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TeeHee the day i got cucked and lost all hope



Follow Jesus christ
Nov 8, 2022
the brutality of female nature,discovering the blackpill and getting cucked in front of all my school:

in my school we had a school trip and i was sitting at the left side of my oneitis, i was so happy to be with her, i was so sure she is going to be my gf i coulf finally stop masturbating, in the bus a 6'1-6'3 feet tall guy enters the bus my oneitis instantly notice him and screams his name and tries to take his attention, she couldnt, she sounded frustrate but with a big smile in her face, i did not know what it was at that time but my guts where telling me something bad was going to happened
the trip went silent, we didnt talk too much because i was too nervous, i didnt kknow anything about her but already wanted to marry her. we arrived to our destination and she started to talk to the tall guy, the tall guy puts his arm around her and makes sexual jokes almost all the trip, she just tehee at him (she is a christian btw) while all that was happening i was behind them watching closely specting my "opportunity" to talk to "my queen" in one moment she left his arm and got close to me and whisper:dont you feel umcofortable? instead of responding: YEAH OF COURSE THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND YOU JUST GO AND COMPLETELY IGNORE ME, i took her hand and run away in that moment i thought it was "alpha":bluepill::bluepill: :soy: :soy: in this moment begans my humillation ritual:
the tall guy reach to her again and puts his arm around her WHILE i was holding her hand IMAGINE HOW HUMILLATING THAT SHIT the people from my same grade where watching that shit. in one moment they asked if she was my girlfriend SHE SAID BEST FRIENDS TEHEE, then they asked y the tall guy was her boyfriend SHE LAUGHED AND DIDNT RESPONDED ANYTHING oooh boy but it was far from ending, we were require to take a photo with all the school, when posing i get away from them i felt sick AF and then she comes to me TAKES MY HAND AND GETS MY CLOSER TO THEM, (WHAT STUPID INKWELL? YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE THIS INTACK? NOO WE NEED TO KILL YOUR HEART AND MAKE YOU KNOW YOUR PLACE, BITCH) trip ends but my fall dont, she asks with who she will sit with going back home and i desperately volunteer myself:bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::feels::soy: and she tells me to hurry or they will take all the seats and i RUN to do the task, i got a pair of sits but then the tall guy calls her to sit with her and SHE RUNS TO HIM INMEDIETLY LIKE I DONT FUCKING EXIST FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, i sit alone all the trip back while crying like a fucking bitch. they rest of the yeari tried being redpilled and competing with a guy taller than me: jestermaxxing! CLUELESS AF.
at the end i was less than a fucking puppy to her, a betabuxx, a nice guy, it doesnt matter she is chritian or arab or a fucking alien: TALL=LAW
invite them both for a helicopter ride in (vidya game)
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Ouch, that is so fucking brutal
Brutal history :fuk:

There was this time when I was feeling sad, then I send a message to my oneitis, but at the moment she was cuddling with her boyfriend.

Fuck friendships with women.
Women being emotionally intelligent or sensitive is probably the biggest lie in the ever told in the history of humanity, they are an impossible combination of callous, cruel and unaware
Brutal story, but at least now the blackpill has saved you.
Brutal . They are truly spiteful , malicous creatures
my oneitis instantly notice him and screams his name
foids don't scream names of males whose sperm she is not actively seeking to have injected into her uterus.

guy puts his arm around her and makes sexual jokes
guys and foids don't exchange sexual jokes if they're not both actively seeking an opportunity to engage in intercourse.

i was less than a fucking puppy to her, a betabuxx, a nice guy
yes, that's what you were to her --- the back-up guy.

Do you know why foids enjoy keeping "nice guys" as orbiters?

I'm gonna tell you now: it is an evolutionary adaptation... foids would seek to get inseminated by a random Chad, and once pregnant they would switch and fuck the "nice guy" in order to convince him that he (and not Chad) is the real father of the baby she was carrying. The "nice guy" orbiters make a foid feel MORE sexually open to Chad, since the orbiter's presence gives her security that someone will take care of her pregnant self and of the baby she's about to make with Chad.

To a foid, having "nice guys" in her orbit ENHANCES the quality of the sex she later has with Chad. When Chad is pumping her pussy with his wood, and about to fill her womb with his sperm, a foid who has "nice guys" orbiting her feels much more emboldened to receive the creampie deep in her vagina, since she feels secure that some beta cuck is probably available for her to later exploit for the benefit of herself and her kids. The sex with Chad feels much better, for a foid, when she has orbiters.

puts his arm around her WHILE i was holding her hand
Males also have a similar adaptive mechanism, in which they fuck with abandon and wanton disregard those foids who already are married, or have boyfriends, or are orbited by "best friends" since the inseminator knows such foids are less likely to require him, the inseminator, to help her raise the kid he's making. To a male, being wanted solely for his sperm is the ultimate biological achievement. When this Chad saw that this foid had you as an orbiter, somewhere deep in his brain the "I-should-just-impregnate-this-bitch-and-leave-her-to-raise-my-baby-with-this-loser" neurons just lit up, and he knew, right in that moment, two things:
1 -- the foid has a beta orbiter, so she is more likely to be open to taking my sperm, since she has a back-up guy for security;
2 -- I will likely not be required to employ my time and resources raising my own kid since there is another guy to do that for me.

So, for Chad, seeing you orbiting her is highly arousing.

She did that because it makes her feel extremely aroused, sexually, knowing she could just get pregnant with Chad, and then, once her period is late, "fall in love" with you, and become your girlfriend, and have lots of sex with you, the beta-nice-guy, and by the time her belly starts to grow she would convince you that she really loves you, and that you're the daddy of the kid, and since she has you emotionally shacked to her due to months of lovebombing, then she would use you to help her raise the baby.

That moment she held your hand was very sexually exciting to her, but not because she wanted to make babies with you; but rather because she wanted you to help her raise the kids she was planning to make with Chad.

Note: all these calculations are instinctual and subconscious. Foids have zero self-awareness, and Chads mostly don't waste time thinking about any of this. But this is how our biology evolved --- it has produced the female gender to be the ultimate cucking machine. This is how foids operate --- alpha fucks, beta bucks.
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foids don't scream names of males whose sperm she is not actively seeking to have injected into her uterus.

guys and foids don't exchange sexual jokes if they're not both actively seeking an opportunity to engage in intercourse.

yes, that's what you were to her --- the back-up guy.

Do you know why foids enjoy keeping "nice guys" as orbiters?

I'm gonna tell you now: it is an evolutionary adaptation... foids would seek to get inseminated by a random Chad, and once pregnant they would switch and fuck the "nice guy" in order to convince him that he (and not Chad) is the real father of the baby she was carrying. The "nice guy" orbiters make a foid feel MORE sexually open to Chad, since the orbiter's presence gives her security that someone will take care of her pregnant self and of the baby she's about to make with Chad.

To a foid, having "nice guys" in her orbit ENHANCES the quality of the sex she later has with Chad. When Chad is pumping her pussy with his wood, and about to fill her womb with his sperm, a foid who has "nice guys" orbiting her feels much more emboldened to receive the creampie deep in her vagina, since she feels secure that some beta cuck is probably available for her to later exploit for the benefit of herself and her kids. The sex with Chad feels much better, for a foid, when she has orbiters.

Males also have a similar adaptive mechanism, in which they fuck with abandon and wanton disregard those foids who already are married, or have boyfriends, or are orbited by "best friends" since the inseminator knows such foids are less likely to require him, the inseminator, to help her raise the kid he's making. To a male, being wanted solely for his sperm is the ultimate biological achievement. When this Chad saw that this foid had you as an orbiter, somewhere deep in his brain the "I-should-just-impregnate-this-bitch-and-leave-her-to-raise-my-baby-with-this-loser" neurons just lit up, and he knew, right in that moment, two things:
1 -- the foid has a beta orbiter, so she is more likely to be open to taking my sperm, since she has a back-up guy for security;
2 -- I will likely not be required to employ my time and resources raising my own kid since there is another guy to do that for me.

So, for Chad, seeing you orbiting her is highly arousing.

She did that because it makes her feel extremely aroused, sexually, knowing she could just get pregnant with Chad, and then, once her period is late, "fall in love" with you, and become your girlfriend, and have lots of sex with you, the beta-nice-guy, and by the time her belly starts to grow she would convince you that she really loves you, and that you're the daddy of the kid, and since she has you emotionally shacked to her due to months of lovebombing, then she would use you to help her raise the baby.

That moment she held your hand was very sexually exciting to her, but not because she wanted to make babies with you; but rather because she wanted you to help her raise the kids she was planning to make with Chad.

Note: all these calculations are instinctual and subconscious. Foids have zero self-awareness, and Chads mostly don't waste time thinking about any of this. But this is how our biology evolved --- it has produced the female gender to be the ultimate cucking machine. This is how foids operate --- alpha fucks, beta bucks.

Interesting analysis. You're basically saying that the nice guy is the catalyst to his own debasement
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Interesting analysis. You're basically saying that the nice guy is the catalyst to his own debasement
Nice guy is a catalyst to the great sex Chad and foid will later have. The presence of the nice guy increases a foid's and Chad's arousal and their recklessness in breeding.

Nice guy debases himself in the hopes of a crumb of pussy, for the lack of blackpill knowledge.

In fact, eventually a nice guy (even if he's cucked) will get a non-zero chance at inseminating a foid. Probably not her first child, but maybe the second, or the third... else the "nice guy" genes would've become extinct long ago. Nice guys still exist in abundance because this strategy is somewhat successful...
foids don't scream names of males whose sperm she is not actively seeking to have injected into her uterus.

guys and foids don't exchange sexual jokes if they're not both actively seeking an opportunity to engage in intercourse.

yes, that's what you were to her --- the back-up guy.

Do you know why foids enjoy keeping "nice guys" as orbiters?

I'm gonna tell you now: it is an evolutionary adaptation... foids would seek to get inseminated by a random Chad, and once pregnant they would switch and fuck the "nice guy" in order to convince him that he (and not Chad) is the real father of the baby she was carrying. The "nice guy" orbiters make a foid feel MORE sexually open to Chad, since the orbiter's presence gives her security that someone will take care of her pregnant self and of the baby she's about to make with Chad.

To a foid, having "nice guys" in her orbit ENHANCES the quality of the sex she later has with Chad. When Chad is pumping her pussy with his wood, and about to fill her womb with his sperm, a foid who has "nice guys" orbiting her feels much more emboldened to receive the creampie deep in her vagina, since she feels secure that some beta cuck is probably available for her to later exploit for the benefit of herself and her kids. The sex with Chad feels much better, for a foid, when she has orbiters.

Males also have a similar adaptive mechanism, in which they fuck with abandon and wanton disregard those foids who already are married, or have boyfriends, or are orbited by "best friends" since the inseminator knows such foids are less likely to require him, the inseminator, to help her raise the kid he's making. To a male, being wanted solely for his sperm is the ultimate biological achievement. When this Chad saw that this foid had you as an orbiter, somewhere deep in his brain the "I-should-just-impregnate-this-bitch-and-leave-her-to-raise-my-baby-with-this-loser" neurons just lit up, and he knew, right in that moment, two things:
1 -- the foid has a beta orbiter, so she is more likely to be open to taking my sperm, since she has a back-up guy for security;
2 -- I will likely not be required to employ my time and resources raising my own kid since there is another guy to do that for me.

So, for Chad, seeing you orbiting her is highly arousing.

She did that because it makes her feel extremely aroused, sexually, knowing she could just get pregnant with Chad, and then, once her period is late, "fall in love" with you, and become your girlfriend, and have lots of sex with you, the beta-nice-guy, and by the time her belly starts to grow she would convince you that she really loves you, and that you're the daddy of the kid, and since she has you emotionally shacked to her due to months of lovebombing, then she would use you to help her raise the baby.

That moment she held your hand was very sexually exciting to her, but not because she wanted to make babies with you; but rather because she wanted you to help her raise the kids she was planning to make with Chad.

Note: all these calculations are instinctual and subconscious. Foids have zero self-awareness, and Chads mostly don't waste time thinking about any of this. But this is how our biology evolved --- it has produced the female gender to be the ultimate cucking machine. This is how foids operate --- alpha fucks, beta bucks.
this is insanely brutal man wth, now i feel worst :fuk:
i will keep avoiding foids until i become a chad (never)
this is insanely brutal man wth, now i feel worst :fuk:
i will keep avoiding foids until i become a chad (never)

it is darkest just before the dawn, brother. Let the blackpill guide you.

I hope you find ways to cope in peace.
Nice guy is a catalyst to the great sex Chad and foid will later have. The presence of the nice guy increases a foid's and Chad's arousal and their recklessness in breeding.

Nice guy debases himself in the hopes of a crumb of pussy, for the lack of blackpill knowledge.

In fact, eventually a nice guy (even if he's cucked) will get a non-zero chance at inseminating a foid. Probably not her first child, but maybe the second, or the third... else the "nice guy" genes would've become extinct long ago. Nice guys still exist in abundance because this strategy is somewhat successful...
Sorry to hear that brother, they are as another brother put it, chad worshipping cum dumpsters.
Nice guy is a catalyst to the great sex Chad and foid will later have. The presence of the nice guy increases a foid's and Chad's arousal and their recklessness in breeding.

Nice guy debases himself in the hopes of a crumb of pussy, for the lack of blackpill knowledge.

In fact, eventually a nice guy (even if he's cucked) will get a non-zero chance at inseminating a foid. Probably not her first child, but maybe the second, or the third... else the "nice guy" genes would've become extinct long ago. Nice guys still exist in abundance because this strategy is somewhat successful...
Law of the jungle right here.
The only acceptable response is violence.
Otherwise, you just get cucked.
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Violence is never the answer.

Violence is the question. The answer is "YES".
Funny how everyone is regressing to primal ages. Christcucks fought so hard to build all this, and the empathy has dissipated from the households of soyciety.

Churches now mean absolute nothing.
They´ve lost their purpose and meaning.

When the priest, is just another cuck male feminist.

What the old Christians had was far more valuable, a sense of community and duty to ensure the success and inner peace of that community, that is all gone.
Funny how everyone is regressing to primal ages. Christcucks fought so hard to build all this, and the empathy has dissipated from the households of soyciety.

Churches now mean absolute nothing.
They´ve lost their purpose and meaning.

When the priest, is just another cuck male feminist.

What the old Christians had was far more valuable, a sense of community and duty to ensure the success and inner peace of that community, that is all gone.
This abandonment of social institutions, cohesion, family organization etc. Is observed in all cultures when they are dying. Spengler.

Christianity has died, the ideology of modernism has killed God (as Nietzsche put it) and replaced it with false idols, such as veneration of the State, adoration of machines, money, the cult of celebrities, vagina-worship etc.
Buy a few guns, some meth and heroin, 8 bottles of whisky, and some death metal music just to be safe
WTF I've just read

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