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The Economic Blackpill: the nature of exploitation



Sep 25, 2019
Many fellow men claim that the main exploiting force of men is the government that appropriates some of the value that men produced through taxation of wages, profits, and excessive regulation of economic relations. These opinions are usually heard from the right-wing i.e. Liberals, Libertarians, Austrians etc.
Other dear fellow men assert that the exploitation is an integral part of capitalism system. Under capitalism we have to sell ourselves and the labor market and be exploited wageslaves that get only the fraction of what we produced. These opinions are heard from the left wing comrades.
Let me express what could be called the Economic Blackpill thought on the nature of exploitation of men in contemporary society.
The process of exploitation has two mutually complementary repetitive phases: the production phase and the consumption phase.

The production phase: Produce and be exploited.
One a man enter the labor market, or starts as entrepreneurs, they produce value in the form of goods or services. As the left asserts the workers get only part of what they produce and the capitalists are keeping most of the surplus value. After the surplus value was extracted the government taxes the poor worker of what is left. Entrepreneurs are also subjects to taxation as well as regulation that extracts value in the form of licenses, business taxation, and other regulations.
The most striking fact is that the participation in the labor market is presented as voluntary while it since the only alternative to wageslaving is poverty and misery as a NEET. But this is just half of the story.

The consumption phase: spend and remain exploited.
The other side of the exploitation is the consumption phase. In order to maintain an SMV sufficient to get at least some female attention and sex our miserable betabux has to statusmax and looksmax. How can he do it? well… he has to spent money on goods and services that (he believes) will boost his SMV. Namely, to get a gf/wife he is selling himself on the market in order to obtain money that will be spent on consumption of SMV boosting goods and services. By doing so he benefits the same capitalists that exploited him in the labor market during the previous phase. Therefore, he is exploited also during his leisure time since what determines SMV is dictated by the system that capitalists are part of, essentially by the media.
Once he got a gf/wife he is even more screwed. Here the men returns home from work and provides his gf/wife with the value he is left with for her to spend on useless crap. Otherwise she will simply leave. The crap that she is spending his money on is often what she saw on a TV advertisement or the nearest billboard. Namely, his femoid is simply a mean that facilitates and perpetuates his further exploitation.

- The main protagonist of the first phase is the hyper-exploited unconscious to his own fate and exploitation betabux men. The betabux is literally the most exploited creature to ever walk on this planet since he sells much more labor than the value he get in return. Then the government is taxing him. And then finally, his dear “beloved” gf/wife is spending what is left on utterly useless crap to perpetuate the profitability of the aforementioned capitalists. The main protagonist of the second phase is the gf/wife that spends. Her spending perpetuates the system by keeping the firms profitable.
- Our betabux normie men is a wageslave both during work and during his leisure time. Since during his leisure time he is busy SMVmaxing.
- His gf/wife is the main facilitator of his exploitation since she forces him to spend on conspicuous consumption and spends his money.
- The main beneficiaries are big corporations (capitalists) that exploit his labor, the government that enjoys well behaved obedient citizen that works and pays taxes, as well as the media.

Just as the Philospopihic Blackphill, the Economic Blackpill goes beyond the limits of particular ideologies and present a realistic world view. We have to stare a blackpilled thinktank.

What do you think?
Mostly agree and the current meta seems like a natural consequence of those exploiting their advantage against those with little choice to continue participation. The only way to alter the current meta is throught top down rebalancing, but that only occurs if those who control the game are concerned with losing their userbase.
Capitalism is theft
Blackpilled Economics is the only source of the solution.
I agree. Also I recommend the spectacle pill
Men are to blame since most are willing to betabuxx
If you are still interested this is the post I promised to write earlier. It would be great to know what you think. Thanks.
This is long. I'm about to go somewhere but I'll respond when I'm back.
As the left asserts the workers get only part of what they produce and the capitalists are keeping most of the surplus value.
If they don't agree with the terms of the job then they don't have to work for them. There's no use being salty that you're not the boss. That's like saying when you lick a foid's pussy she gets ten times the pleasure you get from a blowjob, so after you do all the work of licking her pussy and increasing her pleasure, she will have to owe you ten blowjobs to give you equal pleasure that she received.
The consumption phase: spend and remain exploited.
The other side of the exploitation is the consumption phase. In order to maintain an SMV sufficient to get at least some female attention and sex our miserable betabux has to statusmax and looksmax. How can he do it? well… he has to spent money on goods and services that (he believes) will boost his SMV. Namely, to get a gf/wife he is selling himself on the market in order to obtain money that will be spent on consumption of SMV boosting goods and services. By doing so he benefits the same capitalists that exploited him in the labor market during the previous phase. Therefore, he is exploited also during his leisure time since what determines SMV is dictated by the system that capitalists are part of, essentially by the media.
Once he got a gf/wife he is even more screwed. Here the men returns home from work and provides his gf/wife with the value he is left with for her to spend on useless crap. Otherwise she will simply leave. The crap that she is spending his money on is often what she saw on a TV advertisement or the nearest billboard. Namely, his femoid is simply a mean that facilitates and perpetuates his further exploitation.
I'll never let a foid use any of my money, especially on useless shit. If it's not house payments, car payments, food, or medical aid then it's useless. But I allow myself to have a few extra copes that aren't on that list. I also don't care if "capitalists" take my money when I buy things, because it's a two edged sword, when I produce things I get to take other's money too.

I made a lot of posts talking to a socialist and I explained to him why it's cucked for most men.
Men are to blame since most are willing to betabuxx
They're not blackpilled yet.
Capitalism is theft
Taxation is theft, especially when it goes to single mom whores and faggot cops who will arrest incels for talking to jb's.
Another thing. As many other men are also betabuxxing, you have to spend more just to keep up and not fall behind. To get ahead and stand out through consumption you have to spend alot and all the time, and keep up with the latest fads. What was once optional now becomes mandatory just to have a chance. And with social media you will always be compared to the most successful people online.
Based black pill
Another thing. As many other men are also betabuxxing, you have to spend more just to keep up and not fall behind. To get ahead and stand out through consumption you have to spend alot and all the time, and keep up with the latest fads. What was once optional now becomes mandatory just to have a chance. And with social media you will always be compared to the most successful people online.
It is a constantly escalating system race.
I wonder when the normies will get tired for this shit.

And it is nice to read great your insightful comments. @itneverbegan
Hope you will write something too.
I have something to add as 'economic blackpill', i was even thinking about making a separate thread about it but for respect to OP who seems like a high iq poster i'll talk about this here.
I'm talking from the point of view of a free market anarchist. I'm tired of the be an entrepreneur coaching bullshit. Most success in business comes from luck (believe me i'm starting to feel mad while writing this).
I'm sitting here as an unemployed overqualified bastard because i used my free time to study marketing, accounting and managerial science. But guess what, someone with access to enough money already (low or zero interest rate loans from your rich uncle, a pop artist, inheritance) can just open a small or medium sized business and then the business fails. Oh! I still have enough money, let's try again... and then again... It only requires mediocre managerial and financial skills to follow that road until you hit the jackpot.
And all the small business owners that you see everyday when you walk on the street? It's just survivorship bias. No one tells you about the guy who invested his life savings after working in an over than average job for years, rents a space a few months until the sales can't keep up with the rent and other expenses. He closes and then comes the next guy that by pure chance chooses the right product to offer in that same place and now he has a reliable source of income for years to come, and he didn't even had a clue about marketing research, he just nailed it by mere chance, because if he fails there's another guy waiting in the line wanting to make his dreams come true.
And i am here fucking rotting because even if i just want to settle down as an employee working as a managerial assistant (which i have done), there's a Stacy that knows half of the Excel knowledge that i have but just because she has tits and ass she will get hired that same day while they send me home after an interview telling me "We will call you later."
I have something to add as 'economic blackpill', i was even thinking about making a separate thread about it but for respect to OP who seems like a high iq poster i'll talk about this here.
I'm talking from the point of view of a free market anarchist. I'm tired of the be an entrepreneur coaching bullshit. Most success in business comes from luck (believe me i'm starting to feel mad while writing this).
I'm sitting here as an unemployed overqualified bastard because i used my free time to study marketing, accounting and managerial science. But guess what, someone with access to enough money already (low or zero interest rate loans from your rich uncle, a pop artist, inheritance) can just open a small or medium sized business and then the business fails. Oh! I still have enough money, let's try again... and then again... It only requires mediocre managerial and financial skills to follow that road until you hit the jackpot.
And all the small business owners that you see everyday when you walk on the street? It's just survivorship bias. No one tells you about the guy who invested his life savings after working in an over than average job for years, rents a space a few months until the sales can't keep up with the rent and other expenses. He closes and then comes the next guy that by pure chance chooses the right product to offer in that same place and now he has a reliable source of income for years to come, and he didn't even had a clue about marketing research, he just nailed it by mere chance, because if he fails there's another guy waiting in the line wanting to make his dreams come true.
And i am here fucking rotting because even if i just want to settle down as an employee working as a managerial assistant (which i have done), there's a Stacy that knows half of the Excel knowledge that i have but just because she has tits and ass she will get hired that same day while they send me home after an interview telling me "We will call you later."
Thank you for the post!
The perspective of the small business owner is indeed highly important. Small businesses are utterly important for the economy since they are a generator of jobs and welfare for consumers.

In addition, most, if not all, SMEs are created and run by man. So once the SMEs are systematically crushed by big capitalists it hurts mainly, and perhaps exclusively, men.

Small business owners are glorious and utterly important for the economy. Yet they are in a tight spot since they are challenged both by big corporations (small family shps vs Walmart) and have to deal with the demands of workers for higher wages and better conditions which the small business simply cannot provide. The corporation in turn simply crushed the worker’s unionization. Plus tremendous competition for other small entrepreneurs.
It is a constantly escalating system race.
I wonder when the normies will get tired for this shit.

And it is nice to read great your insightful comments. @itneverbegan
Hope you will write something too.
Yes, and when you cannot keep up with your regular salary, you go into debt to continue consuming. And once in debt and living paycheck to paycheck to keep up, you are stuck, dependant on your job. Such a person is unlikely to rock the boat, challenge the current order or spend time at all thinking about anything at all except not drowning in debt or losing his job.
I have something to add as 'economic blackpill', i was even thinking about making a separate thread about it but for respect to OP who seems like a high iq poster i'll talk about this here.
I'm talking from the point of view of a free market anarchist. I'm tired of the be an entrepreneur coaching bullshit. Most success in business comes from luck (believe me i'm starting to feel mad while writing this).
I'm sitting here as an unemployed overqualified bastard because i used my free time to study marketing, accounting and managerial science. But guess what, someone with access to enough money already (low or zero interest rate loans from your rich uncle, a pop artist, inheritance) can just open a small or medium sized business and then the business fails. Oh! I still have enough money, let's try again... and then again... It only requires mediocre managerial and financial skills to follow that road until you hit the jackpot.
And all the small business owners that you see everyday when you walk on the street? It's just survivorship bias. No one tells you about the guy who invested his life savings after working in an over than average job for years, rents a space a few months until the sales can't keep up with the rent and other expenses. He closes and then comes the next guy that by pure chance chooses the right product to offer in that same place and now he has a reliable source of income for years to come, and he didn't even had a clue about marketing research, he just nailed it by mere chance, because if he fails there's another guy waiting in the line wanting to make his dreams come true.
And i am here fucking rotting because even if i just want to settle down as an employee working as a managerial assistant (which i have done), there's a Stacy that knows half of the Excel knowledge that i have but just because she has tits and ass she will get hired that same day while they send me home after an interview telling me "We will call you later."
Taleb, in 'the black swan' said the same thing, that the benefit of the free market is that it allows people to be lucky.
Plastic surgery and penis enlargement companies pretty much

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