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The age of consent is jewish hogwash



Jul 27, 2018
Back in the 1800s, people used to marry girls who were a lot younger (I’m talking 10), and just recently, we’re starting to reform these laws that we used to have. For example, the state of Virginia just recently removed a law that made it legal for adult men to marry 12-year-olds.

>inb4 Matthew 18:6

That verse was addressing newcomers to the faith. Read Numbers 31:7-18, Exodus 21:7-11 and Numbers 31:35-40. Also read Leviticus 20:10-21.

10: Don’t lie with another man’s wife.
11: Don’t lie with your father’s wife.
12: Don’t lie with your daughter-in-law.
13: Don’t lie with another man.
14: Don’t take a wife and her mother.
15: Don’t lie with a beast.
16: Don’t let another woman lie with a beast.
17: Don’t lie with your sister.
18: Don’t lie with a woman while she’s menstruating.
19: Don’t uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister or your father’s sister.
20: Don’t lie with your uncle’s wife.
21: Don’t lie with your brother’s wife.

Pedophilia is mentioned NOWHERE.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia:

“Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, the “Lord’s brother”).

A year after his wife’s death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old.”

That article on Catholic Encyclopedia obtains it’s information from early Christian writings including Apocryphal writings.


According to the Priest of Saint Mary’s Catholic Church:

“Mary was approximately 14 years old when she got pregnant with Jesus. Joseph, Mary’s husband is believed to be around 36. Mary was only 13 when she married Joseph. When she first was arranged with Joseph she was between 7 to 9 years old.”

In fact, the age of consent is still quite low in many places. In Japan, people can legally have sex at age 13, and in Spain they can legally have sex at age 12.

The Age of Consent chart


In the USA in the century before the last, the age of consent was 10 years old. California was the first state to change the age of consent to 14, which it did in 1889. After California, other US states joined in and raised the age of consent too.



Here’s a story of a 9-year-old Thai girl who gave birth.


Also, relevant image.

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Based mutt avi.

Whether it's Jewish or not, I think the age of consent should be 15-16 everywhere. Anything under is maybe too low, but being at 18 is retarded
Why would it be too low? Middle schoolers and late primary schoolers have sex at 12-13. Age of consent should be at 11.
They usually don't have tits or ass at that age, not really done with puberty
Over for religiouscels
Saint Augustine IQ.

The Holy Bible (marrying young girls is ok) >>>> some feminists and secular Jews from the 1800s and 1900s (marrying young girls is not ok)
Fucking little kids is wrong
Funnily enough it was introduced by christian anti degeneracy chastity lunatics.
Funnily enough it was introduced by christian anti degeneracy chastity lunatics.
Probably so. Since the interpretation of the Bible is different by many people even assuming that were the case. Also notice the distinction between inceldom and antisexualism. Colonial America was also heavily religious and yet look at the age of consent they had. “Pedophilia” is a modern invention, back in those days it was just normal. Polygamy is also not prohibited in the scriptures. The modern system of law in America is extremely anti-God and anti-Bible since faggotry and beastiality are accepted but pedophilia and polygamy are banned when the latter is normal and the former is not.
not a single letter
16 is fine imo
This'll be in cucktears 100% certain
Could you link to where my post is in that thread? I don’t see my comment.
I dont know if anyone on reddit knows about this post. They just seen the post that came as a result of this post and sided with him cause he seems blue pilled. I'll look further into it though
I dont know if anyone on reddit knows about this post. They just seen the post that came as a result of this post and sided with him cause he seems blue pilled. I'll look further into it though
Are you sure that his post was a result of mine? He never directly linked to it. I assumed he did. But I can’t be 100% certain.
Are you sure that his post was a result of mine? He never directly linked to it. I assumed he did. But I can’t be 100% certain.
We can be 90% certain because he posted it a few minutes after this and people even linked this post in his saying it was the cause
We can be 90% certain because he posted it a few minutes after this and people even linked this post in his saying it was the cause
I get the first part but the second part you’re gonna need to redpill me on.
Islam is right about age of consent
I found a screenshot that gives me enough proofView attachment 168039
Yeah, I don’t remember “supporting cp”. In fact, I don’t support any kind of pornography. If you can find one post where I said I supported cp, I’ll eat my hat. But otherwise, he could’ve been talking about somebody else. And btw, I looked up my name on the inceltears subreddit and found no results. If you want, we can take this to the PMs if you like.
I found a screenshot that gives me enough proofView attachment 168039
He's referring to Mainlander:

16-18 is fine dude wtf lol. I was arguing against mainlander encouraging cp and who typically lusts after 13 year olds
I never encouraged CP, learn to read properly. I just stated that watching shit on the internet without paying for it shouldn't be a crime, be it CP, gore or whatever. But if you ask me, "should I fap to CP or to gore"? My answer is, regardless of it being legal or not: no. If it's illegal, it's worse just because you're risking yourself.

Some people have fetishes or preferences they don't control, so I won't bash them, but at least try to avoid such shit.

Other Mainlander thread:
This thread is pretty gross, especially the dude who rates underage children. Kids just aren't meant to be sexualised, no matter how lonely you get, if you start to sexualise children - the most innocent among us who just aren't meant to be seen that way, then your issues go beyond inceldom and you need to seek some sort of psychological help.

I absolutely hate the normalisation of "pedocels" because then this place becomes everything that IT makes it out to be. If your suffering brings out a predatory nature in you, that is not okay and it should not be accepted here.

To the guy who posted all those pictures of 7 graders to rate I hope you take a long hard look at the person you have become, because it is just evil to look at little kids doing sports or just normal kid activities and to try and find a way to make it about your sexuality and which one you find the most attractive.

Inceldom is not an excuse for degeneracy- pedophilia. These real life children are not fucking lolis, they are just innocent children. And if you feel anything other than a parental instinct around them something is wrong with you.

We could use our predicament for so much goodness and morality, but instead you all choose to be sexual deviants, with no respect for preserving and protecting innocence - which makes the people in this thread who are perving on children no better than whores in my eyes, if not worse.
Referring to my comment. :panties:

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