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Serious Tall successful men are essentially women



Taking a big huge fucking Crap
Jan 18, 2021
They are privileged and always keep getting away with everything. Them and women are just as much loved on this planet meanwhile I’m forgotten for doing everything normies told me to do and being good natured. Too bad the biosphere is obsessed with being big instead of focusing on their own mortality and meaningless existence on being small little organic pebbles on a rock that’s the size of a grain of sand compared to the ever lasting perfect big cosmos.


All tall men are basically women of the male gender and they are pysops to get erenyeagers forces to kill themselves.
I've given up on short men being validated. All I want is for normies to ADMIT their tall bias. I respect honesty, at least...
I've given up on short men being validated. All I want is for normies to ADMIT their tall bias. I respect honesty, at least...
No you should fight for your short brothers. Never forget the sins the normie nation have made
Short men and tall women are superior beings.
Jason Sudeikis Yes GIF by Apple TV+
Short men are superior beings.
I fixed it. Until the female nation knows their sins and realize that morals are forever an ingrained thing in reality they the women will never be acknowledged as realiable sentient beings. But instead as animals that should be hunted and found and forever imprisoned in dark lonely boxes until they beg for mercy. Even then I will be monitoring every thing they do. Correction will come.
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Chads are better than women. Women can be genuinely happy without having sexual value, IMO, they can find a loyal man, have a family and grow old. A man is a sexual being who always wants to have sex with young, attractive women, and can never be genuinely happy without this.
Chads are better than women. Women can be genuinely happy without having sexual value, IMO, they can find a loyal man, have a family and grow old. A man is a sexual being who always wants to have sex with young, attractive women, and can never be genuinely happy without this.
A man isn’t meant to be a sexual being that’s way too much bias organic input being put. The truth is that’s what modern society brainwashed into the vulnerable men of this time and are obsessed with societal value and recognition i.e. their ego. A man can be horny than women yes. But we are shown to be more open to freedom outside of being the cog in the machine. But chads with much privilege as women are no different than women. They both destroy the world around them with their egos.
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Slam dunk tallfags into the concrete until they get a fucking brain bleed
I hope their final moments are in agony
A man isn’t meant to be a sexual being that’s way too much bias organic input being put. The truth is that’s what modern society brainwashed into the vulnerable men of this time and are obsessed with societal value and recognition i.e. their ego. A man can be horny than women yes. But we are shown to be more open to freedom outside of being the cog in the machine. But chads with much privilege as women are no different than women. They both destroy the world around them with their egos.
I disagree. Fulfilling your basic biological needs isn't ego. Men need sex, and all the time. It's their primary form of intimacy as well as a basic need. Being sexually attractive is ego for women, because they don't even care about sex. Its only value to them is to trade for what they want, which is material and social things, which they can now access themselves without needing to trade their sex. All we are is organic input.

I'm projecting my own self, as we all do, but I don't believe men can be genuinely happy without having regular sex with attractive young women. Unless their sex drive is dead. Men are just forced, by society, to repress this desire.
Fulfilling your basic biological needs isn't ego.
It technically is you see most of the suffering is caused by that. Also take yer erenyeager pills. You seem to be brainwashed by scumceity
A man isn’t meant to be a sexual being that’s way too much bias organic input being put. The truth is that’s what modern society brainwashed into the vulnerable men of this time and are obsessed with societal value and recognition i.e. their ego. A man can be horny than women yes. But we are shown to be more open to freedom outside of being the cog in the machine. But chads with much privilege as women are no different than women. They both destroy the world around them with their egos.
Men are just forced, by society, to repress this desire.
Good. I always hated being fucked over by fellow men with their useless competitive ways. I think mass castration amongst the wrong doing biosphere is the way I must return the hate I get on the day to day basis
I disagree. Fulfilling your basic biological needs isn't ego. Men need sex, and all the time. It's their primary form of intimacy as well as a basic need. Being sexually attractive is ego for women, because they don't even care about sex. Its only value to them is to trade for what they want, which is material and social things, which they can now access themselves without needing to trade their sex. All we are is organic input.

I'm projecting my own self, as we all do, but I don't believe men can be genuinely happy without having regular sex with attractive young women. Unless their sex drive is dead. Men are just forced, by society, to repress this desire.
dont you wish there was a pill or something to remove sexual desire. would be really nice to live life with not worrying about such a thought beacuse it randomly comes up
It technically is you see most of the suffering is caused by that.
Wanting sex and intimacy with the a girl isn't ego. It's a basic biological need and drive. Our two functions in life are to survive and procreate.
Also take yer erenyeager pills.
Anime won't save you.
You seem to be brainwashed by scumceity
I'm brainwashed by my own obsession to have intimacy with an attractive female. Which I've been obsessed with, every day, since I was 7-8.
Good. I always hated being fucked over by fellow men with their useless competitive ways.
They aren't forced by men, they're forced by women. Who call men "creeps" and "predators" and "incels" if they express their needs/desires.
dont you wish there was a pill or something to remove sexual desire. would be really nice to live life with not worrying about such a thought beacuse it randomly comes up
I don't because I can't even envisage that. I started masturbating at around 8 and was romantically obsessed with girls at least a year prior to that. My sexual desire is a core part of my identity. All my thoughts, feeling and desires are filtered through it. So there's be no reason to exist without it. Maybe it would be fine if I was older and had had lots of sex and intimacy already. My sex drive has been waning (I'm oldcel) and it doesn't make me feel any better, it makes me feel worse, as it just reminds me how much of a failure I am and how much time I've wasted.
They aren't forced by men, they're forced by women. Who call men "creeps" and "predators" and "incels" if they express their needs/desires.
Still incorrect and unintelligent I deserve men who think like me to fight the incorrections for a true fable haft earth
Your biology can't be incorrect.
It can the biosphere doesn’t know what it is doing besides erenyeager for I am the greatest thing to be put on earth. I am here to fix everything and thy bring an end to the 100+ gender war
They are privileged and always keep getting away with everything. Them and women are just as much loved on this planet meanwhile I’m forgotten for doing everything normies told me to do and being good natured. Too bad the biosphere is obsessed with being big instead of focusing on their own mortality and meaningless existence on being small little organic pebbles on a rock that’s the size of a grain of sand compared to the ever lasting perfect big cosmos.


All tall men are basically women of the male gender and they are pysops to get erenyeagers forces to kill themselves.
I agree but it's not quite like that. Even tall chads have it a little worse than foids simply because foids have a hole between her legs. For example it's the tall chad who would have to go to war, not the woman. I'm assuming OFC that it's unavoidable for Chad to run away from draft like they always do.
I agree but it's not quite like that. Even tall chads have it a little worse than foids simply because foids have a hole between her legs. For example it's the tall chad who would have to go to war, not the woman. I'm assuming OFC that it's unavoidable for Chad to run away from draft like they always do.
Incorrect all tall chads are prime targets for supreme correction. Plus they didn’t work for it simply failing on being tutorial mode is a skill issue. Think again GrAYcel it’s for your own good.

The only men that mattered are short men who are constantly put down by the biosphere and it is our time to stop these randomly born brutes with good luck and make them see our suffering. I’ll change the human nature by simply giving them borderline brain damage soon I’ll MAKE ALL HUMANITY THINK CORRECTLY
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If they're one of those 1 in a bagillion guys who got rich from hard work, then fair play. But the ones who were born with a rich family basically have the same life difficulty as a foid with also having the benefit of having a penis to play with
If they're one of those 1 in a bagillion guys who got rich from hard work, then fair play. But the ones who were born with a rich family basically have the same life difficulty as a foid with also having the benefit of having a penis to play with
their life doesn’t matter. In the end the short men deserve EVERYTHING IT IS OUR EARTH. until I see a user here who agrees tall = evil cheating unga bunga retard and short = good all answers are immediately incorrect. We short men deserve everything it’s been our birth right for doing so much good and putting up with so much bullshit! We will fucking prevail
their life doesn’t matter. In the end the short men deserve EVERYTHING IT IS OUR EARTH. until I see a user here who agrees tall = evil cheating unga bunga retard and short = good all answers are immediately incorrect. We short men deserve everything it’s been our birth right for doing so much good and putting up with so much bullshit! We will fucking prevail
Yeah, unironically, incels have built up most of the world's civilizations. While chads just leech off us
I disagree. Fulfilling your basic biological needs isn't ego. Men need sex, and all the time. It's their primary form of intimacy as well as a basic need.
That'd make escortcels happy. They are not. It's way too complex to articulate but @erenyeager has done a good job.
That'd make escortcels happy. They are not. It's way too complex to articulate but @erenyeager has done a good job.
Of course I did a good job. It’s the incels with biology brain who can’t listen to me that are making the forum fall apart. The goal is to win not lose. So I say incorrect to anything incorrect it’s just how the timeline SHOULD go
Of course I did a good job. It’s the incels with biology brain who can’t listen to me that are making the forum fall apart. The goal is to win not lose. So I say incorrect to anything incorrect it’s just how the timeline SHOULD go
It's a forum filled with guys who don't have grievances with the gynocentric fascism, rather with not being born as chads.
These are not men. Pathetic bootlickers of the matriarch.
It's a forum filled with guys who don't have grievances with the gynocentric fascism, rather with not being born as chads.
These are not men. Pathetic bootlickers of the matriarch.
They think with their testicles and not with their brain. Much like how women think with their ovaries

The bottom percent of men like me are shoved into a corner and are forced to rot I reject that incorrection
I don't because I can't even envisage that. I started masturbating at around 8 and was romantically obsessed with girls at least a year prior to that. My sexual desire is a core part of my identity. All my thoughts, feeling and desires are filtered through it. So there's be no reason to exist without it. Maybe it would be fine if I was older and had had lots of sex and intimacy already. My sex drive has been waning (I'm oldcel) and it doesn't make me feel any better, it makes me feel worse, as it just reminds me how much of a failure I am and how much time I've wasted.
Yeah, I can understand this perspective.
but just imagine if we never had these stupid primitive desires.
we would get so much more done
Yeah, I can understand this perspective.
but just imagine if we never had these stupid primitive desires.
we would get so much more done
I hate how some are aware of these retarded desires and do nothing about it. Reminds me of women so impulsive so low iq. How can you call yourself a fully realized human.
It can the biosphere doesn’t know what it is doing besides
It doesn't matter. Your biology is your biology and it will rule you. You can't fight your own nature.
I hate how some are aware of these retarded desires and do nothing about it. Reminds me of women so impulsive so low iq. How can you call yourself a fully realized human.
IMO, men who deny their own sexual needs are the biggest simps. The female equivalent would be women who say they don't need men's labour/resources/protection. And chose to live without everything men build and provide for them, because they're too afraid to demand anything of men. It's women's obligation to provide men with sex. Saying you don't need sex is just being afraid of demanding anything of women.
men who deny their own sexual needs are the biggest simps.
Retardation fallacy. Quit forcing organic babble on based entities who know what’s best for humanity you failed organism. I will castrate you if you keep doing the incorrect things. High sex drive men are the reason incels keep losing. Even me who has a regular sec drive even realize this notion. I have mastered of being horny on will and not. You on the other hand are extra pieces of retard gene pool bait that’s needs castration or the very least need to be put in permanent reeducation of the erenyeager society
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Retardation fallacy. Quit forcing organic babble on based entities who know what’s best for humanity you failed organism. I will castrate you if you keep doing the incorrect things. High sex drive men are the reason incels keep losing. Even me who has a regular sec drive even realize this notion. I have mastered of being horny on will and not. You on the other hand are extra pieces of retard gene pool bait that’s needs castration or the very least need to be put in permanent reeducation of the erenyeager society

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nqKk6StO4s
The video is incorrect
Also, testosterone levels are at an all-time low. Men's sex drives are lower than ever before. Which means they're demanding less of women than ever before. But your solution to men needing sex is not to demand women provide them it, it's to castrate men. But you're not a simp. :soy:

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