Inceltears be like:
“Okay, ladies, I need to VENT. Seriously, I’m about to lose it. And I know you all understand because we're all in this struggle together, right? It's always the patriarchy trying to keep us down, but this time it's... well, it's personal.
So, some background: I'm on a roll lately. I’ve been crushing it at work, finally getting the recognition I deserve. My personal life? Well, let’s just say I’m in charge, and no one is pushing me around. I’ve been feeling so empowered! Until… he happened.
“He” is my seven-year-old brother, Timmy. Now, Timmy isn’t just your average kid. He's got something called autism, which basically means he doesn’t always get things, you know? Like social cues and stuff. He also has a facial difference and is disabled.
Anyway, Timmy comes waltzing in yesterday, looking all teary-eyed and he starts whimpering about being bullied at school again.
“They said my hair is weird, and my clothes are stupid, and I walk like a robot,” he sobs. And here's the kicker: "They say that I don't belong because I'm different."
Timmy’s always whining. Always making himself a victim. Always expecting the world to cater to him.
So, I took a deep breath, looked him square in the eye, and said, “Timmy, you need to learn something. It’s not about what you look like, or how you walk, or what anyone might say you are. It’s about your personality!”
I mean, seriously, isn't it obvious? He’s the problem! He’s letting these little comments get to him. If he just developed a better personality, if he was more confident and assertive, they wouldn't target him! It’s basic psychology!
I continued, "This whole 'ableism' and 'racism' thing? Those are just excuses for people who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions and feelings!" I mean, does oppression even exist? We’re constantly being told it is, but it is just a way for people to make excuses! “Just be yourself! If you’re being bullied you need to change your personality. You need to stand up for yourself! People make fun of you because you are a weak individual!” I yelled. Poor Timmy looked at me like I had just spoken another language. As always, never understanding anything.
And then, here's the real kicker. He looks at me, this close to tears again, and says, in that annoying little voice of his, “But… but… I can't help how I am!”
I swear, he’s like a broken record. At this point I am so upset that I need to pause to talk about what really matters! My struggle. MY struggle of being a curvy/chubby/big (whatever words you want to use, but you cant call me fat because it really triggers me). I’m not going to lie to you. I’m a big woman. Big, beautiful, and brave woman, but still… big. I’m constantly dealing with being fat-shamed. It’s insidious! It’s everywhere! People are constantly judging me and making me feel awful because of my size. I can’t walk down the street without someone giving me a look. I get passive-aggressive comments about what I’m eating. It’s exhausting.
Like, can you even imagine?! So, while Timmy’s over here crying about some school kids, I’m out here fighting the real fight! The fatphobia fight! The discrimination that’s not made up! People literally say horrific things about me on the internet. “She’s disgusting”, “She needs to lose weight”, “she needs to stop posting everything”. Can you believe it? It’s pure evil. It really makes you think about the oppression that women face. It’s disgusting. I’m tired of it. This is why I need my safe spaces online. I need to vent to women who understand the real struggle. Timmy’s problems with racism and “ableism” or whatever? He’s not helping the cause.
And frankly, I’m tired of hearing about it! So tired of it I need to take a breath. All these men who aren’t white complaining about racism and all these disabled guys complaining about “ableism” or whatever need to stop making excuses and look at the real problem! Their personality!
So, honestly, I’m at a loss here. Am I crazy? Am I the only feminist out here that thinks disabled ethnic men on the autism spectrum should just suck it up? It seriously seems like they just want to be victims. Instead of blaming external factors like racism, sexism, and lookism, they just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get over it. It is all about personality! So am I wrong here? Am I the bad guy? Please tell me that I'm not the only rational voice on this whole issue. This is so frustrating. I need someone to tell me that I'm right. I need to know that I'm not the only one seeing through all the excuses. And I really need to vent about the weight thing, but I’ll save that for another post.
So, ladies, please, give me your thoughts and tell me I’m not alone in this. I need all the support I can get. And I just want to let you know I really appreciate all the support this sub offers to all of us who are truly facing oppression.
#Feminism #FatShaming #BodyPositivity #MyStruggle #RealOppression #Vent #AmITheBadGuy #NeedSupport #NoToVictimMentality #StopMakingExcuses”