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RageFuel The Cult of Liberalism, the bullshit of "therapy" and Inceldom



sad but true
Nov 3, 2019
I have been reading some Marx (not a Marxist or any *ist because politics is pointless as I'll explain further on) and so much of what I am reading is completely absent from the modern "Marxist" movements that I'm starting to suspect the current manifestation of Left-wing politics is purely liberal in nature. What I currently see from a political POV is nothing more than radical militant liberalism that has adopted the name of Marxism to enact tyranny against the lower classes while distracting most people from the fact that the political violence being deployed against them is actually from Liberals themselves. Let us think of the recent "CHAZ" event which had liberal support until people kept getting killed and let us not forget how these "CHAZ revolutionaries" quickly abandoned their beloved "utopia" when ordered to. I am starting to suspect that what we're witnessing is controlled rebellion/revolution, controlled opposition, controlled "democracy", controlled media, controlled education, controlled celebrities/influencers (products) and so on. As our basic humans rights continue to be mangled and stripped by the corporations which hold absolute power over all of us with the full backing and support of the Liberal System, people who express even the slightest criticism of it all are immediately expelled and alienated or worse, called a "terrorist". So you see the System try to control people by threatening their existence, threatening their safety if they ever dare oppose their Order. Since we're not an organisation or a movement, the Liberals must forcefully place us within a category that they can validate us being terrorists and justify violence against us. This is why we're linked with the Alt-right and white nationalists and since Liberals have a monopoly on information, the ethnic statistics are simply ignored. All you have to do is type in incels + terrorism and you'll see numerous articles from the Systems mouth pieces and understand what I mean. These articles will rarely talk about Incels, but we'll be mentioned along with other groups like TRP and MGTOWs, but the majority of the article will cover the alt-right despite how disingenuous that is, but this is how the Cult of Liberalism functions and why the System has been so successful in removing basic human rights like free speech, to sanctioned political violence.

So if everything is controlled by the System (Liberalism), then wouldn't that also make "therapy" another tool of control? I suspect this is because of the way most Liberals worship therapy and prescription drugs. From movies/shows where the "lonely" protagonist is reliant on prescription drugs until he meets his "soulmate" to the entertainment industry that promotes "depression" with the greatest example I can think of being Billie Eilish and e-girls who sell "friendship" like a commodity to male losers and incels. Let's not forget the fact that most therapy is pseudo-science. Therapy exists as a tool to pacify a potential rebellious population of young men by making them complacent and accepting of their oppression by the System. It does not always work, but the fact that we have governments pumping millions into this pseudo-scientific bullshit means there must be positive results for the System to maintain this feature. For me, it failed to bluepill me and I'm sure many of you who have attempted therapy have felt the exact same. I think the reason it failed on me is because of my low-class upbringing, the torment I had to endure from others (especially foids) about my appearance and the fact that my material conditions remain unchanged. Something terrible is definitely happening here, especially to men in the anglosphere. From a lack of jobs (millennial foids are out-competing most men with many other jobs being outsourced), or competing against higher class men against for whores who do not care about you, to an inability to form meaningful human relationships because of whoredom. It's no surprise so many of these loners and outcasts express such hatred towards the System and in rare cases, violently attack it. The System can't continue to sustain such attacks because it disrupts its control and if left alone, could eventually evolve into violent revolt Liberalism. So our oppression and censorship becomes inevitable in order for Liberals to maintain control.

With all of this connected, I have come to the ultimate conclusion that we're not only living in a dystopia, but we're violently enslaved by one with no way out. There is no band of resistance fighters, there is no-one to meaningfully oppose the System. This is why politics is inherently pointless. There's no point because we're alone and nobody's coming to save us.
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I surely read this :feelsEhh:
Too long didnt read :dab:
you might think it's a joke but it's a very real issue that is eventually going to come for us all

ok i read the whole thing, your correct for the most part that censorship will increase to keep the left happy. And in the end both sides are pretty shit, i think the only solution is for the pendulum to swing far to the right for a sort of reset, that or a civil war will happen
I never read Marx entirely, but I have Das Kapital lying around (with some torn out pages lol) and a big point he made was the dumbing down of human existence by technology. The worker as a cog in a machine was alienated from his natural sources of income in the form of food production or building, as the machines get more complex the people using them become stupider and he was opposed to specialization because of this, you can see the consequences of the industrial revolution today, it has gone so far that people are not just unable to take care of themselves, but emotionally as well as morally corrupted by a corrupted state. Basically, humanity was sacrificed for profits.
Engels made the same point in relation to an analysis of the development of industrial warfare. As the industry and organization became more sophisticated, tactics became less important and he was right at least temporarily, WW1 was a strategically uninteresting war because it was fought by machines and the industrial output of the great powers, not generals and soldiers.
I have a feeling he wasnt the "revolutionary" mastermind he is made out to be and his name abused and pulled through the mutts during the last century, because I am certain he would be disgusted by these city dwelling groids and their specialized tech jobs.
I have been saying this all along on this godforsaken forum. Liberals are NOT leftists. They are the political vanguard of corporations. They are the true enemies who need to be stopped. They divert focus from better wages and conditions for working class, better healthcare, affordable education to BLM, gender nuetral toilets, pride month, gamergate, feminist whoredom and all that bullshit. They are the reason why many of us are not married with kids by now.
I never read Marx entirely, but I have Das Kapital lying around (with some torn out pages lol) and a big point he made was the dumbing down of human existence by technology. The worker as a cog in a machine was alienated from his natural sources of income in the form of food production or building, as the machines get more complex the people using them become stupider and he was opposed to specialization because of this, you can see the consequences of the industrial revolution today, it has gone so far that people are not just unable to take care of themselves, but emotionally as well as morally corrupted by a corrupted state. Basically, humanity was sacrificed for profits.
Engels made the same point in relation to an analysis of the development of industrial warfare. As the industry and organization became more sophisticated, tactics became less important and he was right at least temporarily, WW1 was a strategically uninteresting war because it was fought by machines and the industrial output of the great powers, not generals and soldiers.
I have a feeling he wasnt the "revolutionary" mastermind he is made out to be and his name abused and pulled through the mutts during the last century, because I am certain he would be disgusted by these city dwelling groids and their specialized tech jobs.
it's just incredibly depressing ngl
i cope with vidya (cant play modern vidya because it's mostly shit) or i just think of my insignificant position in life. like being a friendless KHHV with no talents and so on, but think of monks on mt athos and so on and how when you really think about it, there might be hope
I have been saying this all along on this godforsaken forum. Liberals are NOT leftists. They are the political vanguard of corporations. They are the true enemies who need to be stopped. They divert focus from better wages and conditions for working class, better healthcare, affordable education to BLM, gender nuetral toilets, pride month, gamergate, feminist whoredom and all that bullshit. They are the reason why many of us are not married with kids by now.
definitely agree. there's very real people who are contributing to our misery. why the fuck shouldn't we be angry at them?
I have already believed this. I knew that we will get enslaved and slaughtered in the future but tbh it is already happening now. Anything we say against their agenda makes us terrorists. Therapy really is just a program to make you accept oppression. High iq post
I have been saying this all along on this godforsaken forum. Liberals are NOT leftists. They are the political vanguard of corporations. They are the true enemies who need to be stopped. They divert focus from better wages and conditions for working class, better healthcare, affordable education to BLM, gender nuetral toilets, pride month, gamergate, feminist whoredom and all that bullshit. They are the reason why many of us are not married with kids by now.
They are actively trying to bring humanity down at this point.

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