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The belief in equality



Apr 24, 2022
I wanted to get some extra opinions on this, I believe that women have been subject to unfair standards and prosecution’s throughout history, they have suffered much as a group, my own vindictiveness wants me to brush past it, but it only takes one look through a history book to see how it played out, and I do believe that the push for more left-leaning causes, with time, could lead to a more ideal world where the gender-war between men and women can be a thing of the past.


None of that applies to me, even though in the grand scheme of things, a more feminist society may be better on the standard of living for people, I wasn’t born 500 years in the future, and throughout my own personal life, I have experienced much of the same isolation and rejection many of you have had, and I cannot be the bigger person and let go, because every time I attempt to go out and socialize, I’m reminded harshly of what got me into this position in the first place.

Because of this, even though it is my opinion that the greater cultural push should be one of inclusivity for the betterment of the human social condition, I don’t care for it, I’ve been cast out already, so I cast all of you out in return.
I believe that women have been subject to unfair standards and prosecution’s throughout history, they have suffered much as a group,
For this statement alone you should get permabanned and thrown off a bridge
I wish i was pain free and treated like a human being

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Too much soy in this thread
I wanted to get some extra opinions on this, I believe that women have been subject to unfair standards and prosecution’s throughout history, they have suffered much as a group
Yes meanwhile the men being sent to fight pointless wars every few years :feelsclown:
It has always been better to be a woman than a man and it always will be. Reproductive value triumphs all
1/17 - 1/4 men reproduced while 3/4 women reproduced. Reproduction is the ultimate goal of life.
Equality is a meme. Literally nothing is equal in this world. There’s always some sort of polarity. Equality is a blue pill fairytale parents would tell their children before going to sleep. How the world works is actually deeply unequal.
Yeah in the past there were certain kings, fiefs and overlords, slave owners, only those who owned property could vote, etc. While this constituted a minority of men, it was still only men, giving rise to the name patriarchy. When feminists talk about this, they mean that they should also be allowed to be elites and rule over men and women the like. They don't want equality.

"Much has been written on the devil’s bargain that members of the early women’s suffrage movement made with white supremacy. ...
A sense of entitlement to share in the benefits of white supremacy motivated white women suffragists, and this was exacerbated by their perception that Black people were gaining ground at their expense. A century and a half later, white women voted for an openly misogynistic and white nationalist presidential candidate because they cherished the privileges of white supremacy and were unwilling to renounce them." https://philpapers.org/archive/BERDGT-2.pdf
You are mistaken. Throughout history, women have only had the power that men fought to provide them with. There was always a cost laid at the feet of men close to her. You cant understand the actions of those living in different eras without having a grasp of context. Common men were also subject to borderline slavery in much of the world. I mean we still are but there was just less overall to go around back then and the elites wanted to monopolize on pussy as they do now.
Equality is a human created concept, it does not actually exist, nor should it have a reason to exist.
You are mistaken. Throughout history, women have only had the power that men fought to provide them with. There was always a cost laid at the feet of men close to her. You cant understand the actions of those living in different eras without having a grasp of context. Common men were also subject to borderline slavery in much of the world. I mean we still are but there was just less overall to go around back then and the elites wanted to monopolize on pussy as they do now.
Truth, I think the ultimate goal for humanity has always been self sacrifice for the comfort of the newer generations, there are many, many, many hurdles to cross, but I do genuinely believe that a future where wars over women being a thing of the past is plausible, although I’m confident that I won’t live to see it.

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