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Serious [TAXPAYER PILL] My honest view on those who deserve relationship and those who don't

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4760
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Deleted member 4760

Deleted member 4760

Mar 19, 2018
NEETs, Let's be real here. :feelswhat:

We all claim it was better back in the old days before 2nd wave feminism, sexual revolution and online dating (with said period achieving its peak around the 50's).

At that time and beforehand, any sub average normie man, as long has he held a steady job, had good income, strong values cared for his wife and his family, held to his paternal duties AND FOR COURSE was a contributor to his society by paying taxes were often expected to be married and have children.:feelslala:

This is how a healthy society worked and civilization florished: Reward the working class taxpayer do that he may find satisfaction in his raisong a strong patriotic family.
The trash; those who never paid a dime or worked, were violent, aggressive and morally corrupt were to be left on the side and emprisoned.

I strongly advocates for this model which has never failed and made strong nations.:feelsbaton:

This is why I can't side or feel bad with NEETs who never got any form of education or tried to learn a skill in the first place. Especially NEETs who think they deserves a girl but wouldn't even be able to support a family in the first place, nor can even support themselves

How does it feel to live on taxpayers money yet expect their lives to get better later on?:feelsseriously:

The problem today is that good men with good heart and good will, after getting their diploma and making some bank, CANNOT find a partner no matter (over for stemcels tbh) which is where Inceldom takes a major stance in being a serious issue...

I couldn't give 2 crap about an obese NEET living in mom's basement not being laid, guess what, Blackpill or Not, guys like you were always left on the sideline anyways, no matter what part of history youd be in (youd be homeless actually since welfare didnt exist back then).

Mods, don't ban this. We don't need to agree on everything but NEETs at time need to hear some verse from time to time.:blackpill:
Unfortunately for you that model isn't coming back. You will be paying for Chad's son/roasties degeneracy through your taxes for the rest of your life. Enjoy.
How does it feel to live on taxpayers money yet expect their lives to get better later on?

The problem today is that good men with good heart and good will, after getting their diploma and making some bank, CANNOT find a partner no matter what
It's like you get it but at the same time you don't, kek
I would be a NEET if I could tbh, contributing to the wellbeing of current society is cucked. NEETcels are morally superior to us wagiecels.
This is why I can't side or feel bad with NEETs who never got any form of education or tried to learn a skill in the first place. Especially NEETs who think they deserves a girl but wouldn't even be able to support a family in the first place, nor can even support themselves
The neets of today would've had jobs in the 50's, but they're struggling thanks to the corrupt school system, foids working in HR, foid job quotas, and drugs that cause autism. The only jobs they can get will pay them less than $13 an hour, and they have to do a job that's boring and repetitive.
I couldn't give 2 crap about an obese NEET living in mom's basement not being laid

By the way, you could work 2 times in a day like me in warehouse logistics and still live with your parents because you get so little money you cannot even afford a place for yourself. This is how pathetic life has become for men.

guess what, Blackpill or Not, guys like you were always left on the sideline anyways, no matter what part of history youd be in (youd be homeless actually since welfare didnt exist back then).

Not quite, since back then it was legit to rape, murder and steal. I would do it, just lol at slaving away for little money. With power I can just take it all.
Unfortunately for you that model isn't coming back. You will be paying for Chad's son/roasties degeneracy through your taxes for the rest of your life. Enjoy.
This is why I hope crypto takes off that allow anonymous transactions.
Nice reductionism you got there, bro. You definitely deserve your inceldom. Remember you aren't entitled to anything.

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@Alfen - I agree with your thread and I have expressed the same sentiments, a lot of guys on this site would be incel regardless of whether they existed during patriarchal times or not

At the same time though, I agree with this statement:
back then it was legit to rape, murder and steal. I would do it, just lol at slaving away for little money. With power I can just take it all.

Most all men who are rich and powerful today gained it through underhanded/unconventional means and/or their forefathers did this and passed the wealth down to them, "working hard" for what you want is a meme passed down to keep the masses docile and complacent by appealing to their egos, working hard is for the plebs of the world, the "goys" of the world

The elites don't teach their children about "hard work", they teach them about business, tax laws, legal loop holes, managing money, etc
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Lol, the very reason why i deceided to become a NEET in the first place, is that society doesn't has anything to offer for someone like me. Getting a job wouldn't enable me to get a loving foid, so why even bother working 8 hours a day, if i can get almost the same amount of money by doing nothing?
All men who are rich and powerful today and gained it through underhanded/unconventional means and/or their forefathers did this and passed the wealth down to them

Indeed. This is why taking action is legit, unfortunately at this point there is no legit starting point to begin with.

"working hard" for what you want is a meme passed down to keep the masses docile and complacent by appealing to their egos

In today's society, absolutely. They will even bait you with getting 1 Euro more per hour for working even harder. Let's see if I get this.
By the way, you could work 2 times in a day like me in warehouse logistics and still live with your parents because you get so little money you cannot even afford a place for yourself. This is how pathetic life has become for men.
It seems like that in today’s society you don't win anything by having a job.
The neets of today would've had jobs in the 50's,
Correct current worth of a human in the system =/= human worth. Have fun with automatization wagecucks. Enough of you will have to swallow this pill soon enough.

but they're struggling thanks to the corrupt school system, foids working in HR, foid job quotas, and drugs that cause autism.

Productivity is usually measured in output to input ratio. So it's basically "per person". As we have doubled productivity, the women addedd to the process, doubled their input on average as well. (or the men quadrupled). I can agree some women slack away more. But if they don't do work at all and add nothing to production how do they devalue men and lower wages? It would at least be a zero sum thing for a family. Basically one deco foid and a hard working quadrupling man.

the productivity increases per person even with females over a long time. So they must add some economical power, otherwise companies wouldn't simply employ them. The jobs are leggit needed on top and not just substitutes to lower the supply.

Bootlicking and coporate propaganda has devalued it. You can see how the anti union changes in US politics correlate with stagnating wages.
I think that they aren't better or worse. Personally, being wagecel allows me more freedom than I ever could if I went NEET. Contributing is cucked, but doing it as a cope seems fair enough
@Alfen - I agree with your thread and I have expressed the same sentiments, a lot of guys on this site would be incel regardless of whether they existed during patriarchal times or not
Water is wet and a good part of the wagecucks here would have been culled in ancient times. Were is this natural fallacy relevant?
It seems like that in today’s society you don't win anything by having a job.

As a men, yes. You also need to have something beforehand like an apprenticeship which you completed successfully, internships, recommendations and contacts (a social circle). If you do not have it, you will most likely end within a physical job with little income. Also you will not have any possibility to climb the ladder within this job because there is no ladder to climb to begin with.
This is the life of a man. I will never get the income of my father. I will be always a low-paid, but hard-working, thid-class and below replaceable working drone.
Perhaps if I get this apprenticeship I might be able to get at least 2100 Euro income per month, which is somewhat ok.
Water is wet and a good part of the wagecucks here would have been culled in ancient times. Were is this natural fallacy relevant?

Nobody has made an appeal to nature here so I don't know where you are coming from, these men would have been incel by choice, not due to anything natural or inherent, choosing not to work and "being lazy" is a choice, no naturalistic argument has been made.

In fact not work is QUITE UNNATURAL, in the wild you would not survive at all doing nothing all day
Nobody has made an appeal to nature here so I don't know where you are coming from, these men would have been incel by choice, not due to anything natural or inherent, choosing not to work and "being lazy" is a choice, no naturalistic argument has been made.
There are varying degrees of the argument. Not being able to collect ressources, therefore not getting a foid (edit: or your, the most extreme example: dying) and thinking this is good without coherrent explanation is clearly one.

Choice, if you are mentally ill? Doubt tbh, but even then (I am not a tradcuck and I acknowledge these problems) shoulda coulda woulda. If it is really A CHOICE, in a more benevolent system in terms of possible partnerships they would have taken a different choice, maybe? :feelskek:

You're at least partly blackpilled already on the economy, but do you really believe an even weaker member of society would have a real chance and if so wouldn't take it?

Path dependence and doom loops play also a huge rule. Get one health problem and if you're unlucky you'll never recover.
Contrary to popular believe the system doesn't give much fucks about helping you. Once at the bottom, it's over.
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That worked at that time, but nowadays is better be NEET if you can tbh. Doens't feel good contributing to a society that don't deserve your work force.
Correct current worth of a human in the system =/= human worth. Have fun with automatization wagecucks. Enough of you will have to swallow this pill soon enough.
Humans don't need a lot of money or resources to survive. So if robots take our jobs we'll still have food, water, and shelter most likely, not much different from how neets are living now without a job. People will have to find more creative ways to make money, which is good since men will have an advantage over lower iq foids.
Productivity is usually measured in output to input ratio. So it's basically "per person". As we have doubled productivity, the women addedd to the process, doubled their input on average as well. (or the men quadrupled). I can agree some women slack away more. But if they don't do work at all and add nothing to production how do they devalue men and lower wages? It would at least be a zero sum thing for a family. Basically one deco foid and a hard working quadrupling man.

the productivity increases per person even with females over a long time. So they must add some economical power, otherwise companies wouldn't simply employ them. The jobs are leggit needed on top and not just substitutes to lower the supply.

Bootlicking and coporate propaganda has devalued it. You can see how the anti union changes in US politics correlate with stagnating wages.
Foids are useless at their jobs, if anything they're a liability. The top companies that grew out of nothing were all started by men, because women are disruptive and deviate men from their goals. If all the women currently working were replaced with neets the productivity of their companies would increase by at least 100%, and they won't have to worry about them screaming #metoo after 10 years.
Humans don't need a lot of money or resources to survive. So if robots take our jobs we'll still have food, water, and shelter most likely, not much different from how neets are living now without a job. People will have to find more creative ways to make money, which is good since men will have an advantage over lower iq foids.
Well this will depend on our overlords who own the means of production. BRB just invent more low paid bullshit jobs, dance monkey dance, brb employ hoards attendands again like in the 19th century pampering the rich. Neetdom is inhuman and traditional employment will be increasingly too. A democracy without control over the means of production is feudalism.

Who says if the leverage increases in favor of the capital owner, even more that he doesn't abolish welfare at all and makes the workinf conditions even worse?

Foids are useless at their jobs, if anything they're a liability. The top companies that grew out of nothing were all started by men, because women are disruptive and deviate men from their goals. If all the women currently working were replaced with neets the productivity of their companies would increase by at least 100%, and they won't have to worry about them screaming #metoo after 10 years.

Kinda laughable to assume foids do 0% of the work, don't you think? Is the deviaten the fault of the cucks or the women?

Even if it's not a thing of gender roles and women really don't start companies naturally, not every mid level job (foids may be dumb, but not that dumb) can be improved by better workers, overqualification exists. Heck most people don't work al of the time anyway.

You can't tell me companies wouldn't notice women slacking away. There are closely defined tasks most of the time. :feelsseriously:

Doesn't change the fact, that the company owners pay still much less in total, if you combine the income of a couple.
Feminism has nothing to do with this, besides being their scapegoat of choice distracting you.

Libertarianism without democratizing work spaces is cuckdom.
I am NEET. I have a diploma, military ID and have worked for 11 years out of my 30. What are your results, OP?
The only morally acceptable way to make money is by scamming people or selling illegal shit

Anything other than that, you are paying taxes and if you are paying taxes you are getting cucked and humiliated
Productivity is usually measured in output to input ratio. So it's basically "per person". As we have doubled productivity, the women addedd to the process, doubled their input on average as well. (or the men quadrupled). I can agree some women slack away more. But if they don't do work at all and add nothing to production how do they devalue men and lower wages? It would at least be a zero sum thing for a family. Basically one deco foid and a hard working quadrupling man.

The welfare state, which would have never developed without female suffrage, and government debt, are the main causes of the decline in productivity rates in Western countries. As explained here, the rates of the annual increase of productivity of industrialized countries have fallen from an average of five percent in the 1960s to around two percent in the 1990s and keep on falling. So feminism has definitely made the economy less productive, even if it has driven down wages in certain sectors.

Contrary to popular belief, women were allowed to work in 19th-century America. They just didn't have any of the undeserved privileges they have today. Most chose not to work because there were few cushy part-time jobs available for them back then and because they couldn't deal with the stress of a 60-70 hour work-week.

To quote Professor Gregory Cochran "Women are disproportionately represented in the administrative and administrative-support jobs that we need today but somehow never needed in 1950. Those jobs, along with lower teaching loads, are the main reason that college is about 2.5 times more expensive in constant dollars than 50 years ago. They are completely useless."
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I am NEET. I have a diploma, military ID and have worked for 11 years out of my 30. What are your results, OP?

I should have given more thoughts to the original posts tbh.
I kinda realize now it lacked to explain a few fundamentals.

The replies made me rethink about my position.

I was mainly targeting those who stopped developping themselves after high school and never tried to get money.
:feelskek:I had no idea that online dating peaked in the 50’s
NEETs, Let's be real here. :feelswhat:

We all claim it was better back in the old days before 2nd wave feminism, sexual revolution and online dating (with said period achieving its peak around the 50's).

At that time and beforehand, any sub average normie man, as long has he held a steady job, had good income, strong values cared for his wife and his family, held to his paternal duties AND FOR COURSE was a contributor to his society by paying taxes were often expected to be married and have children.:feelslala:

This is how a healthy society worked and civilization florished: Reward the working class taxpayer do that he may find satisfaction in his raisong a strong patriotic family.
The trash; those who never paid a dime or worked, were violent, aggressive and morally corrupt were to be left on the side and emprisoned.

I strongly advocates for this model which has never failed and made strong nations.:feelsbaton:

This is why I can't side or feel bad with NEETs who never got any form of education or tried to learn a skill in the first place. Especially NEETs who think they deserves a girl but wouldn't even be able to support a family in the first place, nor can even support themselves

How does it feel to live on taxpayers money yet expect their lives to get better later on?:feelsseriously:

The problem today is that good men with good heart and good will, after getting their diploma and making some bank, CANNOT find a partner no matter (over for stemcels tbh) which is where Inceldom takes a major stance in being a serious issue...

I couldn't give 2 crap about an obese NEET living in mom's basement not being laid, guess what, Blackpill or Not, guys like you were always left on the sideline anyways, no matter what part of history youd be in (youd be homeless actually since welfare didnt exist back then).

Mods, don't ban this. We don't need to agree on everything but NEETs at time need to hear some verse from time to time.:blackpill:
What if you have brain problems and can't even pull off a diploma? what if you aren't even capable of physical work kek?
The neets of today would've had jobs in the 50's, but they're struggling thanks to the corrupt school system, foids working in HR, foid job quotas, and drugs that cause autism. The only jobs they can get will pay them less than $13 an hour, and they have to do a job that's boring and repetitive.
I can agree to an extent.

I was talking with Leucosticte the other week about this, and how his ideal society would be or something, and he said something along the lines of "Productive members of society get a rape slave". But he wasn't even one of those people: he's an autistic NEET who doesn't contribute much to the greater society.

I believe that, if a rape slave or something rule were implemented, only productive members of society should have one, as an incentive. It would reduce NEETs and increase STEMcelling, and increase motivation.
NEETdom is a relatively new phenomenon, so is your average person having a good job, 100% of you 6 figure niggers would have been on the plantation with the rest of us "back in the day" unless you were some kind of legitimately elite member of society which is the equivalent to a $100+ millionaire now.
I should have given more thoughts to the original posts tbh.
I kinda realize now it lacked to explain a few fundamentals.

The replies made me rethink about my position.

I was mainly targeting those who stopped developping themselves after high school and never tried to get money.
We live in the world where honest hard effort can lead to dead end and no effort can lead to succes. One mistake or bad parenting can transform self developing in digging your own grave. One mm of facial features or reach family can transform your life into a landslide radiated by halo effect.
By the way, you could work 2 times in a day like me in warehouse logistics and still live with your parents because you get so little money you cannot even afford a place for yourself. This is how pathetic life has become for men.
That is so depressing. I really want to move out tbh.
NEETs, Let's be real here. :feelswhat:

We all claim it was better back in the old days before 2nd wave feminism, sexual revolution and online dating (with said period achieving its peak around the 50's).

At that time and beforehand, any sub average normie man, as long has he held a steady job, had good income, strong values cared for his wife and his family, held to his paternal duties AND FOR COURSE was a contributor to his society by paying taxes were often expected to be married and have children.:feelslala:

This is how a healthy society worked and civilization florished: Reward the working class taxpayer do that he may find satisfaction in his raisong a strong patriotic family.
The trash; those who never paid a dime or worked, were violent, aggressive and morally corrupt were to be left on the side and emprisoned.

I strongly advocates for this model which has never failed and made strong nations.:feelsbaton:

This is why I can't side or feel bad with NEETs who never got any form of education or tried to learn a skill in the first place. Especially NEETs who think they deserves a girl but wouldn't even be able to support a family in the first place, nor can even support themselves

How does it feel to live on taxpayers money yet expect their lives to get better later on?:feelsseriously:

The problem today is that good men with good heart and good will, after getting their diploma and making some bank, CANNOT find a partner no matter (over for stemcels tbh) which is where Inceldom takes a major stance in being a serious issue...

I couldn't give 2 crap about an obese NEET living in mom's basement not being laid, guess what, Blackpill or Not, guys like you were always left on the sideline anyways, no matter what part of history youd be in (youd be homeless actually since welfare didnt exist back then).

Mods, don't ban this. We don't need to agree on everything but NEETs at time need to hear some verse from time to time.:blackpill:
I never had anything sexual with girls during elementary and highschool and nobody works then but people still got laid.

I choose to be a NEET because I dont want to support a rotten society and I know that even if I worked it wouldnt help me. If I would get a gf then I would gladly work.
Relationship is for cucks
op is a secret jew underworld maniac infiltrator of the highest magnitude

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