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Based The Deeper Connections |Alex Jones and Joe Rogan Exposed

looks like a cool interview
Hey everyone, come watch this (((((odysee))))) video and make sure to enable your JAVASCRIPT :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

1. On Logan Paul.
He is extremely suspicious. It seems that critical voices are censored when they try to analyze him. Most recently for instance, people have tried showing evidence that the infamous "dead body" video that catapulted him into international limelight, was staged.
I have reviewed the videos these people made and they are compelling enough to make the case.
Youtube censors all content that tackles this.

I have downloaded the relevant videos from the creators twitter and put them in here:

2. On Comedy being used to downplay conspiracy theories.
Yes. Absolutely.
Also, yes comedians and the government have a long history together. Just think of the classics, Frank Sinatra, the rat pack, Bob Hope, Richard Pryor and Paul Mooney - the former admitting on camera he is a pedophile, the later admitting they had gay sex with various executives to advance their careers etc.

In this candid interview with an intoxicated Pryor, he throws other celebrities (Gene Wilder) under the bus too, accusing them of pedophilia and homosexuality.

View: https://youtu.be/dmjbfaE9eio

And this what Dave McGowan writes about Sinatra in his book "Programed to Kill - The Politics of Serial Murder:"

In the company of such men, Henry would be just one of the boys—no less valuable an asset than, say, Dan Mitrione, the CIA torture aficionado who was a boyhood friend of the infamous Jim Jones. Mitrione—known for having homeless persons kidnapped for the purpose of giving torture demonstrations to South American security forces in his sound-proof, underground chamber of horrors— was hailed as a hero and martyr when he himself was tortured and killed. Frank Sinatra and Jerry Lewis even flew into his hometown and performed a benefit show to raise money for the widow of such a great American.

Comedians are just entertainers after all, and they often double-perform as actors too. Why would they be exempt from the obvious government-entertainment industry overlap? Of course this also includes online creators nowadays.
Humor makes people lower their defense when it comes to critical thinking.

3. The Excalibur References by Jones
:dafuckfeels: :dafuckfeels: :dafuckfeels:
I've seen people try to expose Alex Jones before and he's always been sussy, but this is damning.
One thing I struggle with this is the impossibility to separate truth from fiction in all of this. It's so hard to find solid ground.
That's why I am more interested in philosophy now, because that's where you can find the kind argumentation that needs only a little faith and you can prove them yourself on the basis of logic.

When it comes to other kind of evidences, such as "truther content," you never know if what you are consuming is influenced by the powers that be. I have become very apathetic towards all of it as a result, which I guess is exactly the goal of these massive disinformation campaigns. They want learned helplessness and apathy.

I feel like the way to cut this deliberately caused analysis paralysis, is to ask meta-level questions.
Teleology for instance - The question of ultimate purposes: Why does it matter? How do we arrive at purpose without being arbitrary. Meaning.
Even if the government is engaged in all of these things, should we care? If our goals are arbitrary and the elites goals are arbitrary, then how can we call them evil? It's just a power struggle and we got the short end of the stick.

This brings us to another problem, moral justification:
Not liking something is not a justification for why we ought to act in a certain way in reaction to it.
Sure, I wish the government wouldn't push shit like the holocoaster on people in every movie they release, but my feelings on that are not a valid justification for why that is bad and should not be done.
Why ought we not show holocaust references to people all the time?

Most peoples answers will be insufficient because all of them will come down to question begging and fallacies.
- "the truth is important and lying is evil!" - why?
- "society should prosper and human dignity should be respected!" - why
If you probe further, the claims get more and more basic until we inevitably arrive at something like
- "pain is bad"

Beyond this point, fallacies become more and more obvious. One common justification is that "everyone believes that" or "I don't think anyone would disagree with this" - this is not a valid justification. Appealing to consensus is a fallacy.
Other common ones like "it is natural" or "we observe xyz, therefore we ought to..."
chiefly fall under the banner of "is/ought" fallacies.

Another problem that arises with these arguments is semantics. All these terms, "lying, pain, pleasure, nature, prosperity" - all of them are not concrete. People have different conceptions of these. They come theory laden.
For example, pain and pleasure are arbitrary.
Some people even say they are synonymous.

Is all pain bad? I am sure you can think of many instances where pain is actually good.
And this begs the question of you would determine which pains are good and which are bad.
And that again, begs the question of where you got the criteria to do that.

Or take the question of prosperity. A communist and a capitalist will have completely different definitions of what a successful society is.
Yet both may use the word "prosperity" as if it is interchangeable.

Another one would be "it's scientific."
Science can't give you value judgments, that is a classic is/ought fallacy.
Just because a certain ethnic group commits a majority of the crime ("is" - observation), we have no reason assume a specific course of action ("ought" - moral claim about what we ought to do).

Ultimately you will have to admit that you are being completely arbitrary.
Because what you believe or propose always comes back to you as the final judge. Hence, you are only committed to one thing: "Might is Right."
By proposing universal value judgements based on your arbitrary liking's, you have inadvertently made yourself the moral dictator for all.

From this position, you can't attack the elite for manipulating us and deliberately causing suffering. They are just doing what you did after all. They apply their arbitrarily drawn up set of values on society using force.

For us digital nomads, this is challenging insofar as most online discourse also falls victim to this. We are just throwing descriptions at each other, factoids, and then claim they have obvious and inherent moral implications, when they don't. Most arguments nowadays are just people screaming statements about "what is" while claiming they are making points about what we "ought to do."

"Trannies are corrupting children" screams the right, and shows a study showing trannies are abused as children more often.
"Now they are not" screams the left, and shows some paper that proposes the opposite.
Neither side has an argument, even if their studies are correct.

Whether Trannies cause children pain or not does not matter, because there is no argument in the claim.
The claim presupposes that hurting children is bad, and that's an arbitrary moral judgement.

Note: I do not support child abuse.
I am trying to illustrate that these arguments are logically fallacious. You could provide 1000s of studies showing that children are being hurt by trannies, and that would still not provide a moral reason why we should stop that.
In the Azetk empire, child sacrifice was even welcomed - just to show that these values are not a given to all people.

Basically both the left and the right just use arbitrary value judgements to get their way. The underlying principle for both sides is "might is right." Each side just wants their value judgements to be normatively enforced, without being able to give an account for why their position is morally superior. It is just will to power.

Another problem:
If this is true, and both sides of the political spectrum just use "might is right" - then the right is just a slippery slope to the left.
Because if you claim to have hard values, but you are a conservative who operates on just might is right to justify your beliefs, then you are just a dishonest leftist. Because leftists openly admit to moral relativism, unlike conservatives.

Hence, we see a lot of conservatives with really fluid approaches to morality.
A lot of them curiously support gay people, trannies and all kinds of things, while still claiming to be right wing - it's because they are operating exactly like leftists. It's all relative to them, they have no way of justifying why they are right. Both sides are operating on "what I want is true, because I want it." Hence, if a conservative has a more lenient view of gay people, he will twist that to somehow fit his conservatism.

There is no secular way out of this dilemma. As long as man is the measure of all things, everything returns to man as the standard for everything. And so everything becomes arbitrary, even truth itself.

This text tackles this issue from a philosophical perspective, highlighting the failure of secular philosophy in providing an account for the possiblity of knowledge and more.

As an aside: The core tennet of Satanism according to it's founder and intelligence operative Aleister Crowley is "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

Through the reception of the Book, Crowley proclaimed the arrival of a new stage in the spiritual evolution of humanity, to be known as the "Æon of Horus".[1][a]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_Law#cite_note-3 The primary precept of this new aeon is the charge, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

4. Aquino

I was already familiar with him through his connection to satanic ritual abuse, which he was accused off.
He was identified by multiple victims and a search of his property lead to the discovery of more evidence.
However, when questioned on this on live TV, Aquino and his wife denied that the investigation had found anything.
This pattern repeated multiple times.

Screenshot from 2023 11 05 13 15 10

Interestingly enough, LaVey had connections to the victims as well. He had formed a close association with Roman Polanski shortly before the murders when he served as the technical consultant for Polanski on the film “Rosemary’s Baby,” in which he also made a cameo appearance as—who else?—Satan. On the set of an earlier film, Tate herself had reportedly been initiated into witchcraft by Alexander Saunders. Sammy Davis, Jr., who was introduced to the Church of Satan by Manson victim Jay Sebring, has said of the victims who were killed at Tate’s Cielo Drive residence: “Everyone there had at one time or another been into satanism.” Some newspaper reports at the time of the slayings, denounced as sensationalism, were rife with reports that the Polanskis were satanists who hosted drug and sex orgies. Indeed, just days before the murders a drug dealer was reportedly filmed being whipped at the house in an S&M ritual. Various celebrities were said to have been attendance. Actor Dennis Hopper spoke in interviews of sadistic movies filmed at the house that featured some of Hollywood’s biggest names.
From the book I linked earlier, "Programmed to Kill"

I also want to stress that the church of satan and related organization are open intelligence fronts.
These organisations include:

- the church of satan
- scientology (Hubbard and Crowley knew each other)
- theosophy society (still influential and present in united nations)
- Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)
- Unification Church (SEA outfit created by western intelligence)
- The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (OGD)

Aleister Crowley was known intelligence operative.

Interstingly, one of the people he hung out with, Jack Parsons, was a key figure in the creation of NASA, through his work in the so called "jet propulsion labatory." AFAIK, Parsons was even accused of satanism but successfully defend himself by appealing to the american constitution on religious freedoms.

Dave McGown in his aformentioned book gives us this insight:

Another disciple of Crowley, and an occult superstar in his own right, was rocket-fuel scientist Jack Parsons. In 1939, Parsons joined the Agape Lodge of the OTO in Pasadena, California, where he also helped found the prestigious Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The Agape was the only OTO lodge in the States at that time, though there was an active lodge in Vancouver started by Charles Stansfield Jones. In 1942, Parsons took the ‘magickal’ name of “Frater 210” and assumed leadership of the Pasadena lodge, with the blessings of Crowley. Parsons led the branch of the German-based, pro-Nazi order throughout the war years, while at the same time working on highly classified military projects purportedly aimed at defeating the European fascist powers. One of his early recruits, and most avid disciples, had just served with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific and was the son of a naval commander. Calling himself “Frater H,” he claimed at various times to work for the Los Angeles Police Department, the FBI, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. In truth, he may very well have worked for all of them. Frater H, perhaps better known as L. Ron Hubbard, soon became Parson’s right-hand-man. In 1946, the two ‘adepts’ performed an allegedly important ritual that they dubbed the ‘Babalon Working.’

I am sure there are many many such organizations all around us that serve as intelligence fronts.
The key takeaway is that they all connect back to intelligence agencies through various people, Aquino included.

5. Laurel Canyon
At 24:35, Laurel Canyon is mentioned. I can not help but feel that this is a reference to Dave McGowans other book "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" which specifically tackles this exact topic. It shows how the entire 60s counter culture was steeped in intelligence activity. Many of the most famous musicians of that area had military connections.
Take only Jim Morisson of "The Doors" fame.

His dad, George Stephen Morrison, was a rear admiral in the US Navy and a participated in the infamous "Gulf of Tonkin" incident, which was used as justification for the US entrance into the vietnam war.

A lot of people claim the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag, however, I have also heard convincing counter arguments.
Regardless, Jim Morrison was soon to join the "forever 27 club" of counter-culture musicians that all mysteriously "died" at 27.

For most of these, there are ongoing suspicions that they never died.
In the case of Jim Morrison it was rumored that he faked his death and went to Paris.

Here he is ias a young man on the bridge of a ship, with his dad:


Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon download:

6. About Shaping Reality through Information Control

At 26:00, the video mentions the desire to reality through information warfare.
I want to show some quotes here to show how this idea comes from mainstream philosophers.
What I laid out earlier, all that boring stuff about "might is right" and relativism and so on - it actually is pushed through academia on the masses as a control mechanism.

They culture is downstream from philosophy.
Take these quotes from Bertrand Russel, "the greatest logician since aristotle" and one of the most famous intellectuals of the last century:

The social psychologist of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.

I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, onemust suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer.

War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could bespread throuout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely with-out making the world too full.

There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of nationalists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.

Sources: "The Scientific Worldview" and "The Impact of Science on Society".

Quote read in this stream:

View: https://youtu.be/ijeRb7EhNCk

One of Russels most famous students was Ludwig Wittenstein.
And what was Wittgensteins great contribution to western philosophy? "Nothing is true bro, everything is just word games bro, hue hue hue."
This may sound like an over simplification but it is not. Further, his claims are immedieatly self refuting, since the central claim that truth is impossible and subjective would include the claim itself.

What's more important however, is looking at Russel, Wittgenstein and their contemporaries in cultural context. These scholars and others, like both Huxleys, George Orwell, H.G. Wells and so forth, all belonged to the same upper echelon of society at their time. Their works all point in one direction: A coming "scientific" dictatorship in the form of a one world government. All their works have the same themes:
Dumbing down of the population through various means, spreading of sexual debauchery, technology as the silent idol, one world governance by a cabal of scientists (the "inteligentsia").

So what I talked about earlier, the cultural relativism, the break-down of solid argumentation until politics is just a screaming match pretending to be a debate - it is all on purpose.

Another quote from a stream where researcher Jay Dyer eplains how all this "internet warfare" where right and left wingers "dunk" on each other and then celebrate, is a controlled game to break down society further.

View: https://youtu.be/5po2DEN7X94?t=4468

7. "Conspiracy Theories"

Noteworthy, the term "conspiracy theory" was coined and popularized by the CIA after the Kennedy assination to discredit doubters.
Nowdays we see the same online with the sudden emergence of terms like "schizo."

8. Timothy Leary
At 35:00
Remember that Dave McGowan book on how the entire 60s counter culture was a goverment operation?
Here is Timothy Leary, one of the key figures in that entire time period, openly crediting the CIA for supporting him:

View: https://youtu.be/CRbc33rkfn4

9. At 36:00 "The Cope Brothers" of the infamous "Cope Foundation"

Good video, lots of leads :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman:
Last edited:
Hey everyone, come watch this (((((odysee))))) video and make sure to enable your JAVASCRIPT :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Wtf are you talking about? Odysee is literally the only place to watch content like this.
Wtf are you talking about? Odysee is literally the only place to watch content like this.

Bitchute is shit now, odysee is one of the only sites where you can find shit anymore, as you say.
I dont care about security because the internet is a DARPA creation in the first place.
As far as 1999, tech people famously said:

The chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems said Monday that consumer privacy issues are a "red herring."

"You have zero privacy anyway," Scott McNealy told a group of reporters and analysts Monday night at an event to launch his company's new Jini technology.

"Get over it."

If they want to get you, they will get you, no matter what.

Rokfin is also good.
At 26:00, the video mentions the desire to reality through information warfare.
I want to show some quotes here to show how this idea comes from mainstream philosophers.
What I laid out earlier, all that boring stuff about "might is right" and relativism and so on - it actually is pushed through academia on the masses as a control mechanism.

They culture is downstream from philosophy.
Take these quotes from Bertrand Russel, "the greatest logician since aristotle" and one of the most famous intellectuals of the last century:

Full text of "The Impact Of Science On Society"
Sources: "The Scientific Worldview" and "The Impact of Science on Society".

Quote read in this stream:
What do you think of Alvin Toffler? He's mentioned in the video and his predictions regarding the future are also fairly accurate. I know he was somewhat related to Aquino's psyop work in the military.
What do you think of Alvin Toffler? He's mentioned in the video and his predictions regarding the future are also fairly accurate. I know he was somewhat related to Aquino's psyop work in the military.
ah, ok.
I didnt know the name at first
but I know him indirectly from this book, which I have not read yet.


Some people say that causing mass disassociation through shock events like 911 and others are used to push agendas forward.
They say for example that when a person is tortured or stressed, they revert to more primitive behaviors.
This can be applied on a societal level too.
Some people say that causing mass disassociation through shock events like 911 and others are used to push agendas forward.
They say for example that when a person is tortured or stressed, they revert to more primitive behaviors.
Wtf are you talking about? Odysee is literally the only place to watch content like this.

Brandnewtube is the only one which serves video without having to load some shitty javascript web player.

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