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Term 'incel' is very low IQ to use



Oct 20, 2018
Since normies are cruel and laugh out everything about lack of sex, being virgin, weeb, neckbeard, having small dick etc. using term 'incel' meant automatic hate and mockery from normies who will bully us with wild joy over this shit. We know that they love to make fun out of autistic and ugly males, just look on reddit. Liberals and leftists have a hateboner towards incels, nice guys and neckbeards. Right-wingers also hate us because it's pathetic in their eyes to identify with term that is related to lack of sex. It's an instant mockery with this term.
We should have had name such as 'omega fate', 'theblackpill' or 'subgen' or some shit like that. Using term incels, you autists made sure that we are mocked way more that we would've been otherwise. inb4 'who cares what normfags think', I had it already bad in life being 3.5/10 chincel, being demonized into hell by normies and reading wall of comments on youtube, inceltears or elsewhere of how pathetic we are and should rope isn't fucking cool. Fuck off and get cancer anyone who says it's whatever and doesn't matter. We should identify with term that isn't related to sex (that doesn't mean that involuntary celibacy isn't a big deal anymore, but it's just one of many considering our position in society, hardships in career sphere, lack of romantic affection or mockery and bullying in school years or from normies)

it's too late now because some autists fuck up everything
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It is low IQ when normies spout it as a petty retort, yes.
A cool name wouldn't stop them from making fun of us.
It is low IQ when normies spout it as a petty retort, yes.
i think the term itself is fine "involuntary celibate" though that wont stop normies from fucking everything up
A cool name wouldn't stop them from making fun of us.
tbh. Its not like ugly males don't get their picture stolen already and attributed with shit they didn't even say. we will be hated no matter what we do.
I have some suggestions;

1. Pussy slayer
2. Cunt Destroyer
Its no problem, "cuck" and "roastie" trigger them equally.
Any other name would he mockery at that matter since it would symbolise someone who can't get sex
its not that normies have anything in particular against incels, they are looking for easy targets to pick on.
i mean, you have to be a real piece of shit to laugh at incel's. so that already tells me they aren't decent people to begin with
its not that normies have anything in particular against incels, they are looking for easy targets to pick on.
i mean, you have to be a real piece of shit to laugh at incel's. so that already tells me they aren't decent people to begin with
Lol, almost every normie laughs at incels, where do you live people? Just read some comment sections on facebook, reddit or youtube under videos about incels. Every single youtuber that dealt with this issue used us as lolcow and mocked us into hell.
Any other name would he mockery at that matter since it would symbolise someone who can't get sex
I mentioned that it's impossible to stop normies laughing us out but term 'incel' is very catchy and related to lack of sex. It immediately causes jokes like 'muh their peepess aren't getting wet lol what losers' and too much attention. Other terms, not related to strictly lack of sex wouldn't draw that much attention, I'm sure of that. It could be our abysmally low position in society (for example omega), unfortunate genetics (subgen) or something like theBlackpill. Whatever, just some other term that doesn't scream 'mad virgin'. And secondly - if terms itself are related to our position in society or shitty genetics etc. people would have to approach discussion somewhat differently. If they see 'incel' they lmao immediately. It sounds like some physically underdeveloped sperg.

When I browsed internet about incels, whether facebook, reddit or youtube amount of vilification and hate towards incels was fucking tremendous with many openly advocating for our extermination whether jokingly or not. Term itself became stained and I draw no pleasure from being demonized into hell, I had it already bad enough in real life. But you retards think it's cool. You make it harder for every ugly male at this point tbh because normies now insults ugly dudes with 'incel' term. All I want is to have blackpilled communities and stay under the radar. But seemingly no one is interested in changing this in any way. This shit makes me fucking furious
Lol, almost every normie laughs at incels, where do you live people? Just read some comment sections on facebook, reddit or youtube under videos about incels. Every single youtuber that dealt with this issue used us as lolcow and mocked us into hell.

I mentioned that it's impossible to stop normies laughing us out but term 'incel' is very catchy and related to lack of sex. It immediately causes jokes like 'muh their peepess aren't getting wet lol what losers' and too much attention. Other terms, not related to strictly lack of sex wouldn't draw that much attention, I'm sure of that. It could be our abysmally low position in society (for example omega), unfortunate genetics (subgen) or something like theBlackpill. Whatever, just some other term that doesn't scream 'mad virgin'. And secondly - if terms itself are related to our position in society or shitty genetics etc. people would have to approach discussion somewhat differently. If they see 'incel' they lmao immediately. It sounds like some physically underdeveloped sperg.

When I browsed internet about incels, whether facebook, reddit or youtube amount of vilification and hate towards incels was fucking tremendous with many openly advocating for our extermination whether jokingly or not. Term itself became stained and I draw no pleasure from being demonized into hell, I had it already bad enough in real life. But you retards think it's cool. You make it harder for every ugly male at this point tbh because normies now insults ugly dudes with 'incel' term. All I want is to have blackpilled communities and stay under the radar. But seemingly no one is interested in changing this in any way. This shit makes me fucking furious
If incel and chad terms would be switched, "chad" would scream "mad virgin!" Tbhtbh it' just how and what words society chooses to use, it's not universe's law. I bet people did not know what incel meant until they've read some cancer definition on urban dictionary.
I wanna poo poo real bad btw and I am at work
We should have had name such as 'omega fate', 'theblackpill' or 'subgen' or some shit like that.
The only issue with this is if we called ourselves any of those things, they would simply call us "virgins" instead. If normies want to make fun of us they will find a way to.
A cool name wouldn't stop them from making fun of us.

@FuckingDed JFL @ thinking a better sounding name would make a difference, its the meaning that matters not the title itself, replace incels with "overlords" and it still means losers so what difference does it make how "cool" or "good" it sounds.

JFL @ caring about the degree to which normies hate and ridicule us.
Lol, almost every normie laughs at incels, where do you live people? Just read some comment sections on facebook, reddit or youtube under videos about incels. Every single youtuber that dealt with this issue used us as lolcow and mocked us into hell.

He's not saying they don't, he's saying they do it, but they don't actually "hate" us. They just think we're funny weirdos.
Since normies are cruel and laugh out everything about lack of sex, being virgin, weeb, neckbeard, having small dick etc. using term 'incel' meant automatic hate and mockery from normies who will bully us with wild joy over this shit. We know that they love to make fun out of autistic and ugly males, just look on reddit. Liberals and leftists have a hateboner towards incels, nice guys and neckbeards. Right-wingers also hate us because it's pathetic in their eyes to identify with term that is related to lack of sex. It's an instant mockery with this term.
We should have had name such as 'omega fate', 'theblackpill' or 'subgen' or some shit like that. Using term incels, you autists made sure that we are mocked way more that we would've been otherwise. inb4 'who cares what normfags think', I had it already bad in life being 3.5/10 chincel, being demonized into hell by normies and reading wall of comments on youtube, inceltears or elsewhere of how pathetic we are and should rope isn't fucking cool. Fuck off and get cancer anyone who says it's whatever and doesn't matter. We should identify with term that isn't related to sex (that doesn't mean that involuntary celibacy isn't a big deal anymore, but it's just one of many considering our position in society, hardships in career sphere, lack of romantic affection or mockery and bullying in school years or from normies)

it's too late now because some autists fuck up everything

Incels are the new “Nazis” (though a Nazi, to the left, meant anyone who didn’t agree with them). A few years ago, it was the imaginary “patriarchy”. The foids and their soy orbiters will always have their boogeyman they blame for every problem in the galaxy.

Calling others incels is just their way of shifting the blame on them again, just like calling someone a “Nazi” or “privileged white male” was a few years back. It’s an easy way for them to feel good about themselves while putting others down.

The word “incel” should only be socially acceptable to be used by incels, just like nigga is only socially acceptable when used by blacks. It is quite literally used as a slur on us, as a way of dehumanizing us for no reason other than not being Chad.
Incels are the new “Nazis” (though a Nazi, to the left, meant anyone who didn’t agree with them). A few years ago, it was the imaginary “patriarchy”. The foids and their soy orbiters will always have their boogeyman they blame for every problem in the galaxy.

Calling others incels is just their way of shifting the blame on them again, just like calling someone a “Nazi” or “privileged white male” was a few years back. It’s an easy way for them to feel good about themselves while putting others down.

The word “incel” should only be socially acceptable to be used by incels, just like nigga is only socially acceptable when used by blacks. It is quite literally used as a slur on us, as a way of dehumanizing us for no reason other than not being Chad.
What I mean is that the term itself sounds cringy but what's worst - very catchy. If we used for example "omega" or 'subgen', it wouldn't be that catchy. And people wouldn't immediately assume it's all about getting laid for us, it's a big deal for any conversation about our situation tbh. People use 'lol, incel, lmao' to big extent because of how catchy it sounds. Some things sound catchier than others, after all we use 'going ER' rather than 'going Cho' or 'going AM'

Other thing - people getting to know what definition of an incel is - 'involuntary celibate' immediately lmao. If we had something like 'subgen' or 'omega' people wouldn't lol at us that much immediately.

It's like we are calling ourselves niggas and we are mad people use it as an insult - if it was afroamerican it wouldn't change the fact that some people will still hate and insult us but the impression of a word is different. Lmao niggas isn't the same as lmao afroamericans. I think that name change would help us to lessen potential attention we get.

Anyways most people like it as it is which imo is harmful for any blackpilled ugly males. Changing from 'incel' to something less cringy sounding would be like changing from 'nigga' or 'chink' to something less cringy.
The only issue with this is if we called ourselves any of those things, they would simply call us "virgins" instead. If normies want to make fun of us they will find a way to.
tbh that's better. 'incels' as a term is used in relation to our community, while 'virgins' would be for every guy that doesn't get laid. People insulting 'virgins' would get much more backfire than 'incels'. Virgins, even those non-incels or bluepilled could feel affected, while they don't when people use 'incels' because they know it's directed only at us. Also, no people give fuck about 'incel' shaming (because they associate 'incel' with radicalized group), while 'virgin' shaming could get some potential backfire.
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I always pretend like I haven't heard the term before f anyone says it irl
Using term incels, you autists made sure that we are mocked way more that we would've been otherwise.
Imagine being an actual autist, and having a condition named after the guy who discovered it, who just so happened to have the worst last name in existence.

Hans Asperger is the guy I'm referencing, for anyone that didn't know.
We are not here to be apperciate by normie tbh

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