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LifeFuel The Bible is actually extremely based, atheists are the real cucks



My jawline = Your sexlife
Feb 1, 2018
Just found that part, it lightened my day :

If a man takes a wife and, after sleeping with her, dislikes her 14 and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,” 15 then the young woman’s father and mother shall bring to the town elders at the gate proof that she was a virgin

If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.

If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.

Sex before marriage = death
Cheating = death
God = based

PS: I dont give a shit about your counter-arguments. I'm not here to have a religious debate. These parts of the old testament are unfathomably based, period.
yeah it's based, but religion is cope for me. There are too many tales that I am not inclined to believe in.

I was raised christian, but once I started reading the actual bible I was like jfl no way that isn't just fairy tales for low IQ retards who will believe it.
I'm an atheist but sounds pretty based. If I had to choose a religion it would probably be islam. Idk though.
It is based, people seem to forget that all religions stoned to death non virgin whores before kikes striked with their degeneracy, and now we live in some fucked up world where your choices is going to jail for trying to talk with 17 years old and 11 months 20 days girl or settling for used goods which i would rather kill myself.
It is based, people seem to forget that all religions stoned to death non virgin whores before kikes striked with their degeneracy, and now we live in some fucked up world where your choices is going to jail for trying to talk with 17 years old and 11 months 20 days girl or settling for used goods which i would rather kill myself.
This and the KJV Bible is the most based Bible
Religion is low iq but it forced foids to behave that's why the kikes wanted to remove Christian influence and replace it with fake Atheism that worships their God (Moloch). NPC were never Atheists to being with and you only see them as Atheists and not the normal thinking people which is just stupid because npcs never stopped believing in something, they are still theists.
The lion shall lay with the lamb!

If a man wants you're wallet, give him you're coat too!

Turn the other cheek!
The lion shall lay with the lamb!

If a man wants you're wallet, give him you're coat too!

Turn the other cheek!


There's a reason high trust societies are 1000x more developed than low trust shitholes.

Empathy, kindness, when balanced with justice, bear excellent fruits.
The Old Testament is pretty gore and elevated horror tier based.
The New Testament is homoerotic cope.

did humans ever attained immortality in other dimensions

There's a reason high trust societies are 1000x more developed than low trust shitholes.

Empathy, kindness, when balanced with justice, bear excellent fruits.
Mostly high trust because same culture and race
yes religious texts are based and we should live according to them and societys rules should be religious rules but believing in a god itself is cope
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Just found that part, it lightened my day :

Sex before marriage = death
Cheating = death
God = based

PS: I dont give a shit about your counter-arguments. I'm not here to have a religious debate. These parts of the old testament are unfathomably based, period.
Back when monogamy was enforced instead of of this harlot culture preval through out the globe bar Norgh Korea
That part of the Bible is based but this equality bullshit all came from that verse about everyone being judged equally in the eyes of God.

So don't cope. This desert religion was the beginning of the end. Any feminazi will tell you that first wave feminism started with the pretext of advances in Christian theology.
That part of the Bible is based but this equality bullshit all came from that verse about everyone being judged equally in the eyes of God.

So don't cope. This desert religion was the beginning of the end. Any feminazi will tell you that first wave feminism started with the pretext of advances in Christian theology.

No. The begining of the end is when everyone became an atheist.
because men had power & value back then the elites just created religion for them to serve their every need so it's basically prehistoric male dominance ideology in it's extreme
so in that sense yeah it's based and good for us but in every single other sense it's retarded and a cope just to keep the men in your society from going ape shit and causing chaos and bleeding the elites dry
Just found that part, it lightened my day :

Sex before marriage = death
Cheating = death
God = based

PS: I dont give a shit about your counter-arguments. I'm not here to have a religious debate. These parts of the old testament are unfathomably based, period.
Christ cucks still find a way to shoehorn the bible's teaching to be politically correct though
Christ cucks still find a way to shoehorn the bible's teaching to be politically correct though


Legislation around adultery has been pretty okay for the 2 last millennia in christian countries.

Until people became atheist.
Proverbs 31:3

Do not give your strength to women,
Or your ways to that which destroys kings.

Legislation around adultery has been pretty okay for the 2 last millennia in christian countries.

Until people became atheist.
you should make a post about this verse alone tbh
Proverbs 31:3

Do not give your strength to women,
Or your ways to that which destroys kings.

you should make a post about this verse alone tbh

Based AF
(((old testament)))
Religions that associate the feminine with evil and seek to check them are based. It's what brought civilization this far. Religion is not about stories of powerful beings in the sky, it's about the values and morals it creates on people. Most people need religion to not behave like degenerates.
My favorite bible verse

The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eyelids.
My favorite bible verse

LMFAO I didnt even know that one I thought you made it up


The verse right after is also pure wisdom :

thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch liberty.

Notice how a young female's liberty is associated with being a whore and how the bible literally tell fathers to lock up their whore daughters.

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LMFAO I didnt even know that one I thought you made it up

My fellow Abrahamiccel, of course I didnt make this up. no man has the ability to produce such an insightful statement. This verse clearly came from someone above us.
My fellow Abrahamiccel, of course I didnt make this up. no man has the ability to produce such an insightful statement. This verse clearly came from someone above us.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
yeah it's based, but religion is cope for me. There are too many tales that I am not inclined to believe in.

I was raised christian, but once I started reading the actual bible I was like jfl no way that isn't just fairy tales for low IQ retards who will believe it.
Which Bible do you use? I use the KJV

Often I'll type a quote that I remember, the click on one of the first link google shows me tbh
Misleading post. By “the Bible is actually extremely based”, you meant the Old Testament, not the New Testament. The New Testament is cucked. There are some anti-cuck verses in the New Testament, but it all traces back to the teachings of the Old Testament

The legendary kike himself said that “prostitutes will enter the Kingdom of Heaven before the Pharisees who adhered to the Law of Moses” (Matthew 21:31). The Law of Moses is the same law that convicted women to capital punishment for committing adultery. Yet the world-famous kike said whores will enter Heaven before the Pharisees who endorsed the Law of Moses

Remember the Pharisees were about to execute a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. The Law of Moses states that adulterers are to be punished to death by stoning (Leviticus 20:10). This is clearly an anti-cuckoldry law – A law which the Pharisees were about to fulfil. But what did that kike do? He defended the adulterous whore, and said “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone” (John 8:1 – 11)

The Old Testament and the New Testament are two entirely different books. OP deceives with the statement “the Bible is actually extremely based” – No, what you meant to say was, “The Old Testament is actually extremely based”

Legislation means nothing. Under Christcuckery, anyone can be “spiritually cleansed and saved”, including women who have a history of infidelity or promiscuity. Under the Law of Moses, the adulterous woman is liquidated. Under Christcuckery, she’s pardoned. Judaic dogma was already based. Christianity only added cucked teachings on top of Judaic dogma
Misleading post. By “the Bible is actually extremely based”, you meant the Old Testament, not the New Testament. The New Testament is cucked. There are some anti-cuck verses in the New Testament, but it all traces back to the teachings of the Old Testament

The legendary kike himself said that “prostitutes will enter the Kingdom of Heaven before the Pharisees who adhered to the Law of Moses” (Matthew 21:31). The Law of Moses is the same law that convicted women to capital punishment for committing adultery. Yet the world-famous kike said whores will enter Heaven before the Pharisees who endorsed the Law of Moses

Remember the Pharisees were about to execute a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. The Law of Moses states that adulterers are to be punished to death by stoning (Leviticus 20:10). This is clearly an anti-cuckoldry law – A law which the Pharisees were about to fulfil. But what did that kike do? He defended the adulterous whore, and said “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone” (John 8:1 – 11)

The Old Testament and the New Testament are two entirely different books. OP deceives with the statement “the Bible is actually extremely based” – No, what you meant to say was, “The Old Testament is actually extremely based”

Legislation means nothing. Under Christcuckery, anyone can be “spiritually cleansed and saved”, including women who have a history of infidelity or promiscuity. Under the Law of Moses, the adulterous woman is liquidated. Under Christcuckery, she’s pardoned. Judaic dogma was already based. Christianity only added cucked teachings on top of Judaic dogma

Cope. The New Testament is even more based, you're just too low IQ and porn-addicted to understand it.
Cope. The New Testament is even more based, you're just too low IQ and porn-addicted to understand it.
A claim backed by no supporting evidence, I see :feelshmm:

I've already shown scriptures from the New Testament where Jesus defended the adulterous whore from the Pharisees who were about to fulfil the Law of Moses, and when Jesus stated that whores will be accepted into Heaven before Pharisees, even though the Pharisees were adherent to the Law of Moses

There was also the other scripture about the whore who kissed Jesus' feet and washed his feet, and Jesus criticized Simon for not showing courtesy towards him by kissing him or washing his feet when Jesus visited Simon's home. Also, Jesus later forgave the whore for her sins after she merely kissed and washed his feet (Luke 7:36 - 50)

These scriptures are clear indicators that Jesus Christ leaned towards simpery and cuckoldry. Unless you can find any counterexamples in the New Testament that showed Jesus condemn or advocate punishment of a woman for being a whore or adulterer, your claim is unfounded and worthless
That's the old testament when Jesus came he said it wasn't relevant anymore
The law isn’t, the spirit behind will always be
lol, the law is relevant after the second coming yall dont read ezekiel he gave like 11 plus chapters on details of the millenial reign and stuff like daniel 7 etc. and jesus's teachings in the gospel of matthew all apply exclusively for the future and the time when he rule on the earth.

the law is not relevant TODAY (hence paul's letters why its not today for the CHURCH)
but it will be used against the jews
(cuz they sin and disobey god and reject his christ so the law must be there for them when sin and transgrission abide so must the law be)

to judge them thats why he called them a harlot throughout like in jeremiah 3 and revelation 17 they are mystery babylon
lol, the law is relevant after the second coming yall dont read ezekiel he gave like 11 plus chapters on details of the millenial reign and stuff like daniel 7 etc. and jesus's teachings in the gospel of matthew all apply exclusively for the future and the time when he rule on the earth.
So after the second coming, what will happen to all the woman who have a history of promiscuity or adultery, and later accepted Christ and devoted themselves to Christ for the rest of their life?

Also the "Whore of Babylon" in Revelation 17 is figurative. It doesn't specifically refer to women who were promiscuous or adulterous. The Whore of Babylon is a metaphorical representation of neo-pagan societies that deviated from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Laws of Moses
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So after the second coming, what will happen to all the woman who have a history of promiscuity or adultery, and later accepted Christ and devoted themselves to Christ for the rest of their life?
it depends of when cuz in the tribulation period comes
(when the antichrist take power and he will likely come from the un cuz it fit that description of the final ten toes of the image in the prophetic book of daniel about the final empire that rule the world)

he (antichrist) will kill christian tribulation saints and those bitches better die for jesus in order so that he ressurect them on the 6th seal earthquake in revelation 6 so
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