a severe disadvantage and trying to play the game of Life with morals on is not a winnable strategy for an incel tier male. "Morality" is basically used by others to control your behavior.

I'll disagree with one thing. Having a couple of million dollars is not going to let you live like a hedonistic rock star. Most of it will be invested in investments that will churn out profit each year you need to conservatively live off. You can afford to travel the world and never work but you won't be to live a happy Chad life. You will basically be a comfy but invisible man nobody takes notice of and avoided.
I think you are falsely assuming the elites even abide by illusory concepts like "morality", my point is morality is not even a consideration to them, they don't need to rationalize as you've said - "exploiting others for personal gain, for example, would be morally good, since it's self-serving and helps them increase their wealth and status"

For them its - "exploiting others for personal gain, for example, would be morally good, since it's self-serving and helps them increase their wealth and status"

They don't need to consider the morality of the act, its good because it benefits them, THE END

People like you are so attached to the idea of morality that you literally can't conceive of people simply not subscribing to it, there's no need to complicate things and state that they believe in morality but its their own special kind of morality, no its simply that they don't care about the concept of morality, it doesn't matter to them

Also a "personal morality" would be an oxymoron, because morality as a concept is about a "universal standard" and anybody who doesn't adhere to that standard is immoral, people who come up with personal codes of conduct to give themselves excuses are actually just immoral and deluding themselves into thinking they are moral, morality either exists as a universal ruleset or it doesn't exist at all

Its like saying someone has "persona laws" and murder is only bad if they kill women and children, they are just hypocrites kidding themselves, they are just as immoral for killing men than if they killed women and children

I've made a thread about this very thing:

I understand that morality is not a factor that's considered by the elites.

I'm saying that morality applies to them, regardless of whether or not they adhere to the concept. They're not exempted from the definition. It applies to all rational, conscious agents and actors (will use agents for short). The concept does not refer to some universal ruleset for agents. The concept refers to value assignments of actions taken by agents. That it may eventually become some ruleset that everyone ought to follow is something separate and comes much later (see: is-ought problem as applied to ethics).

If you ask them a list of questions on what is considered right and wrong, good and evil, the answers you get will comprise their moral value system. You're free to call this "personal" morality or whatever. The qualifer doesn't matter, it's just morality.
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I understand that morality is not a factor that's considered by the elites.

I'm saying that morality applies to them, regardless of whether or not they adhere to the concept. They're not exempted from the definition. It applies to all rational, conscious agents and actors (will use agents for short). The concept does not refer to some universal ruleset for agents. The concept refers to value assignments of actions taken by agents. That it may eventually become some ruleset that everyone ought to follow is something separate and comes much later (see: is-ought problem).

If you ask them a list of questions on what is considered right and wrong, good and evil, the answers you get will comprise their moral value system. You're free to call this "personal" morality or whatever. The qualifer doesn't matter, it's just morality.

What people say and do are completely different things.
What people say and do are completely different things.

Bruh. What are you even....

You're like the guy who walks in halfway into a movie and asks, "what did I miss?"
"Remember now, hard work is a virtue, you are a better person if you are a harder worker"
(Does absolutely fucking nothing, their job is to own shit and have others pay them to have access to it)

"You don't need any guns, that's so barbaric, society needs to evolve, don't you want to be civilzed"
(Has personal guards that are all mostly armed, has personal gun collection, lives in rich safe areas)

"Having sex with young virile individuals that are "underaged" is wrong, eww that's a child, a "real man" wants a "full bodied woman", such acts should be punished"
(Organizes and participates in various child sex rings, often dates openly with women as young as possible within the legal range, secretly fuck those below that range)

Don't fall for the meme of morality and limit your own potential, leave that limitation to those who can actually derive at least meager benefits from a society that enforces those limitations, leave those limitations to normies.


totally agree, but it will fix itself, the elite will squeeze the average worker more and more, allocating more and more to themselves while average joe will get just enough to survive, but less every year becasue of inflation and stagnating wages, sooner or later the majority of people will not be able to participate in the modern world, not being abel to buy anything, thats when things will start to collapse.
Y'all are starting at a severe disadvantage and trying to play the game of Life with morals on is not a winnable strategy for an incel tier male.


Why is it that so many incels on this site don't immediately think of this, this line should resonate with all of us, we are already at a disadvantage, why are we also restricting ourselves with normie handicaps, when we don't get any of the perks of a normie life, it makes no sense, too many incels are still mentally stuck in NPC mode, their lives are never going to change in any way

You're free to call this "personal" morality or whatever. The qualifer doesn't matter, it's just morality.

I don't think you get the point, this is no different than you saying "its just love", my point is that love doesn't actually exist, its all just chemicals in your brain, there is no "magic" there, there's nothing "special", love is the concept humans created to romanticize lust and procreation, in that same way morality is the concept humans created to deify codes of conduct, but they don't actually exist

I don't know what to say after this, I'm done, if you can't get the point after this there's no point, saying "its just morality" is like saying anyone can claim anything is "love" despite the intended meaning of the concept, and a guy can brutalize his wife everyday and pimp her out to his friends but "its just love" and its his own kind of love, and if you "ask him a list of questions of what might me considered love" he'd have his own answers

JFL, like come on dude, you're playing semantic games right now, literally nothing can ever be argued if its being argued in this manner, because anyone can argue the semantics of their own perspective, its a futile debate at that point
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I don't think you get the point, this is no different than you saying "its just love", my point is that love doesn't actually exist, its all just chemicals in your brain, there is no "magic" there, there's nothing "special", love is the concept humans created to romanticize lust and procreation, in that same way morality is the concept humans created to deify codes of conduct, but they don't actually exist

I see a lot of people make this misguided and flawed argument. You state that something is non-existent merely because it's a concept, and then you dismiss the concept because of the initial claim that it's non-existent. Concepts can be many things. They can be abstract entitites, they can be references (to other abstractions or to something real), or they can be mental states.

The concept behind the thing and the thing itself are inextricable. Take a chair, for example. Before the first chair was built, it was a concept. Suppose that nobody had ever built a chair and we all sat on the ground or on other surfaces. Then the guy who conceives the chair concept starts going on about this incredible thing he thought of. Others tell him to stfu and sit his ass on the ground. The chair in that reality is non-existent, but the concept exists.

Morality as a concept exists. The concept is the valuation of actions by conscious agents that affect other conscious agents. Some notions of morality include the valuation of actions by agents that affect the agent itself, but we can disregard this for our purposes.

Suppose the following contrived reality. Imagine an asexual species (pretend it's humanoid, if it makes it easier). It's intelligent enough to do calculus and philosophy, but it does not communicate or interact with any other member of its species for any reason whatsoever (resources, territory etc.). Every member lives in total harmony completely ignoring each other, but each realizing that others like them exist (no, they don't have a natural curiosity). In such a reality morality can only exist as a concept, just as the chair only exists in the other reality.

The moment that one member of this species interacts with another can we say that morality can now exist i.e., the concept is now realized. The simple fact that conscious agents interact with one another necessitates the existence of morality in the concrete. Whether or not it's formalized and codified is irrelevant - those are just details.

When you make statements like "morality doesn't exist" I question if you truly understand the concept.

You can say that morality doesn't exist until the cows come home, but if you were the dictator of the world and you tortured and killed children, for example, for no reason other than your own pleasure, you're still subject to morality. Yeah, there's no "code of conduct" that you have to adhere to because you're the literal king of the world, but your actions with/against others carry a moral value. We can all agree (I hope) that the moral value of the act of torturing and killing children is highly negative, but if we're being strict it might not objectively have a negative value, as bizarre as that may seem (I'm not going to tangent off into objective morality here).
I do have an average face, but if I had to choose between having your face and being rich, or having my face or even a Chad face and having my current resources, I'd choose your face

Money rules all things in this world, its better to have money than looks, and the argument that its hard to get rich just sounds stupid to me, because to me waking up everyday knowing that this is going to be the rest of my life IS HARDER, I'd literally rather kill myself than keep living my current life, I am currently doing a bunch of different things to try and build my wealth, I've made a pact with myself, I'm giving myself till the age of 35, if I can't significantly improve my wealth by then (as in passive income enough to live off of it and never work), I'm done with life, I'm not beating around the bush and waking up everyday to suffer, I'll kill myself and be done with it

That's the point I've reached in my life, get rich or die trying, nothing else matters, whereas it seems like you are the average person who is comfortable with their shitty lives, you'll come online everyday to complain about how bad your life is and how much you want to die blah blah blah but you'll never kill yourself, and the truth is it isn't that bad for you and you don't really have a problem with it, else you wouldn't see it as an option

You said:

If you actually see that as an option, then you are just overreacting and you don't really hate your life all that much, because for me there is no option, heck I might kill myself at 30 if I can't make it, I might just shorten the pact to get it over with, and before you say I'm not going to follow through, my last pact was about me losing my virginity before a certain age, I couldn't get a GF so the December of that year I went and fucked a prostitute (I left an escape hatch for myself I guess lol), I always follow through, I take this shit seriously, if you don't you won't put in the effort required

I seriously don't know how guys like you get into this weird half assed mindset, so tired of your life that you are depressed and complain about it, but yet COMFORTABLE ENOUGH IN IT TO NOT KILL YOURSELF, that's really convenient, so you get to pat yourself on the back and complain, and do nothing to change it due to the FUTILITY of trying, man that's a convenient mindset, I can't do it, for me its all or nothing, I can't create these mental gymnastics copes and live by them, I get what I want or I die

You see getting rich as "too hard" to bother trying, I see my current life as "too hard" to bother living
Spoken like a true anime protagonist ngl
High IQ. There is absolutely no reason to limit yourself by caring about the morality of your actions, especially not if you are an incel. Moralfags need to BTFO.
I consistently try to abstain from adhering to any moral system. I would be lying if I said that I can do such a thing all the time. Sometimes, especially in situations where there is not enough time to deliberate or be conscious about what I am doing, my "indoctrinated" mind, which I equal to my irrational side, takes control and makes me act in ways which, when I reflect upon, are disgusting. Such behavior, I suppose, is the product of years of habituation. In my opinion, such habituation can be suppressed through the constant exercise of what normies would characterize as 'immorality.'
You can say that morality doesn't exist until the cows come home, but if you were the dictator of the world and you tortured and killed children, for example, for no reason other than your own pleasure, you're still subject to morality

No I'm not, I could literally do whatever the fuck I want without consequence if I was a true dictator and completely had the world under my control

We can all agree (I hope) that the moral value of the act of torturing and killing children is highly negative, but if we're being strict it might not objectively have a negative value, as bizarre as that may seem (I'm not going to tangent off into objective morality here)

No we can't, you are basically trying to argue that if I split an atom something bad happened, you might as well argue that, humans don't have any more worth than an atom, I'm sorry but that's reality, we just like to think of ourselves as special and our lives as "meaning more"

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Manhattan:
"A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference"

Right now you are just making emotional arguments, its just an appeal to emotion masquerading as logic, your analogy about the concept of a chair is ridiculous and it isn't even a good comparison you are grasping for straws so desperately because you just can't admit that morality doesn't exist and nothing you do "right" or "wrong" even matters, probably because the only cope you have in life is "atleast I'm a "good" person" and that makes you feel great, if morality doesn't exist and doesn't matter, then you have nothing to pat yourself on the back for

Suppose the following contrived reality. Imagine an asexual species (pretend it's humanoid, if it makes it easier). It's intelligent enough to do calculus and philosophy, but it does not communicate or interact with any other member of its species for any reason whatsoever (resources, territory etc.). Every member lives in total harmony completely ignoring each other, but each realizing that others like them exist (no, they don't have a natural curiosity). In such a reality morality can only exist as a concept, just as the chair only exists in the other reality

Morality doesn't exist in either reality BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS RIGHT OR WRONG, I know you want so dearly for "goodness" and "rightness" to exist so you can feel good about yourself, but those things don't exist, shit happens, the end

There is no difference between thousands of people dying because of a hurricane and those thousands dying because a guy pressed a but and rained hellfire missiles over a populated area, neither act was good or bad, it was AN OCCURRENCE, that's it, morality is just a means of control so we as humans CAN FEEL SAFE AROUND EACHOTHER, but it doesn't exist

Dude I'm done arguing this, and this time I'm serious, I just had to point out the BS though, believe what you want, but your belief in morality isn't going to get you shit in life, its ironically just going to handicap you and limit the choices you can make

I consistently try to abstain from adhering to any moral system. I would be lying if I said that I can do such a thing all the time. Sometimes, especially in situations where there is not enough time to deliberate or be conscious about what I am doing, my "indoctrinated" mind, which I equal to my irrational side, takes control and makes me act in ways which, when I reflect upon, are disgusting.

Same for me, especially in certain social situations where you basically have no choice but to fake it and play the game

Such behavior, I suppose, is the product of years of habituation. In my opinion, such habituation can be suppressed through the constant exercise of what normies would characterize as 'immorality.'

All we can really do is keep trying to retrain ourselves overtime to not be restricted by morality
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No I'm not, I could literally do whatever the fuck I want without consequence if I was a true dictator and completely had the world under my control

Philosophically, you still would. That's what I'm trying to explain to you. That's the whole point of using the hyperbolic example of being the king of the world.

No we can't, you are basically trying to argue that if I split an atom something bad happened, you might as well argue that, humans don't have any more worth than an atom, I'm sorry but that's reality, we just like to think of ourselves as special and our lives as "meaning more"

It's not about being special or feeling good about yourself. The idea is that all actions by one agent towards another have some intrinsic value, the effects of which can be observed so as to evaluate their worth, morally.

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Manhattan:
"A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference"

Right now you are just making emotional arguments, its just an appeal to emotion masquerading as logic, your analogy about the concept of a chair is ridiculous and it isn't even a good comparison you are grasping for straws so desperately because you just can't admit that morality doesn't exist and nothing you do "right" or "wrong" even matters, probably because the only cope you have in life is "atleast I'm a "good" person" and that makes you feel great, if morality doesn't exist and doesn't matter, then you have nothing to pat yourself on the back for

No, you didn't get it at all. The point wasn't to press your fee fee buttons. The point was to, again, use a hyperbolic example of actions that, at first glance on the surface, can generally be seen as having a very negative moral value, without immediately demanding rigorous discourse.

And you're appealing to a comic book character's quote?

Really, nigga?

Morality doesn't exist in either reality BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS RIGHT OR WRONG, I know you want so dearly for "goodness" and "rightness" to exist so you can feel good about yourself, but those things don't exist, shit happens, the end

You keep making these claims of "x doesn't exist" because "y doesn't exist," but you don't provide any reasoning for either or how one links to the other.

There is no difference between thousands of people dying because of a hurricane and those thousands dying because a guy pressed a but and rained hellfire missiles over a populated area, neither act was good or bad, it was AN OCCURRENCE, that's it, morality is just a means of control so we as humans CAN FEEL SAFE AROUND EACHOTHER, but it doesn't exist

This, right here, is the best evidence that you have no idea what you're talking about on the subject.

The hurricane is not an action by a rational, conscious agent, and thus it cannot be said to have a negative moral value ("immoral"). Unless you're a god who commands the elements and decided that some port city just needed to go. The guy pressing the button clearly is a rational, conscious agent, and they are making a decision to take an action that negatively affects thousands of other agents.

Dude I'm done arguing this, and this time I'm serious, I just had to point out the BS though, believe what you want, but your belief in morality isn't going to get you shit in life, its ironically just going to handicap you and limit the choices you can make

You can be done all you want, but you don't get a free pass on making grandiose and edgy philosophical claims to pass off as truth without doing any of the work or understanding the philosophical groundwork. That's pedestrian and won't be taken seriously.

I will give you credit where it's due, though. You're correct in that actors adhering to the rules of a game are at a big disadvantage against other actors who don't follow any rules of the game.
100% true, high IQ

Elites sneak children out of daycares to fuck them while the parents aren't paying attention, but you're an evil inkwell for not wanting a 30 year old wall smasher for a wife.
Elites sneak children out of daycares to fuck them while the parents aren't paying attention, but you're an evil inkwell for not wanting a 30 year old wall smasher for a wife.

JFL so true, if you have wealth you can do whatever you want, because you realize that the rules never actually existed, they are more like self imposed limitations, but most humans function as if morality works like gravity and you can't defy it, becoming wealthy is like a wake up call to a human's instincts

Everything in life is about resources, and once you have all the resources you could ever want, you have no reason to give a fuck about rules
JFL so true, if you have wealth you can do whatever you want, because you realize that the rules never actually existed, they are more like self imposed limitations, but most humans function as if morality works like gravity and you can't defy it, becoming wealthy is like a wake up call to a human's instincts

Everything in life is about resources, and once you have all the resources you could ever want, you have no reason to give a fuck about rules

I'd argue that gravity is nothing but the forces of relative density and buoyancy but other than that spot on.
No I'm not, I could literally do whatever the fuck I want without consequence if I was a true dictator and completely had the world under my control

No we can't, you are basically trying to argue that if I split an atom something bad happened, you might as well argue that, humans don't have any more worth than an atom, I'm sorry but that's reality, we just like to think of ourselves as special and our lives as "meaning more"

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Manhattan:
"A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference"

Right now you are just making emotional arguments, its just an appeal to emotion masquerading as logic, your analogy about the concept of a chair is ridiculous and it isn't even a good comparison you are grasping for straws so desperately because you just can't admit that morality doesn't exist and nothing you do "right" or "wrong" even matters, probably because the only cope you have in life is "atleast I'm a "good" person" and that makes you feel great, if morality doesn't exist and doesn't matter, then you have nothing to pat yourself on the back for

Morality doesn't exist in either reality BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS RIGHT OR WRONG, I know you want so dearly for "goodness" and "rightness" to exist so you can feel good about yourself, but those things don't exist, shit happens, the end

There is no difference between thousands of people dying because of a hurricane and those thousands dying because a guy pressed a but and rained hellfire missiles over a populated area, neither act was good or bad, it was AN OCCURRENCE, that's it, morality is just a means of control so we as humans CAN FEEL SAFE AROUND EACHOTHER, but it doesn't exist

Dude I'm done arguing this, and this time I'm serious, I just had to point out the BS though, believe what you want, but your belief in morality isn't going to get you shit in life, its ironically just going to handicap you and limit the choices you can make

This guy was arguing with me the other day about ER. I called him a moralfag and he said moralfag is an "autistic" thing to say. JFL fucking stupid
This guy was arguing with me the other day about ER. I called him a moralfag and he said moralfag is an "autistic" thing to say. JFL fucking stupid

Imagine coming to an incel site and using autism as an insult, its like going to a feminist slutwalk and calling the women whores, its an instant indicator that you don't belong where you currently are, I ironically actually do have autism, and a lot of the people that he says "that's autistic" too will likely have autism on this site

All moralfags are NPC tier, and they don't belong here
You spelled "elites" wrong...

It's spelled...
People going out of their way to make sure someone receives their judgement, oooh I must punish them even though they've not personally wronged me. Simply going along with that as it's the "moral" thing confuses the hell out of me, what's that all about? Publicly acceptable way to fuck someone over & feel superior?

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