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Blackpill The 1-10 male attractiveness scale (revised)

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Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
1/10 - Horrid. Complete and total physical abnormalities and/or congenital defects. Extreme burn victims, chemical warfare survivors, and people with genetic syndromes are likely to be here.
D43985CA 8B50 4B1A 82EF 142466A72304
6FE42D34 8398 4813 B4AA 0F7CE9A1993D

2/10 - Hideous. May have missing/rotted teeth, terrible cranial characteristics, and awful complexion. There may be minor physical abnormalities. The morbidly obese automatically fall into this category.
323F930E F3CC 4D9D 8DCB 68975D007B41

3/10 - Ugly. No physical abnormalities, but certainly not average. May contain traits of 2/10s but less severe. May have crooked teeth, bad complexion, big nose, noticeably recessed chin. The obese automatically fall into this category.
033D2161 4AB7 4127 ACC4 F56D09D03BE9

4/10 - Unattractive. Unexaggerated bad traits like a big nose, prey eyes, vertical forehead, recessed chin, and acne. Might have one good feature, but the rest are poor/below average.
1D182A1A 5846 4FEB B138 CE53A488C908

Normie (some 6s can also be Chad-lites)
5/10 - Average. Has an average haircut, average teeth, average complexion. Maybe has a pimple here or there. May have one or two good traits as well as one or two bad ones.
FFE7E072 C75D 495F BA30 5FEADE9F55AD

6/10 - Decent. May have very mild to non-existent acne, or minor complexion issues. Might also have no more than one negative feature, but will also have at least a couple positive features such as a good haircut, jawline, skin, neck, frame, or eyes.
7146F248 BFAD 4E9A 86D2 3B33C30D14E6

Chad (some 7s could only be Chad-lites)
7/10 - Good-looking. Is clearly above average in appearance. Good hair, skin is clear or almost clear, straight white teeth, and good cranial characteristics. Might have one very minor negative feature.
1FC8DFE7 EFF6 45DC A671 CE6195671B90

8/10 - Hot. Has no negative features, but many positive ones such as a strong jawline, nice eyes, sloped forehead with a strong brow, and great hair. Genetically blessed.
09BCBB8F 91E1 4D75 AE17 DE9B5F970167

9/10 - Dreamy. Almost every feature they have is attractive. Chiseled jawline, hunter eyes, clear skin, muscles, and salon-quality hair. May be eligible for 10/10 status. Most male models fall into this category.
BC9735A1 A309 4D54 98B4 263A49107F38

10/10 - Perfect. A 10/10 is impossible to determine since it depends on the woman rating them. The vast majority are 9/10s who are the rater's oneitis. Example: Justin Bieber could be rated 10/10 by a die-hard fan, but 9/10 by someone else.

I think most users here are 3-4/10s tbh.
Good list but Zyros isn't Chad.
Shouldn't be that much of a difference between 4/10 and 6/10. 6/10 is only slightly above average and 4/10 only slightly below. I don't agree with this.
is Zyros legit 7/10?
beyond retarded.

lol @ putting the 6/10 guy below Zyros. The 6/10 guy is actually an 8.

Also lol at putting a literal male supermodel who earns millions of dollars every year simply because of his face at only an 8/10.
Zyros mogs Chris O'Donnell.
The 5/10 normie guy looks incel-ish, I would say normie is slightly above that
i agree for the most part but the pictures are off. zyros is 5 or 6 at best. chad starts at 8. 7 is strictly chadlites.
8 and 9 need to be swapped.
3rd guy is clearly mogged by blackops2cel
I'm the only truecel.
2/10 is better looking than 4/10 but besides that good post.
3/10 if I included my height,
7.5/10 if just face
I'm definitely a 4. Big jew nose, eyes too deep, eyelid exposure, bad hair, light facial scarring, and forehead is too big.
The 5/10 normie guy looks incel-ish, I would say normie is slightly above that
Logic in 2018 is incel, but 2011-2016 Logic, like shown in the picture, is in no way an incel. The only reason he looks more incel in 2018 though is because he shaved his head. He is a cuck though.
Zyros is a chad. he mogs
I think you overrated me by almost 2 points
LOGIC isnt a 5 he is a 6
You can PM me your eye area only, i won't share, tbh tbh.
I would but I'm not comfortable sharing pictures of myself online. Other than having no friends, it's the same reason I don't use social networking.
I'm a legit 4/10, idk why all these faggots call me a Chad when I'm utterly invisible to women.
According to this I'm between 5 and 6. Just as I suspected.
8 and 9 need to be swapped.
I think he got it right. If they were both at a club where I'm from the 9 would be getting way more attention. The 8 will get glances, but the 9 will have to beat them off with a stick.
I think he got it right. If they were both at a club where I'm from the 9 would be getting way more attention. The 8 will get glances, but the 9 will have to beat them off with a stick.
Well both would get plenty of attention, but imo ratings aren't just based on how well you'd do in a club. For me what makes Jon Kortajarena a 9 and the other guy not is that he is more beautiful (no homo).
Well both would get plenty of attention, but imo ratings aren't just based on how well you'd do in a club. For me what makes Jon Kortajarena a 9 and the other guy not is that he is more beautiful (no homo).
The hotness scale matters more than the beauty scale. I would rather fuck a big booty rap video hoe, than a skinny beauty pageant queen.
In reality the scale is really just 0 - 3

0 = incel (will always, consistently, 100% get rejected by women)
1 = normie (will eventually get married to a landwhale roastie in his late 20s and be a cuck)
2 = chadlite (can often get laid and will marry a decent looking roastie but still get cucked by chad)
3 = chad (never gets turned down by women)
zyros closer to 6 due to frame but yes 7 if face alone
Madonna whore complex?
I just like big round butts. Obviously I'd take the beauty queen if she had one, but most of them are too skinny.
I just like big round butts. Obviously I'd take the beauty queen if she had one, but most of them are too skinny.
I love high E body shape too, have you heard my story about my kakazh girl classmate i studied with? Her hips was wider than my shoulder, and big ass as well. I imagined how i put my face between her buttocks and fapped just fiercely.
keep anyone famous or a model off this list to be objective

people aren't smart enough to not judge based on fame
I love high E body shape too, have you heard my story about my kakazh girl classmate i studied with? Her hips was wider than my shoulder, and big ass as well. I imagined how i put my face between her buttocks and fapped just fiercely.
Girls with nice butts don't even have to look that good to make me really horny. Sometimes when they're a little ugly it makes them look sexy in a weird way.
Girls with nice butts don't even have to look that good to make me really horny. Sometimes when they're a little ugly it makes them look sexy in a weird way.
Same, does this apply to ugly but tall man in femoids, i wonder?
Same, does this apply to ugly but tall man in femoids, i wonder?
I wondered that too. I think you can be a little ugly, just not too ugly. There are some football and basketball players women like for their body and tattoos more than their face.
I think you can be a little ugly, but just not too ugly.
This only proves that femoids like the same attractive facial features and big frame/height in men, while men is ready to fuck anything, small booty, big booty, small tits, big tits, chubby or skinny, etc.
This only proves that femoids like the same attractive facial features and big frame/height in men, while men is ready to fuck anything, small booty, big booty, small tits, big tits, chubby or skinny, etc.
Because we are desperate. If we had all their options we would be way more picky.
Because we are desperate. If we had all their options we would be way more picky.
I guess so, but men still have tastes, while femoid preferences are all the same.
I guess so, but men still have tastes, while femoid preferences are all the same.
Women can be flexible if the man is rich and willing to betabux. Most of them have the same preferences because femoids are sheeple and followers, they do what their herd tells them. In the 80's and 70's, what women considered attractive was different from today.
This is a good list, much better than that last one.
Only rate off of face now as height and frame make it too complicated
Not really, if someone has a great face but is like 5' tall then he is just subhuman (as perceived by females) plain and simple.
3/10 here. I have some mild disagreements but good job.

It would be a 5/10 but I have a lot of problems, crooked teeth, problems to socialize, this society, but hey, shit every day, I prefer to live outside of everything sometimes. :feelsautistic:
2/10 should be the average male.

Guy like blackops2cel and are 0/10, deformed freaks are not even on the chart/negative rating.

Zyros mogs Chris O'Donnell.
No, I think most girls would prefer Chris O'Donnell to Zyros.
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