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Blackpill The Biology Class Blackpill (Darwin, Lamarck, and much more!) (CUCKQUEERS GTFIH!)

  • Thread starter ProudIncelistani
  • Start date


Son of Incelistan
Apr 2, 2018
Dedicated to:
  • The Shaheeds of Incelistan and those who work for it's Independence and growth.
  • The memories and nation of Incelistan.
  • The Incelistani Peoples.
  • My Cucked Biology Teacher.

This thread is designed to explain the biology behind the Blackpill. It is intended as both a resource for non-cels to take the Blackpill and Incels to better hone their argumentation skills regarding the Blackpill. Let's begin.

A while back, my bio teacher shown us this video as an introduction to evolution and taxonomy:

In this video, a special type of Natural Selection was mentioned:
Sexual Selection.

What is Sexual Selection? It is selection, mostly by females of the species, of mates from the males of the species based on attractive sexual traits of the male. Rather than directly going off of traits that would help for survival in the environment, such as ability to find food or strength to fight other animals to protect the female, it is selection and ranking based off of traits that the female finds sexually appealing, things that don't immediately pertain to the health of an individual of a species or it's capability to survive in it's environment.

What are some examples? Here are two of them:
  1. Peacocks: The female peacocks choose based off of feather display of the males. Larger and more colorful displays of feathers means a higher chance as mating as a male. This selection, purely in terms of survival, is almost counterproductive, as predators will be able to recognize larger and colorful patterns more easily than obscure ones.
  2. Blue-Footed Boobies: The female Blue-Footed Boobies choose the males off of how blue their foot is. The bluer it is, the higher chance of mating there is for the males. This selection, in terms of survival, is also counterproductive, as predators will be able to recognize more blue feet better than ones that blend in with the environment.
(Note: not all Sexual Selection is counterproductive to survival)

To see what human females (I know that is an oxymoron but just hold out w/ me) select for, let's see, in our millions of evolution, compared to our primate ancestors, what has been improved on and not:
  • Height: Yes, we are taller than our ancestors.
  • Face: Yes, we are more handsome and better looking than our ancestors.
  • Personality: No, no evidence of any improvement there has been found.
  • Confidence: No, no evidence of any improvement there has been found.
  • Dimorphism: Sorta, slower than others, but it has been increasing, as the next and previous generation of foids choose for more masculine facial traits (JFL at MTF trannies trying to transition in the future u fucked boyo)

You may be asking: But what about smarts? Aren't we smarter than our ancestors? My rebuttal to that would be is that both in the past and present smarter individuals of a species were the ones to be able to survive long enough to reproduce, but smartness in it of it self is not a trait women would filter for, correlation does not imply causation! One needs to survive long enough to mate, but one mating starts, one needs to be attractive or all that surviving will be pointless. Seeing as how we are significantly weaker than other animals, to survive we needed to be smart, but to mate we needed to look good.

(A mundane philosophical point for those who actually brought up the """smartness""" point: You are still suggesting that sexual selection exists in humans, just that the standard of it is different. You haven't yet disproved the blackpill.)

We can even see this with everyday examples: Many models, being paid less than ugly engineers, are able to get far more women due to sexual selection than the inverse.

One may ask: But aren't women in the same situation? My response would be that throughout history, when males were given all the burden of creating a feasible society across all species and peoples, and women are the ones responsible for giving live birth in mammals, in those cases, for the continuation of her line, and as payment for the pain and nurturing needed for that offspring, Sexual Selection was implemented. That's why we see many cases of species where live birth and female nurturing of the offspring being a thing, that Sexual Selection was Implemented.

Normies often make the same mistake that Lamarck once did with his 'Use and Disuse' theory. A person's looks are all genetic, and there is no way (unless you're a Biomedical engineer) to change your genes, no matter how much you try or want to. The fact that there are so many of them and their use of sarcasm as well as general tone and method of speaking is a similar gift of Lamarck, however, with the same flaws as Lamarck.

In conclusion: Through the use of Sexual Selection in society, it can be proved that the earlier thesis of the Blackpill is factually valid and that attractive traits in males are the dominant factor in what individuals of a species mate with whom. These traits are unchangeable, thus the likelihood of a male individual mating was set from te time of his birth by the genetic recombination of his parents.

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That was a thinker, but nothing compared to Cuckqueer mental gymnastics.
HQ thread

Wish me luck on my exams fuck
@everyone gtfih
Any other HScels or Incels in college//university who could help improve this?
There was a similar thread made yesterday. I'll quote my comment here:

Right on. A mistake made by a lot of the smug advocates for lite eugenics ("um well pathetic people shouldn't reproduce ummm") is to assume that there is some eternal, static hierarchy of traits from which the unvarying "good ones" are always selected. Natural selection is a modular process that allows for the proliferation of traits that are advantageous for certain environments. Right now, most of us live in an overdetermined managerial technocracy where fuckin' nothing at all is required to survive. But what's required to reproduce in the fempire of modern civilization? Nothing but the approval of woman, that vulgar, stupid animal; nature's scourge.

In spite of what some masochists here might say, sexual attraction does not overlap very well with physical, and certainly not mental, quality. The sexually engineered progeny sent out into the future will grow ever weaker in body and mind, eventually to the point where they cannot maintain the structures on which they depend, whereupon they'll be swallowed whole by the elements.

Something from the same thread below. All "gud Gene's come in pakcages" self-flagellating Chad-worshippers should heed especially the third row from the top:

To touch on the purely reproductive aspect of cunt catching: your mention of Lamarckianism is interesting and a nice wrench in the works for all self-appointed 'game' advisors. What I mean: we'll assume that the propensity to shower, dress well, have hobbies, etc. is actually effective, but also isn't epigenetically heritable (please show me the paper that links confidence to chromatin modifications if you disagree, SphincterTears. SOURCE, buddy!). Since you had to do all of these things where others did not, you've effectively cheated the system to end up with, likely, a low to lower quality foid. In all likelihood, you're compounding the work and toil your offspring will have to undertake to get anywhere in the sexual marketplace; we'll assume sex appeal remains approximately at baseline from your input (already low), but it probably declines owing to the foid's: hypergamy. This continued descent will eventually give rise to legion reproductively hamstrung males, whom no amount of self-improvement could ever help in the worsening atmosphere of female entitlement.

The only solution is the revival of female sexual repression.
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I love John Green and his videos, but sadly irl, he is bluepilled
I wonder why males would develop these attractive traits if it did not help them with survival.
There was a similar thread made yesterday. I'll quote my comment here:

Right on. A mistake made by a lot of the smug advocates for lite eugenics ("um well pathetic people shouldn't reproduce ummm") is to assume that there is some eternal, static hierarchy of traits from which the unvarying "good ones" are always selected. Natural selection is a modular process that allows for the proliferation of traits that are advantageous for certain environments. Right now, most of us live in an overdetermined managerial technocracy where fuckin' nothing at all is required to survive. But what's required to reproduce in the fempire of modern civilization? Nothing but the approval of woman, that vulgar, stupid animal; nature's scourge.

In spite of what some masochists here might say, sexual attraction does not overlap very well with physical, and certainly not mental, quality. The sexually engineered progeny sent out into the future will grow ever weaker in body and mind, eventually to the point where they cannot maintain the structures on which they depend, whereupon they'll be swallowed whole by the elements.

Something from the same thread below. All "gud Gene's come in pakcages" self-flagellating Chad-worshippers should heed especially the third row from the top:

To touch on the purely reproductive aspect of cunt catching: your mention of Lamarckianism is interesting and a nice wrench in the works for all self-appointed 'game' advisors. What I mean: we'll assume that the propensity to shower, dress well, have hobbies, etc. is actually effective, but also isn't epigenetically heritable (please show me the paper that links confidence to chromatin modifications if you disagree, SphincterTears. SOURCE, buddy!). Since you had to do all of these things where others did not, you've effectively cheated the system to end up with, likely, a low to lower quality foid. In all likelihood, you're compounding the work and toil your offspring will have to undertake to get anywhere in the sexual marketplace; we'll assume sex appeal remains approximately at baseline from your input (already low), but it probably declines owing to the foid's: hypergamy. This continued descent will eventually give reproductively hamstrung males, whom no amount of self-improvement could ever help in the worsening atmosphere of female entitlement.

The only solution is the revival of female sexual repression.
Man, good sources and article. What else is there I can say? It's perfection! Thanks!
I wonder why males would develop these attractive traits if it did not help them with survival.
That's what the females desired and mated with, so that's how It developed. The survivors of hypergamy in that generation survived because their genetic recombinations had those traits.
That's what the females desired and mated with, so that's how It developed. The survivors of hypergamy in that generation survived because their genetic recombinations had those traits.
Yes, but how did they come to desire those traits?
Yes, but how did they come to desire those traits?
Tbh idk but probably it more or less so a random process of evolution where according to the foid mind they found things like that more appealing esp. Heigh as you can use it to intimidate others, a vital skill in the early stages of humanity's evolution process, but nowadays it's not (from a incel male perspective) useful in society
Tbh idk but probably it more or less so a random process of evolution where according to the foid mind they found things like that more appealing esp. Heigh as you can use it to intimidate others, a vital skill in the early stages of humanity's evolution process, but nowadays it's not (from a incel male perspective) useful in society
Ok, so If you are not atheist or agnostic, then how do believe in evolution?
Ok, so If you are not atheist or agnostic, then how do believe in evolution?
It's that evolution and tribalism is an injustice that must fight against to ascending this prison of a world. At any rate, I cannot deny facts.
The sad thing is that if you showed this to a blue pillian, they would deny it. They would deny hard concrete evidence and would just shout mindless platitudes at you.
The sad thing is that if you showed this to a blue pillian, they would deny it. They would deny hard concrete evidence and would just shout mindless platitudes at you.
True yo, because muh feewings >>>>>> facts, statistics, and biology.
I was wondering, are there any @FACEandLMS videos just talking about Evolution to prove the blackpill?
To see what human females (I know that is an oxymoron but just hold out w/ me) select for, let's see, in our millions of evolution, compared to our primate ancestors, what has been improved on and not:
  • Height: Yes, we are taller than our ancestors.
  • Face: Yes, we are more handsome and better looking than our ancestors.
  • Personality: No, no evidence of any improvement there has been found.
  • Confidence: No, no evidence of any improvement there has been found.
  • Dimorphism: Sorta, slower than others, but it has been increasing, as the next and previous generation of foids choose for more masculine facial traits (JFL at MTF trannies trying to transition in the future u fucked boyo)

You may be asking: But what about smarts? Aren't we smarter than our ancestors? My rebuttal to that would be is that both in the past and present smarter individuals of a species were the ones to be able to survive long enough to reproduce, but smartness in it of it self is not a trait women would filter for, correlation does not imply causation! One needs to survive long enough to mate, but one mating starts, one needs to be attractive or all that surviving will be pointless. Seeing as how we are significantly weaker than other animals, to survive we needed to be smart, but to mate we needed to look good.

FYI for those trying to use the "correlation does not imply causation!" part on looks and height as well: It has already been proved that such things don't really provide any benefit to survival, whole smarts does, hence the only logical conclusion is that such things fall under Sexual Selection and not basic survival. For those trying to use the face-shape::smarts proportion we see in chimps and humans to justify the '''smarts''' point, if women wanted smarts, they would have rejected the airhead handsome males with more learning capacity than ugly males who study intensely. again, "correlation does not imply causation!". Smarts, believe it or not, are genetic to a small extent as well. With all individual exceptions aside and looking at general trends, If two airheads breed, the result is an airhead. If two geniuses breed (gl-hf finding the foid genius), you'll get a genius, as it has such genes needed for that level of """smarts"""". IT BTFO, Incelistan Zindabad.
I want to see cuckqueers react to this. First person to show it there to me (must be a screenshot) gets a gift (@nausea type, not a literal gift kek)
I was wondering, are there any @FACEandLMS videos just talking about Evolution to prove the blackpill?

No, you've gone into more depth than I have ever done. HQ post. The kind of thing IT can't post because evo bio (as well as everything else) is on OUR side.
No, you've gone into more depth than I have ever done. HQ post. The kind of thing IT can't post because evo bio (as well as everything else) is on OUR side.
Interesting. Facts don't care for your feelings! How would IT even respond?
Interesting. Facts don't care for your feelings! How would IT even respond?

"If looks matter so much, how comes I see acidburns guys outside everyday with Victoria Secret models? If you just went outside, you would see Indian, balding, 5'5, paraplegic men dating female models."
"If looks matter so much, how comes I see acidburns guys outside everyday with Victoria Secret models? If you just went outside, you would see Indian, balding, 5'5, paraplegic men dating female models."
Shit, can't argue with that! Time to join Stormfront, Inceltears and r/Cuckold! (JK)
"If looks matter so much, how comes I see acidburns guys outside everyday with Victoria Secret models? If you just went outside, you would see Indian, balding, 5'5, paraplegic men dating female models."
My intentionally bad response, as a joke:
"If looks matter so muchdon't matter, how comes I see acidburns guys10/10 guys outside everyday with Victoria Secret modelsugly hambeasts? If you just went outside, you would see Indian, balding, 5'5, paraplegicAryan, 6'4", prime hair, and 10/10 men dating female modelsgargoyles."
Fucking nailed it, blackpill and lookism can only be fully explained by evolution, religiouscels on suicide watch, kek.
There was a similar thread made yesterday. I'll quote my comment here:

Something from the same thread below. All "gud Gene's come in pakcages" self-flagellating Chad-worshippers should heed especially the third row from the top:

To touch on the purely reproductive aspect of cunt catching: your mention of Lamarckianism is interesting and a nice wrench in the works for all self-appointed 'game' advisors. What I mean: we'll assume that the propensity to shower, dress well, have hobbies, etc. is actually effective, but also isn't epigenetically heritable (please show me the paper that links confidence to chromatin modifications if you disagree, SphincterTears. SOURCE, buddy!). Since you had to do all of these things where others did not, you've effectively cheated the system to end up with, likely, a low to lower quality foid. In all likelihood, you're compounding the work and toil your offspring will have to undertake to get anywhere in the sexual marketplace; we'll assume sex appeal remains approximately at baseline from your input (already low), but it probably declines owing to the foid's: hypergamy. This continued descent will eventually give rise to legion reproductively hamstrung males, whom no amount of self-improvement could ever help in the worsening atmosphere of female entitlement.

The only solution is the revival of female sexual repression.
your posts are underrated.

A sphinx cat may be a puss but, as a haggard looking norwoodcel, he certainly doesn't get any.
A sphinx cat may be a puss but, as a haggard looking norwoodcel, he certainly doesn't get any.
Exactly. No amount of personalitymaxxing going to get that sphinx cat any.

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