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The brain doesn't fully develop until 25 so girls under 25 are off limits



St. Bluepill
Dec 29, 2018
This is the logic used by IT and others to justify why men over 25 should not be attracted to women under 25. But if brain development is really what they are concerned about, why aren't they equally disturbed when someone dates a senior citizen? Aging has been linked and established to cause a sharp decline in cognitive function. It's one of the reasons why the elderly are so susceptible to cons and scam artist that younger people wouldn't so easily fall for. A normally functioning 15-24 year old is likely easily cognitively superior to a normally functioning elderly person, let alone one with dementia.


In essence, it would make more sense to say that this 31 year old man dating this 91 year old woman

Is taking advantage of her more so than it would if he were dating a 15-24 year old if you're using cognitive ability as the measuring stick. At 15-24, your cognitive abilities are at or close to their prime, as good as they're going to get. At 91, they are massively downhill compared to what they were 70 years earlier.
JFL at the black guy at 0:49 he's just like :dafuckfeels:

Also fuck mgtow copers and "muh wall"
I don't say you shouldn't be attracted to them, because that's basic biology, however recognizing their mental inferiority, and how they shouldn't have freedom to make massive life impacting decisions.

Pedocels/LowIQHighSexDriveCels get triggered when you mention increasing the AOC but, but there can be stipulations that stabilize society. For example this is a view of AOC in a group i'm in, and I agree with completely, "Age of Consent and Marriage:
Increasing the age of consent to 25 EXCEPT in cases of marriage and making the ramifications of premarital sex before the age of 25 aswell as divorce very harsh."

So this doesn't mean you can't have sex before 25, with someone under the age of 25, it just means you to make a rational choice in a partner and get married to them before you can have sex.

But after the age of 25 its over biologically so let people be after that age.
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I don't say you shouldn't be attracted to them, because that's basic biology, however recognizing their mental inferiority, and how they shouldn't have freedom to make massive life impacting decisions.

Pedocels/LowIQHighSexDriveCels get triggered when you mention increasing the AOC but, but there can be stipulations that stabilize society. For example this is a view of AOC in a group i'm in, and I agree with completely, "Age of Consent and Marriage:
Increasing the age of consent to 25 EXCEPT in cases of marriage and making the ramifications of premarital sex before the age of 25 aswell as divorce very harsh."

So this doesn't mean you can't have sex before 25, with someone under the age of 25, it just means you to make a rational choice in a partner and get married to them before you can have sex.

But after the age of 25 its over biologically so who let people be after that age.
Low IQ/T replay.

13-18 is prime female fertile pussy. If you want to "stabilize" society, just remove AOC and make premartial marriage illegal and fix cucked laws/remove power from women so marriage could become an option again for all men.
Low IQ/T replay.

13-18 is prime female fertile pussy. If you want to "stabilize" society, just remove AOC and make premartial marriage illegal and fix cucked laws/remove power from women so marriage could become an option again for all men.
But this law basically removes AOC and does all of the things you mentioned, it just forces people who shouldn't be with prime women to stick with people in their range. I have seen some arguments to increase the male AOC range to 30, but keep the female AOC to 25 in order to allow 25-30 year old men to marry in the lower age range pool, which I could be convinced of, but this is more to prevent old powerful boomers who have tons of money to take agematches/generationally compatible women not because they actually want a family, but typically its purely for sexual reasons.
there really isn't anything massively distinctive about adult foids and teenage jbs in this context
>more likely to be in college (nothing special about that)
>sex isn't the same as something like drug use, so it's not like if you do it young then your mind will get fucked up (or with someone older, which is even more arbitrary)
>all foids are children
25? 25 year old women are basically sperm cells, you have to wait until they’re at least 50 or 60 or else you’re a pedo.
I don't say you shouldn't be attracted to them, because that's basic biology, however recognizing their mental inferiority, and how they shouldn't have freedom to make massive life impacting decisions.

Pedocels/LowIQHighSexDriveCels get triggered when you mention increasing the AOC but, but there can be stipulations that stabilize society. For example this is a view of AOC in a group i'm in, and I agree with completely, "Age of Consent and Marriage:
Increasing the age of consent to 25 EXCEPT in cases of marriage and making the ramifications of premarital sex before the age of 25 aswell as divorce very harsh."

So this doesn't mean you can't have sex before 25, with someone under the age of 25, it just means you to make a rational choice in a partner and get married to them before you can have sex.

But after the age of 25 its over biologically so let people be after that age.
I dont wanna get married what the fuck imagine having to deal with a foid everyday and talking to them and interacting with them. I just want a fuck tbh
it just forces people who shouldn't be with prime women

In whose cuckold-whiteknight opinion?

This is just what we need. Never before has it been harder to get a gf.

- Women earn their own money/get welfare.
- Women have access to more chads than ever
- Women don't need to care AS MUCH about fertility issues (compared to say 1800s)

And you're proposing yet ANOTHER roadblock? Good luck getting white birthrates up by making a demographic of women who have babies now illegal to "access". Then to bring the birthrates up, you could import people from overseas. Wow. Loving your Plan Kalergi Remix. I'm not even white and can see the trouble with your thinking.

Why are you cucks not so vocal about protecting older women who may have Alzheimers from younger guys? It's funny how you want to stop this Stacy from fucking:


But poor old Edna here who can barely remember her name, let alone if she's given her PIN out to the wrong guy, she can fend for herself:


You aren't so much about protecting feeble minds, but more about gatekeeping access to prime women.

The argument is:

"A 15 yo chad can fuck a 15 yo Stacy and not ruin her mentally. A 25 yo guy fucking a 15 yo is a power imbalance cuz he has more mental-development."

In that case, fucking a girl outside of your IQ-range should also be illegal. If a 15 yo girl is locked in a basement then Fritzl comes down when she's 25 yo to fuck her, did she osmosis 10 more years of wisdom? Is he essentially fucking a 15 yo?
In whose cuckold-whiteknight opinion?
This is just what we need. Never before has it been harder to get a gf.
I'm thinking from an optimal childhood development perspective, and I know from studying biology and behavior in humans, that a 40 year old with an 14-18 year old, isn't really having that relationship with very good intentions, but let's pretend he is, we know that one of the biggest problems in childhood development is disconnect between the culture of the mother and father.

Now this is why women should have optimally about 3 children under the age of 25 because that's manageable and the age difference isn't great enough where she will be disconnect from her child.

I mean just look on this forum for example, there's so many examples of Incels who have boomer parents, whether it be 1, or both. In fact in my time studying this shit, extreme age differences are just about the biggest issue when it comes to all of this.

If the system I proposed was implemented, it would force people to get married and have kids before the age of the 25 if they want to reap any long term benefits in society. Also the reason i'm not addressing the rest of your post is because obviously a system like this wouldn't be compatible with any of the current laws or systems which typically designed to keep people from having a family or get a relationship, as you well know. This is more of a hypothetical law/system for a future more traditional society.
25? 25 year old women are basically sperm cells, you have to wait until they’re at least 50 or 60 or else you’re a pedo.
In a growing population, there can be as many as 2-4 times as many 15-17yo girls as there are 35-37yo girls. This creates a massive surplus of foids since the vast majority of 15-17yo girls are smoking hot and ready for breeding whereas many 15-17yo boys are not very sexually attractive yet. When it becomes legal and socially acceptable for older men to date/marry teens, the dating market will dramatically be tipped in favor of males. This is why women hate it so much when a guy is attracted to teens. Women hate men who are attracted to teens even more than they hate real pedophiles who are attracted to 5yo girls.
yeah girls are innocent children even though most lose their virginity at age 14, legit
I'm waiting till cucks and foids say "everyone is different. Not all girls under 25 having their brains not fully developed". Just like they always say in shit like "not all girls chase chads and bad boys. Every girl is different"
By that logic young people shouldn't be using their legs to walk until they stop growing.
They don't fully develop until they know how shit they are, the age varies.
If the system I proposed was implemented, it would force people to get married and have kids before the age of the 25 if they want to reap any long term benefits in society. Also the reason i'm not addressing the rest of your post is because obviously a system like this wouldn't be compatible with any of the current laws or systems which typically designed to keep people from having a family or get a relationship, as you well know. This is more of a hypothetical law/system for a future more traditional society.

If a woman could be held accountable for having sex under 25 out of wedlock, can you imagine the amount of false rape-allegations for being caught fucking in HS or college?

Your idea might enforce traditionalism now that I think about it. And it would separate the advantage-taking paedos from those who find young girls beautiful and would love them. Your idea isn't as bad as it sounded yesterday TBH.
25? 25 year old women are basically sperm cells, you have to wait until they’re at least 50 or 60 or else you’re a pedo.
this, so much this
this, so much this


I am not insulting you, I am just practicing Spanish kek. But yes, you're right: A woman reaches her prime in the morgue. Anything younger = YIKES!!!!!
I am just practicing Spanish kek
that explains how you were pronouncing latino and latina in your last WAW, @averageblokecel is spanish he can help

A woman reaches her prime in the morgue. Anything younger = YIKES!!!!!
disgusting sick monster, she can only consent when her body is maggot food
I fucking hate this idea that 'old women are beautiful' and 'teenagers are children'.

I just read about this ugly wrestler guy who (allegedly) sent nude pics to a 16 year old girl. People were up in arms about her age. I can almost guarantee that girl is sexually active, so what difference does it make if the guy she fucks is older? People are acting so sanctimonious about this, and of course she is acting traumatized by seeing a dick. It makes me sick.

I wish people would die at about 30, so this ludicrous idea that teenagers aren't sexual would be untenable.

I wish all the people acting disgusted by this would be prevented from ever having sex again, or even better be lynched because others find their sexuality abominable. They don't know what being ugly does to men.

The world hates me so I hate it back. They shouldn't be surprised when deviants like us snap.
that explains how you were pronouncing latino and latina in your last WAW, @averageblokecel is spanish he can help

disgusting sick monster, she can only consent when her body is maggot food

Are you in the USA?

I need help btw. You should dig women up in the graveyard and fuck them 100 years after they died. What was I thinking.
yeah girls are innocent children even though most lose their virginity at age 14, legit
the over 25 brain development thing is so over stated. the only thing that happens at 25 is it stops growing entirely and you pretty much go into reverse. by 20 most of the development is already done, its only minor changes that happen past that.

It's not like you go from being a retard to a totally different person on your 25th birthday

but I guess these are the opinions people who read shitty facebook pages like "I f***ing love science" so I shouldnt be surprised.

i thought its not allowed to have chad avi?
Girls brains develop much quicker and a larger proportion of it is devoted to social skills. So that makes girls who fuck guys their own age rapists and power abusers.
I fucking hate this idea that 'old women are beautiful' and 'teenagers are children'.


Society: "You SICKO, wanting to fuck 16 yo GIRLS"

Society also: "I wish my female teacher would have raped ME when I was a 11 yo boy"

I am not insulting you, I am just practicing Spanish kek. But yes, you're right: A woman reaches her prime in the morgue. Anything younger = YIKES!!!!!

Lean back computer

Lean back computer
In whose cuckold-whiteknight opinion?

This is just what we need. Never before has it been harder to get a gf.

- Women earn their own money/get welfare.
- Women have access to more chads than ever
- Women don't need to care AS MUCH about fertility issues (compared to say 1800s)

And you're proposing yet ANOTHER roadblock? Good luck getting white birthrates up by making a demographic of women who have babies now illegal to "access". Then to bring the birthrates up, you could import people from overseas. Wow. Loving your Plan Kalergi Remix. I'm not even white and can see the trouble with your thinking.

Why are you cucks not so vocal about protecting older women who may have Alzheimers from younger guys? It's funny how you want to stop this Stacy from fucking:


But poor old Edna here who can barely remember her name, let alone if she's given her PIN out to the wrong guy, she can fend for herself:


You aren't so much about protecting feeble minds, but more about gatekeeping access to prime women.

The argument is:

"A 15 yo chad can fuck a 15 yo Stacy and not ruin her mentally. A 25 yo guy fucking a 15 yo is a power imbalance cuz he has more mental-development."

In that case, fucking a girl outside of your IQ-range should also be illegal. If a 15 yo girl is locked in a basement then Fritzl comes down when she's 25 yo to fuck her, did she osmosis 10 more years of wisdom? Is he essentially fucking a 15 yo?
:blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: Facts!!
I'm waiting till cucks and foids say "everyone is different. Not all girls under 25 having their brains not fully developed". Just like they always say in shit like "not all girls chase chads and bad boys. Every girl is different"
Yep but you'll never hear them say that

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