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Theory The brilliant Professor Mearsheimer would probably ace the Mega Test (176+ IQ 16 SD)

Horatio Alger

Horatio Alger

They saw deformity, I found beauty
Sep 12, 2024
Having read most of his works since high school, I could confidently say that Professor Mearsheimer is THE social scientist of the 21st century, with his magnum opus being Tragedy of Great Power Politics. He dwarfs the likes of Fukuyama, Pinker, Murray, and his close colleague Stephen M. Walt (who he has had many fruitful collaborations with.

He is a highly original and logical thinker, often finding detecting every single logical inconsistencies in the works of other eminent social scientists like Kenneth Waltz and being one of the pioneers of Offensive Realism, the brother of and in my opinion, the superior theory, to Defensive Realism. He can see connections that would elude lesser intellectuals, often applying the brilliant observations of the likes of Louis Hartz and James Scott on liberalism and civil society in novel ways to analyze domestic politics in contemporary Europe and American hegemony respectively.

Not only that, but he is also a prophet. Predicting the unpeaceful rise of China against the near unanimous consensus of Western Academics that its rise will be peaceful, the dilema Taiwan faces, the quagmire America would find itself in the Greater Middle East, Israel's fated destiny as an apartheid state, the disproportionate influence the Israel lobby has over American foreign policy, and the tragedy happening in Ukraine. He is an astute military expert as well, giving a detailed explanation of the importance of artillery to fighting in long wars such as the one in Ukraine alongside predicting the rapid collapse of Saddam's military in the first Iraq War (contrary to many analysts expectations of massive American casualties).

He is open minded as well, being wise enough to state that the victory of Liberal Democracy is not preordained (unlike Fukuyama), and that alternatives such as Fascism were wiped out after WW2 and are not necessary unviable economically or politically in the information age (which most Western Academics think).

On top of all that, he is a moral man (morality is positively correlated with IQ according to Pumpkinperson) which I won't elaborate on here
It’s positively correlated with IQ because the awareness requires Theory of Mind, and the compassion indicates emotional health, which correlates with cognitive health, since both reflect overall brain health

So that begs the question, what is his IQ? Stephen Walt, a tenured Harvard Professor and close collaborator with Professor Mearsheimer, probably has an IQ of 140 (my opinion). I think Professor Mearsheimer is at least 1 SD above Professor Walt. So perhaps 155-171 15 SD?

While I have never personally taken any of Hoeflin's Power Tests, I have read on Pumpkinperson's blog that it loads more on personality variables such as academic TIE and novel problem solving (since the problems take a long time to solve and very few people could solve them, meaning it measures both persistence and creativity) than more conventional IQ tests, and since Mearsheimer is an highly rational and original thinker (being the pioneer of Offensive Realism and being a prophet), I think he could potentially ace Hoeflin's Mega Test and qualify for membership in the Mega IQ society (176+ IQ 16 SD)

@DarthBurritoBastard @pedrolopezwasright @Castaway
P.S. I apologize for any grammatical errors. I am too lazy to proofread or edit this
John Mearsheimer

Greatest thinker alive today
It's been a while since I have read his works due to laziness and depression. I should give his magnum opus a much needed reread
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics is my secular Bible.

Professor Mearsheimer is unto me what Jesus is unto others
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics is my secular Bible.

Professor Mearsheimer is unto me what Jesus is unto others
Low IQ masses worship Jesus

Looks faggots worship Chico

I worship Mearsheimer
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So he basically says the same think about America's Israel policy as Vivek Ramaswamy.

The jews don't care if we cut off relations. They want to be self sufficient in their final push to Armageddon.

They already have elites in every major country. And they can use dumb americunt goyim to carry out their military ambitions.
So he basically says the same think about America's Israel policy as Vivek Ramaswamy.

The jews don't care if we cut off relations. They want to be self sufficient in their final push to Armageddon.

They already have elites in every major country. And they can use dumb americunt goyim to carry out their military ambitions.
Don't you dare compare the illustrious professor with that hack Ramaswampy
Don't you dare compare the illustrious professor with that hack Ramaswampy
So you feed into the same dialectic as normies. I read his book on Israel. He hardly talks about jewish crimes against Americans. He's a fake. And a pro-Putin shill. And Putin loves the jews.
So you feed into the same dialectic as normies. I read his book on Israel. He hardly talks about jewish crimes against Americans. He's a fake. And a pro-Putin shill. And Putin loves the jews.
View attachment 1368903
His magnum opus is Tragedy of Great Power Politics

The book he co-wrote with Stephen Walt, the Israel Lobby, is of tertiary importance as it deals with present, highly contingent circumstances that might not even last this century

A theory on International Relations (Offensive Realism which is expounded in Tragedy of Great Power Politics) is timeless as long as states exist
So you feed into the same dialectic as normies. I read his book on Israel. He hardly talks about jewish crimes against Americans. He's a fake. And a pro-Putin shill. And Putin loves the jews.
View attachment 1368903
Mearsheimer is an IR scholar first and foremost, not an expert on Domestic Politics, which would require the development of a separate theory of Domestic Politics. He has condemned the genocide in Palestine and possessed the integrity and courage to call Israel an apartheid state long before it was fashionable with disingenuous woketards in the West. As for Russia, any IR realist worth his salt would recognize the foolishness of expanding a military alliance all the way up to the doorsteps of a Great Power. Imagine how America would react if the Monroe Doctrine was breached by a foreign great power
Having read most of his works since high school, I could confidently say that Professor Mearsheimer is THE social scientist of the 21st century, with his magnum opus being Tragedy of Great Power Politics. He dwarfs the likes of Fukuyama, Pinker, Murray, and his close colleague Stephen M. Walt (who he has had many fruitful collaborations with.

He is a highly original and logical thinker, often finding detecting every single logical inconsistencies in the works of other eminent social scientists like Kenneth Waltz and being one of the pioneers of Offensive Realism, the brother of and in my opinion, the superior theory, to Defensive Realism. He can see connections that would elude lesser intellectuals, often applying the brilliant observations of the likes of Louis Hartz and James Scott on liberalism and civil society in novel ways to analyze domestic politics in contemporary Europe and American hegemony respectively.

Not only that, but he is also a prophet. Predicting the unpeaceful rise of China against the near unanimous consensus of Western Academics that its rise will be peaceful, the dilema Taiwan faces, the quagmire America would find itself in the Greater Middle East, Israel's fated destiny as an apartheid state, the disproportionate influence the Israel lobby has over American foreign policy, and the tragedy happening in Ukraine. He is an astute military expert as well, giving a detailed explanation of the importance of artillery to fighting in long wars such as the one in Ukraine alongside predicting the rapid collapse of Saddam's military in the first Iraq War (contrary to many analysts expectations of massive American casualties).

He is open minded as well, being wise enough to state that the victory of Liberal Democracy is not preordained (unlike Fukuyama), and that alternatives such as Fascism were wiped out after WW2 and are not necessary unviable economically or politically in the information age (which most Western Academics think).

On top of all that, he is a moral man (morality is positively correlated with IQ according to Pumpkinperson) which I won't elaborate on here

So that begs the question, what is his IQ? Stephen Walt, a tenured Harvard Professor and close collaborator with Professor Mearsheimer, probably has an IQ of 140 (my opinion). I think Professor Mearsheimer is at least 1 SD above Professor Walt. So perhaps 155-171 15 SD?

While I have never personally taken any of Hoeflin's Power Tests, I have read on Pumpkinperson's blog that it loads more on personality variables such as academic TIE and novel problem solving (since the problems take a long time to solve and very few people could solve them, meaning it measures both persistence and creativity) than more conventional IQ tests, and since Mearsheimer is an highly rational and original thinker (being the pioneer of Offensive Realism and being a prophet), I think he could potentially ace Hoeflin's Mega Test and qualify for membership in the Mega IQ society (176+ IQ 16 SD)

@DarthBurritoBastard @pedrolopezwasright @Castaway
We will never know until he takes the test objectively
We will never know until he takes the test objectively
The Mega Test is different from conventional IQ tests. It eschews reaction time in favor of academic TIE and creativity, which Professor Mearsheimer excels in even compared to other brilliant academics

So I think it is feasible for him to score at around +5 sigma on the Mega test (which, again, loads more on personality variables that the Professor undoubtedly loads heavily in than conventional IQ tests)
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The Mega Test is different from conventional IQ tests. It eschews reaction time in favor of academic TIE and creativity, which Professor Mearsheimer excels in even compared to other brilliant academics

So I think it is feasible for him to score at around +5 sigma on the Mega test (which, again, loads more on personality variables that the Professor undoubtedly loads heavily in than conventional IQ tests)
If I'm right, this would mean Professor Mearsheimer possesses a spectacular one in a million Mega Test IQ of 171 or more (SD 15)

His IQ measured on a conventional IQ test would probably regress to the mean somewhat but would still be around 150 give or take (SD 15)
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We will never know until he takes the test objectively
The reason why I think that Professor Mearsheimer would potentially score at around the +4.67 sigma level (one in a million level) on the Mega Test is that

1. brilliant academics like the Professor tend to load heavily on personality traits like TIE, which basically measures academic grit (so academics would overperform on the Mega IQ Test relative to conventional IQ tests)

2. even among brilliant academics (Stephen Pinker, Francis Fukuyama, Stephen M Walt) Professor Mearsheimer towers over them (in my opinion), which would indicate he would be give or take +1 SD above them in terms of IQ (I would wager the three mentioned above would possess IQs around 140-160)
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Very interesting, maybe I should start reading some of his works too
Very interesting, maybe I should start reading some of his works too
start with Tragedy of Great Power Politics, his magnum opus

here is his official website + substack

start with Tragedy of Great Power Politics, his magnum opus

here is his official website + substack

Thank you for the recommendation, will definitely read it later :feelsokman:
Thank you for the recommendation, will definitely read it later :feelsokman:
Also read the Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities, which is his second best book
Also read the Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities, which is his second best book
Alright. First the "Tragedy of Great Power Politics" and then the "Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities"
To all the Lurkers out there (Fakecels, Simps, and Foids) that can't read my BEAUTIFUL signature, here it is:

Gigalifefuel ahead :whitepill::whitepill::whitepill:

Professor Mearsheimer could be +4.75 sigma level in Mega IQ (171 IQ SD 15), since one, Mearsheimer is probably +1 SD smarter than brilliant academics like Fukuyama and Walt, and two, since distinguished academics like Mearsheimer would load heavily on personality traits like persistence, motivation, and creativity, they would thus overperform on the Mega Test, which includes unique, complex problems that might take several weeks to solve, relative to conventional IQ tests like the WAIS or Binet

The signature would have been much more flowery and detailed, but I ran out of character space :lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:
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To all the Lurkers out there (Fakecels, Simps, and Foids) that can't read my BEAUTIFUL signature, here it is:

Gigalifefuel ahead :whitepill::whitepill::whitepill:

Professor Mearsheimer could be +4.75 sigma level in Mega IQ (171 IQ SD 15), since one, Mearsheimer is probably +1 SD smarter than brilliant academics like Fukuyama and Walt, and two, since distinguished academics like Mearsheimer would load heavily on personality traits like persistence, motivation, and creativity, they would thus overperform on the Mega Test, which includes unique, complex problems that might take several weeks to solve, relative to conventional IQ tests like the WAIS or Binet

The signature would have been much more flowery and detailed, but I ran out of character space :lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:

In all seriousness, that is merely my generous estimation of what his IQ score could be on the Mega Test based on the intellectual quality of his work + his debate performance against the likes of Stephen Pinker and Hugh White

It is unclear if he ever officially took an IQ test, and his SAT scores are unknown

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