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RageFuel The best way to not lose in the sexual game, is to annihilate the winners

  • Thread starter AshamedVirgin34
  • Start date


Sexlessness survivor
Nov 4, 2022
I want to form a paramilitar/guerrilla group that targets sexually active men, kidnaps them and mutilates their dick, that way they won't have sex and they won't have the pleasure to win while I lose. If I have to be sexless I'll drag them to my level, we can't suffer while others enjoy.
I hate people who defend inequality when it benefits them, I call them inequalitists. People who have a fun sexual life should be put in concentration camps for commiting the crime of offending me by having the sexual abundance I will never have.
I already described my dream here, my dream of banning sex and carrying human reproduction through machines that artificially extract sperm from men without the need of sex, if I can't have sex noone should, that's equality. The first step of my revolution is declaring war on sexually active people and defeat them with physical violence, it would be the best way to get ER, killing random people isn't strategical, I want to be more strategical than the supreme gentleman.

(In a videogame of couse).
I would join but I live far away. I'm not that violent, but I think chads deserve punishment
Yawn thread.
but I think chads deserve punishment
They will never be punished if incels kill random people instead of targeting them specifically.
They will never be punished if incels kill random people instead of targeting them specifically.
I won't kill for legal reasons, but I'm looking for the ways to make them suffer
If there is one thing I support, it is a worldwide ban of sex and love. That is equality. If we incels cant get sex, then the rest shouldnt.

Let humans reproduce in labs or some shit.
If there is one thing I support, it is a worldwide ban of sex and love. That is equality. If we incels cant get sex, then the rest shouldnt.

Let humans reproduce in labs or some shit.
Let's just don't let anyone reproduce either and build super AI which makes sure that sentient life won't evolve ever again
If there is one thing I support, it is a worldwide ban of sex and love. That is equality. If we incels cant get sex, then the rest shouldnt.

Let humans reproduce in labs or some shit.
It's my dream. I just don't want humans to be genetically modified cuz the corrupt govt would use it to control us.
Let's just don't let anyone reproduce either and build super AI which makes sure that sentient life won't evolve ever again
Nah, sentient life would be beautiful if it wasn't for natural selection. Animals should be sterilized and their reproduction should be controlled by AI, they should be selectively bred to be less aggressive and stop killing each other.
Well, removing everyone above you has always been a way to climb up any hierarchy.
No, this will just produce more incels. The main problem is that women have insane standards, and killing of all desirable people will just make more men not fulfill these standards. I think the only effective way would be to make women reliant on men again. So both provide something for the other: women provides sex, men provides a place to live. As starting point, it would make sense to (a) remove the possibility of women to divorce rape so they need to stay with the man if they want to get something and (b) remove all incentives for women to enter the job market.
Very true and based. The best way honestly would be to behead or mutilate other men and enslave foids in some kind of building or basement to rape and impregnate them
No, this will just produce more incels. The main problem is that women have insane standards, and killing of all desirable people will just make more men not fulfill these standards. I think the only effective way would be to make women reliant on men again. So both provide something for the other: women provides sex, men provides a place to live. As starting point, it would make sense to (a) remove the possibility of women to divorce rape so they need to stay with the man if they want to get something and (b) remove all incentives for women to enter the job market.
I don't think sexual life was more satisfying when women were forced to marry, I think incels existed back then, they just didn't have internet.
I don't think sexual life was more satisfying when women were forced to marry, I think incels existed back then, they just didn't have internet.
They probably exist, but weren't so numerous. The main problem IMHO are that there are too many men and women's insane standards, not the existence of Chads. Because there will always be better and worse looking people and wanting to kill all Chads kinda sounds like when the communists in china broke all piano player's hands so nobody could do it or when they kill the intellectual elite.
I kek at threads like these. You clowns are all talk and no action
No officer. Of course we won't try to replicate this irl
These threads are pure cringe to me. Reads like something that a boy during his puberty would have written
These threads are pure cringe to me. Reads like something that a boy during his puberty would have written
It's still better than killing random people.
Maybe action wont improve our facial bone structure, but it can help us to live a better life on long term
no better life for your face
Maybe action wont improve our facial bone structure, but it can help us to live a better life on long term
True, but killing random people like ER did is not smart action, that's kinda the point, the actions of incels are stupid and don't achieve anything.
If there is one thing I support, it is a worldwide ban of sex and love. That is equality. If we incels cant get sex, then the rest shouldnt.

Let humans reproduce in labs or some shit.
And to bring back one child policy while banning romance. That way other people feel the vulnerability of being a single child humanity deserves to suffer
Well, removing everyone above you has always been a way to climb up any hierarchy.
It would send a message: "we won't tolerate sexual inequality anymore, EITHER ALL PEOPLE WIN OR NOONE WINS".
True, but killing random people like ER did is not smart action, that's kinda the point, the actions of incels are stupid and don't achieve anything.
An urorganised shooting wont do much, other than installing fear in normies. But if, hypothetically speaking, we would organise us and kill all Chads and other high value men, then foids wouldnt have a choice but to be with us

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