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Serious That New Zealand attack looks fake



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
That shit is staged. I just finished watching the whole thing. First of all, there's no blood when he shoots them. Second, where the hell was the cops? there's no police in NZ? I don't believe for a second that thing is real.
It was the jews.
It's not staged, but it is the perfect opportunity for the cunts in governments all over the world to take away from our freedoms/privacy in the name of security. God damn I hate people, I wish I could live alone in a forest governed by no one.
there's no blood when he shoots them. Second, where the hell was the cops?
there is blood its just cant see it well because of camera quality, and i was kind of surprised the cops took so long but then again this is NZ and not america so they are not used to this happening
staged by jews to trigger a race war ngl
Do you think blood just shoots out of bodies like in video games or movies?
Do you think blood just shoots out of bodies like in video games or movies?

It's alright, OP doesn't know what it looks like when people get shot in real life.
there is blood its just cant see it well because of camera quality, and i was kind of surprised the cops took so long but then again this is NZ and not america so they are not used to this happening
There's that part when he goes back to the car and gets another weapon; he goes back to the mosque and shoots them again, when he goes outside he shoots a foid, she falls and starts screaming " help me". He shoots her in front of a bunch of passing cars! no one gets scared, no one calls the cops. WTF. They're underestimating our intelligence. The whole thing is staged.
whether it is staged or not, this 'hate crime' is justified to put the minorities, undesirables of the neoliberal system into surveillance
That shit is staged. I just finished watching the whole thing. First of all, there's no blood when he shoots them. Second, where the hell was the cops? there's no police in NZ? I don't believe for a second that thing is real.
There was definitely blood in the video if you look closer, also the cops doesn't automatically know that there is a shooting happening and teleports there, it could take a while for them to arrive.
when he head shots the kid inside the mosque you can see brain matter and blood spray the floor,

also when he puts two bullets in the head of the foid you can see blood and brain matter spray

when some one gets a body shot laying down its hard to see blood, it wont even come out for a while
You gotta be fucking kidding me..

According to conspiracy theorists there has never been one single mass shooting in the entire world because all of them are staged JFL!

There is literally video of the shooting but that is fake too, you have been playing to many videogames when you shoot someone there doesn´t spray a pool of blood out, seriously fuck this thread retarded OP and idiots who believe the same god I can´t stand how unbelievable retarded some people are..
when he head shots the kid inside the mosque you can see brain matter and blood spray the floor,

also when he puts two bullets in the head of the foid you can see blood and brain matter spray

when some one gets a body shot laying down its hard to see blood, it wont even come out for a while
First of all, there's no blood when he shoots them
bro this isnt a game (or is it) when you shoot someone blood doesnt immediately spurt out
If you watch enough shootings vids you'll see that most gunshot wounds aren't that noticeable
the real shooter fled to israel dont you know?
There's that part when he goes back to the car and gets another weapon; he goes back to the mosque and shoots them again, when he goes outside he shoots a foid, she falls and starts screaming " help me". He shoots her in front of a bunch of passing cars! no one gets scared, no one calls the cops. WTF. They're underestimating our intelligence. The whole thing is staged.
on his getaway drive i hear sirens
The whole thing did have a weird vibe but then again it's the first mass shooting video I've seen so nothing to compare it to.
The video looks suspicious, but there's records of the murdered. It's real.
It was the jews.
staged by jews to trigger a race war ngl
There's that part when he goes back to the car and gets another weapon; he goes back to the mosque and shoots them again, when he goes outside he shoots a foid, she falls and starts screaming " help me". He shoots her in front of a bunch of passing cars! no one gets scared, no one calls the cops. WTF. They're underestimating our intelligence. The whole thing is staged.
I just question how lined up those people were. I almost thought some of those people were already dead but i think they were just scared. But why not run the fuck out of the back door or hide in different rooms? they were like deer, all lined up for slaughter.
You gotta be fucking kidding me..

According to conspiracy theorists there has never been one single mass shooting in the entire world because all of them are staged JFL!

There is literally video of the shooting but that is fake too, you have been playing to many videogames when you shoot someone there doesn´t spray a pool of blood out, seriously fuck this thread retarded OP and idiots who believe the same god I can´t stand how unbelievable retarded some people are..
OP was expecting Kill Bill blood. He needs to go to the opticians tbhtbhtbh.
When he went into the mosque they were all lying down in a pile not moving. Even when they were shot in the back they did not cry out or move. It was like they were asleep. In fact there are only three victims who move. He doesn't even shoot that much and yet there are dozens dead. If I were a nut I'd say that most of them were shot already and laid down with some not dead but drugged and one of them came out of his drug sleep before he should. The other two were just unlucky to be there.
Strange thing in the video is: At 6:50 the dying man in the hallway has no socks on, then at 8:40 he has blue socks on.
10:35 the socks are gone again and at 11:40 the socks are on.
Maybe it's just a problem with the lighting but it definitely looks like it.
Your a fuckin retard if you think that shooting was fake. Loosen your tinfoil hat, its restricting the blood flow to your brain.
I didn't know the footage of the actual shooting was released. I know there's one of him walking there but it cuts out after that.
I'm curious why murder videos always gets filmed by a potato.
What everyone should be focusing on is that the guy was a manlet, he looks like a buff child next to the court officers. If he was 6ft2 he wouldn't give two shits about anything other than slaying (for guests:having sex with) stacies.
That shit is staged. I just finished watching the whole thing. First of all, there's no blood when he shoots them. Second, where the hell was the cops? there's no police in NZ? I don't believe for a second that thing is real.
there isn't always a huge amount of blood, infarct as the camera was moving fast you'd probably miss it. this isnt the movies of a video game. i suspect if you looked at the floor a few minutes after there would be a fair bit of blood. granted ive not actually seen the footage but i'm ex Military so have a fairly good idea about gunshot injuries. Dont get what this has to do with inceldom?
The left is going to use this as an excuse to rape and pillage. They're going to ban guns, censor all speech on the internet and maybe even import more third world subhumans as collective punishment against white New Zealanders.
Do you think blood just shoots out of bodies like in video games or movies?

Also he was only shooting for like 5 minutes even though it felt longer.. that’s about as long as standard police response time
Manlets and ugly guys will be seen with more suspicion.
Every country with a dyke prime minister is going to milk this massacre to eliminate any remaining gun rights
I doubt it's fake, but it looked like a fun I mean horrible, video game IRL. Very entertaining horrible
Every country with a dyke prime minister is going to milk this massacre to eliminate any remaining gun rights
lmao new zealand president is a foid

imagine it
lmao new zealand president is a foid

imagine it
Accepting a foid as your leader is about as cucked as you can get. Literally every western country has foids with lesbian haircuts as their fucking ministers of defense. Soy destroys nations
Tfw you play doom all day long.
T-that video looks fake man, i need more evidence
Can someone give me a summary of the shooting? I don’t trust any of what the virtue signaling jew media has to say. From what I’ve read he put his manifesto on 8chan or 4chan, so those sites are fucked now (4chan already is long past being full of normies but 8chan still had potential). Also since it’s a shooting incels are being blamed again.

I also can’t find a link to the video anywhere. Even liveleak is cucked enough to not want to show it (not that it wasn’t already full of normies). All I find are a a shit ton of articles. Maybe I’m just too low IQ.

But I also had trouble finding that beheading video of the two whores again, so is it similar to that where the kikes are going to extensive measures to censor it? If it were fake wouldn’t they want more people to see it, or is it similar to how censoring it will only bring more attention to it and make it seem more real?
What everyone should be focusing on is that the guy was a manlet, he looks like a buff child next to the court officers. If he was 6ft2 he wouldn't give two shits about anything other than slaying (for guests:having sex with) stacies.
If all shootings were staged it would feel dumb to do a real one.
If all shootings were staged it would feel dumb to do a real one.
The police never arrived. There's something odd about the whole thing. The mosque was located in a central area. How is it possible that no police officer was radioed about the attack? did no one call the cops? so many questions haven't been answered.

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