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It's Over The Coronavirus vaccine



May 14, 2019
I can see the plan now, the coronavirus vaccine which most people will be pressured to have so as to return to normal live will be a massive T-Level buster, IQ buster, autism causing super weapon.

I was listening to the radio and a clip of the uk official behind the lockdown saying that normal life won't return until the vaccine is out.

I distrust vaccines and forced medication like fluoride so this is a massive red flag for me.

The hype around corona is so huge that the willing market for this vaccine will be huge. They have been building up for this. The miracle vaccine deveopled quicker than any other vaccine, oh man they are going to have fun with this.

I would reccommend not taking it if they will let you, ded srs.
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I'd rather be dead anyways ngl.
i won't take it, no one can force me anyway, i skipped vaccines since i was 6yo
High iq. Don't take anything when you don't know what is in it or how it is made. They don't have your best interests in mind
we get vaccines at shcool, so i just said that my mom took me to get take them at the hospital, i don't know how it would be with corona tho
They will use social pressure for most people, i can see a facebook/Snapachat/Instagram filter trend going that will be enough to get most normies on board.
And remember no back to normal unless most people get the vaccine they will say.
Probably will be accurate predictions tbh
Haven't you heard the stories about all the vaccine researchers mysteriously dying? Look up "Bing Liu." And others like him.
Haven't you heard the stories about all the vaccine researchers mysteriously dying? Look up "Bing Liu." And others like him.
Murder suicide lol, bet there will be no witnesses.
They are very brazen.
Definitely possible. Here in the US, it'll all be under the guise of doing 'your part' to re-open the economy/being patriotic. Normie shaming will be out of control for those who don't take the shot. The marketing and social media campaigns will be nauseating.

I don't trust the government at all under ordinary circumstances, certainly not with this. At best, they'll fuck it up and the virus will have mutated well past their rushed vaccine strain, thus rendering it pointless to many of those who take it. At worst, it'll be another death weapon they use to cull us. It'll save you from corona complications, but will kill you in 100 other ways with its poison.

This would also be the perfect beta test for the stupid chip implants they keep floating.

This may all depend on how bad things get this fall and winter. If it really hits the fan, I could see them making this 'mandatory' in the sense that you won't be able to work at your job without your vaccine verification. Kind of like how now you can't work or shop in certain states now without a mask--only in a more sinister, ramped up version.
highest iq post ive seen since joining. a fellow awarecel. aware of whats going on.
definitely not a good idea to get the vaccine. Its going to do a lot of damage. Its also going to be worse than all previous vaccines i can imagine.
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Definitely possible. Here in the US, it'll all be under the guise of doing 'your part' to re-open the economy/being patriotic. Normie shaming will be out of control for those who don't take the shot. The marketing and social media campaigns will be nauseating.

I don't trust the government at all under ordinary circumstances, certainly not with this. At best, they'll fuck it up and the virus will have mutated well past their rushed vaccine strain, thus rendering it pointless to many of those who take it. At worst, it'll be another death weapon they use to cull us. It'll save you from corona complications, but will kill you in 100 other ways with its poison.

This would also be the perfect beta test for the stupid chip implants they keep floating.

This may all depend on how bad things get this fall and winter. If it really hits the fan, I could see them making this 'mandatory' in the sense that you won't be able to work at your job without your vaccine verification. Kind of like how now you can't work or shop in certain states now without a mask--only in a more sinister, ramped up version.
The verification thing makes alot of sense, chip implants with tracking, personal info, bank account, buying and selling etc will in my opinion be a thing soon they just need to perfect the implementation strategy.

This is definetly a trial run for something. Create a faux mass panic, constant news coverage, a we're all in this together attitude, and then offer a mandatory bio miracle cure, who would not want to take that, right?

The level of control they have over the people at the minute is unprecedented and definetly what they want more of.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
If everyone else but me gets the vaccine, that means I can't get it from the norm-cattle while still avoiding the zog injection.
The verification thing makes alot of sense, chip implants with tracking, personal info, bank account, buying and selling etc will in my opinion be a thing soon they just need to perfect the implementation strategy.

They won't roll out a chip this round, but I believe they'll use lessons from their strategy on how to get people to take a vaccine to later apply to a chip implementation one down the line. And when they do, they'll throw in exactly what you outlined--your bank account, personal info, real time biometric data, etc. And that's all just the tip of the iceberg. Once the internet of things is up and running later this decade, the possibilities are almost limitless.

In the meantime, the social shaming in particular will be brutal once they do roll out a vaccine, because normies who are already itching to reclaim their 'normal' lives, will be absolutely seething at having lost their clubs, bars, stadiums, festivals, etc. as this continues in many densely populated areas throughout this year. Consequently, they will all line up and obediently take whenever poison cocktail is ultimately unveiled as their savior like good minions.

They won't roll out a chip this round, but I believe they'll use lessons from their strategy on how to get people to take a vaccine to later apply to a chip implementation one down the line. And when they do, they'll throw in exactly what you outlined--your bank account, personal info, real time biometric data, etc. And that's all just the tip of the iceberg. Once the internet of things is up and running later this decade, the possibilities are almost limitless.

In the meantime, the social shaming in particular will be brutal once they do roll out a vaccine, because normies who are already itching to reclaim their 'normal' lives, will be absolutely seething at having lost their clubs, bars, stadiums, festivals, etc. as this continues in many densely populated areas throughout this year. Consequently, they will all line up and obediently take whenever poison cocktail is ultimately unveiled as their savior like good minions.
I agree, I think the internet of things will be a key part of the plan. Every day to day interaction/transaction will be linked to the chip and recorded by it, no chip no access.

To me I think it will be a book of revelations type deal.

You want to interact 'normally' with this high tech society/cage which we have constructed? You better get this chip then.

As i think will be observed with this vaccine, most people will be willing to take it if it means they can carry on with their normal lifes.
I don't even want a vaccine to come out.
Israel is working on that vaccine...
Definitely possible. Here in the US, it'll all be under the guise of doing 'your part' to re-open the economy/being patriotic. Normie shaming will be out of control for those who don't take the shot. The marketing and social media campaigns will be nauseating.

I don't trust the government at all under ordinary circumstances, certainly not with this. At best, they'll fuck it up and the virus will have mutated well past their rushed vaccine strain, thus rendering it pointless to many of those who take it. At worst, it'll be another death weapon they use to cull us. It'll save you from corona complications, but will kill you in 100 other ways with its poison.

This would also be the perfect beta test for the stupid chip implants they keep floating.

This may all depend on how bad things get this fall and winter. If it really hits the fan, I could see them making this 'mandatory' in the sense that you won't be able to work at your job without your vaccine verification. Kind of like how now you can't work or shop in certain states now without a mask--only in a more sinister, ramped up version.
I wish I could write like this
I personally wouldn't take vaccine unless few years have passed after others have tried the shit
The miracle vaccine deveopled quicker than any other vaccine, oh man they are going to have fun with this.
I think the best part about all of this is knowing that this vaccine existed before the virus was even released
Definitely possible. Here in the US, it'll all be under the guise of doing 'your part' to re-open the economy/being patriotic. Normie shaming will be out of control for those who don't take the shot. The marketing and social media campaigns will be nauseating.

I don't trust the government at all under ordinary circumstances, certainly not with this. At best, they'll fuck it up and the virus will have mutated well past their rushed vaccine strain, thus rendering it pointless to many of those who take it. At worst, it'll be another death weapon they use to cull us. It'll save you from corona complications, but will kill you in 100 other ways with its poison.

This would also be the perfect beta test for the stupid chip implants they keep floating.

This may all depend on how bad things get this fall and winter. If it really hits the fan, I could see them making this 'mandatory' in the sense that you won't be able to work at your job without your vaccine verification. Kind of like how now you can't work or shop in certain states now without a mask--only in a more sinister, ramped up version.
Mark of the Beast? Those without the mark won't be eligible to buy or sell:

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Mark of the Beast? Those without the mark won't be eligible to buy or sell:

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I am still discerning some of my views concerning on the Book of Revelation, but I do believe this aspect will eventually play out similarly to what is described in the verses you quoted.

The ultimate goal of the tecehnotronic age is to merge man with machine after all, and man's body cannot be merged without an interface or chip implant of some sort. Likewise, while psychological mind control techniques are well tested and generally effective in most situations, a man with a developed consciousness and will can break through them. Thus, the only fool-proof way to control a man's mind is via an implant as well; one which gives his controllers direct access to his brain and its waves.

I'm of the mind that this is why Revelation states a few chapters later that anyone who takes the mark will be cast into hell with no exceptions. Because the man's consciousness and soul is now under direct control as a result of surrendering his free will, he can and will be directed by his controllers away from a direction that would afford him salvation (whether taken in the Christian sense or the mystical one). In giving away his free will, he has shunned his humanity; he has given away his being as it was created. He has essentially taken part in the same sin against natural law that was committed when the Nephilim copulated with women to produce a hybrid race; one which is irreconcilable with his creator.

On a tangent of sorts, I somewhat suspect that the high level controllers of humanity are using Revelation as a blueprint of sorts as things unfold in the direction they are moving. There are ways to interpret the work that are much different than a Christian would. Some people would be surprised to learn for instance that the Book of Revelation holds a very important place within Kabbalah (in addition to other occult circles). The implications of this are probably a topic for another thread, but it's interesting to note that Christians are not the only people who hold it close.

I wish I could write like this

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