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Tesla on marriage



i'm far from the star
Dec 5, 2021

“In 1924, Nikola Tesla was asked why he never married?

His answer was this:

"I had always thought of woman as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in her respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshipped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.

But all this was in the past. Now the soft voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies on making herself as much as possible like man - in dress, voice, and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind. The world has experience many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.

Practically all the great achievements of man until now have been inspired by his love and devotion to woman. Man has aspired to great things because some woman believed in him, because he wished to command her admiration and respect. For these reasons he has fought for her and risked his life and his all for her time and time again.

Perhaps the male in society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don't know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it - and there is striking evidence at hand that they do - then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world's history.

Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants, and other insects - a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established, the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life.

The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me."

High IQ volcel
Why did everyone speak like a faggot in those days?
I remember this quote. Its painfully true. I have no motivation to do anything because i dont have a loving woman in my life.
Take that, tradcucks. Roasties have always been terrible.
Didn't they have "flappers" back then? There was a huge trend of women shaving their heads, smoking cigarettes, and fucking as many men as they could back then.
Jesus even 100 years ago the men were weak cucks.

“In 1924, Nikola Tesla was asked why he never married?

His answer was this:

"I had always thought of woman as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in her respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshipped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.

But all this was in the past. Now the soft voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies on making herself as much as possible like man - in dress, voice, and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind. The world has experience many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.

Practically all the great achievements of man until now have been inspired by his love and devotion to woman. Man has aspired to great things because some woman believed in him, because he wished to command her admiration and respect. For these reasons he has fought for her and risked his life and his all for her time and time again.

Perhaps the male in society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don't know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it - and there is striking evidence at hand that they do - then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world's history.

Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants, and other insects - a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established, the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life.

The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me."

I love tesla so much
Notice how the smartest men we look back on in the past are either incel or volcel?
Didn't they have "flappers" back then? There was a huge trend of women shaving their heads, smoking cigarettes, and fucking as many men as they could back then.
Jesus even 100 years ago the men were weak cucks.
It’s the first time I hear about that, sounds horrible.
sexhaver literature
then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world's history.
It's happening as we speak and we're a manifestation of it boyos. Given that we are the ones getting the shitty end of the stick, it's like he was pretty much talking about us. Cruelest now that is such a key word. Exactly what inceldom represents. But, in a broader sense, feminism and gynocentrism also entail it for the male sex in general, though lots of men adapt and grovel at the feet of their newfound overlords in uneven relationships where they're doomed to be symbolic midgets and legally at the mercy of the other party.

Yeah bumping an old thread but this article is such a goated document. It brings me some kind of comfort that a smart man like Tesla predicted all of this, and shared some sort of intuition with me about "female epowerement". I remember that even as a little kid with an unaltered mind, seeing movie scenes of women beating men deeply disturbed me. :feelswhat: But now it's not just a movie scene and we live in a grotesque femdom reality were the average woman is a Jezebel that looks down on us with an evil, self satisfied grin that's full of malice. Not only they don't want us but, slowly but surely, they make it so that we don't even want them. Cause there's nothing special or precious about them anymore.

Now the soft voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished.
He was saying that in the early 1900's. How the fuck are sensible men supposed to feel about women in 2024 ? :feelskek: :feelsrope:
Most women want most men to die off - its what it is
High iq giga oldcel
I remember this quote. Its painfully true. I have no motivation to do anything because i dont have a loving woman in my life.
Same. Without love you just barely make it through life

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