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Brutal The brutal story of Wohaha, a french truecel



Jul 16, 2024
i want to show you his very brutal story, he used to spam his blackpill topics on a forum i was back in days. you can check the post in french here if you want. https://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-51-70654460-1-0-1-0-la-vie-cette-sale-race.htm

Come on, I'm going to save the earth once again https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/34/1/1503320619-megaman-pas-content.jpg
Oh no damn not yet
Shitty Genetics:
-Crohn's disease which has non-exhaustive consequences (diarrhea or constipation, stomach pain, gastro reflux, slight incontinence or even total incontinence, dehydration, reduced muscle mass, reduced bone density, common skin infection such as exczema or pimples that become infected very quickly, having to go to the toilet 5-6 times a day, weight loss, and so on).
- various problems with the anus and stomach
- at the psychological level: autistic, lack of empathy (once diagnosed as psychopathic but that's bullshit), depression, anxiety, deviant fantasies, various OCDs, addictions
- nasal deviation: -70% of the respiratory capacity that I should normally have :)
- asthma
- myopia (wearing glasses = directly judged by guys and girls, automatically linked to a nerd)
- hyperhidrosis (very anxious)
- skinny fat
- eczema
- double scoliosis
- osteoporosis
- rhinitis
- renal and adrenal insufficiency due to medications
- kyphosis (hunchback, visible even when wearing clothes, my last physiotherapist (6th physiotherapist) told me that she has never seen this in a young person my age)
- unavoidable lordosis
- baldness
- ugly, completely hideous

Social context :
- helicopter family too present :)
- ended up in a high school with rich peoples with people radically different from me :) consequence: 4 years of school bullying :) I had to taste my own shit once :)
- poor :)
- never had friends
- no one to talk to
- full virgin

Of course I never had a girlfriend or anything and I don't have a brief idea of what friendship is (usually just people hanging out when they didn't give a damn). :)

“muuhhhh dude, you should hit the gym”
Scoliosis :)
Fragile bones :)
Injured twice at the gym :)
1m61 (after recent recheck with the doctor) :)

What I did to try to get out of it:
For sports:
- swimming (1 year)
- judo (6 months)
- karate (7 years old)
- athletics (2 years)
- slippers (6 months)
I tried weight training twice, I got injured twice.

go out with people :laugh: IMPOSSIBLE to fit in I worked with 3 different psychologists (who came because of my illness initially but who tried to help me have friends).
Result: NO RELATIONSHIP, 0 PERSON TO TALK WITH + ALWAYS REJECTED (either because too nice and stupid I imagine, or because ugly and disabled, today it would be because I have become nihilist and I breathe the desire to die :) )
2 associations: one was a video game thing (since I had no friends and I was put in the geek box because I SEEMED a little more intelligent than average I told myself that it was the case) and a (much later) humanitarian (homeless).

Same result :)

For food: obliged to have a strict healthy diet. If I eat at McDonald's my stomach hurts the rest of the day :)

But I guess I just need to get my fingers out of my ass huh https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/19/1494343590-risitas2vz-z-3x.png

At 13 I cried about my situation (since I was still trying and I was being humiliated from ALL sides (A L L) https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/19/1494343590-risitas2vz-z-3x.png
Today I laugh out loud every time I think about it and I JERK OFF thinking about my miserable situation https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/19/1494343590-risitas2vz-z-3x.png

Today that I no longer make any effort (for about 6 months) I admit that I am better, at least I am not confronted with systematic discomfort and humiliation :)

With that I'm going to sleep a little :) while healthy young people with passions and reasons to live have a good time :)
But there's worse, isn't it :) I shouldn't complain after all :) look at the other disabled person, he can't even speak properly, now let me talk with my GIRLFRIEND :)

I was always told that effort pays off.
With each recent release from the hospital, I lost everything I had been able to establish before, my efforts all evaporated, I didn't have much at the start... a semblance of dignity and even that.
In a few months, each time I took up sport, did my best to make a small circle of friends, I approached girls, went back to school, saved up to take a trip. 3 times in 4 years.
Until I realized one thing: it was useless :)
I realized that if I had stayed at home all this time the result would have been the same.
Very seriously, I've been struggling in life for 20 years, I'll be honest: until today I was happy, until I realized that the daily life of the child that I was will not change Never.

“Get off your ass” “The wheel is turning” “We can do anything in life” “It’s your fault :hap:”
Nothing is more hypocritical than this kind of explanation. As if you choose your starting kit when you start your game. As if it was the fault of the child that I was and the teenager that I subsequently became to fail in everything that he undertook out of bad luck. As if it's my fault for not understanding anything and being autistic when I'm trying my best to understand how society works.

An ugly shy guy with few friends who approaches --> a psychopath and it was always like that when I approached girls. Their first reaction is to laugh and say that it's weird when we have to ask them to go out for a drink, exchange numbers, discuss classes, etc. SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. Then, once they have given you their number to end the discussion as quickly as possible, they will cowardly tell you "no" by text message. And not even “no”. In general, the kind of stupid excuse I gave myself was "yes, sorry, it's complicated at the moment, etc."
When it happens to you once or twice you tell yourself that maybe she wasn't good enough for you, when it's the eleventh or twelfth time IRL you know that the problem comes from you and that it is irreparable.
Oh one last thing, I didn't approach top models, I also attracted less attractive or downright ugly girls, who had the same reaction. Even two fucking disabled people.
I also tried dating sites, 0 matches.

Mods don't delete it's the most exciting moment of my day.

I no longer respond to the stupid “pull your fingers out of your ass” when I have tried everything and failed. I'm not going to continue to humiliate myself for nothing. It's not fake.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll get away with it, I'm mainly doing this topic out of boredom.

I think there are people who are there just to be ridiculous in life. The bad guys in films, not the badass ones that we remember but the crazy ones that no one understands. I'm part of.
It's not possible that EVERYTHING my life has always been so rotten, it's just not possible that in almost 21 years NOTHING positive has happened.
I honestly think I'm CURSED.
I am a larva now, bitter about life, disinterested in ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, I hate myself, I would like to silence my terrible thoughts. I don't know what else to add.

Oh how I wish I were a real man. Be in good health, without psychological vices and physical weakness! I will never look like a man, no matter what I do, I have inherited a listless body from which I cannot escape. With the moral obligation to live, the only solution is waiting and derision of pathos.

PS: I would never commit suicide for many reasons.
Damn it never even began for frenchcels. Like dude your foids are the biggest turbowhores ever, I can spot them from 100 meters away in my town, without even hearing French.

This dude is as truecel as they come. Interesting how he didn't get banned on said forum, I guess that the mods are sympathetic to his cause.
PS: I would never commit suicide for many reasons.
lol, maybe he will find the motivation when he has suffered a few decades more.
This dude is as truecel as they come. Interesting how he didn't get banned on said forum, I guess that the mods are sympathetic to his cause.
nah this forum sucks and he have a lot of account banned. it used to be like the french 4chan but it became a shithole and most moderated forum of europe because based frenchcels on this forum made a raid to harass a feminist and troll her idea, making her loss lot of money and other stories.
“Your son will never grow up sir, I have never seen a case like this in my entire career.” https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/48/1480464149-1474297148-1474091560-picsart-09-17-07-51-53.png
I was still a child when I heard that, 8 or 9. But I had a lot of hope, I still had 10 years to grow up. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/11/1489815579-jesuspij4.png
Then crises, more, more. Loneliness, harassment. But I had an old gameboy and above all hope, I would be in college soon, a good one and I will even move https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/30/6/1532731103-jesus-enfant-deprime.gif
Then came middle school, 30 kg of weakness and a bag that was a third of my weight https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/10/2/1520349184-gfdsgd.png
Well I got hit at school and I was the laughing stock of the class but despite that I still had the radio that I tinkered with even if I wasn't allowed to listen to this kouffar music and above all my gameboy https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/11/1489818993-jesuspijfixfinal.png
Then came the end of middle school, I placed all my hopes in this new high school, very happy to only spend the second year in the same establishment where I had to eat my own shit https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/19/1494528321-risitas-askp.png
A few bruises but still hope, then the 1st, two terminals. I didn't know it but I would never grow up again. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/19/1494528321-risitas-askp.png

I asked my father not to go back to this doctor who was the only one who told me the truth, because I still believed in him. Today I think about what I did from the age of 16 until I was 20, 4 years spent trying everything to be normal, to have friends, passions, good grades. But it was obviously wasted effort. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/07/1487382298-risitasdepressif.png
I think about all the times I got hit, all the doctors I had to see, the trips to the hospital. Why did I even have an ounce of hope? https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517956675-wojdak.png

I am trying my 2nd first year of uni again which will be a failure, impossible to take notes, to revise. I can't do it. My mind no longer wants to work in this world, I only want to enjoy what I have. My mother, and some video games. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517957047-daksa.png

I fought all my life, the few people said I was "brave" then turned away from me, born to have a life like a cockroach. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517956677-bornto.png

I'm too bitter to do anything now, I just want to stay at home, I don't want to see others anymore, I don't believe in humanity anymore. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517957047-daksa.png
I put on my mask before going to college or shopping, I go unnoticed, but for how long? I only want to touch the study buxx. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517956683-mask.png
this forum is my only hobby and the only place where I can express what I feel a little, but even that is gradually being taken away from me. Seeing this forum empty of its substance, the youngs invading the forum, the normies, the yeslife, the girls... even my virtual den they stole it from me https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517957047-daksa.png
The moderation that comes to me immediately now, without explanation, without reason. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517957047-daksa.png
Life is this dirty... https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/34/1/1503320619-megaman-pas-content.jpg
I would never commit suicide for many reasons https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/06/2/1517956873-knight.png

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