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Blackpill The dating game is rigged, water is also wet, however earning money and coping from wealth isn’t.



It only gets worse
May 17, 2018
You can become anything you pretty much want if you apply yourself, job wise.
Dating is rigged and is not worth it to play the game, you will lose most of the time and the few times you do score, the effort way out weighs the benefits from winning.

Getting money and enjoying your money is all we have left, NEETs are coping, they have nothing to gain or lose, they are just rotting, there copes are limited.

With money you can escortcel, smoke weed, drink, and afford to do most copes that are available. Also by working, time seems to go faster resulting in quicker death so we can escape this hell hole of a world.

If you are incel you need to accept that dating isn’t for you and we need to find something else to do with our lives.

Blackpill hits hard.
Take the low IQ and low motivation pill
So you'd trade one vain pursuit for another?

If you are incel you need to accept that dating isn’t for you and we need to find something else to do with our lives.
Although I'd say this is true.
Money is good for food and video games. Once I’m done eating I get depressed, once I’m done with a video game I’m depressed. You need to consistently cycle between food and games to properly cope.
You can become anything you pretty much want if you apply yourself, job wise.
Dating is rigged and is not worth it to play the game, you will lose most of the time and the few times you do score, the effort way out weighs the benefits from winning.

Getting money and enjoying your money is all we have left, NEETs are coping, they have nothing to gain or lose, they are just rotting, there copes are limited.

With money you can escortcel, smoke weed, drink, and afford to do most copes that are available. Also by working, time seems to go faster resulting in quicker death so we can escape this hell hole of a world.

If you are incel you need to accept that dating isn’t for you and we need to find something else to do with our lives.

Blackpill hits hard.

100% agree, except with the nihilistic part. Dating was never meant for us. It is just a post sexual revolution re-skin of the alpha polygamic and female hypergamic behaviors. That is not our game to play, and we better leave it for our own thing. This system was not always true, and it is failing. Women in liberal countries are having what, 2 or 3 children at max? NEETs need to stop with their bullshit. This is not our game to lose, we shouldn't even be in it.
There is another great thing you can do with money, but it requires you to live or move to a third world shithole: buy a wife. Hard work and money got to be our salvation.
>making money isn't rigged

Capitalism seems to disagree.
you said girls have approached you saying you are good looking you are only downfall is that you are short, being a manlet alone does not make you incel
Coping with money is much different that crying about not getting women
It's different from crying about it perhaps, but not different from getting women, at least not intrinsically. You're trying to fill a hole that biology placed within you, only with an even lesser pleasure. I won't criticize you though, as my cope is the exact opposite.

>making money isn't rigged

Capitalism seems to disagree.
Those who manipulate the system stand to gain the most from capitalism.
>making money isn't rigged

Capitalism seems to disagree.

it's rich out there for the rich

most people will never own a home worth shit or even buy a new car

capitalism made everyone an econmic slave
Basically agree. Also if you moneymaxxx you can save it and donate it to a patriarchal cause.
Better to be alone with a sweet gaming rig , steam library, VR headset than being alone in a moldy filthy 1 room bedsit browsing incels.is on a 15 year old dell laptop with a cracked screen.
Life in general is rigged man
you said girls have approached you saying you are good looking you are only downfall is that you are short, being a manlet alone does not make you incel
You are highly mistaken.
5’4 is a death sentence no matter what my face looks like, trust me, I used to cope with that exact statement, that I would have a chance due to my face.
No, I was very wrong, women want tall men and they can get tall men, why settle for a manlet with my face when they can easily get a chadlite?
It's different from crying about it perhaps, but not different from getting women, at least not intrinsically. You're trying to fill a hole that biology placed within you, only with an even lesser pleasure. I won't criticize you though, as my cope is the exact opposite.

Those who manipulate the system stand to gain the most from capitalism.
I will have to disagree, just because you play a game doesn’t mean you will win.
You can try, and you can’t say you have tried until you have actually physically tried your best.
I’m all for that, trying at something before giving all hopes up, but you need to realise there comes a point where you realise you are literally getting no where, nothing is working and it all kind of makes sense to give up.
Trust me I’m the last person you would think to give up, I’m getting on TRT, I’m trying to make a change.
But I’ve internalised the reality that this video game is just a bit too high of a diffulity for me.

People say you should never give up, but I think there are times where it is best to assess your situation and make a intelligent decision to do so or not.
In this case, it’s an intelligent decision to give up with women, I only have limited time on this earth, why spend it chasing something I can’t get?
I’ll use it chasing money which is something feasible for my own self happiness and that’s all that matters to be honest.

The TRT should relieve depression and anxiety but not rid it, it will give me the energy to go out and earn money and maybe enjoy doing it.

Long post, but wise words.
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Basically agree. Also if you moneymaxxx you can save it and donate it to a patriarchal cause.
This. The reestablishment of patriarchal communities should be our number one priority. Money is the only form of power we can achieve in our condition, and this power can and will help supporting this cause.
You can become anything you pretty much want if you apply yourself, job wise.
Kek. Unless ur ethnic...then its almost impossible to get a decent job even with good diploma.
I will have to disagree, just because you play a game doesn’t mean you will win.
You can try, and you can’t say you have tried until you have actually physically tried your best.
I’m all for that, trying at something before giving all hopes up, but you need to realise there comes a point where you realise you are literally getting no where, nothing is working and it all kind of makes sense to give up.
Trust me I’m the last person you would think to give up, I’m getting on TRT, I’m trying to make a change.
But I’ve internalised the reality that this video game is just a bit too high of a diffulity for me.

People say you should never give up, but I think there are times where it is best to assess your situation and make a intelligent decision to do so or not.
In this case, it’s an intelligent decision to give up with women, I only have limited time on this earth, why spend it chasing something I can’t get?
I’ll use it chasing money which is something feasible for my own self happiness and that’s all that matters to be honest.

The TRT should relieve depression and anxiety but not rid it, it will give me the energy to go out and earn money and maybe enjoy doing it.

Long post, but wise words.
No, I mostly agree with you, as I have given up as well. What I meant is that our copes are different, no more.
Lol, the job market is more based on luck than competence.
I don't want money, I want a loving girlfriend. :feelsbadman:
Just LDAR. You will never make millions no matter how hard you career max. Chad who plays College Football and is a D1 QB will though once he gets drafted. Then he can bang girls until hes ready to settle down and select a 9/10 cheer leader or runway model.
Making money is also dependent on your looks tbh fam.
When people talk about "money" they are talking millions of dollars.

You don't need much money to "escortcel, smoke weed, drink" even a minimum wage job will get you all of that.
When people talk about "money" they are talking millions of dollars.

You don't need much money to "escortcel, smoke weed, drink" even a minimum wage job will get you all of that.
im talking about being able to do it in a amount that will make it enjoyable.
Better to be alone with a sweet gaming rig , steam library, VR headset than being alone in a moldy filthy 1 room bedsit browsing incels.is on a 15 year old dell laptop with a cracked screen.
Fucking lol
im talking about being able to do it in a amount that will make it enjoyable.

Weed is $10 a gram. How many grams can person smoke in a day? What kind of amount is enjoyable?

You don't need wealth to do what you said. You can do it on a modest salary.
I love how people make really long posts and get one word replies
Op is trying so hard not to rope. Just LDAR bro. It never began.
put a number to your rhetoric, how much money do you make that makes it not a cope?
You can become anything you pretty much want if you apply yourself, job wise.
Dating is rigged and is not worth it to play the game, you will lose most of the time and the few times you do score, the effort way out weighs the benefits from winning.

Getting money and enjoying your money is all we have left, NEETs are coping, they have nothing to gain or lose, they are just rotting, there copes are limited.

With money you can escortcel, smoke weed, drink, and afford to do most copes that are available. Also by working, time seems to go faster resulting in quicker death so we can escape this hell hole of a world.

If you are incel you need to accept that dating isn’t for you and we need to find something else to do with our lives.

Blackpill hits hard.

Pretty much completely agree with you. I kept saying this in another thread; the fact the my love life is an utter failure does not mean that other aspects of my life should be too.

We've lost at the dating game that's for sue but we can still play and ascend the money/status game. Moneymaxx and statusmax seem somehow more achievable for me than finding a partner.

However, poeple here will deny and will say stuff like : Nothing replaces the love of wymen blah blah..

Yet they don't realize foids can't become complete whores and hoes in presence of a high status/ earner...no matter how bad looking he is.
Of course they will never love for who you inherently are like Chad, but for what you have but it's still better than LDAR in poverty and misery.

I rather cry my inceldom in a Lambo than in my mom's basement.
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OP must be very young still, he has swallowed the blackpill when it comes to dating, but he hasn´t swallowed the blackpill about the workforce yet.

Fact is that the key factors to real success are all out of your control (looks, height, race, talent, intelligence, athleticism, even work ethic is largely genetic).

Guys like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Cuckerberg, Jobs, etc... are all gigachads... not in terms of looks, but in terms of talent.

It´s a bluepill myth that hard work leads to success and that you can be anything you want.

It´s like saying if you just approach enough women you will eventually land a 9/10 gigastacy while being a 5ft2, ugly, balding ethnic. Not gonna happen nomatter how hard you try.

It´s the same in every other facet in life.
OP must be very young still, he has swallowed the blackpill when it comes to dating, but he hasn´t swallowed the blackpill about the workforce yet.

Fact is that the key factors to real success are all out of your control (looks, height, race, talent, intelligence, athleticism, even work ethic is largely genetic).

Guys like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Cuckerberg, Jobs, etc... are all gigachads... not in terms of looks, but in terms of talent.

It´s a bluepill myth that hard work leads to success and that you can be anything you want.

It´s like saying if you just approach enough women you will eventually land a 9/10 gigastacy while being a 5ft2, ugly, balding ethnic. Not gonna happen nomatter how hard you try.

It´s the same in every other facet in life.
I somewhat agree with you, moving up the ranks in a company is purely based on looks.
I am young but have good knowledge for my age.
But some things such as doctors, medical professions and other specific professions can be accessed by hard work.
Most doctors are ugly balding ethics.
Guys should i start working for a Diploma ? Education is free in my country.
Money is a means to something else. eg earning more money can land you a girlfriend. Especially in asia where you have status (money) and race (white?). You are low iq if you though money was valuable for its own sake. No - money is valuable because we can get things with it. Money is only coping if you don't put it to good use.

a serious question: have you tried to visit asia? Because your heigh isn't seen as a big deal. Your only slighly below average.
I somewhat agree with you, moving up the ranks in a company is purely based on looks.
I am young but have good knowledge for my age.
But some things such as doctors, medical professions and other specific professions can be accessed by hard work.
Most doctors are ugly balding ethics.
yes, but they have a higher IQ than the average guy which is genetic.

They get much more out of one hour of studying than the average guy.
The thing is, the money economy is almost as rigged as the dating economy. It's all set up against subhumans.
first sentence is retarded bluepill, but I agree with the rest

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